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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by chelle db
    Yeah...I'd give it a go...why not...I used to watch it...and star trek tng/voyager...I thought it was pretty good at the time...wouod love to see it again worth a look...but what might appeal to some might not appeal to others!
    You used to watch TNG... my grandparents LOVE IT!! Is Farscape really that good?? Ppl say its a load of rubbish!!
    And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      That's the most telling line in their entire history. I truly believe that in that millesecond, Sam knew exactly what Jack was telling her. And what he was saying was, "There's no more Kerry. I still love you and I'm tired of denying it, and I need you to know, even though I'm taking a chance at getting my heart broken if you really love Pete. But you can have me if you want me, and I mean forever and ALWAYS."

      The impact of that one word, "Always," said all that to me, when combined with the look he gave her.

      Didn't you hear the same thing? Sure, I knew you did.

      Sigh. Isn't love grand?

      That's exactly what I heard!!!! Excellent pick up. Ya see, Jack really isn't all that complicated.
      Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
        OKAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!



        i will send this with the scrapbook to the writers and producers as soon as i can so get signing!
        Have signed the petition and just wanted to say that I think your letter is perfect All the best with it and I just know TPTB will be blown away by all the sigs and the scrapbook.

        Does anyone know if there is an address for Rob Cooper that I can send a postcard to? I've never been so involved in a ship before that I actually went to such trouble (what can I say, I can get pretty lazy) but I'm going to do what I can for S&J.

        Anyhoo, slightly OT but I'm pretty bummed that Dr Who didn't show on TV tonight down here in Queensland - OZ. Apparantly, the state election stats and commentary is considered more exciting (aaagghh!). So I switched over to another channel and the Sound of Music is on which is a family fave. Julie Andrew's short hair had me thinking of Sam of course. Short hair really does suit her IMO - Carter I mean, and I'm sure Jack would agree.

        Oh yeah, just wondering;
        I read ages ago that there would be a very angsty scene between Sam and Daniel on Memento Mori - or maybe I'm imagining things. I'm guessing there was no mention of Jack again but was hoping someone could tell me what it was all about. Sorry if has already been explained on this forum and I've missed it.


          Originally posted by StargateSister
          Hey Chelle!! Hey Rachel!! I finally found the time to call in. My work load at school has doubled, but I am almost through it all which means more time to chat with you all and find my way through to the ship family. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and... yeah. Time to go and catch up with all my regular threads.

          Check out my new thread, in the breifing room, stargate fandom, its called Stargate conventions... talk about any conventions you've been to or see what others say about the stars they have met. Even ask questions about some stars. I really think this thread could benefit a lot of fans!!
          Please Visit!!!
          hey sis...thanks for letting us know where the thread is...I'll check it out later!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Aria Rayn
            Oddly, I never had a huge problem with Kerry. (Laira, yes. Did you SEE the way he treated Sam at the end of 100 Days?! - Retorical....) Pete, yes, but because he was a stalker. Sure, he was frustrated at not being able to be let in on Sam's work life, but, hello? "NOT ALLOWED". He could've done some serious damage to the stakeout at Danny's place, too.

            (Not to mention the fact the idiot got himself shot, which I believe effectively stopped Sam from yelling at him about stalking her... I also find it hard to believe she didn't know he did a background check on her. Being in such a classified programme, Hammond would've most certainly been notified, who in turn would have told her and Colonel O'Neill if not the whole team. And I refuse to believe a woman as strong as Sam wouldn't have been pissed about it enough to say something to Pete about it.)

            I agree they both deserve happiness....

            ....(with each other.)


            Agree totally on your differential between Kerry and Laira.
            The former was honest, with Jack and herself, the other tried to trap him

            Similarly how Pete almost trapped Sam

            Hey maybe we should ship Pete and Laira...they deserve each other.

            Lesleyp is running from the rotten fruit being thrown her way....tee hee hee
            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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              Originally posted by Sam_Carter
              i've written the letter i will include at the front of the scrapbook. if anyone wants to look at it i hav posted it under a spoiler tag. Let me know what you think, or if i need to make any changes.

              I am writing this letter on behalf of the Sam & Jack shipper family at the gateworld forum.

              I think that I speak for all of us when I say ‘thank you’. You have given us a show that has transcended boundaries and has given so many people inspiration, joy and happiness. The main thing we are thankful for is the creation of a couple that, over the ten years Stargate SG1 has been on the air, have become the epitome of true love, and their relationship created hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ‘shippers’ worldwide.

              Ever since Samantha Carter walked into the briefing room over 200 episodes ago we have loved watching the relationship between Sam Carter and Jack O’Neill blossom into something so much more than friendship. Ever since ‘Children of the Gods’ aired, we have scrutinised every episode looking for anything that we consider ‘shippy’. There are the subtle things be it a look, a touch, or even where they are standing in relation to the other. And of course there are the all out, squee-tastic (yes it’s a word!... in the shipper dictionary of course!) moments like the hugs, the kisses and the speeches like the sacrifice speech in ‘Divide and Conquer’, the hallucination speech in ‘Grace’, or the single word that mean so much to us… “always”.

              We have been through hell and high water with our favourite couple. The other admirers, other relationships, the near death experiences that had us all in tears (namely ‘Heroes’), but no matter what, we have stuck by them. We have been loyal and trusting in the belief that one day our ship will sail… that Sam and Jack will finally be together.

              Now, most of us realised that Sam and Jack could never really be together while Jack was till her CO, and we decided we would wait patiently watching, supporting and rejoicing in the ship that we were given… Then came season 9. We were all devastated by the departure or Richard Dean Anderson (but all accepted and greatly respected his reasons for leaving the show), and although it would have meant that we no longer had Sam and Jack on the same screen, we all rejoiced in the fact that I could mean that Sam and Jack could finally be together as Amanda Tapping herself pointed out that “the commanding officer is no longer in her direct chain of command”.

              However, nearly two years have gone by and the only ship we managed to get was in the 200th episode and that wasn’t even real. Yes we all loved the ‘shower scene’, ESPECIALLY as it actually happened (but wasn’t shown in an episode) and the wedding was brilliant (if a little short), and we knew that at least you were listening to us. But we all feel that we have been let down. After ten years or loyalty, devotion and support we don’t see what we have been waiting for, for nearly a decade… the REAL Sam and Jack together as a couple. I mean, there’s only so much, alternate reality, dream scenario and hallucinations we can take. We love them to bits (especially the ‘Grace’ kiss), but we feel that we are owed some resolution, something real that confirms Sam and Jack are together.

              It has forged friendships. Shippers who have met online have had meet-ups where they get together in person. On the gateworld forum we have held 4 ‘Annual Shipper Days’ Here is the opening post of the 4th Annual Sam/Jack Ship Day posted by Shipperahoy …

              Sam/Jack Ship Day first began to celebrate the airing of Divide & Conquer, one of the shipper favorites and part of what some of us like to call the holy trinity of episodes which first aired on July 28, 2000.

              This is a thread for Sam and Jack shippers to talk about Sam and Jack and their favorite shippy moments so this is not the place to post if you do not like the pairing.

              This thread will be open for one day only from 12 a.m. Eastern Daylight time to 12 a.m. Eastern daylight time (U.S.) and will be closed at the end of the 24 hour period.)

              Some of the things people created for the 4th Annual Sam/Jack Ship Day can be seen in this scrapbook. Things like poems, wordsearches and wallpapers to name but a few.

              I compiled this scrapbook with the help of the Family on the Sam/Jack ship family discussion thread to show our loyalty. In it you will find facts about the fandom of our favourite couple, fun things such as a list of shipper cookies sheated by ShipNana… A Shipper Town, has even been created by Token (a map of shipper town is enclosed)!

              So to conclude. we would like to say our ‘please and thank you’s’… PLEASE let Sam & Jack be together and show it to us… what we really want is a kiss or a hug, something to show us they are together. We also thank you for creating a family from the seemingly simple creation of a relationship between two characters on a TV show. Thank you for the hugs, this kisses, the looks, the confessions… thank you, for Sam & Jack.

              Yours Sincerely

              Sarah Huckle (on behalf of the Sam/Jack Ship family at )

              also, if there's any memorable posts anyone made over the years or anything people have created that they want included in the scrap book let me know. i will send it to the show as soon as i have enough stuff so get sending guys!

              Very good letter but I have sent you a PM (actually 2 since it wouldn't all fit into one!) on the letter with some suggestions.

              I've signed the petition.

              Let me know if you need the Shippy List in Word format if that would be easier for you

              Great job - GREEN for you! EDIT: *cough* apparently I have to spread it around first!
              Last edited by Rachel500; 09 September 2006, 05:40 AM.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by chelle db
                hey sis...thanks for letting us know where the thread is...I'll check it out later!
                Thanks Chelle!! It needs a reputation boost... i only started it today!! Hope you enjoy wat little of it there is!! Let me know what you think!!
                And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  Little excited, eh?

                  She's not the only one.

                  Not to mention
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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                    Originally posted by StargateSister
                    You used to watch TNG... my grandparents LOVE IT!! Is Farscape really that good?? Ppl say its a load of rubbish!!
                    Well...I hate to have to ever say this...ever...but...most if not all of my family think that SG is don't judge it by what others think!! Give it a go and see what you think for yourself!!
                    For me...Farscape was pretty ok...nothing compared to SG but I still enjoyed it! I'd watch it again if and when it comes back on tv!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Ok...I'm off to Samanda then i gotta go to
                      take care and be safe everyone!

                      Congrats to all the milestoners...who ever you are!!!
                      Welcome to all newbies...this is the best thread ever...well one of the best...I'm torn between my ship and Samanda!!
                      Thank you LA for the run down of the newest are brilliant!!
                      And to all my ship family....
                      ((((ship family))))

                      Coz you're all so darn brilliant!!!

                      Night all!!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Rachel500
                        LOL. Muse is a strange beast...

                        I want to write professionally

                        You already do. Your stuff is awesome and on par with any "professional" fic I've read.
                        Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                        Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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                          Originally posted by Tita J
                          Have signed the petition and just wanted to say that I think your letter is perfect All the best with it and I just know TPTB will be blown away by all the sigs and the scrapbook.

                          Does anyone know if there is an address for Rob Cooper that I can send a postcard to? I've never been so involved in a ship before that I actually went to such trouble (what can I say, I can get pretty lazy) but I'm going to do what I can for S&J.

                          Anyhoo, slightly OT but I'm pretty bummed that Dr Who didn't show on TV tonight down here in Queensland - OZ. Apparantly, the state election stats and commentary is considered more exciting (aaagghh!). So I switched over to another channel and the Sound of Music is on which is a family fave. Julie Andrew's short hair had me thinking of Sam of course. Short hair really does suit her IMO - Carter I mean, and I'm sure Jack would agree.

                          Oh yeah, just wondering;
                          I read ages ago that there would be a very angsty scene between Sam and Daniel on Memento Mori - or maybe I'm imagining things. I'm guessing there was no mention of Jack again but was hoping someone could tell me what it was all about. Sorry if has already been explained on this forum and I've missed it.
                          Petition signed, sealed and delivered!!!


                            Originally posted by chelle db
                            Well...I hate to have to ever say this...ever...but...most if not all of my family think that SG is don't judge it by what others think!! Give it a go and see what you think for yourself!!
                            For me...Farscape was pretty ok...nothing compared to SG but I still enjoyed it! I'd watch it again if and when it comes back on tv!
                            Okay... i will give it a go... see you all tomorrow!!!
                            Nite Chelle!!!!!
                            And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                              Originally posted by Lesleyp
                              Hope Leslie Hermnharry - you need to clear out your PMs girlfriend

                              Just tried to PM you but you're all full up

                              Good news. Linking the vid as my home page worked. Someone commented on it!!!! YES!!!
                              I knew we'd get around that!

                              My daughter watched it tonight (she just turned 5) and started to cry. Jack was so sad. Imagine that, she felt Jack's pain....
                              Was cute, but the mom in me had to turn it
                              Done!!!Cleared half of them...I'm soo sorry your daughter cried...*ashamed*
                              done wanna make kids cry...I guess the vid works well with the fic then...coz the fic made ME cry!!!


                                gotta run.
                                gotta get my foster ready for adoption today (dog that is)

                                Wish her luck (she's a sweetie).

                                If that confused anyone, look at the very last line on my sig.

                                Have a great day shippers!
                                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                                Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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