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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sam_Carter
    Well said trupi! And that gives me an idea...

    so here we go...


    We will not go out without a fight!

    1. I was thinking about writing a letter and setting up a petition site where we could sign a petition to see Sam & Jack get together. I could give everyone a deadline to post their signatures and comments (you could still post signatures afterwards), but by the deadline i will print off the signatures and send it to the studio along with a letter expressing our feelings.

    (So, give me a day or so to come up with a petition statement and get the petition online and i will post a link here. We all need to get together and stand united and show how dedicated we are!)

    2. I will also send them a portfolio or scrapbook which includes a list of the infamous Shipper cookies and also details of our past annual shipper days.

    3. i was thinking of getting people to send me photos of meet-ups they have had or details about the friends they have made through the ship. (by email would be quicker) (or you can post it to me if you want)

    Anyway, if anyone wants to send me stuff to include in the scrap book send me an email at [email protected] or PM me.

    The sooner people send me stuff, the sooner i can send out the scrap book!

    Lets show our loyalty in one big, all out gesture!

    Let our voice be heard!
    That sounds like a plan!!
    I've got meet up pics that could go in a scrap book, but I'll have to ask the other people in the pics if they're ok with it.


      Originally posted by Sam_Carter
      Well said trupi! And that gives me an idea...

      so here we go...


      We will not go out without a fight!

      1. I was thinking about writing a letter and setting up a petition site where we could sign a petition to see Sam & Jack get together. I could give everyone a deadline to post their signatures and comments (you could still post signatures afterwards), but by the deadline i will print off the signatures and send it to the studio along with a letter expressing our feelings.

      (So, give me a day or so to come up with a petition statement and get the petition online and i will post a link here. We all need to get together and stand united and show how dedicated we are!)

      2. I will also send them a portfolio or scrapbook which includes a list of the infamous Shipper cookies and also details of our past annual shipper days.

      3. i was thinking of getting people to send me photos of meet-ups they have had or details about the friends they have made through the ship. (by email would be quicker) (or you can post it to me if you want)

      Anyway, if anyone wants to send me stuff to include in the scrap book send me an email at [email protected] or PM me.

      The sooner people send me stuff, the sooner i can send out the scrap book!

      Lets show our loyalty in one big, all out gesture!

      Let our voice be heard!
      Oh, I love this idea! We are going to include Rachel's shippy moment list, right? It is proof that they started this ship, and I was always told that if you start something you should always finish it. That's really all we're asking for, isn't it? We just want them to finish what they started in CotG.


        i've finished my second music vid:

        it's another sam/jack one with music from rihanna-unfaithful. Please watch and let me know what you think?



          Originally posted by hopalong
          And when was the last time we heard anything on Teal'c/Ishta?
          i know, i cant remember hearing anything else and ishta (maybe that's just my bad memory????). I liked ishta's character.

          sig by starlover1990


            Originally posted by hyper_neko
            good god this thread is massive...


            so yeah, i'm new here on these forums, and i'm totally for the sam/jack ship. quite possibly my most fav pairing out of all the fandoms i'm in. heh.

            welcome hyper_neko and any other new people i've missed

            congrats to anyone who's reached posting mile stones

            sig by starlover1990


              Originally posted by hyper_neko
              good god this thread is massive...


              so yeah, i'm new here on these forums, and i'm totally for the sam/jack ship. quite possibly my most fav pairing out of all the fandoms i'm in. heh.


              And have lots of fun!


                Originally posted by Gate gal
                Oh, I love this idea! We are going to include Rachel's shippy moment list, right? It is proof that they started this ship, and I was always told that if you start something you should always finish it. That's really all we're asking for, isn't it? We just want them to finish what they started in CotG.

                yep, i'll definately include Rachael's shippy moment list! She put so much work into it it would be sacrilidge not to!

                Oh and shelsfc, ur pics would be great. thats a good idea though asking the other ppl in the pics if they don't mind their pics being used!

                So come on guys! If anyone else has stuff they want to contribute let me know.

                I'm gonna put facts in the scrapbook too, so I could use some help (you'd be credited of course!), things like, people finding out how many Sam & Jack fanfiction sites there are... things like that.
                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                  Originally posted by Lesleyp
                  Hope Leslie Hermnharry:

                  OH MY GOD! YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!!!

                  Did I mention I had to close my office door.

                  OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Amazing!

                  Here I am quoting myself But you guys have just got to see this!!!!
                  I know I should wait till Hope Leslie decides to share, but it's just gosh, sniff, darn, sniff, so beautiful. Check it out.


                  Man I love this woman's work.
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                  Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                  Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                    Originally posted by starlover1990
                    i've finished my second music vid:

                    it's another sam/jack one with music from rihanna-unfaithful. Please watch and let me know what you think?

                    I like it a lot! Nice theme: Sam/Jack and a little Pete. Music, text and pics fit together really well!


                      Originally posted by Lesleyp
                      Here I am quoting myself But you guys have just got to see this!!!!
                      I know I should wait till Hope Leslie decides to share, but it's just gosh, sniff, darn, sniff, so beautiful. Check it out.


                      Man I love this woman's work.
                      I was waiting for you to give me the green light...I'm so glad you like it...
                      I love how this family works together...The creativity (and talent) here is awesome!!!!

                      I've done a funny one also with Pink's song "You and your hand"...Just playing with them a bit...


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        Good day to all my shippy family! Have been reading the posts and been real quiet because this is how I see things. Some of you will disagree with me and that great but just read it and think about it. Please I'm not looking for a debate just throwing IMO out there. 1)We all want a resolutions to the S/J relationship correct-if not you are definitely on the wrong thread. 2)Season 9 was IMO was the worst season ever, with one or two good episodes. Some might not agree but that's fine. I know I'm not buying the DVD's. 3) We are upset with how TPTB portraited Sam and how they didn't show any remains of Jack.4) We're upset so we walked away because we couldn't stomach some of the new characters etc. We're pi--ed. OK 5) show is cancelled.6) still no resolution. Are we still basically on the same page-good. I know I don't want the series back, the way it was. But if they don't make some new episodes, I basically wasted 10 years of my TV viewing time on a show where I was really hoping, for something good to happen in the two characters I love. I'm asking those of you who want,care for the characters of Sam and Jack and want a resolution to write letters ,stating how you want the series returned (series,minseries, movies,a one minute kissing scene between Sam and Jack-whatever) and send them out. I've received commments from people , not me, the writers and the produces could eat do-do, they write like crap, they dissed the shipper thread and the Sam thread and whatever. If you don't write something, WE WILL GET NOTHING! Now IMO if you don't want anything, no series, no movie, no miniseries, why come on this thread. We are rooting for Sam and Jack relationship, their happiness, their lives. If you are not interested, great, but I'm not going to give up yet and let those creeps at NBC win again (i'm old Trekker)! Have a good day and just something to think about and like always we "WE ARE FAMILY"!
                        Trupi, I don't disagree with you. It took me awhile to get going, but I sent my first round of postcards off yesterday. Hooray for me. It has been difficult to word exactly what I want as a viewer. I don't want SG-1 to end, but I don't want it the way it is now. I want Jack back (as much as RDA wants to come back), and I want resolution for Sam and Jack.

                        This is how I have settled the issue. Bonnie Hammer gets the postcards asking to reconsider the cancellation decision and more Jack. Hank Cohen (MGM) is asked for more Jack. The ship request is sent to Rob and Brad, and I'm considering Joe and Paul. It's just my personal opinion, but I think Brad is more Shipper friendly and might sway Rob to the "good" side of ship. All these postcards are sent with some type of shippy picture.

                        My concern is that a change in the cancellation would mean more Ori and Mitchell and shippers felt abandoned. Any movies would be with Ori and Mitchell and shippers getting shafted. However, I know that if I get more Jack, the ship will come.

                        I would like others opinions on this matter.

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                          I was waiting for you to give me the green light...I'm so glad you like it...
                          I love how this family works together...The creativity (and talent) here is awesome!!!!

                          I've done a funny one also with Pink's song "You and your hand"...Just playing with them a bit...

                          That was funny
                          Kinda hard to think of Jack with hand though did I say that?
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                            Originally posted by Lesleyp
                            That was funny
                            Kinda hard to think of Jack with hand though did I say that?
                            Well...hehehe..."it" could apply to any of the guys in that vid...


                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents on the "Moonlighting" curse. Rather or not there is such a thing, I don't think it really makes a difference. Moonlighting and many other shows rely on the URST as part of the basic element of their program. That is not part of the basic element of SG-1. That is just an added bonus that some people don't even acknowledge anyway. So resolving the ship would not take anything away from how the stories are written or how the story lines are plotted. Especially now that RDA is gone and with how the ship has been treated. They could resolve the ship and go on their merry way with a bunch of happy shippers in their wake. I just don't see how resolving the ship positively between Sam and Jack could in any way negatively affect the show. Jack is gone (more or less) so the anti-shippers can't be too upset, the shippers would not be upset, and it would not be a storyline to "curse" the show ala Moonlighing. I don't see a downside. But that's just me.
                              Your right! Now how do we get TPTB to understand that?

                              Token ~


                                I just realized that this would be my 900th post, so I had to post it here. I love how this family works together. I can't watch videos, but I really enjoy all the fan fic and pictures. This is my favorite thread. I knew it would be even when I was just a lurker. You guys are the greatest!

                                I hope we get some resolution by season's end. I don't want to wait for a movie or (please let there be a) season 11. Jack and Sam have waited too long already. If we have to wait much longer, our patience medals will rust.

