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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ljevans
    Regarding the hand touching scene in Moebius Part I:

    YES! and later on...
    When they are in Egypt 3000 years ago Sam says "I should have never let us come on this mission." Again, when does a Lt. Colonel decide what missions they go on and which ones they don't - unless she's involved with the General who has the final say and he trusts her implicitly!!
    Good catch, lj! I missed that one completely!

    OMG!!!! I'm finally caught up! Whew! And it's only 4:50am Central US time. I guess I'll go to bed.

    Now, try not to get too far ahead of me before I get back, ok? (* runs away, giggling *)


      Aw come ON guys... I stay up half the night and you *still* manage to post pages and pages without me!

      It's so sad about Steve Irwin, it's the first thing my mom told me when I got up this morning Poor guy... he was nuts, but a good guy...

      Back to the ship; my fic took a wild turnaround... when I started to write it, it was a Grace postep, but now I think it's a BtS postep... I'm taking all the talk about BtS as a sign


        Sorry for the OT post but its just soo sad about poor Steve Irwin I think even though he was a bit "out there" he was a good bloke and really epitomised the Australian spirit.

        I feel so sorry for his poor wife and kids and couldn't imagine what they are going through. I used to really love his show before he got famous and he did a lot for Australian tourism.


          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
          I second that. I wish I had a small child to convert to Sam/Jack shippiness so they could make such cute comments!
          Just try and convert someone else's child! Thats what I'm planning to do to my cute little newphew when he is older, his name is Jack too so it should be easy!


            I was watching Divide and Conquer the other day, and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before, but think about how Jack felt near the end of the ep. Sam just admitted she loves him and now she's cradling Martouf!

            RIP Steve Irwin


              Originally posted by Gate gal
              Lesleyp, you are NO amatuer! Now, get out of here and write our sequel. Pretty please!

              LA, you can do it! You Can Do It! YOU CAN DO IT! Sorry, no advice, just a little pep talk. Go write that fic, so you can get it out of your head and the rest of us can enjoy it.

              I'm off to read some fanfic and do a little research on teeth (health unit for the kid's school lessons).

              To stay on topic, I want to add myself to Lesleyp's list. I, too, am confident Sam and Jack will be together.

              Gee, you're good for my ego...laugh

              LA- we have faith, and are anxiously awaiting!!!!
              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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                Originally posted by CountryJoy
                People, what is it with all the depressing fics right now? Cut it out! And yet, you all write so well, I can't help but read (Beautifully written fic, LesleyP, but so sad!)
                So now that I've complained about sad fanfics, I'm recommending a vid that's kinda depressing lol:
                It's by StargateVala who is actually a JackDaniel fan, but decided to try a Sam/Jack vid. I'm so glad she did! It's excellent.
                Also, awesome vids, SamAndJackShipper and HopeLeslieHermnharry! I always love your work.

                Did I mention I'm two pages into a sequel?
                Come on, you guys know me better.
                That first part was purely for Amanda Tapping. The rest will be for Sam and Jack.

                As for the depressing fics....can only speak for myself here, but I think when the news of cancellation, the somewhat disappointment of 200, and the whole ship still floating out at sea thing, has some of the writers a little blue right now. But no worries eh?

                Our ship will come in. As I've said before, I'm confident!!!!

                Me too
                Yup, confident
                You forgot to say "snookums"
                You're still waiting for that
                Ahem....As am I Lesleyp, confident that is.
                (gives Jack and Sam stoic look)

                Chelle DB: I'm here with you guys
                Gate gal: Don't forget to add me to that list - I'm just as confident
                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                  Chow, Cia, arevoir, etc

                  my four year old is pestering to watch Sam Carter's vid again

                  Wants to hear Samantha sing to her boyfriend

                  She's way too cute.....
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                  Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                  Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                    Would someone re-post the link? It was late last night and the hubster was watching tennis so I didn't want to interrupt with listening to the vid but I really want to see it. Please. Pretty please with sugar on top?


                      Originally posted by Lizlove
                      They're not new but this one is. Not my prettiest but I was bored

                      I'm coming on MSN, ok?

                      I'd like to see a bigger version of Sam and Jack standing there like that, or is that maniped?


                        Originally posted by littlebluestring
                        we have eureka here in england (i think) but its called a town called eureka... i didnt watch it...

                        to be on topic:

                        i watch eureka and its great.

                        im working my way through my season 7 box set and i just watched grace and death knell, some lovely shippy moments, i love that kiss

                        sig by starlover1990


                          Originally posted by CountryJoy
                          People, what is it with all the depressing fics right now? Cut it out! And yet, you all write so well, I can't help but read (Beautifully written fic, LesleyP, but so sad!)
                          So now that I've complained about sad fanfics, I'm recommending a vid that's kinda depressing lol:
                          It's by StargateVala who is actually a JackDaniel fan, but decided to try a Sam/Jack vid. I'm so glad she did! It's excellent.
                          Also, awesome vids, SamAndJackShipper and HopeLeslieHermnharry! I always love your work.

                          That vid is really said but beautiful I love it!!!!
                          I think what makes it that beautiful is the song and the clips she used and the lines they say
                          I really loved it...Anyone knows other vids like that???


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            If they hadn't been in danger, dodging the Jaffas clanking down the corridor, I'd have thought she looked like there was some heavy breathing going on there, and not from running. She definitely looks, "turned on."
                            *splutter* You know, I never really noticed that before, you are right. Where was Jack's other hand? (I honestly can't remember)


                              Well my excuse for writing depressing fic is just that I'm a sucker for realism... plus I find that when you start with a depressing issue, the fic generally follows this pattern:


                              Plus it's much easier to stay in character.. I wrote some terrible fluff in my time and I've come to despise it... I have nothing but respect for people who can write in-character fluff but I sure as hell amn't one of them...

                              *goes back to her depressing fic writing*


                                Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1
                                Don't envy you in that spot, L.A. Doyle. But a famous writer said his remedy when stuck was to eventually write one sentence: "And the next day, nothing happened." Then he went on with his story!

                                Just sayin', we all know it passes. Hang in there - maybe your muse is waiting on more season 10?? Hmm. Good luck!

                                (NOTE: My settings aren't working; can't use smilies or text modifiers - bold, italic, etc. (Smiles are not disabled). What??? Anyone having similar problems?) TE1
                                This may be a bit late, but are you on dial-up? I used to have that problem when I was on my dad's computer. I got around it by saving the tags when I was able to, then copy and paste them when I needed them.

                                But I have no idea what the problem is.

