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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ljevans
    Ok, in my reality Sam and Jack have been together since the end of "Threads" and if we don't get some serious Shipping in season 10 I'm going to be very upset partly because TPTB gave us several hints in season 9.

    First it was Sam telling Cameron that she had her reasons for requesting the job in R&D. Next it was Jack and Landry playing chess and Jack told Landry that he had come back to take care of some business including selling his car and motorcycle. Jack had a truck not a car and as far as I know Sam was the only one with a motocycle.

    When Sam finally did come back to the SGC Landry was on the phone with Jack who KNEW she was standing in his office. How did he know that?

    Then of course there was the squee worthy comment to Agent Barrett when asked if she was single and she replied "Not exactly".

    In Ripple Effect Sam had a conversation with Martouf and he said something about the difficulty of long distance relationships and, although she didn't say anything, Sam had an understanding look on her face.

    Finally, throughout the season Sam said things in almost every episode that were "Jackisms" Ya think?

    The point of my dissertation here is that the PTB gave us enough to believe that Sam and Jack have secretly been in a relationship since the end of season 8. If they now come back and say "Sam and Jack were never in a realtionship" or, worse yet, say they tried it and it didn't work out....well, does anyone own one of those Goa'uld torture devices?

    Ours is the only reality of consequence.
    Yeah, the 'not exactly' comment was the one that really set off signals in my brain.....and made me squee!!

    Thanks to Lauriel for the sig.


      Originally posted by littlebluestring
      YES!!! I got it to work!!!

      there you go:

      (again with the: this is my first vid... feedback would be nice...i dont mind negative feedback (it's pretty bad)... im big now i can take it... )

      Also these vids are new to me, but yours is nice nice nice! I love it


        Originally posted by littlebluestring
        YES!!! I got it to work!!!

        there you go:

        (again with the: this is my first vid... feedback would be nice...i dont mind negative feedback (it's pretty bad)... im big now i can take it... )
        I love the song - good vid. You did a nice job putting it together.


          Originally posted by cronan1013
          hello all! just curious if anyone has the link for the first 200 promo aired during Eureka. cuz i dont watch Eureka and i didnt even know they aired a different promo than
          the one with the wedding. i hear the first one shows jack peeking his head into the briefing room?
          just curious if anyone had the link! thanks! waiting impatiently for a week from today!!

          Hi Cronan, I don't know if anyone has answered your question yet, but here is the link to the first episode 200 promo

          About 4 minutes and 40 seconds into the clip is a scene with Sam and Jack.

          Ours is the only reality of consequence.

          Ours is the only reality of consequence.


            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
            Thanks for the welcome everybody!

            Trying to catch up on some reading here, but it's just too much, but lot of fun though!
            Here in the netherlands seaon 7 is on, and I'm loving it. Not Chimera though, because of Pete, but thanks to the forums I know it will end .... and the humming scene was fun.
            Also liked Grace, because to me it became clear how Jacks feel for Sam.

            Can't wait for more good shippy eps!

            Edit: Oops, should I use spoiler tags for post like this???
            Cool you're also from the netherlands..tomorrow again two more episodes of season seven(i still watch them on tv while i have season 1 till 8 on dvd)
            i don't know exactly witch episode something of heroes???or they already aired? i have to check my tv guide....


              Originally posted by Bucky

              Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I could see a senario where
              the wedding in the gateroom was offered as one of the plot possibilities and then hooted down by the others. And then someone saying to Sam and Jack, something like, "Can you imagine if your wedding had been in the gateroom?!" It makes fun of the gateroom wedding cliché while simultaneously establishing S/J as a couple.

              That's my fantasy, and I'm sticking to it.


              Ok, I just wrote a little one shot based on this idea. If you want to check it out here's the link.

              Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                Originally posted by ljevans
                Ok, I just wrote a little one shot based on this idea. If you want to check it out here's the link.
                That was fantastic!! LOVED it!!!

                Thanks to Lauriel for the sig.


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                  Hi you all! New to this forum and of course viewing this thread first

                  Never read fanfic before but this one was so great **big sigh**
                  Welcome SamJackShipLover!

                  You'll probably find yourself reading a lot of fanfic if you hang out with us much! Fanfic is like chocolate! It's addictive, and if I don't fulfill my craving I get in a bad mood!


                    Originally posted by starlover1990
                    Cool you're also from the netherlands..tomorrow again two more episodes of season seven(i still watch them on tv while i have season 1 till 8 on dvd)
                    i don't know exactly witch episode something of heroes???or they already aired? i have to check my tv guide....
                    A little bit of Dutch, OK, just this once
                    ik geloof Death Knell en Heroes deel 1. Ik ben bezig de DVD's te kopen, maar ga 8 pas kijken als 7 op TV klaar is, als ik zolang kan wachten
                    Ik heb goede verhalen over deze afleveringen gehoord!

                    I believe Death Knell and Heroes part 1. I'm also buying the DVD's, but will not watch S8 untill S7 has aired, if I can wait
                    Have heard good things abouts these eps!


                      Welcome back Zabbugh!


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                        A little bit of Dutch, OK, just this once
                        ik geloof Death Knell en Heroes deel 1. Ik ben bezig de DVD's te kopen, maar ga 8 pas kijken als 7 op TV klaar is, als ik zolang kan wachten
                        Ik heb goede verhalen over deze afleveringen gehoord!

                        I believe Death Knell and Heroes part 1. I'm also buying the DVD's, but will not watch S8 untill S7 has aired, if I can wait
                        Have heard good things abouts these eps!
                        ooh no not Heroes ***goes in denial mode***
                        that is the sadest ep there is but it does have ship in it...
                        and hey this is nice to see some dutch on this forum


                          Originally posted by Gate gal
                          Welcome SamJackShipLover!

                          You'll probably find yourself reading a lot of fanfic if you hang out with us much! Fanfic is like chocolate! It's addictive, and if I don't fulfill my craving I get in a bad mood!
                          Probably! Already watched some of the cool videos with S/J moments **sigh**
                          Where can I find some good S/J fanfic???


                            Originally posted by ljevans
                            Ok, I just wrote a little one shot based on this idea. If you want to check it out here's the link.
                            I just read it. I love the way you "fix" the mistakes of recent seasons. Keep up the good work!


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                              A little bit of Dutch, OK, just this once
                              ik geloof Death Knell en Heroes deel 1. Ik ben bezig de DVD's te kopen, maar ga 8 pas kijken als 7 op TV klaar is, als ik zolang kan wachten
                              Ik heb goede verhalen over deze afleveringen gehoord!

                              I believe Death Knell and Heroes part 1. I'm also buying the DVD's, but will not watch S8 untill S7 has aired, if I can wait
                              Have heard good things abouts these eps!
                              oke bedankt..ik had het al gezien op teletekst...ik vind death knell wel een leuke aflevering..maar heroes niet, vooral het einde van deel 2, maar dat zien we volgende week pas.


                              okay thanx...i allready saw it on teletext..ik like death knell, its a nice episode..but i don't like heroes, especially the ending from part 2, but we see that one next week


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                ooh no not Heroes ***goes in denial mode***
                                that is the sadest ep there is but it does have ship in it...
                                and hey this is nice to see some dutch on this forum
                                Oh, is this the one where Janet dies?
                                Probably next week, when part 2 aires. Should get the tissues ready then?


