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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I am so in love with the vis - NOW WE ARE FREE!!!! It is soo fantastic!!! - Love the voice overs!!!

    But now -

    Conserning recend revelations

    Did any of you think that the first pic that we seen
    - Ie the one with her on the tent thingy was the fantasy wedding and that the other one in the 2nd vid that we have all seen

    ---- come on admit it you have all seen it 100 times by now and are squeeing you heads off - like me!! ----

    is the read wedding!! Come on it makes sence - why would they show us Sam wearing what looks like to be two completely different wedding dresses with out there being two weddings

    The fake one --- when they finally admit their feelings to one another --- then the real wedding

    it just makes sence to me!

    The hills are alive with the sound of......squee!.


      thank you GW!!!!!!!!!!
      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


        Originally posted by SpookyBunny
        I am so in love with the vis - NOW WE ARE FREE!!!! It is soo fantastic!!! - Love the voice overs!!!

        But now -

        Conserning recend revelations

        Did any of you think that the first pic that we seen
        - Ie the one with her on the tent thingy was the fantasy wedding and that the other one in the 2nd vid that we have all seen

        ---- come on admit it you have all seen it 100 times by now and are squeeing you heads off - like me!! ----

        is the read wedding!! Come on it makes sence - why would they show us Sam wearing what looks like to be two completely different wedding dresses with out there being two weddings

        The fake one --- when they finally admit their feelings to one another --- then the real wedding

        it just makes sence to me!

        IS IT AUGUST 18'TH YET?
        These guys are going to walk a fine line with us. Some maybe happy with what they get, others will be disgusted and leave. At this point can they really risk losing more fans?
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by Rogue
          These guys are going to walk a fine line with us. Some maybe happy with what they get, others will be disgusted and leave. At this point can they really risk losing more fans?
          you know Rogue there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to what they are doing-and frankly 200 is probably gonna be some chopped up episode because they can't possibly leave in enough of that mess to make any sense and fit into 43 minutes of actual episode time.

          frankly daydreams and AU does nothing for me. and there is no way that I am going to buy into the "something for everything" deal they are trying to sell.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
            frankly daydreams and AU does nothing for me. and there is no way that I am going to buy into the "something for everything" deal they are trying to sell.
            i like daydreams and AU that give us insight into characters. interesting and relevant insight. i loved Grace and GUP, even Beneath the Surface, if that counts. i didn't even mind Wormhole X-Treme, i didn't love it, but i didn't mind it. but then, i enjoyed that season and the season before it. if 200 is a parady of the "new stargate" (ie, a parady of a parady), i doubt i'll like it. if it's a flashback to classic SG-1, i might like it as much as Wormhole X-Treme. probably even more considering i missed it so much.
            "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
            Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


              Originally posted by Gate gal
              Off topic:
              What happened? Oh, I better check the news! U.K. family members please check in.

              Back on topic:
              Since this is the week before 200 and Landry and Mitchell are at Jack's cabin, we know we'll get another Jack mention. Does anybody think we'll hear a hint of ship this week?
              hi, have to say i was a bit confused when i read this, didn't know anything was happening. spoiler hunting you see. anyway everything is fine over here they've arrested about 17 people at various airports. apparently they were trying to get flights to the usa. but security over here stopped them. every single piece of luggage is being checked. and its caused major hold ups but at least no ones been hurt.

              so back on topic
              i am feeling so positive about 200 its going to be fun which ever way they deal with the ship.

              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                hey i'm also here..just finished my meal and read the last few pages.
                and it's not to late here...time it's messing with my head(don't you love vacation, you forget the time)


                  I've been recovering from a hangover all day and watching Stargate so i had no idea what had happened until i came on here and saw the posts about something that had happened in the UK so i turned on Sky news... At lease the terrorist plot was caught and stopped before anything happened!

                  But back OT.... who likes the pics i got of the 2nd '200' promo...


                  WOO HOO!!!! THE STUFF OF OUR DREAMS EH!!!!
                  Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                  Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                  Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                    i havent been keeping track very well of the upcoming episode summaries, but i just read
                    that landry and mitchell are going to be at jack's cabin in fridays ep? we BETTER get some kind of shippy mention!! or at the very least i hope we get a good jack mention

                    now people are getting me really excited in thinking there could really be TWO possible weddings! it is a valid point; why would they show sam in that weird wedding dress AND have another wedding that appears much more normal (and more likely to be real for OUR sam and jack?? ) ahhh! why is it not the 18th yet!


                      Originally posted by Zika
                      okay, so I'm writing a post! doesn’t happen mush but I were able to get

                      I just cannot wait to watch that episode!

                      *stop writing and going back to just reading (posts)*
                      Thank you for those!!!!

                      *headdesk* What I took for alien structures were the wedding cakes! *slaps forehead*


                        Thank you! thank you! Zika, for those cleared up screens shots from the 200th promo! I took them to be right in the spirit of the way the episode has been advertised, i.e.
                        it's a fantasy wedding
                        . In fact, my imagination went into overdrive for a minute there looking at
                        the floor--it sure looks like yellow brick to me! LOL!

                        I'm looking forward to this episode. I think tptb have gone out of their way to let us know what it will be like, so it would be unwise for us to build up hopes for anything more than the series of fantasies that have been promised. And, it may be a semantic niggle, but I thought we were told that both shippers and non-shippers will be happy. That's far different than saying both shippers and anti-shippers will be pleased. There's a big difference between a non-shipper and an anti-shipper.

                        Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I could see a senario where
                        the wedding in the gateroom was offered as one of the plot possibilities and then hooted down by the others. And then someone saying to Sam and Jack, something like, "Can you imagine if your wedding had been in the gateroom?!" It makes fun of the gateroom wedding cliché while simultaneously establishing S/J as a couple.

                        That's my fantasy, and I'm sticking to it.



                          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                          I found an AMAZING music video... its really good. its got sound clips on it and there is a GREAT sequence at the end. Go check it out!

                          Oh!!! Amazing. I just love the way it's done. The song plus the background talking =


                            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                            I found an AMAZING music video... its really good. its got sound clips on it and there is a GREAT sequence at the end. Go check it out!


                            great vid...but i already had it on my pc..the maker has more of those fantastic sam/jack vids...the site is
                            and go to the vid section(there they are)
                            i love her vids,


                              Originally posted by starlover1990
                              great vid...but i already had it on my pc..the maker has more of those fantastic sam/jack vids...the site is
                              and go to the vid section(there they are)
                              i love her vids,
                              Thanks you for the link. Now I have something to watch while waiting for 200


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                you know Rogue there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to what they are doing-and frankly 200 is probably gonna be some chopped up episode because they can't possibly leave in enough of that mess to make any sense and fit into 43 minutes of actual episode time.

                                frankly daydreams and AU does nothing for me. and there is no way that I am going to buy into the "something for everything" deal they are trying to sell.
                                This late in the game, AU and dreams don't do anything for me. But if after watching the ep, I come away with the feeling they are together I will be happy for now. Your right, you can't make everyone happy. Its time for them to get off the fence. If it is still vague and no progress has been made, I am going to be one pissed shipper.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


