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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    You know, we really don't know how long Pete and Sam were dating. He was on assignment there, on stakeout. Could have been a month or more. So what we percieve as "fast" might not have been all that fast at all. At least I'd like to think so. Of course this is coming from a woman who fell in love at first sight with her husband and has been with him for 29 and a half years now. Hmmmm. Maybe fast isn't so bad. I knew him maybe 10 days when we decided to get married.


      Were suppose to believe after all the times Sam and Jack helped to save the World there would not be any special favors and relaxing of the rules? I never believed for a second that Hammond would not try to change the Frat rules.Hammond and President Hayes are buddies and we are suppose to believe Hammond would not try everything he could for Sam/Jack to be together?
      Last edited by ses110; 05 August 2006, 07:37 PM.


        Originally posted by Buc252
        I'm with you 100%, Ses. When they decided to go ahead with S9 without RDA - and without AT for several episodes - they officially JUMPED THE SHARK. They could have ended the show on a positive note, but instead, they had to try to squeeze blood from a stone, and ended up with the piece of trash they now try to pass as Stargate SG1.

        Think if we get an SG1 movie, we could entice them to do a Bobby Ewing? <g> After all, Seasons 9 and 10 just HAVE to be a nightmare. They sure ain't no dream.
        good one...that Victoria Principal dream thing on "Dallas" all those years ago would definitely work here. Maybe this is all a hallucination Sam is having while stuck on the Prometheus....yeah that's it...she's just dreaming.....yeah yeah...Pete NEVER happened...Mitchell is just an allusion (albeit a bad one)...and you were there and I was.... *hums twilight theme song*
        This is great.
        I told ya.
        I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
        Well, let's not dwell.


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          Well I can't speak from a guy's POV (obviously ) but that scenario you posed would've had alarm bells ringing big time!

          Mark: "I spoke to Sam last week. She says she's not been on a date in a while. Asked me if I knew of anyone."
          Pete: "What? You mean your sister, Sam? Uh, HELLO!"
          Mark: "Pete, do you want me to give her your phone number?"
          Pete: "Hell, yeah! I mean, no offense dude but your sister's one fine piece of *edited for PG thread*!"
          Mark: "OK, well if you put it like that, go right ahead!"

          OK, then... maybe not methinks!

          This is great.
          I told ya.
          I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
          Well, let's not dwell.


            Originally posted by Sasusc
            And for 6. When I last watched it, I fast forward to the next scene. Don't need to see it, don't want to see it, **plugs hands in ears and shuts eyes** lalalalalalalalala!
            Good advice...after all Jack reccommended that same advice to Teal'C in S8 "Sacrifices"

            Look, T, ...I've always found that sticking your fingers in your ears and humming loudly solves a whole slew of problems.

            Maybe if we hum loud enough the whole Pete fiasco will just magically disappear....disappear...disappea...disappe...disapp...disap...disa...disa...dis ...di..d... poof NO PETE!!!
            This is great.
            I told ya.
            I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
            Well, let's not dwell.


              Thanks. I didn't think so! all the way!

              Anyways, I've *finally* finished that fic rec 'Illusion of Truth' which, if I may say so is incredibly bittersweet! If you want to be awake for the next 5 hours, here's the link again:


              Goodnight, shippers! Shippy dreams!
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                I have no ideal why it took me so long to read through all of the post.


                  I know how you are feeling RepliCarterje.
                  Last nights episode did nothing to improve my mood.Another missed chance at Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side.Another creepy Sam Man Friend.Another episode that TPTB tried to railroad the Sam character.


                    Originally posted by Rocketgal
                    S-10 speculation
                    I was reading the spoilers for upcoming episodes and the whole Sam almost dying stuff + AU stuff. You all don't think that the writers would do something stupid like kill off AF Sam and have her replaced with Dr. Sam just to mix things up do you?
                    Oh, I hope not! Bite your tongue! That would be a disaster! No, seriously, I think its just the Sam episode that we Sam fans have been begging for.


                      OK, once again, it's not the AF rules keeping them apart. Yes there are rules, but it applies to the chain of command. Not what rank they are.
                      If the writers wanted them to be together, there were ways to do it.
                      If they can put Jack in charge of "Homeworld Security" they could have put him anywhere out of her chain of command.

                      I'm a AF vet and my husband is currently on his 23rd year in the AF as an SF. It's his job to know the regs backwards and forwards.
                      Either TPTB aren't using their AF tech advisor anymore, or the fellow needs a refresher course.


                        Which is all the more reason for Sam's
                        "not exactly" in season 9 when asked if she was single

                        If Jack is in Washington, at Homeland Security...then...


                          I hope it's not AF rules keeping them apart because TPTB would have lost another excuse.If it's not AF rules keeping them apart what is it? You figure after Season 9 TPTB would want Shippers back on their side.I cannot help but think dragging out the Sam/Jack Ship has become sport?


                            22 Guests????? What are you waiting for? Join IN - it's loads of fun.


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              Can anyone rec any fairly canon-like, shippy fic with NO Sam-whumping? I've just read two REALLY long fics that both involved Sam being permanently seriously injured and I *really* didn't enjoy it!!!! (Hmmm, that's interesting, I never thought I'd hate serious Sam whumpage but it seems I do! I guess that's why I'm also a Samandan, eh? )

                              BTW, for the record, I never said that I thought that Sam and Jack *WOULDN'T* have a happy ending, it's just that they haven't... YET! - I STILL HAVE HOPE!!!!

                              If you don't want to talk about the ship, dreid, that's fine but this *is* the Sam/Jack ship thread . There's always the anti-S/J thread if you want to "cross over to the Dark Side of the Force"... *shudders at mere mention of such beastly things*
                              LOL! That is a very scary place! I like this one much better! We know that Sam and Jack should be together, and I think they will be unless the series gets cancelled unexpectedly and we don't get our movie. (Please don't let that happen, PTB! Give us our ship before it is too late. I'm begging you!)


                                Maybe the
                                "Not Exactly" is what drove Barrett crazy? I know it's making me a little crazy.

