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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Seeing as we got to see Sam in bed with the Spudster
    and Jack in bed with Kerry (albeit with clothes on)
    how would anyone go for a scene of Jack and Sam in bed like an "old" married couple, implying they have been married or together for a while.(for those who want them already married, the rings can be visible.) Maybe they are reading in bed, before turning out the lights. Or talking about some aspect of their life, work maybe. I'd have them in nightwear (matching Simpson shirts-joking) Sorry, romantics, bed for couples is about sex, of course--but a lot more. It's about a time together, esp. after the kids arrive. It's too bad that there was that
    Jack/Kerry wake up scene, because an early morning phone call
    would be a perfect time for them to show us they are together. This time Sam might get the call, then- we see Jack's there, she's says she has to leave and he says something about the advantages of being retired. The kiss when she gets up would be more than peck, however, and he might even say, " but I'll make coffee."

    I don't expect we'll get any of this, just throwing out an idea.

    Sweet! I Like it!

    Question though: Poss s8 spoilers
    Jack/Kerry bed scene?
    Say What? I don't remember that...


      Originally posted by hopalong
      Sweet! I Like it!

      Question though: Poss s8 spoilers
      Jack/Kerry bed scene?
      Say What? I don't remember that...
      It was in 'Threads'.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        It was in 'Threads'.
        Kinda gathered that, since I don't remember her in any other ep, but huh? I can't remember that scene at all, and I just saw the ep a few weeks ago.

        Was it in the
        extended bits that were cut?


          Originally posted by hopalong
          Kinda gathered that, since I don't remember her in any other ep, but huh? I can't remember that scene at all, and I just saw the ep a few weeks ago.

          Was it in the
          extended bits that were cut?
          Don't know. I've only ever seen the extended version.

          Sam calls Jack and wakes him, he picks up the phone, tells her he'll be in soon and then Kerry's head appears out from under the covers. They're both dressed.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX
            Don't know. I've only ever seen the extended version.

            Sam calls Jack and wakes him, he picks up the phone, tells her he'll be in soon and then Kerry's head appears out from under the covers. They're both dressed.
            Doesn't ring a bell. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered
            Sam calling Jack, then Kerry popping up, because I would have cringed.

            What was the call about?


              Originally posted by hopalong
              Doesn't ring a bell. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered
              Sam calling Jack, then Kerry popping up, because I would have cringed.

              What was the call about?
              Teal'c had just returned from Dakara and needed to talk about a problem regarding the Ancient device.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                I wasn't keen on the wedding idea, but after reading Oma-1 & seldear post, I've changed my mind

                "Unathorised Off-World Activity!"
                "Close the Iris!"
                "Defence team to the Gateroom!"
                That would be really cool to see LOL.


                  We got the keys to the house! yay!

                  I'm so excited cos I haven't moved in 12 years!! LOL!


                  I don't wanna see Sam and Jack married...

                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    CALL FOR SIGNATURES

                    !!! REMINDER !!!

                    SAMANDAN THANK YOU CARD

                    Hiya Ladies and Gents,

                    The time has come for me to send out my monthly reminder. I'll do this every month until about October.

                    For those of you who don't (already) know, I've been working on a little GABIT - AT2 project. It has been approved by the awesome G4 GABIT crew (back in February), and is essentially a "Thank You" card to Amanda, for ten years of Sam Carter - from SAmandans everywhere - but truly, from all of Amanda Tapping's internet fans.

                    Here's the plan.

                    To professionally print a poster-sized comic-book (esque) sketch of Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter (which I've already drawn), decked out in full SG-1 gear - around which we'd would love to have a whole bunch of signatures, accompanied by a small note of affection and/or encouragement for Amanda from her fans.

                    Amanda always signs autographs for her fans, I thought it'd be super cool to give her something signed by all of us for a change.

                    ChopinGal/Jester has generously agreed to write a simple poetic thank you phrase for the poster as well. This is something we hope Amanda might want to keep, and something that would remind her of how much we've all loved watching her play Sam Carter for the past decade.

                    We've recently been given the green light by the generous G4 to present the poster to Amanda during the AT2 GABIT even itself.

                    So... how will all the fan signatures end up on the actual poster, you may ask??

                    Good question!

                    Originally posted by HOW DO I DO THIS?
                    Preferably, signatures will appear exactly as they were written.

                    1. Choose your message.

                    2. Choose your pen color (mind you don't use a giant marker, I won't be able to give anyone more than about 350 pixels width so use a pen if you can).

                    3. Sign a WHITE PIECE OF PAPER as though you were signing a group birthday card.

                    4. Have your paper SCANNED into the computer as an image.
                    a) Save it as a JPG/TIF/BMP
                    b) Set the DPI at 300

                    If you don't know how, you can have it done at your local copy-centre (KINKOS etc), it won't cost more than a dollar or two at most. Or ask a friend! It's REALLY EASY so please don't feel intimidated. If you're worried or unsure, just PM me and I'll help however I can. There's no technical skill required. So no one needs to be left out.

                    Remember, you've got as much space as indicated in the example image below. 250 characters or less


                    When you're done you just email the attached file to:

                    FanSigsForAT (at )
                    Use the subject header "SIGNATURE FOR AT"

                    That's it!

                    We've got some time to do this so don't panic. The poster will be presented to Amanda in November of 2006 at the GABIT AT2 event. So you can think about what you want to say (and how to say it in 250 characters or less!).

                    Obviously these are going to be read before I put them on the poster and I'll censor out rude, crude, personal or otherwise inappropriate comments - which won't even be an issue since I've never even heard of a rude, crude or otherwise inappropriate comment from an AT fan! In general, my recommendation would be to keep the message light and happy.

                    All goes well, we should have a really great original kind of "Thank You" card for Amanda. Something with a personal touch from as many of her online fans as wish to participate.

                    Thanks guys so much for all your help in advance... spread the word if you can. Wherever you know there are fans of Amanda.

                    Love and hugs to you all !!



                    Older Reference Materials:

                    1. The Project - A SAMANDAn Thank You Card:
                    [/url](which now has a green light, so ignore the parts about asking)

                    2. Need HELP to get your signature scanned??

                    3. The Deadline for Submissions - October 2006 (TBD).



                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I think that Sam never would have agreed to allow her brother to set her up with Pete if the timing hadn't been so bad.

                      It was just after "Grace"; Sam was questioning her choices in life, worried that she was missing out, both acknowledging her feelings for Jack and questioning whether there was any hope for them - plus Jack's "Excuse me", while I think it was just that he was surprised, was probably interpreted as a reminder to observe formalities and as evidence that a relationship wasn't possible in their current positions.

                      Factor in a massive concussion, isolation, sleep deprivation and possible effects from the nebula, and its not exactly surprising that Sam wasn't in the best frame of mind to make major decisions on her personal life when Mark called about Pete and she decided to accept his offer to set her up.

                      Had he called before "Grace", or another month or so afterwards, when Sam had had more of a chance to absorb what happened on Prometheus, she would have declined his offer.
                      Yeah you're right. It was the events that take place in Grace that triggered off Sam's dating Pete.
                      I think I've already said it but IMO, she totally misunderstood what her "father" had said 'cos in Threads
                      he gave her pretty much the same speech and he was talking about Jack.


                        Originally posted by Vicky
                        Yeah you're right. It was the events that take place in Grace that triggered off Sam's dating Pete.
                        I think I've already said it but IMO, she totally misunderstood what her "father" had said 'cos in Threads
                        he gave her pretty much the same speech and he was talking about Jack.
                        I think that in "Grace", the part of Sam that manifested itself as Jacob was representing her insecurities about her life but also hinting towards letting go of what had stopped her pursuing a relationship with Jack, not Jack himself. The Jack-apparition represented her fears that they could never be a couple and that she was using him as a defence against other relationships.

                        Poor Jack unwittingly confirmed this - at least in Sam's mind - in the infirmary.

                        I wonder what would have happened if he'd said something else; "It's me", "I'm here", "Welcome back to the land of the living"... anything that didn't sound like he disapproved of her using his first name.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          I am jumping in on what looks to have been an intresting excuse my butting in
                          I think PDL did really enjoy the *flirtation* aspect of Sam & Jack BEFORE the idea of giving Sam a boyfriend came about. After that..*shrug* I think he was just as shocked and amazed at the Fallout over the whole *Pete issue* and really didn't understand it any better than the other PTB. I say this because we really never heard anything from him and he did direct some of these episodes and should have spoken up.
                          i welcome the butting and i doubt i'm the only one.

                          i had thought that PDL had veered off the shippy path following certain episodes, however following the commentaries for moebius and other episodes that i can't recall, i still think that he has shippy tendancies, and that his bro's character was just there to serve a purpose. i do agree that he was just as shocked by the fallout and by peoples intense dislike for the character. i don't think any of those guys could understand how we didn't think that he was just a cute little puppy who never did any wrong.
                          but i do think that PDL remained shippy. and i didn't actually listen to the commentary or watch affinity when i got my season 8 boxset, for the same reason i haven't watched the gamekeeper in years. i remember how bad it was the first time (or in the case of the gamekeeper the second or third time, because i had a couple of years to forget how bad that one was), so i can't really say what his thoughts on the sam/pete (yuck! ) relationship was. i'm basing my opinion here on his comments about every other episode that i've heard.

                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          now see I was here then and I don't recall the same as you that *Many Shippers* would be happy with a scene JUST the way they did it. I know many spoke of fishing and the like BUT I do think that many of us MEANT that there would be a very clear and concise moment that said...*Sam & Jack are now together*...That never really happened. I have become content with how they ended it but that took effort on my part because I feel TPTB chickened out.
                          I do recall that Many shippers felt no need for a huge *sex scene* at that time because they were being realistic...but they did seem to want a conversation and THAT never happened. So I can't agree with you here that MOST wanted that kind of ending.

                          I guess I am going to reinterate again that while the ending was *just vague enough* to make the majority of fans happy It really wasn't what was being requested by the MAJORITY of Shippers. Conversation was the main focus and the one you indicate while very sweet, funny and tongue in cheek was still just another in a long line of sweet tongue in cheek remarks that get brushed off by TPTB themselves so why would we take them to heart in any real sense.
                          i guess my memory really does suck then. all i can really remember is how shippers everywhere were talking about how we'd like there to be a fishing scene at the end, where we see sam and jack on the dock. then i remember people saying something like, yeah it would be nice for daniel and teal'c to be there too. if i'm wrong then i'm wrong.

                          i was very happy with that scene and couldn't wait to get online for the celebration after it, only to find that there was none .

                          Originally posted by TameFarrar

                          Now I can't see how 1.5 of any season was devoted to S & J... at one point I know we even had it added up to the minute just how much *actual* sceen time was devoted to this relationship and I mean REALLY devoted to these two characters and it added up to less than a full episode and even if you want to add in things that I still contest are extremely vague from Season 9 you add what 3 minutes. But I can even be generous and say possibly 96 minutes of screen time (two full episodes worth of time) has been devoted to the Sam & Jack relationship over 9 years.
                          Now while that all seems excessive in the minutia of things add up minutes... the whole point of it is the Actors did many little things to make the characters more intertwined then the script spelled out. And the little times that things were done most of the time it was fairly direct and to the point so there really wasn't a question, at least in my mind about how these characters felt about one another.
                          i didn't mean to imply that we had 1.5 seasons of nothing but ship, but i mean that the whole arc from around, i would say heroes to mobius that popped up fairly regularly (although i personally could have done without a lot of it considering what was in a lot of it, far too angsty for my tastes). like i would have called POV to entity an arc i suppose.

                          anyway, i'm not saying it was nothing but ship, but i'm saying that they did devote a lot of time to the further development of the ship. while i would have liked another few referances to have popped up in season 9, i'm not going to complain about what we got, and i'm not going to say it was nothing, because it wasn't.

                          and again, with that one particular scene in ripple effect, i can't explain for sure what they were thinking, but i don't think it was a death knell for s/j ship by any means. i can even come up with a few theories on why it wasn't that big of a deal, but its by no means canon, so i suppose its up to us to come up with what we want it to be. and i'm sure that in the commentary for that episode (if they even give us one!) they'll talk over that scene with something about the puppet or the lighting instead of telling us what the hell that moment was supposed to mean! ( )

                          i don't expect them to explore in great detail the sam/jack relationship. i'd have preferred a lot less of sam/whoever and jack/whoever, and i'm glad we've had more s/j (IMO) than any other romantic pairing on the show, because its the only one that i actually care for on the show. the show to me should be about all of the characters, with equality, it just happens that one of my favourite ones is s/j.
                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          So the ending was too vague and to abrupt for my taste...but as I said I have worked to be content with it.
                          i'm satisfied with this ending being that vague, but i do know that a lot of people are like you, and would have preferred something more definite. to me it was definite, to me i can happily accept that they told us that they are now together in that scene. fortunately for others, the show continued, and we got further confirmation in "not exactly", but again, that i think possibly could have been a dig at the shippers because they thought they gave us what we wanted, and we said it was too vague, so they thought 'i'll give you vague!', but i can't say for certain.

                          now i'm not exactly sure what my point was in all of this, but i think i was just trying to explain my thoughts further on this. and i'm not sure if i've done that. i'm not really sure if i've even put the quote boxes in the right place, or if i've addressed everything i wanted to. i started typing, then more things started to come into my head, then i typed that, then i forgot what i was doing, and now i'm here.

                          but, uuuhh, welcome back to shiptown! the prodical shipper returns (ok, bad analogy)


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            I wonder what would have happened if he'd said something else; "It's me", "I'm here", "Welcome back to the land of the living"... anything that didn't sound like he disapproved of her using his first name.
                            I think she didn't understand that he was IMO just really surprised that she had called him "Jack". I only remember two other times when he called him Jack: Solitudes (though he thinked she was Sara) and In the line of duty.


                              Originally posted by florence
                              Hello everyone !

                              Sorry, I haven't been very active in this thread lately (and by 'not very' I mean 'not at all'! ) but I've got tons of things to do and the days are too short.
                              Anyway, I just wanted to say it's very nice to see this thread being still so active. No ship in S9 and we're still having things to talk about Sam and Jack, new vids and fics. The Ship Family is great !

                              I want to stay spoiler free for S10 cause I want to be surprised (and I hope it will be a good surprise ! ) but I'm very excited about this new season.

                              Someone (majorsal maybe ? sorry, I don't remember ) asked if we wanted to see them get married, or already married.
                              I like to think they're together, but not married. Not yet anyway !
                              I don't want to see them get married though, I don't even want to see Jack (or Sam, or both) propose. I think this kind of scene would be much better if it was left to the imagination of the shippers, and to the creative skills of the fic writers.

                              It's a nice place to hide, isn't it ?

                              PS : I've also seen the SSHSOT list was getting bigger and bigger ! Excellent !
                              I think the next Ship Day will be fantastic !
                              (((Florence)))) yes it is the BEST place to hide and get good vibes
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by Oma-1
                                ((((((Tame)))))) Always a pleasure to have you hiding out with us Even when you've got your Mod hat on

                                Just to clarify a couple of my earlier posts, I don't want to see a bed scene between Sam & Jack (I'm way too old fashioned for that as well, Mary ). I want a definitve moment that can't be misinterpreted, denied, explained away or ignored completely. A BHK would be good

                                I really do want to see a wedding - not the cheesy type of thing from a soap opera, maybe even not the ceremony itself ..... thinking ..... I do want evidence of a wedding though cos afterall, Ry'ac got one! .....

                                How about they're making preparations for the ceremony in the gateroom ...

                                cut to: Jack's all nervous pacing around the briefing room in his dress blues, Daniel's laughing at him, reminicsing about his wedding to Shau're and at least Jack knows its happening in advance ....

                                cut to: Sam's looking at her dress on its hanger and giving herself a pep talk (kinda like AR Sam in M1 )....

                                cut to: Teal'c is escorting General Hammond down from the surface (cos GH's giving Sam away ) ....

                                cut to Mitchell and Vala are in the control room with Walter - who's directing the decorating, when

                                "Unathorised Off-World Activity!"
                                "Close the Iris!"
                                "Defence team to the Gateroom!"

                                Basically all hell breaks loose and we have a really kick ass ep / 2 parter (preferably with lots of Baal *drool*)

                                Last scene is Sam & Jack saying "Let's just elope - now"

                                Next ep Sam's wearing a wedding ring.

                                Make a great ff wouldn't it
                                Now I really like this idea TPTB won't do it of course ....but I like how you have mixed in Sam & Jack finally being definitely together....Teal'c, Daniel and Gen Hammond all seem completely in character AND you have added the great *Team Action*... this would be just great fun IMHO.... but alas I am sure it would be just another FF for us in the end
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

