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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Deejay435
    Anyone who reads Samanda knows I like lists. Bullet pointed lists. They're so neat and organized. And, I was thinking today of some complaints a friend of mine had against Sam/Jack (though in truth, it's all because she's a Jack/Daniel shipper) and that helped me organize my reasons for why I LIKE Sam and Jack together.

    So I made a list! Whee!
    1. Sam and Jack have an innate understanding of one another.
    2. Sam and Jack challenge one another's thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
    3. They have enough differences to keep their relationship interesting.
    4. They are not overplayed. I like subtle in my ship. I like a 'ship that makes me search for hints.
    5. They respect one another. And they are both comfortable enough in that respect that they can tease each other about their quirks and characteristics.
    6. They know each other well enough to get each other's quirks and characteristics.
      • For instance-I don't in any way think Sam believes Jack is as stupid as he pretneds to be, and I think Jack knows Sam needs people more than she pretends.
    7. They'd quite easily die for one another.
    8. And here's the important part-I also think they would live for one another.
    Exactly! Especially with point 6. Sam knows Jack is not as stupid as he pretends. In the first season ep 'Singularity' Jack made some comment (can't remember what it was) about the singularity they wanted to see. It was very technical-sounding, and the fact that Jack had said it and not Sam totally dumfounded Daniel. Sam just looked up at Daniel and commented that Jack didn't have his telescope to peep at ladies (or something like that). She didn't sound surprised, she was totally matter-of-fact about it.

    And I know what you mean about having a friend who's a J/D shipper. One of my best friends is one. We have some spectacular arguments at times (all in good fun--she's a slasher and he agree to disagree)


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Yes, but that's from the 200th episode. For all we know, it could be
      Vala and Walter!
      That's a forbidden romance???????

      Sorry for the one-liner


        Originally posted by blueiris
        The "L" word was not pregnant. That was just wishful thinking on her part. I don't like to even think about it. yuck

        I didn't mean to suggest that she knew she was pregnant, that's too soon. But something about her manner made me think of the unconscious way newly pregnant women rub their bellies (at least, when it's portrayed on screen).

        And my question was not to suggest she was actually pregnant. It was to gauge possible reactions from Sam to that news if Jack were to confess in an effort to mend bridges.

        I'm writing another one of my character pieces. I keep getting the urge to write them as I watch my dvds.

        PS Edit. In regards to the suggestion that Jack being drunk was the only way he would have slept with Laira, it struck me that while he was drunk, he is a man who can hold his drink, and he seemed to be aware of what he was about to do. Also, he was rather comfortable about it the next morning, which I would think he wouldn't have been if he had been drunk and totally out of it.

        But that's just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
        Last edited by hopalong; 09 May 2006, 04:57 AM.


          Originally posted by seldear
          I remember reading an episode tag which did a reasonable job of explaining the 'why' of it to me. After the entity took over Sam and she nearly died, Jack decided he was getting too emotionally close and tried to shut down his personal feelings for Sam. Hence, Jack's apparent 'distance' through the early part of S5.

          Then Sam gets kidnapped in Desperate Measures and Jack realises he doesn't want to shut her out. Which explains why Proving Ground, Fail Safe and 48 Hours have quite a bit of Sam/Jack interaction.

          I try not to say that characters act 'out of character' in the show. They might act in ways that are not immediately explicable given their history or what fans would like to see of them, but they cannot, by definition, act 'out of character' in canon. All characterisation has a reason - albeit, it might take some serious explaining to find a reason that works.

          that actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it
          Thank you Jenova Synthesis

          Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


            Originally posted by sugarshaker
            Good evening shippers!

            It was a busy day in honeymoon paradise for our favorite couple. Today they went on an excursion to Virgin Gorda to see The Baths. They spent the afternoon playfully snorkeling in the underwater grottoes formed by massive boulders along the shore. Sam pretended to twist her ankle so that Jack would have to rescue her and hold her close. He knew she was pretending, but he didn't let on because he liked "saving" her.

            This evening, they enjoyed the most sumptuous buffet either of them had ever seen: northshore grilled lobster, red wine braised osso bucco, quail and the most delicious prime rib Sam had ever had. She was a little bit embarassed by her appetite. Maybe she's eating for two now? Jack liked the dessert table - at least 5 different kinds of cake! He made Sam giggle when he raised his eyebrows at her and said "cake".

            All though dinner, Sam could barely take her eyes off the man she loves - her new husband! His light blue shirt set off his silver hair to perfection, and there was just the right hint of rippling muscles beneath the fabric. His eyes gleamed with passion for the love of his life. The soft beat of the steel drum only intensified Sam's romantic yearnings, and throughout the dinner she gently caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.

            Aftewards, they slowly strolled back to their cozy little cottage with their arms gently wrapped around each other's waists. It's doubtful that we'll see them at breakfast tomorrow.
            Love it! YOu should think about writing this as a fanfic.

            Mind you, I'd be embarrassed if I was actually watching something like this on screen...


              Originally posted by seldear
              I remember reading an episode tag which did a reasonable job of explaining the 'why' of it to me. After the entity took over Sam and she nearly died, Jack decided he was getting too emotionally close and tried to shut down his personal feelings for Sam. Hence, Jack's apparent 'distance' through the early part of S5.

              Then Sam gets kidnapped in Desperate Measures and Jack realises he doesn't want to shut her out. Which explains why Proving Ground, Fail Safe and 48 Hours have quite a bit of Sam/Jack interaction.

              I try not to say that characters act 'out of character' in the show. They might act in ways that are not immediately explicable given their history or what fans would like to see of them, but they cannot, by definition, act 'out of character' in canon. All characterisation has a reason - albeit, it might take some serious explaining to find a reason that works.

              That explains alot and I can totally agree with it all. Jack has never wanted to risk hurting Sam's career. His love for her would not let him do anything to hurt her.

              TOGETHER FOREVER,
              NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                Originally posted by seldear
                I remember reading an episode tag which did a reasonable job of explaining the 'why' of it to me. After the entity took over Sam and she nearly died, Jack decided he was getting too emotionally close and tried to shut down his personal feelings for Sam. Hence, Jack's apparent 'distance' through the early part of S5.

                Then Sam gets kidnapped in Desperate Measures and Jack realises he doesn't want to shut her out. Which explains why Proving Ground, Fail Safe and 48 Hours have quite a bit of Sam/Jack interaction.

                I try not to say that characters act 'out of character' in the show. They might act in ways that are not immediately explicable given their history or what fans would like to see of them, but they cannot, by definition, act 'out of character' in canon. All characterisation has a reason - albeit, it might take some serious explaining to find a reason that works.

                Some very serious explaining at times. However, unfortunately, sometimes it can get a little ooc. Not that I can comment, I don't remember those particular episodes. But naughty me keeps buying the dvds when I really can't afford to, so hopefully soon...


                  Originally posted by hopalong
                  Some very serious explaining at times. However, unfortunately, sometimes it can get a little ooc. Not that I can comment, I don't remember those particular episodes. But naughty me keeps buying the dvds when I really can't afford to, so hopefully soon...
                  I have that exact same problem!
                  Thank you Jenova Synthesis

                  Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    Hi Caty.I hope
                    AT MS and CJ are not going to part of Atlantis or the new series.I do not mind guest starting roles.I would rather have Jack Sam Daniel and Teal'c go off into the sunset.Start as a team and leave as a team.I'm very surprised about the possible new series.IMO TPTB have their hands full with Atlantis and SG-1.TPTB may be biting off more than they can chew.I would think they would want to focus on Atlantis after the ratings were down for Season 2.I Love the idea of a Movie.I just hope it does not take too long.

                    SES I think this is the direction they are going for ... Possible spoilers but just my interpretation about spin-off/Movie .

                    They may start the spin off with Cam , vala , Laundry and all the new ones and make us think that SG1 ( The original team ) is still in operation or retired ..bla bla bla ..whatever they like ...Retiring obviously may be a good idea for Sam and Jack if they want to start a family, otherwise they may never have kids if Sam carries on her off world missions ....

                    ......Any way , the new team is up and going and we see them in their brand new show ..Cam, vala , Laundry are established already so their fans will be watching the new show .

                    Then we have the movie , only with the original team and General Hammond will be also in there ( hopefully in a kind of action role ) ..I suppose we could see them at SGC on a return to a mission the Cam and Vala team is off screen doing their stuff ......Could be a bit tricky though if the movie has got some scenes at SGC with the new general Laundry unless TPTB can think of a really great story which does not involve seeing SGC at all but Stargates from other places !!!!!Hummm ...What do you think ?!!



                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

                      READ THIS
                      - The 200th, a collaborative effort penned by the team of all seven writers, is an homage to fans of every stripe. If they've ever wished upon a Stargate, it's likely covered in this script — a two-hanky ceremony brings Walter, the Gate Guy (the minor but beloved character who operates the stargate), to tears, and forbidden romances finally bloom.

                      The spontaneous antics are led by Stargate's venerable pied piper, star and former executive producer Richard Dean Anderson (Captain Jack O'Neill).

                      from here


                      That has to be S&J!! It has to be, why else would they have mentioned it beforehand!! And that would make Walter cry! He's a shipper! (probably...) And it says romances - plural...I wonder if that really means there's gonna be more than one... I can't think of any other particularly 'forbidden' ones (Don't even think about Daniel & Jack! Never!) And if it's led by Jack, then who else could it be! The only thing I'm worried about is that they're going to do the same thing again that they've always done - a complete cop-out. They have Sam and Jack together, get them married even, but it's all in someone's head, or some such excuse for it not to be real! But they can't do that to us again!! I hope...

                      Thank you so much for posting that!!


                        I've had a thought for a little scene for eppy 200

                        Landry has invited Marty to the SGC, so we see Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c and everyone else sitting at a table.
                        One of the studio execs is there too, sitting next to Marty.

                        Exec - okay people...brainstorm

                        SG1 look blankly at each other, as they're asked to give their input into the film

                        Jack - I got nuthin'

                        Exec - Well...let's see what we've already got

                        Marty - well I've already written in the action and the obligatory sex scene

                        Landry - sex scene?!?!

                        Vala looks at Daniel and grins...Daniel looks worried

                        Marty - Yeah...between Danning and Monroe...I am writing what I know after all...aren't I?

                        Everyone goes quiet...Daniel breathes a sigh of relief, Vala looks pissed

                        Jack and Sam look a little bit uncomfortable, before smiling knowingly at each other...and imagining the possibilities...

                        Jack: Sure Marty Sam and I would be more than happy to help with that part of the movie...I was thinking of doing some...directing...actually

                        Sam: And of course...we'll have to go location scouting

                        Jack: Make sure it's romantic enough

                        Sam: Test it out-


                        Teal'c smiles

                        Sam: Oh it's believable...that's all

                        Jack: just for research purposes of course

                        Sam and Jack stand up

                        Sam: We'd better get started

                        They turn to run out of the room

                        Jack: After all I believe romance is the most important aspect of any production!

                        They vanish down the hallway..

                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                          Stalker Guy #4 Ascension is on.

                          Anyone have any idea why Jack treats Sam the way he does in this episode. In some scenes he's nice but in others I just want to slap him.

                          Any ideas?
                          Originally posted by MirthMistress
                          Thank you, Gwenwhyfar. This ep has always irritated me. This ep was 3 seasons after the Re'tu who where invisible. Why was is so impossible that Sam could see a being that the others couldn't? It really made me mad how condescending everyone was to her. If I were she I would have been sorely tempeted to holler at them, "I told you there was an invisible alien who followed me home. You're only interested in him after I taught him not to piddle on the rug!"
                          LOL! @ the bolded part, MM.
                          I have to say that I hate this episode. Poor Sam, totally dismissed as being wacko, especially after all they'd seen before. I also find Orlin creepy, and he's Sam's first stalker!
                          Of course, it's the writers to blame (again!), since they made everyone out of character just to move the plot along.


                            I've got my first exam wish me luck and I'll see you all soon!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              I think that Narim, Martouf and Orlin are three of the creepiest guys ever to have been on TV.

                              Sam honey...what were you thinking!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by shelsfc


                                That has to be S&J!! It has to be, why else would they have mentioned it beforehand!! And that would make Walter cry! He's a shipper! (probably...) And it says romances - plural...I wonder if that really means there's gonna be more than one... I can't think of any other particularly 'forbidden' ones (Don't even think about Daniel & Jack! Never!) And if it's led by Jack, then who else could it be! The only thing I'm worried about is that they're going to do the same thing again that they've always done - a complete cop-out. They have Sam and Jack together, get them married even, but it's all in someone's head, or some such excuse for it not to be real! But they can't do that to us again!! I hope...

                                Thank you so much for posting that!!
                                Season 10
                                we will probably have
                                a romance scene with puppets. That the only thing these guys haven't tried to do with Sam and Jack.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


