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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I heard it too - they can have some fun
    I sure hope we get to see some of it.
    To quote Gen. Hammond "Yahoo"
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      Originally posted by Ginalynn71
      Ah, yes, collective sighs and squeeeeeees abound!!! Now, how do we stay calm till July?
      Gina .... yes collective sighs of squeeeeee but calm ... you are asking me to be calm .....jumps up and down and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by Ginalynn71
        Ah, yes, collective sighs and squeeeeeees abound!!! Now, how do we stay calm till July?
        It'll be tough, but at least we have something to look forward to.
        always and forever
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          Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
          Hey there are moments in 6,7 and 8 that are shippy I'm glad for the (although limited) moments that were there
          And if you look really hard you might see some in season 5...
          always and forever
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            squee! I so wished I could have heard that, I still don't think it can be any bigger than the reaction at the con...but you never really could know...I can't wai that long until Season 10....*cacb dies*

            sig by chlex


              Originally posted by scjon
              And if you look really hard you might see some in season 5...
              *goes searching with a magnifying glass* too bad I don't own that this could take awhile haha!

              sig by chlex


                Originally posted by trupi
                The replay of what Amanda said tonight should be at the SCIFI site!
                went to scifi but could not find AT sound bite ... does any one know how I can find it

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  I'm feeling all the love in here tonight, must be all the SQUEEE's!!!!

                  I'ts nice to know I'm not the only one really exited to see season 10!!



                    did you all hear that???? BB jut talked about the ship!!!! he said it wouldn't include him though!!! Someone will clearify it better then me.
                    Are they trying to kill us all at once? My heart is beating so fast. !!!


                      OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
                      even Mitchel is a shipper .....

                      Sam and Jack so shippy .... breathe ...breathe ... smiling so much

                      BHK BHK BHK

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by gatebee
                        OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
                        even Mitchel is a shipper .....

                        Sam and Jack so shippy .... breathe ...breathe ... smiling so much

                        BHK BHK BHK
                        Just what I was about to say!!!!


                          Originally posted by SG1Poz
                          did you all hear that???? BB jut talked about the ship!!!! he said it wouldn't include him though!!! Someone will clearify it better han me.
                          Are they trying to kill us all at once? My heart is beating so fast. !!!
                          I know they are killing us .... but a good one .... romance is coming in RL
                          bhk bhk bhk

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            BB mentioned romance but not involving him! (I can't believe they are showing all of this!
                            Think they were getting desperate due to the fall in ratings? Maybe they want everyone to know RDA's coming back. That'll probabaly be said tonight too. I'll take bets on it! Whew! These tidbits are as great as tonights episodes!


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz
                              did you all hear that???? BB jut talked about the ship!!!! he said it wouldn't include him though!!! Someone will clearify it better han me.
                              Are they trying to kill us all at once? My heart is beating so fast. !!!
                              Good cause I don't want Cam involved in anything, Danny has to be the one interrupting heehee! If there is interruption...I still think it would be cuter if Jack just planted a kiss on her in the middle of a room full of people...air force party...whoops that could get messy haha!

                              I can just see T and Danny in the briefing room both exclaiming "finally" if Jack just came and kissed Sam.......Divide and Conquer flash back anyone?!?!

                              sig by chlex


                                this it the best Monday ever .... and we have two more hours of this
                                BHK BHK

                                avatar and sig by flidget

