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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    GateBee...S/J 'fishing' is a little bit different than your normal fishing

    And remember...'hook, line, sinker and copy of angling times'

    soz...couldn't help the Red Dwarf reference!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by nell
      Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Tie up some loose ends???
      *Daniel=Returned to Earth, again
      *Sam= Breaks off engagement to
      *Kerry=Bows out dating Jack
      *Jack=Tells Sam he is there for her "Always"
      *Sam and Jack=GO FISHING!!!
      *Sam=Tells Agent Barrett "Not Exactly" Single!!!

      That leaves one loose end in my mind.....CONFIRMATION of Sam's and Jack's Relationship!!!!!

      So, maybe that and RDA tying his combat boot laces are the only loose ends I can imagine!!!
      I also thought a loose end could be
      that he would actually tell what he's been doing-Head ofHomeworld security-- on screen,and it will be canon because so far it's only been told to us on line
      and those TV only fans haven't a clue. Or maybe we find it's something different entirely. In addition of course to the loose end we all want tied up!


        Hey Hey One and All

        Its been AGES since i posted,
        Just read some GREAT sg1 spoilers, thats made my day!
        I have forgotten how to do spoilers on the thread
        is it [spoil] fjjfdfjdf [spoil] or something along those lines

        Now i will have a reason to watch sg1 again
        havent watched season 9 yet i was too upset and grieving at our loss

        Well love and hugs
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          SueKay ... I know exactly what type of fishing Sam and Jack will be occuppied with in Atlantis ...just making sure that PTB do as well ....

          BHK BHK BHK BHK RL

          avatar and sig by flidget


            ((((((((((((((QUEEN BEE)))))))))))))))))))

            Great to see you!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by Queen_Bee
              Hey Hey One and All

              Its been AGES since i posted,
              Just read some GREAT sg1 spoilers, thats made my day!
              I have forgotten how to do spoilers on the thread
              is it [spoil] fjjfdfjdf [spoil] or something along those lines

              Now i will have a reason to watch sg1 again
              havent watched season 9 yet i was too upset and grieving at our loss

              Well love and hugs

              I didn't watch 9 either but i'm gonna have to catch up with whatever his face is and that woman person! Then i will see exactly what i want to see! As for loose ends ithink we'll all agree that Sam and Jack are the biggest loose ends in the history of SG-1!!!!

              I do wonder however liekosmeone else did if (tries to do spoiler thing)

              they will just get together in these eps or they hae been together the whole time! I really wanna see the first kiss! I really really really wanna see the first kiss and how they over came all teh boundries they were used to and stuff!

              Woo hoo! I did the spoiler thingy!! yay me!!


                Hey *waves* actualy *jumps up and down like a loon*

                Ladys and Gentlemen this is a joyus day and totally worth abandoning the work i'm supposed to be doing.

                i just wanted to say


                misstweedledee (leanne) xXx

                United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                  i think they should have them in an established relationship. it would make it better all round IMO.


                    Happy Days are here again.I could not wait to get on the forum today.I cannot access from Work.I did not hear about 5 appearances on SG-1.I guess I will be watching the entire Season.I may even watch the Atlantis episodes that have RDA.I just wish the
                    200th was not another WormWhole Extreme.IMO the 100th and 200TH should be serious and special episodes.I'm not sure why TPTB treat these special episodes like it's goof off time.
                    Getting back to positive news I do think there will be some great Sam/Jack Ship in Season 10.Let the celebration continue.


                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      aaawww i just checked out the RDAnderson forum and there's another stargate barbie over there.

                      i must eliminate this pretender and reclaim my rightful place as the only stargate barbie on an internet forum. and i might get rid of the one who writes fan fic too, just to be mean.
                      Poor Stargate Barbie! You are the true one! Go! Go eleminate the pretender!

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Hey SueKay glad to be back on the thread
                        RL has been getting the better of me, work, love etc etc..ya know the drill
                        got a new puppy dog!....

                        i am considering watching Gemini or Moebius, i m yet to decide,
                        I will have to watch season 9, i have them here, i just havent had the urge to watch!..bad bad bad!
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                        sig by RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                          Poor Stargate Barbie! You are the true one! Go! Go eleminate the pretender!
                          LMAO! yeh what she/he said!! Or ask them nicely to put a number 2 after their names and i they won't we'll all go and make her/him! x

                          What does everyone think about the song "here without you" by 3 doors down for an S/J music vid?
                          Last edited by Sam fan; 28 March 2006, 02:44 PM.


                            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                            Now shipper family, i want to make sure you are all in good health so that if (i say 'if' as i don't want to tempt fate), Rick does come back, your shippy hearts do not give out on you during your squeeeeeee-ing.

                            So i'm gonna play Dr. Shipper and give you some guidelines to a
                            HSH (Healthy Shippy Heart)...

                            1. Everyone drink a small glass of red wine every night WHILE watching a Sam & Jack shippy episode.

                            NB:- I would not suggest watching 'Ripple Effect', 'Chimera' or 'Affinity' (even though there's the sweet, yet heart breaking "what about you" scene in it), as the wine may end up all over the television.

                            2. Watch some Sam and Jack music videos. I suggest this one i found recently...
                   the vid is called 'I Should Go'. It's beautiful, the lyrics fit perfectly. This should give your shippy heart some extra "oomph".

                            3. Eat healthily (although the occasional shipper cookie does wonders for your metabolism and can fuel you for hours!) and get some exercise; i find that going to the gym, getting on the running machine and while you jog (or run), replay every shippy scene you can think of word by word in your minds and before you know it you'll have done an hours exercise.

                            NB:- make sure you only go through the episode in your head. speaking it out loud may cause you to find yourself alone in the gym... (on a side note... you could go to the gym when the repeats of Stargate are being shown and beg the gym to put the channel on for you so you can watch Stargate and exercise at the same time)

                            4. Read lots of shippy fanfiction (not too angsty), a healthy mind leads to a healthy heart (or so i'm told)!

                            5. Everytime you come onto the internet to check (RDA's website) surround yourself with pillows incase there is THE update! We don't want concussions now do we?!

                            If you follow these simple guidelines, your shippy heart should be in perfect condition by the time Rick makes his announcement. If its good news you shouldn't have a heart attack from the ultrasonic squeee, and if its bad news (i pray that it won't be), your shippy heart may not give up entirely.
                            What wonderful advice! Sam_Carter, you're wonderful!!!!! We should start some sort of archive of shippy thoughts, like astrogeologist did on the SAGC thread has. Who knows how to put it all together? We must preserve our best stuff (special events, great posts like Sam_Carter's above, etc.). After all, Sam & Jack will need it for their scrapbook!!!!!

                            + =


                              Amen Trupi.Thank You RDA.I never thought I would say this.I cannot wait for Season 10.Is it July yet?


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                i hope nobody's getting too excited. i don't want to bring the mood down, but just in case i think i should inject some (unfortunate) realism back into the thread. we don't know for sure that its gonna be shippy. we don't know for sure that its going to be good shippy. I certainly hope it is, and i'm cautiously optimistic about it.

                                i have faith that we won't get screwed over, but i don't think we should hype it up too much, because then when we get a mention, its not going to seem like as much.

                                but we will get a mention. a good mention. i'm confident.
                                So now that we know RDA is going to be back for 5 episodes we just have to keep reminding TPTB that Sam and Jack need to be

                                - in the same episodes
                                - in the same reality/ timeline
                                - in the same scene
                                - have a (happy) resolution on screen

                                It's not asking too much is it?

