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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Vicky
    I think that Jack was representing Sam, the woman (while Jacob represented the daughter, Teal'c the warrior and Daniel the scientist). But I don't think the kiss represented a goodbye of some sort. IMO, it was a sort of proof that he'd always be there, no matter what.

    I really don't think Jack is a "safe bet". Pete was, not Jack. Pete meant a normal, easy life, with no real hindrance. Sure, Jack would always be there like I said but there would always be these little problems on the road, she wouldn't live a dull life with him.

    Granted, "Jack" said that he was a safe bet but maybe sam was just misunderstanding the real meaning of these words, like "Jacob's".
    The only reason Pete was in the picture was so she could have a relationship and her keep her current postion. With Jack, either one or both would have to sacrifice their current position. I took 'safe bet' meaning that their relationship would never be more than what it currently was and it was keeping her 'safe' from exploring other relationships. I think that is one of the reasons Sam spent so much time in her lab, she was scared she would be hurt again. As long as she hung on to this relationship that didn't really exist, she had a excuse. I don't think she ever doubted her feelings for Jack, I just think she got tired of hanging on to something she thought she could never have. I just wished she had a discussion with him. I know it would have been difficult to approach your CO, and a man with his own personal issues, but in the end she did anyway.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      Jack definately represented Sam the woman. Especially since he called her Samantha. And he did say that he'd always be there. Which apparently she knew because the real Jack said that in Threads!
      Yep. The same thing goes with what Jacob said in Grace and then in Threads. I really think Sam misunderstood him or rather herself in Grace. "Jacob" asked her if she was happy, like the real Jacob in Threads. and when "he" said "It's time to let go of the things that prevent you from finding happiness", he meant the same thing as the real one in Threads: "Don't let rules stand in your way".

      Grace showed how much Sam know her men and what they would say but given her state, I think she misunderstood everything they said, especially Jack and Jacob.


        Originally posted by Vicky
        I think that Jack was representing Sam, the woman (while Jacob represented the daughter, Teal'c the warrior and Daniel the scientist). But I don't think the kiss represented a goodbye of some sort. IMO, it was a sort of proof that he'd always be there, no matter what.

        I really don't think Jack is a "safe bet". Pete was, not Jack. Pete meant a normal, easy life, with no real hindrance. Sure, Jack would always be there like I said but there would always be these little problems on the road, she wouldn't live a dull life with him.

        Granted, "Jack" said that he was a safe bet but maybe sam was just misunderstanding the real meaning of these words, like "Jacob's".

        i think that Jacob has always wanted Sam to be with Jack. In 'Grace' he was there as a kind of... 'do what makes you happy' encorporation (is that the right word?)

        Like in 'Threads' when he said...

        JACOB: I just wanna know you're gonna be happy.

        CARTER: I am.

        JACOB: Don't let rules stand in your way.

        (Sam looks puzzled.)

        CARTER: What are you talking about?

        JACOB: You joined the Air Force because of me.

        CARTER: I love my job.

        JACOB: Mmm. (He reaches out and strokes her cheek.) You can still have everything you want.

        CARTER: I do, Dad.

        Then Jacob sighs, frustrated that Sam isn't getting what he's saying. He WANTS Sam to be with Jack... knows he is the right man for her... better tham Mr.Potatohead.
        Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
        Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
        Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


          Rogue the biggest problem was Sam and Jack never had the discussion.It's 9 Years and were still waiting for an adult conversation that does not get interrupted.An Adult conversation in the elevator in Chimera would have gone a long way in taking away some of the hurt from Sam seeing Pete.Sam and Jack come have said their peace and looked like Adults and the Fans would have had an clear understanding of Sam wanting to find a BoyFriend.


            Originally posted by Vicky
            Yep. The same thing goes with what Jacob said in Grace and then in Threads. I really think Sam misunderstood him or rather herself in Grace. "Jacob" asked her if she was happy, like the real Jacob in Threads. and when "he" said "It's time to let go of the things that prevent you from finding happiness", he meant the same thing as the real one in Threads: "Don't let rules stand in your way".

            Grace showed how much Sam know her men and what they would say but given her state, I think she misunderstood everything they said, especially Jack and Jacob.
            Sorry Vicky. I didn't mean to post an almost identical reply. You obviously posted yours while i was still writing. Hey!!! Great shippy minds think alike.

            Sorry about that.
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              Sam another mistake by TPTB.I have a hard time in believing Jacob would be vague with Sam on his DeathBed.There was no reason for Jacob not to mention Jack.TPTB always made Sam and Jack look bad regaridng the Ship and TPTB made Jacob look bad by making Jacob speak in codes.


                No problem, Sam!

                @ses110: IMO, Threads scene in the infirmary and then the one at the cabin spoke more than words.
                In the observation room, she stroke his hand with her thumb, something she wouldn't have done a few years before and she wasn't engaged to another man then.
                And we all know that for them the cabin meant so much more than fishing. This was why she always refused his invitations. But this time she went. Granted the whole team was there but it still meant something. By accepting the invitation, she just said that she soon would be ready to take that next step.


                  Originally posted by Zoser
                  I think it is what she really wanted and felt she could never have. I didn't understand the 'nevermind' - like she didn't want her hallucination to know she lusted after him??
                  I also think her father was saying the what she had to let go were her inhibitions and either her career in the Air Force or the regs.
                  I always thought the "nevermind" was because she realized she was talking to herself, and felt silly for thinking about kissing someone who wasn't really there.
                  Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    The only reason Pete was in the picture was so she could have a relationship and her keep her current postion. With Jack, either one or both would have to sacrifice their current position. I took 'safe bet' meaning that their relationship would never be more than what it currently was and it was keeping her 'safe' from exploring other relationships. I think that is one of the reasons Sam spent so much time in her lab, she was scared she would be hurt again. As long as she hung on to this relationship that didn't really exist, she had a excuse. I don't think she ever doubted her feelings for Jack, I just think she got tired of hanging on to something she thought she could never have. I just wished she had a discussion with him. I know it would have been difficult to approach your CO, and a man with his own personal issues, but in the end she did anyway.
                    I thought of 'safe bet' more like if everything else in her life didn't pan out there was always Jack to fall back on - rather like a door mat.
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      Rogue the biggest problem was Sam and Jack never had the discussion.It's 9 Years and were still waiting for an adult conversation that does not get interrupted.An Adult conversation in the elevator in Chimera would have gone a long way in taking away some of the hurt from Sam seeing Pete.Sam and Jack come have said their peace and looked like Adults and the Fans would have had an clear understanding of Sam wanting to find a BoyFriend.
                      An adult conversation in Affinity would have been great. She
                      should have approached him then about their relationship without showing the ring. If he said he wasn't interested then she was free to marry Pete.
                      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                        Originally posted by atlantisrocks
                        I always thought the "nevermind" was because she realized she was talking to herself, and felt silly for thinking about kissing someone who wasn't really there.
                        The silly girl didn't enjoy a little fantasy - I guess it wasn't the time or the place for it.

                        I think we never got the adult conversation because TPTB or in the case more properly TIIC couldn't write it (afraid or inept?)
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by Zoser
                          I thought of 'safe bet' more like if everything else in her life didn't pan out there was always Jack to fall back on - rather like a door mat.
                          I don't know. Do you really think whats what she thought of him?
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            I hate to think of Sam like that but sometimes I think she did see Jack as a backup plan.It always bothered me when Sam accepted Joe's Dinner invite in 2001 right in front of Jack.I sometimes think Sam took Jack for granted in that he would always wait for her.I think Sam was shocked when she found out Jack was going out with Kerry.I was glad Sam got a taste of how Jack felt when Jack found out Sam was dating Pete.


                              Originally posted by ses110
                              I hate to think of Sam like that but sometimes I think she did see Jack as a backup plan.It always bothered me when Sam accepted Joe's Dinner invite in 2001 right in front of Jack.I sometimes think Sam took Jack for granted in that he would always wait for her.I think Sam was shocked when she found out Jack was going out with Kerry.I was glad Sam got a taste of how Jack felt when Jack found out Sam was dating Pete.
                              Yeah, she could be insensitive. She got a shock when she saw him with Kerry, maybe she did think he was just waiting around for her to make a decision.
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                I was very surprised Jack did not seem hurt that Sam accepted Joe's invite.This was a great example of the Sam/Jack Ship going in different directions.In one episode Sam and Jack looked like they were the closets people in the World.The next episode it was like they were strangers.Just when you thought you had a handle on the Sam/Jack Ship something would happen to throw you for a loop.
                                Last edited by ses110; 13 March 2006, 11:40 AM.

