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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    kiss in Moebius2 is a smaller (other reality) than fishing in end of Threads or end of Moebius2


      Originally posted by UhSir
      I apologize for not using spoilers earlier. I’ve gone back and fixed all of my posts. Tame, thanks for fixing my other one.

      I keep telling myself to stay away and leave you all be, but I keep coming back because I care too much about Sam and Jack to watch it flushed down the toilet. Why in the hell I am obsessing over some stupid television is beyond me. Maybe because it was so good and for one measly hour every week I could escape from my hectic reality and dream about other places and a nice little romance to boot.

      Can anyone say what purpose “Grace Under Pressure” served other than
      to be a stepping-stone for Carter/McKay ship? Okay, maybe it helps Zelenka overcome his fear of Puddle Jumpers too. But really, anything else?

      What I see this episode being is something to help relax the tension between McKay and Carter. When Sam shows up at Atlantis in season 10, McKay will remember this experience, albeit only a hallucination, and his attitude will most definitely be changed. He will be kinder and more receptive to Sam. Maybe he even will resist grabbing her ass! She won’t get it at first but Sam being Sam, she’ll start to soften around him as well. Then it will all lead into yet another SG-1 story stealing incident: “100 Days Under Pressure,” only this time Sam gets stuck on the remote planet as well. She and Rodney all alone.

      I’ll bet all of my shipper cookies that the PTB have discussed this and are feeling it out right now. Hence, my depression and dragging you all through the muck of it here on this thread because I was told the PTB monitor things here. So if we pretend all is well and pretty in S/J shipland then they’ll just keep on sticking us figuring we’re too lost in our dreams to realize what they are doing.

      Pleasant thought: Have a Happy Shipmas!

      i am a hope, you are not right but thinking is a very, very good
      Sam with McKay this is not very funny


        You know one thing I think I found to be true in the last couple of seasons of SG-1 is TPTB seem to leek out some information REALLY early and then with the show being releasehed at different times in different countriies, TPTB have a very good idea just how the fans are going to react a LONG time before anyone sees it .....

        Now the big question is do they care and will it make a difference?
        I really believe that TPTB do actually care about our opinion. Why...not because I am the eternal optmist but because they are in the business of *Show Business* and this venue runs on fans period and if the fans don't like what they see they go away and the advertisers no longer gain from the fans and thus the show goes away.

        So while I think that the writers do try to stay true to the creative process and write things that they *want8 to they also won't have a job long if they are only writing that way...they have to be commercially viable and THAT is defined by consumer response.

        So (looks around for Bev and my soap box ) I am saying that even though many will say to you that TPTB don't give 2 rat's tails what you think I beg to differ! Continuing to be upbeat and *wanting* to have some sort of closure on a pairing is not *bad* and to write and ask for blurbs of a few seconds here and there may get you absolutely nowhere....BUT how will anyone know if they never do it

        Also if TPTB do want to move on and be done with the S/J ship altogether (heaven forbid) then ask them to step up to the plate and do it. The fans that aren't happy about how things have ended up are really not watching to much anymore and they definitely are NOT going to be buying so TPTB aren't concerning themselves with them any longer.

        I am a big advocate for letting your own voice be heard regardless. So drop them a line. or just keep posting your thoughts here. Well thought out, polite notes that convey your thoughts can never do anything but say whats on your mind.

        UhSir you haven't dragged me through anything I and I am sure many others understand your frustration.... hang in there Its alot easier if you understand the fact that they really may never do anything about the S&J situation and it has NO BEARING on whether or not you choose to hope or be optimistic.

        The last vestige of Personal Freedom is the Freedom to choose my thoughts and Attitude. so I choose to hope and think the best can ALWAYS happen
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Hey all

          There was another (horrid crappy) thing I was meaning to bring up with you all about Orlin.

          Just watch the extras on volume 19 (the last of s4)

          maybe we were wrong
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Yeah Chevron Seven, but recently it a case of 'either your for us or against us' and a few people I've spoken to aren't happy with that. I feel sometimes that I get attacked for having a personal view different to those of others. It's a case of ' I got more replies therefore I'm right and you're wrong'

            Sorry...bad day...stress...missed coursework deadline...yadda yadda

            I'll shut up and come back in a few days...
            (((suekay))). I really hope it isn't like that, but if it is, we really need to look at this thread 'cos the 'I'm right, therefore, you're wrong' thing is so what this thread ought not to be about.

            Did that make sense??
            always and forever
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            My History Website


              (((Shipper Family)))

              Sorry about being snippy...bad day

              Anywho...rather than having you rummaging through your DVDs...Martin Wood described 'Ascension' as having a love scene in it...and making up realise that Sam isn't as 'clear cut' as we once though.

              That was on the s5 preview in the s4 volume 19 DVD
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                But...But... You have to remember..This is ALL
                IT WAS MCKAY'S WAY OF SEEING SAM. Yes, I did the caps on purpose and need I remind anyone, I am and have always been a huge shipper. This was so obvious that I can't understand any backlash about why and how Sam was dressed, what she did or how she did it because...IT WAS MCKAY'S ...oops already did that..
                Made me kinda think about Carter's hallucination of Jack in Grace. He was out of uniform, relaxed in civies (Sandals even!) sweet to her, every confidence in her abilities and also very sexy. So if this is how she sees him in her mind - explain Pete!!! The only thing Jack is that is a problem is unavailable.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by Zoser
                  Made me kinda think about Carter's hallucination of Jack in Grace. He was out of uniform, relaxed in civies (Sandals even!) sweet to her, every confidence in her abilities and also very sexy. So if this is how she sees him in her mind - explain Pete!!! The only thing Jack is that is a problem is unavailable.
                  I remember thinking after Grace, OMG she is going to move on. Sure enough the pototoe head showed up. I about fell out of my chair.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Hi all, I feel the need to clarify that my posts haven't been causing any bad feelings with anyone... have they? If so I apologize. I find that respect for everyone's opinions is my highest priority in message boards and such, otherwise it becomes a bad place.

                    So if I've caused any bad feelings for anyone I apologize, I just try to throw the positive spin on everything because it's in my nature. Plus I really do beleive it's not done yet and we'll get some more good stuff down the track.

                    And w00t! Shipmas and hugs to everyone here.



                      people, people little optimism
                      for the present i am not see nothing wrong between S&J , or S&Other
                      i am a hope nothing wrong see between S&J in 2. half 9. season and new 10. season


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        You know one thing I think I found to be true in the last couple of seasons of SG-1 is TPTB seem to leek out some information REALLY early and then with the show being releasehed at different times in different countriies, TPTB have a very good idea just how the fans are going to react a LONG time before anyone sees it .....

                        Now the big question is do they care and will it make a difference?
                        I really believe that TPTB do actually care about our opinion. Why...not because I am the eternal optmist but because they are in the business of *Show Business* and this venue runs on fans period and if the fans don't like what they see they go away and the advertisers no longer gain from the fans and thus the show goes away.

                        So while I think that the writers do try to stay true to the creative process and write things that they *want8 to they also won't have a job long if they are only writing that way...they have to be commercially viable and THAT is defined by consumer response.

                        So (looks around for Bev and my soap box ) I am saying that even though many will say to you that TPTB don't give 2 rat's tails what you think I beg to differ! Continuing to be upbeat and *wanting* to have some sort of closure on a pairing is not *bad* and to write and ask for blurbs of a few seconds here and there may get you absolutely nowhere....BUT how will anyone know if they never do it

                        Also if TPTB do want to move on and be done with the S/J ship altogether (heaven forbid) then ask them to step up to the plate and do it. The fans that aren't happy about how things have ended up are really not watching to much anymore and they definitely are NOT going to be buying so TPTB aren't concerning themselves with them any longer.

                        I am a big advocate for letting your own voice be heard regardless. So drop them a line. or just keep posting your thoughts here. Well thought out, polite notes that convey your thoughts can never do anything but say whats on your mind.

                        UhSir you haven't dragged me through anything I and I am sure many others understand your frustration.... hang in there Its alot easier if you understand the fact that they really may never do anything about the S&J situation and it has NO BEARING on whether or not you choose to hope or be optimistic.

                        The last vestige of Personal Freedom is the Freedom to choose my thoughts and Attitude. so I choose to hope and think the best can ALWAYS happen

                        I'm with you Tame. I may not like what we are/aren't getting on the show so far, but I refuse to give up. If we send lots of postcards/letters etc to TPTB they will NEVER forget that we're still about! I will also mention in my diplomatically worded letter (), that they will not receive one more penny from me at the moment. I've spent a fortune on dvds and other merchandise, and there are still many items I would like to purchase, but not until I get an answer about Sam and way or the other.
                        I may not post here as much as I used to, but I still lurk, and I enjoy reading everybody's they positive or negative. They make me think! (I have been known to do that occasionally!).
                        I also love the fun aspect of the thread, and am looking forward to Shipmas this Sunday.


                          Originally posted by dexterav
                          people, people little optimism
                          for the present i am not see nothing wrong between S&J , or S&Other
                          i am a hope nothing wrong see between S&J in 2. half 9. season and new 10. season
                          I think we all hope for this.
                          Sam and Jack, together, forever!


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz

                            I'm with you Tame. I may not like what we are/aren't getting on the show so far, but I refuse to give up. If we send lots of postcards/letters etc to TPTB they will NEVER forget that we're still about! I will also mention in my diplomatically worded letter (), that they will not receive one more penny from me at the moment. I've spent a fortune on dvds and other merchandise, and there are still many items I would like to purchase, but not until I get an answer about Sam and way or the other.
                            I may not post here as much as I used to, but I still lurk, and I enjoy reading everybody's they positive or negative. They make me think! (I have been known to do that occasionally!).
                            I also love the fun aspect of the thread, and am looking forward to Shipmas this Sunday.
                            LOL I knew I could count on you (((Bev))) **nudges Bev to fix her halo...its slippin' again

                            I too enjoy any and ALL posts be they positive or negative.... as I said it is all about it being your choice and there are definitely days where I choose to not be as happy about things as others

                            But one thing I have ALWAYS seen in this family of people from across the globe we NEVER seem to give up

                            I think I have said it over and over again ad nausem that I won't give the PTBs one cent of mine till we get some definitive answers on this one thing. They brought it into the show and I do resent feeling like somehow now I made it up all in my little head. I didn't..... I also don't appreciate being strung along and the only way I as a fan can show my dissatisfaction with that is to let them know that while I do continue to enjoy the show and I watch every week I will not add to it any longer monetarily.

                            That is NOT to say I won't click on that amazon button and help out GW but it will be for other fun items that I want.

                            So preach on Scottish Banjo playin woman
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Tame...what happened to the boys? Did they steal the spork!

                              I miss your sig...where is it?


                              I admit...I spent £50 on SG1 merchandise bad...It was for s1 and a volume of s4, so is that forgiveable?
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                LOL Suse...honey I have seasons 1-6 in the box sets AND companion guides AND T-shirts galore so I think you are forgiven and if you want to buy SG-1 stuff buy your little heart out...Its your money and you work hard for it besides Stargate is is a worthy cause and it sounds like you got the BEST season for Sam & Jack the *Season of "I've fallen for Sam..NO don't help me up"* hee hee

                                as for the boys...well I am giving all signatures a break for a bit thats all no major reason
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

