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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Fly by post:

    What bothers me so much about S9 is that it obviously isn't SG-1; it's something else--a totally different show. I just wish they had renamed the show so that everyone would have known that viewers should consider Threads/Mobius the end of SG-1. This pretending that this new season is SG-1 is bogus.


      Originally posted by girlgater
      Fly by post:

      What bothers me so much about S9 is that it obviously isn't SG-1; it's something else--a totally different show. I just wish they had renamed the show so that everyone would have known that viewers should consider Threads/Mobius the end of SG-1. This pretending that this new season is SG-1 is bogus.
      There is not really a whole lot of character development this season.

      Sam - they have already admitted they don't know what to do with her
      Cam - who is he? oh yeah, the leader of SG-1
      Daniel - Mini Jack
      Tealc - why pay the actor, just lean a cardboard cutout against the wall.
      Doctor - Janet wanna be
      Landry - no comment
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        I read somewhere that RC said that they wanted to rename the show but that they couldn't because of something to do with licensing; but heaven help them if they thought that Moebius was a satisfactory conclusion; I know, I know some may have liked it, but as far as I am concerned it didn't even come close to wrapping up a fabulous show like Stargate not to mention the Jack and Sam aspect of it.

        Correct me if I am wrong but if these current writers don't know what to do with Sam, isn't it time to get new writers? I mean afterall coming up with new ideas for shows, is their job. That would be like me as a mom saying "I don't know what to cook for dinner any more, so I'm not doing it". (Hey, wait maybe they are on to something here.......)


          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
          i'm already not watching-and friday nite was sacred in my house-you did not do anything in the room in which mother was taping -it was the same for monday nite-not anymore.
          Same for me, I'm sleeping during the first showing and playing and talking with you guys or reading fanfics during the second showing. I still like the Monday Marathon but they seem to be getting rid of that also (must kill off the memory of Jack and the old team). Whatever you decide I ask two things: lets try to stick together and stay as family because this one of the best things to come out of SG-1 and two write the letters and let the rat b------ know how you feel (politely and to the point please, we don't want to be accused of being crazy fans) Love you guys and lets not bicker among our selves because we are looking for the same thing. Confirmation! PS- I hope all our European family are safe from the crazies! Be careful!


            Originally posted by shelsfc
            I did, it will probably be a couple of days before I can get them developed, but I'll put them straight up! In the meantime, these are the photos I got with Dan Shea, David Nykl & Cliff Simon:


            And the group shot:
            You lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky LUCKY girl!

            Oma pulls insanely jealous face

            Originally posted by trupi
            ]Sam: Sir, I have to know the truth, is your fishing pole a standard size pole?

            <snippety snip>
            Naughty! Congrats to you and Nell on 1,000 posts


              Originally posted by Rogue
              There is not really a whole lot of character development this season.

              Sam - they have already admitted they don't know what to do with her
              Cam - who is he? oh yeah, the leader of SG-1
              Daniel - Mini Jack
              Tealc - why pay the actor, just lean a cardboard cutout against the wall.
              Doctor - Janet wanna be
              Landry - no comment
              You're absolutely right. They have grossly neglected the established characters (Sam & Teal'c) and focused on the Ori - and (sorry to those Daniel fans out there), Daniel and his new relationship of sorts with Vala. I know very little about Cameron Mitchell and have only seen Dr. Lam on a few episodes. So we know she
              and her Dad, General Landry, have issues. That's it for them.

              What makes the me the most angry is the fact that they have not explained anything about
              where Jack is. I might have been able to convert fully to the new SG-1 if they had. As it is, I'm confused because they completely removed the main character and gave no explanation as to where he is besides "homeworld security" or whatever. For all we know, he could have been beamed away or hit by a bus.

              Sorry for being so snipy, but I've had a rough day at work and I'm feeling particularly *$*!%! right now.


                Originally posted by Rogue
                Already done. Told my son to delete the timer for SG-1. It was just taking up space on my DVR.

                For anyone else who is brave enough to watch it, here is a necessary tool for your survival:


                Once again, thank Buc for the original Sam/Jack remote picture.
                Have just finished installing the button next to the TV. I loved ep1 (although I thought the flashbacks got a bit annoying towards the end), ep2 wasn't as good, ep3 I missed - and strangely am not bothered by that at all, ep4 I watched and cringed almost every time Vala opened her mouth - and I was disappointed with the story line. Tonight, I'll watch, but I won't ban the kids from talking like I usually do. Thank goodness Sam is back next week! Someone please tell me it gets better!

                I'm just glad I can look back on so many seasons of great S&J stuff to cheer me up


                  The only good thing about s9 to Mitchell...who I quite like...get rid of Daniel and Vala!

                  Caty - I don't know how long it'd take to add in Jonas, which is why I'm not going to. I never saved a PSD file of the invitation, so I don't have any way to separate the layers

                  I've gotta run...yet another RL day from hell, but I'm gonna do some more work on my webby...

                  and on that subject...would anyone like to write a pro (but objective) S/J essay for the site?????
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    OT- I saw the last episode of Macgyver today. Didn't know he had a son nicknamed Sam (Sean Angus Malore). Who ever played his son was gorgeous. But like the last episode, he was in SG, RDA looked tired and not his best.


                      I just saw The Powers That Be (the ep, not the crazy people in Vancouver! )
                      I liked it, it had a bit of a feel of the old days...elements of Cor'ai & Pretense... I'm liking Mitchell and I'm happy enough with what they're doing with Daniel... I even quite liked Vala in this ep (I really like her, but in small doses!). The only thing I'm really not liking is Teal'c. He had about three lines in this ep...
                      Of course, since there is no longer any ship on the show, I'm OT, so I'll stop now.


                        I have a question.

                        In several music vids there were clips. One has a horse or something in the SGC. In another, from the same episode, a couple of women pass Sam and Jack and Jack looks back at them. Sam then gives him a look and turns him back around.

                        What episode are they from?

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          Originally posted by shelsfc
                          I just saw The Powers That Be (the ep, not the crazy people in Vancouver! )
                          I liked it, it had a bit of a feel of the old days...elements of Cor'ai & Pretense... I'm liking Mitchell and I'm happy enough with what they're doing with Daniel... I even quite liked Vala in this ep (I really like her, but in small doses!). The only thing I'm really not liking is Teal'c. He had about three lines in this ep...
                          Of course, since there is no longer any ship on the show, I'm OT, so I'll stop now.
                          This is sad. Last year, everytime a new episode showed everyone would be on talking about it. Tells you the state of the fandom.


                            Gwenhwyfar, that's from Sacrifices in season 8.


                              Originally posted by trupi
                              This is sad. Last year, everytime a new episode showed everyone would be on talking about it. Tells you the state of the fandom.
                              Yeah, it is sad. Maybe it will pick up when the second half of the season starts...


                                Originally posted by shelsfc
                                Gwenhwyfar, that's from Sacrifices in season 8.
                                Oh. Thanks!

                                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX

