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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
    I am a sucker for Sap. Welcome..... and I am so glad to see a mix of Daniel and Vala fans. Let me find a Daniel POV video of D/V For ya. hm?????

    This one is a great Daniel POV one.

    Don't Mess With Me[/IMG]
    LoL! thank you.

    I think Daniel does (by effect of his personality) have alot of denial and issues to deal with before he could commit to a relationship with anyone, he's deep feeling fellow


      Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
      I think Daniel does (by effect of his personality) have alot of denial and issues to deal with before he could commit to a relationship with anyone, he's deep feeling fellow
      Yeah, it was really obvious (well, to me at least) that he was in denial about Vala. You could kinda see it in "the scene."


        Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
        LoL! thank you.

        I think Daniel does (by effect of his personality) have alot of denial and issues to deal with before he could commit to a relationship with anyone, he's deep feeling fellow
        There are so many part of Daniel's past that would have him hesitating for love. Don't you think that he is so fighting the attraction he feels for Vala? How life would be so much easier without it. But should he give up a chance at love?

        Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
        Yeah, it was really obvious (well, to me at least) that he was in denial about Vala. You could kinda see it in "the scene."
        D-a-n-i-e-l = D-e-n-i-a-l

        Now a Vala POV video..... Great song from Flyleaf

        There For You

        Check out the perfect lyrics. Especially the first line.

        There for You

        Sometimes I'm selfish fake
        You're always a true friend
        And I don't deserve you
        'Cause I'm not there for you
        Please forgive me again

        I wanna be there for you
        Someone you can come to
        Runs deeper than my bones
        I wanna be there for you
        I wanna be there for you

        Swirling shades of blue
        Slow dancing in your eyes
        Sun kisses the earth
        And I hush my urge to cry, cry

        I wanna be there for you
        Someone you can come to
        Runs deeper than my bones
        I wanna be there for you
        I wanna be there for you

        'Cause I hear the whispered words
        In your masterpiece beautiful
        You speak the unspeakable through
        I love you too

        I wanna be there for you
        Someone you can come to

        I wanna be there for you
        And be someone you can come to
        The love runs deeper than my bones
        I wanna be there for you

        Vala looking into those swirling shades of blue. AWWWW
        Wait.... I think see is looking at those scrumptious lips.
        Last edited by SundaySusans; 20 February 2009, 04:29 PM.
        Sig by Toomi


          Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
          Vala looking into those swirling shades of blue. AWWWW
          Wait.... I think she is looking at those scrumptious lips.
          Or maybe she's trying to pick his beard off... she did seem to like him much better without it.

          I'm sorry. I killed the romanticism (is that a word?) of the whole thing.


            Hey Susan! Great thread!

            I wish there was some kinda official confirmation of Daniel's love for Vala. We all know Vala is crazy in love with Daniel. But....I really want Daniel to admit the fact he is in love with Vala....and show her some how. REAL time. Not an AU. Not an alternate timeline. That's why I wanted Vala in the third movie and beyond. I was hoping they would continue the D/V story. I'm sorry...but the kiss scene in Unending doesn't count since has never happened.
            Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


              Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
              Hey Susan! Great thread!

              I wish there was some kinda official confirmation of Daniel's love for Vala. We all know Vala is crazy in love with Daniel. But....I really want Daniel to admit the fact he is in love with Vala....and show her some how. REAL time. Not an AU. Not an alternate timeline. That's why I wanted Vala in the third movie and beyond. I was hoping they would continue the D/V story. I'm sorry...but the kiss scene in Unending doesn't count since has never happened.
              Yeah! But I don't think we'll be getting that until we have the Sam/Jack confirmation. Which we sorta did, with the whole
              Zatark thing, and the "Sam, you can still be happy" thing, and in Citizen Joe where he was like "don't worry! I won't tell Sam about your feelings for her..." or something like that.

              With Daniel and Vala, we only got friendship hints and confirmations.

              So not fair! They didn't even say those three words in Unending! *pissy!fit*


                Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                Or maybe she's trying to pick his beard off... she did seem to like him much better without it.

                I'm sorry. I killed the romanticism (is that a word?) of the whole thing.
                *giggles* Look.... she is trying again.

                I do think that Daniel in the future will probably be beardless. hehe
                Sig by Toomi


                  Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                  Hey Susan! Great thread!

                  I wish there was some kinda official confirmation of Daniel's love for Vala. We all know Vala is crazy in love with Daniel. But....I really want Daniel to admit the fact he is in love with Vala....and show her some how. REAL time. Not an AU. Not an alternate timeline. That's why I wanted Vala in the third movie and beyond. I was hoping they would continue the D/V story. I'm sorry...but the kiss scene in Unending doesn't count since has never happened.
                  *Waves and hugs Sue*

                  But I see that the kiss did happen in the progression of that future. So what is the chance of it happening again? We know that once Daniel believed Vala that he was able to show her his feelings. In my mind the unending kiss is repeated with another stressful situation causing the conflict that ends with Daniel seeing Vala's tears.

                  Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                  Yeah! But I don't think we'll be getting that until we have the Sam/Jack confirmation. Which we sorta did, with the whole
                  Zatark thing, and the "Sam, you can still be happy" thing, and in Citizen Joe where he was like "don't worry! I won't tell Sam about your feelings for her..." or something like that.

                  With Daniel and Vala, we only got friendship hints and confirmations.

                  So not fair! They didn't even say those three words in Unending! *pissy!fit*
                  *Joins Pissy! Fit* That one baffles me. If it was going to be erased what was the harm in "I Love You". If you are going to throw bread-crumbs at the shippers can't we have it with butter?

                  Edit: Strawberries and whipped cream too. *chuckles* Yum.
                  Sig by Toomi


                    OOhh look...a shiny new place to play
                    Thanks for pimping 'Best' Sue.
                    I must apologize for not hanging around the Oven this week at I promised I was going to...BUT my computer is in the basement...and doesn't have much work space...and I can't compose straight to the computer...I start with pen/ long story short...I've been trying to finish the next chapter of 'best' but that meant I was away from the computer most of the breath) that's why I haven't been around the Oven this week.
                    Anyway...I have some other stuff to say, but it's lateish, so I'll come back tomorrow and make my other comments.


                    My Fiction:


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      OOhh look...a shiny new place to play
                      Thanks for pimping 'Best' Sue.
                      I must apologize for not hanging around the Oven this week at I promised I was going to...BUT my computer is in the basement...and doesn't have much work space...and I can't compose straight to the computer...I start with pen/ long story short...I've been trying to finish the next chapter of 'best' but that meant I was away from the computer most of the breath) that's why I haven't been around the Oven this week.
                      Anyway...I have some other stuff to say, but it's lateish, so I'll come back tomorrow and make my other comments.
                      *Happy Dance* LC is writing the next chapter. *More Happy Dance*

                      Yeap, it is late here too and in the morning I have to go pick up food from the food co-op... Will be back after that and we can talk about all the future dreams. Woohoo......

                      Everyone have fun while LC and I dream.... of D/V of course... or at least Daniel..... hehe

                      Video for Bed.

                      This is a nice one for dreams.....


                      LC, this is one I bet you will like.

                      Goodnight everyone. *Hugs*
                      Sig by Toomi


                        Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                        *Happy Dance* LC is writing the next chapter. *More Happy Dance*

                        Yeap, it is late here too and in the morning I have to go pick up food from the food co-op... Will be back after that and we can talk about all the future dreams. Woohoo......

                        Everyone have fun while LC and I dream.... of D/V of course... or at least Daniel..... hehe

                        Video for Bed.

                        This is a nice one for dreams.....


                        LC, this is one I bet you will like.

                        Goodnight everyone. *Hugs*
                        Susan, you find the best vids in the whole world.

                        Yes, goodnight! The time difference for me is pretty huge but, goodnight anyway.


                          Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
                          Hi there,

                          I am a Daniel multishipper, which means I often imagine Daniel getting together with many of the people in the series I beieves he loves I have a special affection for Daniel and Vala, becuase I can imagine why exactly they could be so good together.

                          I always imagined Daniel and Vala getting together after not some significant event but after it has all quitend down and they both have time to decide what to do with there lives and realise the other is so intertwined with the other it is natural for them to spend the rest of it together (very sappy I know)
                          ACK!...someone else who actually thinks this possible!....I wish you'd been hanging around the Oven when I was trying to decide where to start my opus(Sue has posted the FF link for it).
                          Everyone, in the Oven who voiced an opinion all said there had been some sort of melt down like in "Unending"...and while I wasn't completely convinced that it was necessary I went along with it...well because I'm not that great at writing actual conflicts/arguments and so I forced myself to write something scene similar to 'the Scene' just to make myself write something I wasn't that good at.
                          Personally I have no problem seeing them just easing into something...
                          1)that was the way I was reading their attitude toward each other by the end of Continuum
                          2)in 'Best' I forced the issue by having Vala seeing someone else and Daniel being jealous...personally I don't think he would be...I can see him just letting it be...he doesn't believe she could take him seriously like that anyway, so if there's someone else she can be serious about then he would bow out and wish her happiness...that's what friends do.
                          3)I could see him making a move if he started seeing someone and came to the conclusion that he wasn't really interested because she wasn't Vala...
                          4)The only other issue I could see forcing the issue would be the hazards of their living/dying. I orginally thought that Continuum would do that for him, but since he truly has no memory of those happenings then wouldn't do it. On the other hand he does have clear and precise memories of Atlantis!
                          Someone posted a piece for the LJ community's Month of Love Challenge that suggested that after having so much time to reflect and think while he was recovering from the electrocution that he made a move. That was logical to me. So in the midst of the working on the Opus that 'Best' is I also started playing with a piece that dealt with the aftermath of 'Lost Tribe' Whether I'll actually ever finish/post it is another question.

                          Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post

                          Vala looking into those swirling shades of blue. AWWWW
                          Wait.... I think see is looking at those scrumptious lips.
                          Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                          *giggles* Look.... she is trying again.

                          Probably just my inner sap(that seems to becoming more prevalent as I continue with 'Best',lol) but I like to think that these 'touching cheek' gestures are the moments that...umm...connect....or maybe 'centre' them with each just seems that one of them touches the other like this when there's(or has been) all this other turmoil around's like the one touching is saying..."I'm right here"...a completely unconscious gesture to be sure, but it suggests the deep karmic connection I think they have.

                          Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                          *Happy Dance* LC is writing the next chapter. *More Happy Dance*

                          Everyone have fun while LC and I dream.... of D/V of course... or at least Daniel..... hehe
                          Yes well I hope to be doing an ecstatic dance of finishing the chapter soon.
                          And I could do with a little less of the D/V dreaming and a little more of the actual sleeping, lol


                          My Fiction:


                            I refuse to let this ship/Thread die

                            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                              Having perused your music vids Sue, one with alarming muti-ship overtones. I think you know how I feel about that. I have discovered an amusing vid called There she is. With Yogi Yogi and something that sounds remarkably like a**h***. I do the askerisks for the young and PG though I suspect that isn't always synonomous.



                                I dunno what to suggest! In the Sam/Jack Family Ship Thread (I get the words outta order in that title ) we do episodes of the week, but it wouldn't take us long to get through two seasons with D/V I have art?

                                D/V implied:

                                Vala (just 'cuz she kicks ass):

                                (The link is to a slightly larger version - original is 1920x1200.)

