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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    Oh and with the Teal'c line... I totally took that as DV.

    Him basically trying to tell Vala without telling her what she wanted to know It comes right after that 'life's too short' comment and pause, so in terms of story it absolutely has to have some reference to DV, which, I say happily now, we can say without thinking we're overanalysing utterly because.. yep... WE'RE CANON! Like Stef said, the writers love this 'ship/dynamic/etc. and even better, CAN actually write it. Gotta love it.
    Very true, kales. I was thinking the same thing...
    It can't be a coincidence that it follows right after the DV line "life is too short." Yes, I'm sure it related to SG-1 in the broader sense, but I am convinced it also related to could it not? Especially since that whole conversation came about after Vala was pestering Teal'c about revealing her future life. So, he eventually responds, saying, I won't tell you, just wait and see.

    And yes, we are CANON! Reset button be damned, because the whole 50 years with them told us, if nothing else, one thing: these two people love each other. The only thing standing in their way of being truly happy is the belief that the other doesn't care about them in the same way. At some point, they will have to confront that, and I truly believe they will. Teal'c's line only confirms this for me

    Really midnight there? It's like 8 or so here. Granted, I usually stay up until 6am so that probably doesn't help matters any Got to go to bed early tonight though, early classes tomorrow. I have to get to reading the first seven chapters of The Two Towers as well for my adaptation class. I really hope our movie showing isn't the extended version. I love that movie, but I really don't want to have to sit in those horrible chairs for 3+ hours.


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      Hehe I really really want to go to bed. I feel tired. But this essay absolutely needs to be done... I'm just having concentration issues. Actually have been having concentration issues since I started this essay. It's one of those. I just... don't... care... about it *headdesk*

      kay x


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        See, that is why I want to leave this thread. Nothing against you, Sue, but it seems to me that an awful lot of people just HATE Daniel's friendship with Sam. Not that they aren't welcome to their own opinions but when no one tells me that these two are still friends well then that can only mean that they aren't right?

        And I'm curious too... do you think Daniel is still Sam's friend? If so, can you give me some examples that you've seen?

        I really hope you don't hate me. It's just that I'm sick and tired of getting flamed and being put down.
        Hmm. I honestly haven't met a lot of people who hate D/S. I know people who could care less or maybe don't see anything there, but never really full-on hate. Then again, I don't usually frequent D/S threads or sites, so I can't testify to that. You would probably know better than I would

        In regards to Sam, to be honest, for the first time during the second half of the season, I really started liking her character. Before "The Quest Pt.2" I kind of just dismissed Sam as merely being a convenience...but she's really grown on me. The same for Teal'c. At this point, I can honestly say that I love all of the characters of SG-1 (even Landry)...and all of the different dynamics (and that includes D/S). I can't say the same for most shows I watch.

        I do happen to think that season 10 might have been slanted a bit more towards Vala's character, hence why we got a lot of DV scenes (because he's the closest friend she has). But I think that what made this season so great is that there was so much more team interaction, especially in these back 10. The beginning of season 9 was very much the DV show, in my opinion (I happen to like that...but if you're not a fan, it probably drove you up a wall). Although we got a significant amount of D/V this season, there were also scenes between other pairings as well (I'm a fan of the C/S dynamic).

        As for Daniel's character...yes, from what I've seen of the earlier seasons and the current episodes, he has changed quite a bit. But, for me, it makes sense. He's ten years older, he's lost people he's loved, he's been through a lot. It would make sense that he would harden somewhat and lose that boyish look/behavior/attitude. I guess I find him more appealing now because he actually stands up for himself...I always felt like he was too passive in those early seasons, even when he was fighting with someone. Don't get me wrong, he was sweet and endearing but, after awhile, it could get a bit much for me. But that's just my take on it. Like I've said before, I haven't watched all 10 seasons (only season 1, half of 2, parts of 9, and all of 10).

        Not to get too off-topic but I agree with Pitry. Just because there isn't screentime for a pairing doesn't mean that the friendship has died. After 10 years together, how could it? I really just started watching SG-1 during season 10, and while there have only been few D/S scenes...I've always felt that there was a deep friendship there. It was never explicitly stated, it was just something I felt from the scenes I watched. I guess it's like when you get so comfortable with someone that you don't need to explain how you feel, or what your relationship is. I think DV got more attention because it was newer, the characters (as seen in "Unending") were clearly unsure of where they stood with one another. Just look at their scenes in that episode and then the one with D/S and you can really see the difference. There is just a level of comfort between D/S that I don't think D/V has at this point, hence why we're getting more explanation of their relationship and how it works.


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          Originally posted by Kales View Post
          Hehe I really really want to go to bed. I feel tired. But this essay absolutely needs to be done... I'm just having concentration issues. Actually have been having concentration issues since I started this essay. It's one of those. I just... don't... care... about it *headdesk*
          What's it about? Maybe I can help you out


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Originally posted by Stef View Post

            Not to get too off-topic but I agree with Pitry. Just because there isn't screentime for a pairing doesn't mean that the friendship has died.

            Well, how about we amend the complaints. Because there isn't screentime for a pairing, it means that the members of the audience who like seeing the friendships are deprived. Knowing House comes on Tuesdays doesn't do me a bit of good if I can't actually see it. So, even if everyone had the general consensus that Daniel and Sam and Teal'c are friends, it's not doing the fans of those friendships much good to simply know about it unless it's on screen. If Daniel and Vala had confessed their love to each other early on (whimper -will I get kicked if I spew some vomit?) in season 9, and then hardly spent any time together at all, would that be seen as okay, since people would know that they were shipped? I know when I ship at the very least I like to see the two characters spend a decent amount of time together. Again, pertinent word, "see." People who liked the ship may not have gotten the last pay off, but they got a lot of Daniel and Vala on screen, together, having meaningful interaction -scenes together, and importantly, dialogue. And, I'd wager shippers would not be happy if they couldn't see their pairing spend time together when they watch. The same holds true for the friendships. Knowing it just isn't enough.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              Thanks Stef, Kales and Poundpuppy for the thoughts and hugs!! I really appreciate them. I knew it was bad when I wouldn't even want to watch The Scene... lol. I think that might have been my lowpoint yesterday...LOL I have more then made up for it today though since I have been off of work.

              Just popping in to keep up...and because I just can't help myself. I miss this place if I don't pop in every now and then. It is all you wonderful people in this thread that make it such a joy

              Ok, I think this is my last time in here tonight, but you just never know
              Last edited by DJgirl; 19 March 2007, 06:00 PM.
              Sig made by me


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                Hey my Dala Lovers!!!

                It has been quite a day for me. I finally broke down and went to the ER for all of my chest pains and anxiety attacks I have been having. As to be expected, I am perfectly healthy. They did a CT scan, EKG and drew blood to rule out infections, heart problems and tumors, lumps or clots. Turns out it really is just muscle pains. They set me up with some good meds to a little loopy and make me sleep. I hadn't sleep all night so as soon as I got home from the ER, I crashed!!! Feeling much much better now.
                (((DJG))) Geez girl, so sorry to hear that...! I'm glad it wasn't anything worse tho! And happy you are feeling better!


                  Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                  (((DJG))) Geez girl, so sorry to hear that...! I'm glad it wasn't anything worse tho! And happy you are feeling better!
                  Thanks Ronja All the kind words and hugs mean a lot to me!!!

                  Almost time for me to take my pills that make me sleepy...WOOHOO! Can't wait to have a good nights sleep(It has been almost a week)
                  Sig made by me


                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    Thanks Ronja All the kind words and hugs mean a lot to me!!!

                    Almost time for me to take my pills that make me sleepy...WOOHOO! Can't wait to have a good nights sleep(It has been almost a week)
                    Pills can be good sometimes Have a good nights sleep! I only sleep during the weekends lol...


                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      I know, poundpuppy!
                      And this, ladies and gents, is me + paint + v.bored + immature...

                      Em yeah. That happened.

                      kay x
             guys are nuts!
                      Glad to hear you're okay DJgirl.
                      Kales I'm going to PM you some of the fic I'm working on, comments would be appreciated. I don't know how much I can copy into one message so it may end up being two. Thanks


                      My Fiction:


                        Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                        Pills can be good sometimes Have a good nights sleep! I only sleep during the weekends lol...
                        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
               guys are nuts!
                        Glad to hear you're okay DJgirl.
                        Kales I'm going to PM you some of the fic I'm working on, comments would be appreciated. I don't know how much I can copy into one message so it may end up being two. Thanks
                        Oh these pills are very good that he gave me. He gave me my first dose through the IV and it was "real nice"

                        Thanks LC!!

                        Just had to come on here and say that the episode of Friends with the "He's her Lobster" was just on. Couldn't help but Squee a bit Had to stay up to watch that.
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by Kales View Post
                          I know, poundpuppy!
                          And this, ladies and gents, is me + paint + v.bored + immature...

                          Em yeah. That happened.

                          kay x
                          OMG too funny hahaha


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Just had to come on here and say that the episode of Friends with the "He's her Lobster" was just on. Couldn't help but Squee a bit Had to stay up to watch that.
                            Awwww me wuvs that ep


                              Originally posted by Dani347 View Post
                              Well, how about we amend the complaints. Because there isn't screentime for a pairing, it means that the members of the audience who like seeing the friendships are deprived.

                              Okay, well, let's at least try to keep this somewhat tempered. This is, afterall, not a discussion of D/'s about D/V. I get what you and others are saying about wanting D/S scenes, I do. I'm not saying that it's okay that they haven't gotten a lot of screentime...I'm just saying that I felt that their bond, their friendship was still there on-screen, for me at least (and this is coming from someone who knows very little about their history). And truth be told, it's not always the blatant "let's talk about our feelings or bicker at each other moments" that really stand out the most for me in terms of D/V. It's actually just the little looks they share. For me, there doesn't need to be a lot of dialogue. But again, don't take this as a personal attack against D/S because you have a legitimate complaint that I, by no means am trying to minimize.


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                                I feel like everyone can see me turning into the Incredible Hulk and I'm the last one to know. Dani: *mellow*"Ah, this is an interesting discussion. Let me contribute." Everyone else: *shivers in terror as they watch steam coming out of her ears* "Be gentle with her. She's gonna blow!" I certainly don't believe I'm upset or angry.

                                And, one of the problems people have with the D/V ship is the time it took away from the friendships, so that is pertinent to the discussion. And, I did mention the ship itself and give an example of how it would be if no time was spent cultivating it on screen. So, my post wasn't just about Daniel and Sam (and poor Teal'c). It was about how Daniel and Vala being together affected the time with them. *waves white flag and sings "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love"* (Er, have I stopped smoking?)
                                Last edited by Dani347; 19 March 2007, 06:53 PM.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

