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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
    OT warning

    okay, folks, heads up - there appears to be a virus/worm running around on MSN. I got the following message from two of the Fruitcakes I know here, both reading exactly like this:

    If you get such a message,

    particularly if you're running Windows. Please note that I added the space before the ".com" to intentionally break the link, so no one could accidentally visit there from this post.

    The site will attempt to send you an EXE file. While it may be Windows based, I'd advise Mac users to steer clear. Some rare threats are cross-platform.

    I'm gonna do some research later and see what I can figure out about this beastie, or what others have already done.
    Might be an idea to say, do not click before the link. Just sayin ....

    Anon Goodnight everybody, whoever you are.
    Last edited by Magnecite; 25 March 2008, 02:49 PM.


      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
      Might be an idea to say, do not click before the link. Just sayin ....

      that's why I broke the link...if you click on my post, you're safe, it'll say "host not found".

      However, if you click on the link in an MSN window, you'll likely get a nasty surprise
      ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
        OT warning

        okay, folks, heads up - there appears to be a virus/worm running around on MSN. I got the following message from two of the Fruitcakes I know here, both reading exactly like this:

        If you get such a message,

        particularly if you're running Windows. Please note that I added the space before the ".net" to intentionally break the link, so no one could accidentally visit there from this post.

        The site will attempt to send you an EXE file. While it may be Windows based, I'd advise Mac users to steer clear. Some rare threats are cross-platform.

        I'm gonna do some research later and see what I can figure out about this beastie, or what others have already done.
        Thank you I did click on it but I sent it to the recycle bin and emptied the bin after that 2 of the fruitcakes' accounts maybe hacked into on MSN I don't think they would do this

        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
          Thank you I did click on it but I sent it to the recycle bin and emptied the bin after that 2 of the fruitcakes' accounts maybe hacked into on MSN I don't think they would do this

          yeah, any messages you get are NOT from the's the malicious software trying to propagate itself.
          ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Darryl, What do I do now? I got it from one of the fruitcakes and clicked on it. I can't find it to get rid of it. Where do I look?
            You're running Windows, right? First thing, shut down MSN if you can to keep from propagating it further. Install or update your AV, that might clean it.

            This could be so new that it's not yet covered by the AV vendors. Give 'em about 24 hours and there should be updates.
            ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



              See what you mean SG1 Cat, well spotted. I've been having messages coming up during the evening saying something was trying to open outside the Norton av zone. Would that be anything to do with it.



                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                See what you mean SG1 Cat, well spotted. I've been having messages coming up during the evening saying something was trying to open outside the Norton av zone. Would that be anything to do with it.

                Yeah, that may well mean you've been whacked. Did you click on such a link?

                Do you have AV as part of the Norton install on your PC? If so, please update it and do a full system scan.

                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Thanks Daryll, I closed MSN. Then I updated my AV and it found the two things. Called it W32.Spybot.worm. It is resolved now. Thanks a bunch.
                that might be the thing...not sure what it is yet. For now, I'd say just assume all is good, but keep an eye out for weirdness, stuff you don't typically see on your computer...
                ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                  Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                  Yeah, that may well mean you've been whacked. Did you click on such a link?

                  Do you have AV as part of the Norton install on your PC? If so, please update it and do a full system scan.

                  that might be the thing...not sure what it is yet. For now, I'd say just assume all is good, but keep an eye out for weirdness, stuff you don't typically see on your computer...
                  No, didn't let it open, it came up in odd places, like normal routines sites and when I said not to open it, everything resumed as normal. I'll do a scan. Thanks.



                    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                    LC ..... I'm astonished. I may have made some general statement about Daniel's characterization being a little damp for my taste in some fics but I cannot believe I've ever been rude enough to point the finger at any particular fic. I have occasionally said to other writers, please don't make DV too sickly once they're reached a position of some understanding but then those fics, I've been reading and reviewing diligently and usually have some kind of dialogue going on with the author of the fic.

                    I've also PM'd you and told you I like what you've written and do feel your undervalued feedbackwise on All Daniel.

                    I did say, I hope you don't make them too wrinkly in the Best is Yet to Be because I don't particularly like crumbly fic, the vision of Daniel and Vala in their Unending makeup for the aged, didn't do much to inspire romance. They both had bird nest hair and the suggestion of moth eaten cardigans.

                    Hey, I've also read The Rest of Our Lives several times, one of my favourite Unending fics. I've told you that too.

                    The other two writers from this thread that I review regularly would be Isa and Kris. I do offer constructive criticism but I also highlight what I really like. I thought that's what reviews were for.

                    Point out my personal wetness attack on your fic, if I ever said that, I will publicily apologise.

                    Thanks for the other stuff you posted. I can't see myself posting to Helios 2, if the M section on Fanfic is a backwater, that's a dried up puddle.

                    Oh no, you've never made any comments like that about my stuff per se....I just figured, judging from the way you were writing him in 'Sherval' and your comments about preferring his 'alpha' actions in PU that you really weren't taken with fics that didn't emphasize that aspect of him. And given that the only real specific remarks you made about my work has been about the adult scenes I also figured that was about the only thing in my work that you enjoyed.
                    Glad to hear that's not necessarily the case.

                    Thanks for the comment about my reviews on 'alldaniel'...thanks also for letting me know that I've got one of the highest percentages there...I wondered that but had no idea how to figure it out(I don't do numbers,lol...I do words)

                    No, they won't be getting too decrepit by the end of 'best'...the very last chapter is...well...that's obvious, but I don't actually do any extensive up close and personal physical descriptions in the last two chapters.

                    LOL...'birds nest hair'...yeah from what I've read that was because two or three different contract makeup artists were used so they got different results for everyone...Sam looked exquisite, whereas(in CB's words)Vala looked like something the crypt,lol. And Daniel?...well at least he had hair...I'm sure that we could have very easily gotten a bald Daniel(YUCK!)

                    Re Helios: ...and hence the reason I post at 'alldaniel''s updated regularly and it's fairly active.

                    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                    Yes, I know. I was asking what time is it now if you're in that time zone. It sounds like a five hour time difference. But never mind. I accept the majority of participants are over that way. I hope your creative juices are flowing because, I, should I against all odds find the site again, will be bog eyed and fairly incoherent. Don't anyone say, what's new? It's probably best I stay away, otherwise LC and I will be handbags at dawn over the moistness/humidity of Daniel.

                    Oh please don't stay from the S11 discussions because of me....I'm not sure at this point if I'll actually be participating in the writing any episodes...I just did an analysis of the future of 'best' and realized that it'll probably come in around the 30 chapter range so it'll be my focus for a while,lol

                    Besides, having just finished Chap 11 of 'Sherval' I find myself having to owe you an apology....even if I've never actually said anything out loud,lol
                    One of the reasons I had such a hard time saying too much about it, other than the adult stuff was great was because I was very unhappy with the way DV was written in it.
                    But now having come to the events of Chap 11 I have to say....'okay now I get it'...they are erratic because Vala is being influenced by something that's making her erratic. Don't recall if you said from the beginning that this was a mystery...but knowing that might have it was I thought you were just doing a straight relationship thing....and the way they seemed to be so schizophrenica was really bugging me. I'm relieved to finally understand what you're doing.
                    Anyway like I said, don't stay away from the discussions because me.


                    My Fiction:


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      Oh no, you've never made any comments like that about my stuff per se....I just figured, judging from the way you were writing him in 'Sherval' and your comments about preferring his 'alpha' actions in PU that you really weren't taken with fics that didn't emphasize that aspect of him. And given that the only real specific remarks you made about my work has been about the adult scenes I also figured that was about the only thing in my work that you enjoyed.
                      Glad to hear that's not necessarily the case.

                      Thanks for the comment about my reviews on 'alldaniel'...thanks also for letting me know that I've got one of the highest percentages there...I wondered that but had no idea how to figure it out(I don't do numbers,lol...I do words)

                      No, they won't be getting too decrepit by the end of 'best'...the very last chapter is...well...that's obvious, but I don't actually do any extensive up close and personal physical descriptions in the last two chapters.

                      LOL...'birds nest hair'...yeah from what I've read that was because two or three different contract makeup artists were used so they got different results for everyone...Sam looked exquisite, whereas(in CB's words)Vala looked like something the crypt,lol. And Daniel?...well at least he had hair...I'm sure that we could have very easily gotten a bald Daniel(YUCK!)

                      Re Helios: ...and hence the reason I post at 'alldaniel''s updated regularly and it's fairly active.

                      Oh please don't stay from the S11 discussions because of me....I'm not sure at this point if I'll actually be participating in the writing any episodes...I just did an analysis of the future of 'best' and realized that it'll probably come in around the 30 chapter range so it'll be my focus for a while,lol

                      Besides, having just finished Chap 11 of 'Sherval' I find myself having to owe you an apology....even if I've never actually said anything out loud,lol
                      One of the reasons I had such a hard time saying too much about it, other than the adult stuff was great was because I was very unhappy with the way DV was written in it.
                      But now having come to the events of Chap 11 I have to say....'okay now I get it'...they are erratic because Vala is being influenced by something that's making her erratic. Don't recall if you said from the beginning that this was a mystery...but knowing that might have it was I thought you were just doing a straight relationship thing....and the way they seemed to be so schizophrenica was really bugging me. I'm relieved to finally understand what you're doing.
                      Anyway like I said, don't stay away from the discussions because me.
                      Dear LC, I have to admit to being a bit nervous about the Season 11 thing because I sense my view of what makes DV tic and interesting is different from others. And that feeds into characterization. We've discussed this a lot and I don't see Daniel as Alpha in the classic sense, his strength comes through intelligence. Sherval, I think, hints from the very beginning that Vala is in a difficult place and falls back on her old defence mechanisms to cope.

                      Anyway, that's enough about that. I'm actually honoured you stuck with the story and I think it says a lot about you that you have said what you did in this post. I think my main disappointment about your initial post in this exchange was that we seemed to have regressed back to misunderstandings of the past.

                      The handbags and dawn comment was just me trying to take the steam out of the thing through humour. One of the reasons, I wish you did post on fanfic is that it makes talking about the fics with other writers a lot easier and believe it or not, I do enjoy discussing fics with you.

                      I hope you contribute to the Season 11 discussions because I think your DV are in character and have the maturity that would hit the right note - and most importantly still remain sexy. If I write anything it will be a standalone and it will be a comedy piece.

                      No hard feelings. Mag.


                        Hey guys! Hope you all had a good Easter holiday

               give me all your candy

                        ~Sig by the wonderful ElephantGirl~ FOREVER


                          Darryl, thanks for the heads up about that link!!!! I'll stear clear of it.

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          Mag, Indian Rocks Beach is a family get-away for my husband's family. Now with a ton of people in a few condos, we cook our own fresh seafood, and live on the beach. The kids have a blast with all the cousins. As for the location it is very simple.

                          Nicole and Mag, How about another video. The Daniel wiggle. *Happy Sigh*

                          Ain't No Other Man

                          SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Daniel Wiggle!!!! "Do your thang" Danny boy! ROFL!!!!
                          Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
                          Hey guys! Hope you all had a good Easter holiday

                 give me all your candy
                          *hoards candy* Oh, no you don't missy! *runs off cackling with candy* You'll never find me now!!!!

                          haha, i'm a bit spazzy tonight. The only reason i'm awake is cuz I'm running on pure adrenaline here.


                            muhahaha, I should go thoguh. G'night everyone, thanks for the vids.

                            ~Sig by the wonderful ElephantGirl~ FOREVER


                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              LC and Mag, you girls write and I will read.

                              Sarah, that sweetie bunny can have anything from me. *So adorable*. Great Easter here.

                              Video Break:

                              I just randomly picked a page for this one.

                              What Hurts The Most
                              Thanks Sue. I'm leaving the pitch before my magic shoes kick any more home goals. Always a pleasure. Random my **** ....... leave, leave now!


                              Anway, one thing you can say for LC and myself, we do a good line in plugging each other's stories.


                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                Dear LC, I have to admit to being a bit nervous about the Season 11 thing because I sense my view of what makes DV tic and interesting is different from others. And that feeds into characterization. We've discussed this a lot and I don't see Daniel as Alpha in the classic sense, his strength comes through intelligence. Sherval, I think, hints from the very beginning that Vala is in a difficult place and falls back on her old defence mechanisms to cope.

                                Anyway, that's enough about that. I'm actually honoured you stuck with the story and I think it says a lot about you that you have said what you did in this post. I think my main disappointment about your initial post in this exchange was that we seemed to have regressed back to misunderstandings of the past.

                                The handbags and dawn comment was just me trying to take the steam out of the thing through humour. One of the reasons, I wish you did post on fanfic is that it makes talking about the fics with other writers a lot easier and believe it or not, I do enjoy discussing fics with you.

                                I hope you contribute to the Season 11 discussions because I think your DV are in character and have the maturity that would hit the right note - and most importantly still remain sexy. If I write anything it will be a standalone and it will be a comedy piece.

                                No hard feelings. Mag.
                                By jove I feel as if we've reached a truce,lol
                                As I said I'm not sure if I'll be actually contributing to the episodes, but I definitely intend on taking part in the discussions...hope you too will.


                                My Fiction:

