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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      *is excited*

      To help your plot bunnies along...

      <sigh> Okay I may be the odd man out here, but I don't read their expressions the same as everyone else...okay Vala's thoughts are obvious yes, but Daniel's?...nope I don't think he's thinking what you all think he is(did that sound familiar?)
      At this point in their relationship, Daniel is NOT going to be showing any outward signs of wanting any physical relationship with her. I read his expression as something like taking a furtive look at her because he's expecting her to be making suggestive eye contact with him...which is exactly what she's doing. Once again her 'flirty' behaviour towards him...which btw has followed her less than respectful behaviour towards him moments before with the whole 'say what you mean' conversation.
      Hope someone understood that.
      (be back in a little while...gotta tend to shortbread cookies)

      My Fiction:


        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        *is excited* pressure, eh?

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        To help your plot bunnies along...

        Ah, yummy inspiration! *goes to do research*

        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
        <sigh> Okay I may be the odd man out here, something to tell us, LC?

        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
        but I don't read their expressions the same as everyone else...okay Vala's thoughts are obvious yes, but Daniel's?...nope I don't think he's thinking what you all think he is(did that sound familiar?)
        At this point in their relationship, Daniel is NOT going to be showing any outward signs of wanting any physical relationship with her. I read his expression as something like taking a furtive look at her because he's expecting her to be making suggestive eye contact with him...which is exactly what she's doing. Once again her 'flirty' behaviour towards him...which btw has followed her less than respectful behaviour towards him moments before with the whole 'say what you mean' conversation.
        Hope someone understood that.
        (be back in a little while...gotta tend to shortbread cookies)
        couldn't agree more, LC. In the truest canonic view, you are absolutely, 100% correct.


        ...but there's nothing wrong with having fun with a little fluffy vignette, chock full of the romantic, shippy D/V we all so desperately crave, now is there?

 hopefully ya'll agree and will therefore still respect me after I write it...
        ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
 pressure, eh?

          Ah, yummy inspiration! *goes to do research*

 something to tell us, LC?

          couldn't agree more, LC. In the truest canonic view, you are absolutely, 100% correct.


          ...but there's nothing wrong with having fun with a little fluffy vignette, chock full of the romantic, shippy D/V we all so desperately crave, now is there?

 hopefully ya'll agree and will therefore still respect me after I write it...
          I'll still respect ya.

          And I do agree with what LC said, no it doesn't really fit, but there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking.
          Sig made by me


            We're shippers... Wishful thinking is our specialty


              I hope there are some Fruitcakes at the con who ask ?s more Sat on Sat

              can't find the far away pic of this
              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
       pressure, eh?

                Ah, yummy inspiration! *goes to do research*

       something to tell us, LC?

                couldn't agree more, LC. In the truest canonic view, you are absolutely, 100% correct.


                ...but there's nothing wrong with having fun with a little fluffy vignette, chock full of the romantic, shippy D/V we all so desperately crave, now is there?

       hopefully ya'll agree and will therefore still respect me after I write it...
                yeah I know...and believe me I'm craving something fluffy,but intelligent...there seems to be a shortage lately.
                (I mean 'man' in the 'mankind' sense...believe me I could never be mistaken for a man)


                My Fiction:


                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                  And dude...relax...RCC is just a person like the rest of us...geez...

                  *lights candle in secret RCC shrine*
                  You're so right!

                  *lights another candle in Milena's secret RCC shrine*

                  Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                  Tsk tsk, you should follow Stef's example...(and the other fruitcakes that were brave enough to count & share! )

                  You go, Stef!

                  I'm actually jealous. Sounds like your collection is the best of The Oven...
                  Ha! Pride, yes....that's what I should be feeling

                  Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                  oh, stop that, Stef! I think i speak for the whole Oven when I say I'm jealous of your collection...

                  Don't forget, it's a function of time, too. Didn't I see somewhere in the last few pages that you've been doing art/vid stuff since 2005? Well, my collection of 850+ was gathered over just a year or so...

                  So, if you're a freak, then I'm a freak too!
                  Dude, did you know what I was gonna say before I said it?!

                  Actually, *cough* My obsession started around MM in late/fall 2006....

                  Originally posted by djay View Post
                  I got my Christmas exchange too and am very excited about it. I have to finish all my school magazine pages first though.
                  Eeek! Gonna be 39 degrees tomorrow! (that's like 102) They should cancel work on days that hot.
                  That does not sound like fun. As bad as the cold can be sometimes...I prefer it to the heat. Something about piling on 20 layers of clothing or snuggling up under heaps of blankets....and drinking a warm coffee is like heaven to me. Yeah, I'm weird.

                  Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  <sigh> Okay I may be the odd man out here, but I don't read their expressions the same as everyone else...okay Vala's thoughts are obvious yes, but Daniel's?...nope I don't think he's thinking what you all think he is(did that sound familiar?)
                  At this point in their relationship, Daniel is NOT going to be showing any outward signs of wanting any physical relationship with her. I read his expression as something like taking a furtive look at her because he's expecting her to be making suggestive eye contact with him...which is exactly what she's doing. Once again her 'flirty' behaviour towards him...which btw has followed her less than respectful behaviour towards him moments before with the whole 'say what you mean' conversation.
                  Hope someone understood that.
                  (be back in a little while...gotta tend to shortbread cookies)
                  No, I agree. I don't think Daniel is looking over at Vala because he wants to make out with her I think he looks over at her cause he feels like she's looking at him. It's the uncomfortableness he has at the idea of them being together that makes me think that that thought has crossed his mind. As we've seen, Daniel is not exactly willing to admit that he wants Vala in that the fact that he should be so bothered by the suggestion/idea of it makes me wonder...I kind of see that scene as being akin to there being this sexual tension, this unspoken next step they aren't dealing with in their relationship. Vala kind of wants to go there, Daniel has thought about it...but doesn't think he's ready.


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Evening Stef

                    Hey Milena... You're lurking again


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      <sigh> Okay I may be the odd man out here, but I don't read their expressions the same as everyone else...okay Vala's thoughts are obvious yes, but Daniel's?...nope I don't think he's thinking what you all think he is(did that sound familiar?)
                      At this point in their relationship, Daniel is NOT going to be showing any outward signs of wanting any physical relationship with her. I read his expression as something like taking a furtive look at her because he's expecting her to be making suggestive eye contact with him...which is exactly what she's doing. Once again her 'flirty' behaviour towards him...which btw has followed her less than respectful behaviour towards him moments before with the whole 'say what you mean' conversation.
                      Hope someone understood that.
                      (be back in a little while...gotta tend to shortbread cookies)
                      Totally agree. (Though ,yes, postive wishful thinking is what this thread lives on now isn't it?) Too early for anything from Daniel. Unending would have been very different if he knew anything at that point. But the piccies are pretty anyway.
                      by: SerenaSerenity


                        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                        Evening Stef

                        Hey Milena... You're lurking again
                        Not lurking...BREAKTHROUGHING!!!!

                        *MANIACAL LAUGHTER*

                        *singing/dancing* I GOT IT! I GOT IT! */singing/dancing*

                        My VIDS WORK!!!! And they're sooo puuuuurttty...well not the first one but the seeeecond --> superness!

                        My amazingly awesome twin got me the right codec to fixy fixy everything

                        *sacrifices a coffee machine at the altar of Stef*
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          Damn, Milena... How much caffeine have you had today?

                          Good news about the vids


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            My amazingly awesome twin got me the right codec to fixy fixy everything

                            *sacrifices a coffee machine at the altar of Stef*
                            Yaaaaay!!! *makes more coffee*

                            Dude, did I tell you guys that I had a crazy D/V dream last night? I don't remember it all...but it had something to do with the Wraith coming to harvest, but it was like an advanced version of the Wraith. Anyway, everyone was killed except for Vala who hid aboard like this giant submarine thing that was impenetrable by the Wraith's lasers. Then Daniel flies in on a puddlejumper and comes to rescue Vala. Once he sees her alive and safe, he skips all of the formalities and goes in for a passionate, relieved-shes-alive kiss. I'm sure there was more after that...them trying to escape....but I don't recall it I remember the important stuff though, that's all that matters. And to think, it only took the destruction of an entire world to make Daniel realize how important Vala is to him!


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Haha, sounds like some of my DV dreams, Stef... All kinda weird like that.

                              ...Though... the one that was REALLY weird was when I was seein things from Daniel's POV


                                Awww, that's so romantic Stef. I don't have romantic dreams about them. They're more likely to be dressed as rabbits or something.

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

