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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Why not I think that's a great idea

    Banner by Stef
    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Guys off to bed goodnight.

      Banner by Stef
      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


        Hey Fruitcakes,

        Just stopping in to say good morning!

        Also....We have snow...I'm not sure what I feel about it yet.
        Banner made by Stef



          Originally posted by wt042 View Post
          Hey Fruitcakes,

          Just stopping in to say good morning!

          Also....We have snow...I'm not sure what I feel about it yet.
          AHHHHH LUCKY! I wish we had snow darn maritime weather. rain rain rain.

          and good morning!
          My Fic: LJ &


            Hi everyone!! I completely over slept this morning. *headdesk* How is everyone?
            banner by Stef


              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
              Hi everyone!! I completely over slept this morning. *headdesk* How is everyone?
              And I wonder why that was

              Banner by Stef.

              The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

              HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                And I wonder why that was

                Heh. I don't know what you're talking about.... though the words "thread", "addiction" pop into my mind.

                *hugs back*
                banner by Stef


                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  Heh. I don't know what you're talking about.... though the words "thread", "addiction" pop into my mind.

                  *hugs back*
                  *Joins with the addiction, but to something rather different*
                  Banner by Stef.

                  The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                  HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                    Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                    *Joins with the addiction, but to something rather different*
                    banner by Stef


                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      You can laugh now, but I'll have you addicted soon... even if I have to give you my password to the boards to do it!
                      Banner by Stef.

                      The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                      HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                        You can laugh now, but I'll have you addicted soon... even if I have to give you my password to the boards to do it!
                        Heh! *fears the day*

                        So OnTness.... Oh! I'll post fic! And then I'll work on fic! And I'll rec fic, since I got lazy yesterday!

                        EDIT: This is why I hate not having discussion prowess. Oh, and thanks to LC, Cat and everybody else that shared about the book. I really want to buy it now.. or steal a copy
                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          Heh! *fears the day*
                          Why would you be scared? At least it's filled with pretty

                          So OnTness.... Oh! I'll post fic! And then I'll work on fic! And I'll rec fic, since I got lazy yesterday!

                          EDIT: This is why I hate not having discussion prowess. Oh, and thanks to LC, Cat and everybody else that shared about the book. I really want to buy it now.. or steal a copy
                          Ooh! *Bounces* I like fic!

                          I know how you feel about the discussion thing, I can't seem to start them, unless they're OT.
                          Banner by Stef.

                          The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                          HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                            Roamed the thread. LC was really good at enabling!

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  'd be surprised just how important it is as the plot line winds down.

                            and yep you definitely need to need this book.

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            it's an interesting collections of layers. S/J and C/V seem to be more implied than DV but DV actually gets more that is beyond implications.
                            There are no implications about Vala's feelings for Daniel...those are blatant. Daniel's feelings for Vala are not blatant but are subtly just beyond implied, if that makes any sense.

                            I've quoted this paragraph before at various moments and to me it implies so much more than it seems to on the surface.
                            Sam, Jack, Daniel and Teal'c have just come across Cam in the 1940s. There is speculation among them as to what has happened to Vala. Teal'c makes the observation that she is either dead or has been taken as a host. Then there is this paragraph:

                            "Daniel let out a soft moan. Jack glanced across and saw that he'd closed his eyes and was resting his forehead on splintered edges of the oak. It had been years since Sha're's death, but compounded with his guilt for leaving Mitchell and Vala behind, sometimes the agony of that loss still crept up on him unawares."

                            Now I don't know about anyone else but when I read that I went, "omg, the authors are implying that the thought of Vala being dead or retaken as a host is almost equal to Daniel's agony over Sha're".

                            Then there's the fact that Daniel is the one questionning Cam about the marriage and who the father of the two children is.

                            'Course this could all be the way my 'shippy' little heart wants to read it and someone who doesn't want DV wouldn't read it that way. Which I think is the way the authors intended it to be read. Read in to it whatever 'ship' you want. Brilliantly done on their part I thought.
                            I think I'm agree even without buying the book. To include almost all ships and not to make you feel wanting about yours, well that's really an achievement. So kudos to them. And ita on the bit about Daniel's reaction.

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            So I read something here yesterday about Christmas fics and fluffy' bout a bit of both.
                            A segment from "Christmas 2008":


                            Cam watched them over the rim of his coffee cup. A quick glance at the rest of his friends confirmed they too were amused by yet another display of Daniel and Vala’s increasing ability to carry on non-verbal conversations. He turned his attention back to the couple at the top of the steps in time to see Daniel remove Vala’s hand from her hip and turn it towards himself, palm side down. He fiddled with something in his right hand then very slowly slid a ring onto her finger. Cam didn’t need to be a lip reader to figure out the two words Daniel whispered to her, nor did he need an interpreter to understand Vala’s emphatic head nod. He did, however, feel that with everything the rest of the group had put with up as the two had worked towards this moment there needed to be something more than the simple embrace they were locked into.
                            Cam wadded up a hunk of wrapping paper and pitched it at them. That was promptly followed by similar projectiles from the others. It was Jack’s shot bouncing off Daniel’s glasses that got the archaeologists' full attention.
                            He gave the older man a look of irritation. “Jack.”
                            “Daniel…” Jack’s smirk eased into an affectionate grin, “Isn’t this where you supposed to kiss her or something?”
                            “Umm.., “ he deadpanned, “actually I thought I would leave the ‘something’ ‘til later, but,” he tilted Vala’s face up to his, “the kiss I can do.”
                            He touched his mouth to hers in what was meant to a simple, chaste kiss, but quickly became more. Jack lobbed another wad of paper at them.
                            ‘Oy…thought you were going to leave that ‘til later.”
                            Aww! Cute!

                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            Why would you be scared? At least it's filled with pretty

                            Ooh! *Bounces* I like fic!

                            I know how you feel about the discussion thing, I can't seem to start them, unless they're OT.
                            Pretty always helps! It's not the crack drabble, if that's what you're thinking. It's the last of the, I've dubbbed them, "The Summer Works" So now I can properly focus on all other fics, because expect for CoF I have nothing finished to post

                            Hence our banners!
                            banner by Stef


                              Snow? Who's got snow? Lucky... It's freezing here, but no snow... but then, if it were to snow in november, I think the entire city would go into a panic... It never snows before december... sometimes it even waits till january or febuary (one year we got snow on valentine's day)

                              Anyway... is anyone here?


                                I'm here now. and can I just say I love my english prof? our last class of term is going to be a discussion on....fanfiction. My prof is a 28 year old woman who is obssessed with anything Joss Whedon as well as Battlestar Galactica...maybe stargate too but she hasn't come out and said it. Anyway we're supposed to look for fics. and yes and one point she called them fics. that we'd like to discuss with groups. Now. I've hunted out 1 person in my class that watches stargate purely by accident. I mentionned something about a character who repetedly dies but never turns evil (I don't even remember what we were talking about. Darth Vadar also came up I think) and one girl was like do you mean Daniel on stargate? *A friend is born*

                                Anyways. Must review fanfic that I might like to bring to the table. I'll of course let anyone here know if i'm considering any of their work...and then ask you if it's ok!

                                *bad british accent* And now for something completely different ...(and on topic)

                                Pic Run

                                My Fic: LJ &

