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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Cool thanks for info LC. Guys I'm off to work see you all later

    Banner by Stef
    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      WOW! Isa! I'm sure that's not what Djay had in mind, but I'm also sure she'll love your version. I think I like this prompt idea.
      My mind works in mysterious ways... Not quite sure as to how those ways are, but they are..

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Oh, Isa, this was perfect. I do so love comforting!Daniel. And dancing *squee* One more prompt left, Fruitcakes. Give her a good one!


      PS: Stay tuned, 'Kansas' chapter 6 is getting posted as we speak to an LJ or FFN site near you.
      Yay, I'm glad you liked it! Oh, yay!

      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      It was me actually. Someone mentioned that RCC said in the commentary that he was impying a miscarriage, then someone posted those pictures again and when I REALLY looked at that picture I had this WHOA was heart-stopping when someone verified that these Christmas pictures came before the crying scene...
      AND before this topic came up today I was going post a snippet from my WIP, but now I'm not gonna because it'll just have ya'll depressed again.
      But, LC, I live for angst! *pouts and points to the prompts* They weren't cheerful at all imo, well not the first one so much.. Give us angsty goodness...
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by natalia View Post
        whohooo! fic! now if I can just force myself to focus on french for an hour I shall reward myself with a chapter of Kansas! thanks for the incentive Erin!

        Edit: And the prospect of reading discovery is what's getting me through the next few days Darryl. you guys are so good for me
        *big grin* I'm really glad to hear it, Natalia. I'm excited that you're so anxious to read it.

        I hope my story lives up to your expectations.

        (ps, feel free to leave as many reviews as you like...I don't mind, really! )
        ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



          Loving the fic, Isa. And it's true..I did have something else in mind when thinking of mistletoe, but I love a good angsty/comfort moment too!

          Stef, the vid tutorial sounds a great idea but I'm still getting my head around Photoshop. Don't think I'm ready yet and I'll be at work anyhow. Good luck with it guys.

          He's her Lobster!
          LTS: Life's too short


            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
            Cool...nice Darryl. I must confess that in DV fics I will sometimes skim over the really involved action to find the 'action'(lol) I really want, but for the most part this one really had me involved...the only part I skimmed was the involved narrative as Teal'c and the others were moving down the hallway after the elevator. Your showing each place as each event took place was an interesting technique and really kept me riveted. The only problem I had was in the first little part where you had Cam telling Landry, that he was just waiting on Jackson and then Cam saying something like, 'he's here now' me that sounded like Daniel had just arrived at the place where Cam was when in fact Daniel never left the infirmary until almost the end....just one of those continuity things.
            Thanks, LC! Glad you liked it!!

            I can understand what you mean about skimming over for the 'action' you're interested in... Sometimes I feel that way when I'm writing, where I'd rather be steeping myself in and writing nothing but the romantic stuff, forgetting all about the plot, adventure, and such details.

            However, I inevitably find myself glad for writing all the action and adventure that I tend to build around the relationship. In my mind, it frames a romance more realistically. I believe that doing so brings an author's story as close to canon as is possible, so that the reader feels like they're getting the 'real deal' (which is my goal, but no idea if I'm close).

            Also, I reread the section where Cam was talking about Daniel. I see what you mean, I should have worded his dialog differently there. I can understand how you got confused on a first pass.

            I'm glad you liked the style I wrote this chapter in. I was concerned that readers would be too confused...but then, given what was happening, I think I was trying to get the readers to be just as confused as SG-1 was...

            So I guess if you liked that style, I pulled off what I was shooting for.

            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
            Care to give us any clue how long we have to wait for Chap 20?
            As soon as possible, which will likely be again, 2 to 3 weeks. There's just so much to think about and write for each chapter, and so much going on in my life, that I can't get them out faster.

            If I were to produce it in a week (DO NOT get your hopes up!) that would be a miracle...(though it happened in the first several chapters...)
            ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



              Originally posted by djay View Post
              Loving the fic, Isa. And it's true..I did have something else in mind when thinking of mistletoe, but I love a good angsty/comfort moment too!

              Just goes to show how my mind works. To most: mistletoe = kiss = Christmas cuteness. To me: mistletoe = herb/plant = antidote/medicine = poison = whumpage = angst. I'm still glad you liked it though Maybe I'll make the next one uber cute
              banner by Stef


                heylo all

                Just got back from babysitting my three hyper cousins...They're 10,7, and 3, so they were a bit of a handful... Especially after they had a bit of sugar...

                What'd I miss?


                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  Just goes to show how my mind works. To most: mistletoe = kiss = Christmas cuteness. To me: mistletoe = herb/plant = antidote/medicine = poison = whumpage = angst. I'm still glad you liked it though Maybe I'll make the next one uber cute
                  Yeah I understand how your mind works Isa(kinda scarey ain't it) BUT you picked the wrong herb...I believe that mistletoe is actually poisonous if ingested...I'm just sayin'....


                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                    But, LC, I live for angst! *pouts and points to the prompts* They weren't cheerful at all imo, well not the first one so much.. Give us angsty goodness...
                    FINE!(she huffed) but I don't want anyone throwing rotten vegetables at me...
                    and yeah in spoilers


                    The next hour passed in a blur of gut-wrenching pain and blood, a wailing siren and flashing lights. The first thing that penetrated the armour he had pulled around himself to keep from falling apart was Carolyn physically pulling him away from Vala’s bed.
                    “You can’t stay Daniel.”
                    “But I told her I wouldn’t leave,” he dragged his gaze away from the still, too-pale form of his wife to meet Carolyn’s brown eyes.
                    ”I promised her,” he whispered desperately.
                    He didn’t even try to stop his voice from shaking. He could let it go now. Carolyn had seen them through every medical crisis in their lives. She knew their struggle to reach for home and family. She knew what this was doing to them.
                    “I promised, Carolyn,” he whispered again, almost pleading.
                    The doctor shook her head, steering him towards the door.

                    it goes on a bit further, but hey I said it was only a snippet.


                    My Fiction:


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      Yeah I understand how your mind works Isa(kinda scarey ain't it) BUT you picked the wrong herb...I believe that mistletoe is actually poisonous if ingested...I'm just sayin'....
                      Damn it! Frakkin' crap! *headdesk* I knew it was one or the other, I was just to lazy too look it up, well... I guess since it was off-world mistletoe and mixed with other plants its different than Earth mistletoe... yes, that is my justification and I'm sticking to it *nods*

                      EDIT: Ack! LC!! *fails* I can't wait!! Yay!!
                      banner by Stef


                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                        And for Kelly and Fehry, a comprehensive list

                        F - DJgirl = Wendy
                        Djay = Djay
                        F - Gioia = Gioia
                        natalia = Nat
                        F - Stef = Stef (ValaMD on not to be confused with MD which is Isa’s nickname for me
                        F - Milena_D. = Milena everywhere cuz I'm nice
                        F - Isabelqc = Isa (hariboo smirks on LJ)
                        F - Kales = Kales/Kay (sorrel rowan on
                        F - CrazyLikeAFox = Cat
                        F - Odakota-Rose = Ren
                        F - LC = LC
                        F - ErinB = Erin (AerynB on and LJ)
                        F - Toomi = Toomi
                        Tonttu (guy) = Tonttu
                        Kath_pup = Kath
                        RinggoldGate = Susan
                        Poundpuppy29 = Erika
                        F - MaeveBran = Maeve
                        F - Anjirika = Anjirika
                        kamiikiteiru = Kami
                        F - PirateBijjy = Bijjy (GatePirate on
                        Blower'sGate = BG
                        marbleC (guy) = Walter
                        F - SG1Cat (guy) = Darryl
                        F - Cat283 = Buttercup (Boutondor on LJ)
                        F - LittleMissJigsaw = Kelly
                        Fehrytales = Fehry

                        I'm not sure why I specified who the guys are...but the "F"s stand for Ficcers so as you can see there are quite a lot If I'm missing anyone which I'm sure I am or if you're a ficcer and I didn't write it, please tell me. I'm not feeling good and my brain is all fuzzy, it's really not meant as a slight against you.
                        Never realised how many ficcers there were.. and Toomi=Toomi still cracks me up lol but give me about 10 minutes and I'll forget the names I just tried so hard to ram into my brain... loooong day at work... too tired...

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate

                        *reaches for Cam, tickles*


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          ... I guess since it was off-world mistletoe and mixed with other plants its different than Earth mistletoe....
                          Yeah, ya see I knew all along that's what you were doing...


                          My Fiction:


                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            FINE!(she huffed) but I don't want anyone throwing rotten vegetables at me...
                            and yeah in spoilers


                            The next hour passed in a blur of gut-wrenching pain and blood, a wailing siren and flashing lights. The first thing that penetrated the armour he had pulled around himself to keep from falling apart was Carolyn physically pulling him away from Vala’s bed.
                            “You can’t stay Daniel.”
                            “But I told her I wouldn’t leave,” he dragged his gaze away from the still, too-pale form of his wife to meet Carolyn’s brown eyes.
                            ”I promised her,” he whispered desperately.
                            He didn’t even try to stop his voice from shaking. He could let it go now. Carolyn had seen them through every medical crisis in their lives. She knew their struggle to reach for home and family. She knew what this was doing to them.
                            “I promised, Carolyn,” he whispered again, almost pleading.
                            The doctor shook her head, steering him towards the door.

                            it goes on a bit further, but hey I said it was only a snippet.
                            LC, you are truly evil Ohmygosh, is this the miscarriage, something else? Why is she hurt, what's going on? Evil, evil I tell you.

                            Okay, I may be just as evil. Chapter 6 of "Definitely Not in Kansas" is up. Links are in my sig, but I'll put them up here too.

                            Chapter 6 LJ
                            Chapter 6 FFN


                            PS: Isa, I cut the chapter early, please don't hate me


                              Good night guys ( I know I didn't post today, lol but I felt like wishing you guys goodnight anyway. ) *hugs thread*


                                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                                LC, you are truly evil Ohmygosh, is this the miscarriage, something else? Why is she hurt, what's going on? Evil, evil I tell you.

                                Okay, I may be just as evil. Chapter 6 of "Definitely Not in Kansas" is up. Links are in my sig, but I'll put them up here too.

                                Chapter 6 LJ
                                Chapter 6 FFN


                                PS: Isa, I cut the chapter early, please don't hate me
                                What!!! There was more!!!! Oh, please don't make me wait!!! I loved chapter 6

