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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Soo.....on a completely random topic....who wants to learn how to make vids?! I'm trying to get Milena and Cat going (and I will get Isa and Kay to attempt one, one of these days!). Come's not that hard! You can all do it We need more vidders!!


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      Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
      *grin* That's totally do-able, Stef- we're awfully chatty around here

      *watching SGA*
      It's totally do-able!! With all the new faces coming out of the woodwork, we should have plenty of new and interesting discussions! Plus, if I ever get this lj going, we'll have some big chats coming up when all of the goodies are handed out


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        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Saying Hi to Stef, Ren and Toomi before I head through the last few pages. I also see Erin and Nat online. Are you two still around? Back in a minute.

        Ren, I just watched the Pink video. Noticed that SGAVala is Michey that made the Ain't no other Man videos the Stef recommended to everyone a few weeks ago. Ain't No Other Man

        Going to catch up now.

        Okay, I was wondering if they were the same. Cool

        Hey, did anybody watch SGA tonight and think:
        They are all on drugs!?
        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

        Sig by Odakota_Rose


          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
          Saw the SGA one yesterday. I have read several of the reviews here at GW and I think I like it better then most others. Love seeing the evil Sheppard and the pyscho dreams. The thing I like about SGA is that they have so many great Stand alone episodes that don't build on arks. Like Prometheus Unbound, I like rewatching these the most. As for the strange feel, did you watch the Mad World video for this episode. Now that everyone has seen the episode go watch it. Adding this episode and this video together made the whole experience better for me.

          Isn't this on topic since I compared it to PU?
          Sure, it's on topic Yeah, I love stand-alones too My favorite season 10 episodes are MM, BG, 200, and the only arc-heavy one: TQ2. Season 9 is a little different, because Crusade is probably my favorite. But one of my favorites from SGA season 3 is Irresistable I think it's because I like a good comedic episode, and those are rarely arc-related.


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            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Saw the SGA one yesterday. I have read several of the reviews here at GW and I think I like it better then most others. Love seeing the evil Sheppard and the pyscho dreams. The thing I like about SGA is that they have so many great Stand alone episodes that don't build on arks. Like Prometheus Unbound, I like rewatching these the most. As for the strange feel, did you watch the Mad World video for this episode. Now that everyone has seen the episode go watch it. Adding this episode and this video together made the whole experience better for me.

            Isn't this on topic since I compared it to PU?
            The episode was definitely interesting, a good twist on a plot that could've gone straight to cliche, so in that way I liked it. A couple of the scenes were a bit wonko though

            And I liked that vid, "Mad World" is such an awesome song, I think it definitely works for this episode..
            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

            Sig by Odakota_Rose


              Now I really gotta think....

              Season 9: STand alones: Ex Deus Machina (Ba'al is such a great bad guy!) and Collateral Damage ( See some of Cam's past) Arc ep: Avalon 2 and Crusade.

              Season 10: Stand Alones: 200 ( and this is where it gets hard) Bounty (coz it's a Cam ep... but otherwise not much else holding it there) Family Ties ( I liked the Vala/Father interraction) MM Arc eps: Pegasus Project (Daniel in Atlantis... SGA cast working with SG-1 cast amongst many other great aspects of this ep)

              SGA: Definatly the eps Home, Doppelganger, Inferno, and lately I've really gotten to like Seteda... never really used to

              Ask me to pick an ep over 10 years of SG-1 and I'd be struggling... really really struggling.


                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Crusade, by far my favorite season nine episode. I know it is the whole genesis of the Ori Arc but for me it has the feel of a bottle episode. I love to watch it for Claudia Black.. In the commentary, they talk about watching her performance during filming. She was great. (This is in the smallest print. I also love Tomin and Vala together. Yes they are my second ship and some days my first)
                ...don't worry, I'm with you on the Tomin/Vala front
                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                Now I really gotta think....

                Season 9: STand alones: Ex Deus Machina (Ba'al is such a great bad guy!) and Collateral Damage ( See some of Cam's past) Arc ep: Avalon 2 and Crusade.

                Season 10: Stand Alones: 200 ( and this is where it gets hard) Bounty (coz it's a Cam ep... but otherwise not much else holding it there) Family Ties ( I liked the Vala/Father interraction) MM Arc eps: Pegasus Project (Daniel in Atlantis... SGA cast working with SG-1 cast amongst many other great aspects of this ep)

                SGA: Definatly the eps Home, Doppelganger, Inferno, and lately I've really gotten to like Seteda... never really used to

                Ask me to pick an ep over 10 years of SG-1 and I'd be struggling... really really struggling.
                Oooh, let's play name your favorite arc episode and favorite stand-alone:

                SG-1 S9: ARC: Crusade/TPTB--BOTTLE: TTTB/Collateral Damage
                SG-1 S10: ARC: TQ2/LITS--BOTTLE: MM/200/BG


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                  I can't even pick a fave D/V ep... the ones that would definatly be up there all have different aspects which make me like them differently.

                  Ok, finishing an ep of BSG then off to bed. I'll see y'all tomorrow evening. Have a good one!!!


                    Originally posted by RinggoldGate

                    Toomi, 12 Days to Pack. Must be a great trip. Can I ask where you are off to? We will pray that it is all clear for your trip.
                    Burbank, California... the Farscape Creation Con... headlined by none other than Ben Browder... OMG I'm never going to sleep now lol.


                      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                      Burbank, California... the Farscape Creation Con... headlined by none other than Ben Browder... OMG I'm never going to sleep now lol.
                      GAH. Neither will I.
                      *curses living so close and being unable to go*
                      San Diego... *sigh*
                      Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                      Sig by Odakota_Rose


                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        My Baby Ren, Mom thinks you did so wonderfully by using of the word "WONKO" to bring this whole post On Topic.

                        I noticed a trick that others use is to add a D/V pic.

                        Aww, and here I thought I was being all sly. Goes to show you can never fool your Mom

                        Some people have also fallen into using a particularly swoon-worthy quote, for example:

                        Daniel: If I let you go, I know you're gonna make yourself disappear. You've been running so long it's almost second nature to you. You don't remember it, but you made a decision to stop running. It's over. Now it's time to come home.

                        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                        Sig by Odakota_Rose


                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          I have started to think "Will this be a great song for Stef to make a Video to" while listening to music during the day. My son has told me a few time "Mom, this song would be a good one for your internet friend to make a video with". (Forgot to tell you that Brett liked your second version of Gravity of Love the best)
                          Aw, I'm being mentioned in the Susan household! Glad your son liked the second version (your husband preferred the first, right?).

                          And there's no rush. The goal is one I set for myself! I need to get to work on other things, so I'd like to polish these two off

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          OK, this is a stupid question. Wendy, what does Sparky stand for? I have really only hung out in this thread so I am confused about some nicknames.
                          Well, Sparky is for the Sheppard/Weir pairing (but as you can tell, it doesn't correspond to their it's not stupid that you don't know that). As for the origins...there's a long explanation about it that basically boils down to a couple of people sitting around and thought it fit Shep/Weir and started using it (and it caught on). Kay is more knowledgeable in this stuff, she could probably fill you in!

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          Wendy, we were going to hang out with Stef this weekend. Remember our plans. I was off all night in Knoxville and you feel bad. I will miss you tonight but hope you fell up to playing tommorow.

                          There you go Stef. Recruit more Vid makers. You were great with helping Ren with her first one. When are you going to schedule the lessons.. I love your planned nights at the thread. The episode month was one of the reasons the thread is so fun now. While we all told our opionions of the episodes we where also learning about the personalities of the Fruitcakes. We have such a positive group. I stay out of the other thread because of the Gripe, Gripe feel that they have some days. So, the How to Make Video Lesson will start on (Fill in Date here).
                          Oh, if I can, I will make EVERYONE into a vidder. I figure, everyone should make at least one attempt. It's only fair. I mean, I'm not a writer but I attempt to write. You'll never know if you can do something unless you try!

                          Let's see....How to Make Video Lessons will start....Sunday (10/21/07) evening. Anyone who has a question, I will be around to answer and give instructions/tutorials. How does that work? Of course, I am always here for questions....but that will be the "official" day.


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                            *prepares a long long list of questions*

                            On that note, I'm going to bed now...
                            Goodnight Mom, goodnight Stef!
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                              *prepares a long long list of questions*

                              On that note, I'm going to bed now...
                              Goodnight Mom, goodnight Stef!
                              Oh gosh....a whole list?

                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              Video Break:

                              Here is a newly listed Daniel/Vala Video at YT.

                              It Take Two

                              What does everyone think of this one?
                              I watched this the other day/yesterday and I remember liking it...but I was half perhaps I need to refresh my memory.


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                                Ha! I'm listening to my itunes and I found a horribly depressing but wonderful song someone could make into a video. More from Vala's perspective with D/V in there...

                                Both Sides Now
                                by: Joni Mitchell
                                Rows and floes of angel hair
                                And ice cream castles in the air
                                And feather canyons evrywhere
                                Ive looked at clouds that way

                                But now they only block the sun
                                They rain and snow on everyone
                                So many things I would have done
                                But clouds got in my way
                                Ive looked at clouds from both sides now
                                From up and down, and still somehow
                                Its cloud illusions I recall
                                I really dont know clouds at all

                                Moons and junes and ferris wheels
                                The dizzy dancing way you feel
                                As evry fairy tale comes real
                                Ive looked at love that way

                                But now its just another show
                                You leave em laughing when you go
                                And if you care, dont let them know
                                Dont give yourself away

                                Ive looked at love from both sides now
                                From give and take, and still somehow
                                Its loves illusions I recall
                                I really dont know love at all

                                Tears and fears and feeling proud
                                To say I love you right out loud
                                Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
                                Ive looked at life that way

                                But now old friends are acting strange
                                They shake their heads, they say Ive changed
                                Well somethings lost, but somethings gained
                                In living every day

                                Ive looked at life from both sides now
                                From win and lose and still somehow
                                Its lifes illusions I recall
                                I really dont know life at all
                                Ive looked at life from both sides now
                                From up and down, and still somehow
                                Its lifes illusions I recall
                                I really dont know life at all

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