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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    **waves like a politician**

    I'm not even getting in on the Sam/Jolinar thing but great vids

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post

    And I think OUR Sam would keep "Carter" for career purposes, and "O'Neill" for the rest of stuff. But the alternate Samantha--I just found that interesting. She seems to have a little arrogant chip on her shoulder--and was a little pushier than our Sam. Did anyone else notice that about her? Telling Jack that he had to stay with her--she didn't even consider that he'd be uncomfortable with it. Using him as a crutch. Maybe that's why I've never liked the episode much, or the kiss/hug pictures. She's a little witchy.

    Makes me like OUR Sam better.
    . .
    I get your point but my question is, is Samantha like that because she didn't have the regs, the advancement of her career etc. to consider in going for a relationship with that Jack.

    I mean she was free to be flirty with him, to tell him what was actually on her mind. She had a freedom that our Sam never had with our Jack. So is that what causes her to seem more forward or is that just a side of Sam we've never been able to see.

    She certainly wasn't shy with Pete when they were together.

    I think when it came to Jack, Sam put on her defenses like she put on her BDUs every morning, it was something she wore all the time out of necessity of the situation they found themselves in.

    IMHO, I've always wanted to see Sam be more assertive/aggressive with Jack (I do like the sound of that ) a little more Magnus to our Sam if you will, even though I understood why that wasn't possible. Like when she went to see him in 'Lost City' I was like OMG! He's gonna die, just tell him!!!

    But that's just me

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    **Puts on MOM voice**

    Well if TPTB would just give us something new to work with, we wouldn't have to discuss the same things over and over again, now, would we?

    **Looks for paddle**
    Now that's what we're talkin' about!!!!!

    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    I agree too. When Jack is almost walking out the door, just after Sam yells "Jack! No, you can't leave me etc..." she instantly reverts to Jolinar, saying, "What will it take?" I was 15 the first time I saw that eppy and I knew THEN that it was Jolinar, trying to use what effect she thought Sam had on Jack to convince him.

    Which makes me wonder: if that is the case and Jolinar was drawing on Sam's feelings at that point, does that mean that she had some more feelings for her colonel than she should? And was she accustomed to referring to him as "Jack" in her head?

    *sits back from computer and wonders where that came from*

    Man, Sam had those feelings for Jack before she even entered that briefing room on that first day. Working with him only solidified and made it worse.

    The backstory that plays in my head is that Sam had a thing for Jack long before she actually met him that day. She knew he was on the first trip through the gate, must have heard other things about him, so when she walked into that briefing room and saw him up close and personal, the phrase that comes to mind is

    Hell yeah!

    It explains the looks and the arm wrestling invitation so clearly in my mind.

    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    I finally finished my little research project, and now present the list of times wherein Jack touched, patted or hugged somebody else over the course of his eight years at the SGC (and Atlantis).
    In making up this list, it seems to me that Teal'c is the "beneficiary" of many more touches and hugs than Sam, Daniel, or anyone else.

    I may have missed one or two somewhere along the way.
    Hedwig, we now crown you Queen of the Touch

    Wonderful as usual. Thank you.

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    while reading another thread, a non shipper (note i didn't say anti) said he felt 'lost city' was the best, and he'd have been happy if the series ended on this episode.

    how do you feel, as a 1- shipper, and 2- fan of the series?

    Had they ended at Lost City I would have felt:

    1) As a shipper - Bummed out with no S/J resolution and

    2) As a fan - Bummed out with no S/J resolution

    Pretty much the way I feel now that we're still waiting for Movie #3 and said 'shall we say very romantic scene'

    But I'm not giving up, I still believe
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Feel like a guess the shippy moment?


        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
        Well, firstly...

        IT WAS SAM!

        Personally, I think it was Jolinar finally deciding she had nothing to lose in letting her host speak so it was Sam but it didn't work because Jack couldn't trust it was Sam no matter how much he might have wanted to believe it was her. And so he walks out on her, leaving Jolinar wondering what it will take.

        While I think we were meant to think it was Jolinar trying to trick Jack (because at this point we think she's a Goa'uld and a he) in ITLOD, I believe the revelation and confirmation that the Tok'ra are not Goa'uld, and do allow their hosts to talk, is meant to suggest it really was Sam.

        Moreover, Sam herself always makes the distinction between a Tok'ra and a Goa'uld in terms of how they treat their hosts so when she advises Jonas not to believe Kianna in Fallout because they've seen Goa'uld try and trick them before, I believe she's referring to Sarah/Osiris or Tanith/Poor!schmuck-who-was-his-host, not to her own experience with Jolinar.

        And now I have that out of the way...

        Can I hire you to make all my arguments for me? Know anything about traffic signal operations?


          OH GOD they are just so darn cute!!!! I know this scene, I just don't KNOW it (hee-hee).... y'know?? Sorry!


            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
            OH GOD they are just so darn cute!!!! I know this scene, I just don't KNOW it (hee-hee).... y'know?? Sorry!
            it's the scene from when they tried to hide their closet encounter from everyone...

            oh, that's how it went in *my* head.



              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
              Hedwig, we now crown you Queen of the Touch
              Are you sure that isn't "Queen of the Touched"???


                Crystal Skull. Nintendos pass through everything.


                  Cyrstal Skull. In the briefing room where Daniel is lecturing on the skull, and how he knew about it.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    while reading another thread, a non shipper (note i didn't say anti) said he felt 'lost city' was the best, and he'd have been happy if the series ended on this episode.

                    how do you feel, as a 1- shipper, and 2- fan of the series?
                    I would have feel sad and dissapointed both as a shipper and as a fan of the series

                    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                    Man, Sam had those feelings for Jack before she even entered that briefing room on that first day. Working with him only solidified and made it worse.

                    The backstory that plays in my head is that Sam had a thing for Jack long before she actually met him that day. She knew he was on the first trip through the gate, must have heard other things about him, so when she walked into that briefing room and saw him up close and personal, the phrase that comes to mind is

                    Hell yeah!

                    It explains the looks and the arm wrestling invitation so clearly in my mind.
                    Oh I like that idea a lot, you have convinced me!

                    Hedwig, we now crown you Queen of the Touch

                    Wonderful as usual. Thank you.
                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Are you sure that isn't "Queen of the Touched"???
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      ((((huggles all shippers))))

                      Thanks everyone for being here! I've had a terrible, no good, awful, evil, wicked day, and it's wonderful to come here and read such happy shippy joy! Thanks! I appreciate it!

                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        *huggles Aka*
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          ((((huggles all shippers))))

                          Thanks everyone for being here! I've had a terrible, no good, awful, evil, wicked day, and it's wonderful to come here and read such happy shippy joy! Thanks! I appreciate it!

                          (((aka woman)))



                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            Feel like a guess the shippy moment?

                            Well, since everybody already guessed ... *timidly raises hand* Crystal Skull.

                            But doesn't it look like Sam's got her knee up and Jack's elbow is right next to it??? I went back and watched it, doesn't look like it ever moves during the briefing.

                            *whistles innocently*

                            Just sayin'.
                            Last edited by jasminaGo; 18 September 2010, 11:56 AM.


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              Well, since everybody already guessed ... *timidly raises hand* Crystal Skull.

                              But doesn't it look like Sam's got her knee up and Jack's elbow is right next to it??? I went back and watched it, doesn't look like it ever moves during the briefing.

                              *whistles innocently*

                              Just sayin'.
                              YES! Because that's where it is! I remember in college when I did things like this with this guy I liked. Like when your elbows just happen to touch on the table and you don't do anything that might make you move them. . . You know that they're willing their limbs to stay awake so that they can stay just like that all during the meeting. **sigh**

                              And thanks for the huggles, people. I need that.
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                                Crystal Skull. Nintendos pass through everything.
                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                Cyrstal Skull. In the briefing room where Daniel is lecturing on the skull, and how he knew about it.
                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Well, since everybody already guessed ... *timidly raises hand* Crystal Skull.

                                But doesn't it look like Sam's got her knee up and Jack's elbow is right next to it??? I went back and watched it, doesn't look like it ever moves during the briefing.

                                *whistles innocently*

                                Just sayin'.
                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                YES! Because that's where it is! I remember in college when I did things like this with this guy I liked. Like when your elbows just happen to touch on the table and you don't do anything that might make you move them. . . You know that they're willing their limbs to stay awake so that they can stay just like that all during the meeting. **sigh**
                                Internet glitch stopped me from responding earlier. But you are all right. I love this scene because they are practically in each others laps and no one seems to notice or mind.

                                Since I just finished making it, I shall share my newest sig with you as your prize:

