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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Pol View Post
    Valerie, congrat's on reaching the 1K milestone.

    With regard to MS's comments (and special thanks to the two Family who so kindly shot me the info and/or ling), I pose this to you all:

    If (suck it in, now) disaster strikes and the economy has truly killed our flick (I prefer to think of the extended break as opportunity for Rick to get into even better shape), what would you say to Brad doing a novelization of his script?


    Something that would all for an extension of his "...shall we say...romantic...scene"?


    Yes, I know you want to see it, but failing that at the very least, I want to read it as written by the man himself!

    Edit: I just noticed a new thing with the format change. You can no longer see who else is visiting the thread! We'll no longer be able to tell when Brad is lurking, I wonder if that was intentional?
    I would happily read something like that.

    (*and btw, you still can see who is visiting the thread. It's under "Thread Information" at the bottom, and it says there are currently 5 members and 1 visitor viewing the thread. *)


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      Though if they teased us with another fake kiss - or fake anything - I might get a trifle miffed.
      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      You got me there! I guess what the gist of this entire conversation is--is that we want a real REAL real confirmation of togetherness. I would wish for an expression of contentment, of one-ness, of some deep and abiding commitment between the two. It doesn't have to be huge--just an admission from the PTB. After all, we've invested the equivalent of 10 years to this! Throw us a bone!
      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      Well, to be honest, so have they. The good thing is, we know at least JM is on our side for wanting to have confirmed they were together. Which is better than nothing and does offer one hope
      I agree with the whole convo ya'll just had entirely. Id be completely miffed if they gave another fake kiss or fake anything because in IMO that theyve been hinting at it, we all know its legit, and since both us and TPTB have been invested in this for so long i think its time for some kind of confirmation of what we already know to be true. Hope does seem to lie with th knowledge that atleast JM is with us
      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


        You'd think that if Brad Wright and his minions had not wanted to perpetuate the idea that these two people were linked that they would have stated it explicitly. So, I guess by not hearing a denial we can take that as an admission?

        Also, it's of note to me that these writers/producers/makers are all men. I think that most of us shippers are women. (I said MOST--so don't jump down my throat, please, if some of you out there are guys.) Men and women have a different way of needing things to be expressed. I wonder what the male/female dichotomy has to do with the delay in showing a definitive answer. Also, I wonder how much of the anti-shippers or different pairing shippers have to do with it, or if it's just how the ball has bounced.
        My Stories: FFdotNet
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        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          You'd think that if Brad Wright and his minions had not wanted to perpetuate the idea that these two people were linked that they would have stated it explicitly. So, I guess by not hearing a denial we can take that as an admission?

          Also, it's of note to me that these writers/producers/makers are all men. I think that most of us shippers are women. (I said MOST--so don't jump down my throat, please, if some of you out there are guys.) Men and women have a different way of needing things to be expressed. I wonder what the male/female dichotomy has to do with the delay in showing a definitive answer. Also, I wonder how much of the anti-shippers or different pairing shippers have to do with it, or if it's just how the ball has bounced.
          I think that you're quite right about that first part. if that had not wanted to expand the idea that Sam and Jack were together/had the possibility to be i think they may have come out and said "yeah no." and would not have written so much subtext and alternate universe/alien kiss/etc stuff with the two them being together.
          Im not sure if having the writers be all males had an impact on whether or not we got alot of S/J. its in an interesting thought. THough to me i think it had more to do with keeping the show to the core idea that it was a sci-fi show about the team going through the 'gate, not making it a show about two lovers who are part of team that explores alien worlds...ya know? haha i could just be crazy
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            You'd think that if Brad Wright and his minions had not wanted to perpetuate the idea that these two people were linked that they would have stated it explicitly. So, I guess by not hearing a denial we can take that as an admission?
            Yes. Especially given everyone involved with the show whose given a definitive answer has come down on the side of 'they're together' (as in, at this point, AT, MW, MG and JM) and BW himself said "If you want to think they're together, think they're together." If he'd thought it a completely irrational interpretation I think he'd have indicated as much.
            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            Also, it's of note to me that these writers/producers/makers are all men. I think that most of us shippers are women. (I said MOST--so don't jump down my throat, please, if some of you out there are guys.) Men and women have a different way of needing things to be expressed. I wonder what the male/female dichotomy has to do with the delay in showing a definitive answer.
            I *really* think that when, in 200, Jack pondered what more you could want after fishing, that was the way TPTB really feel about Sam and Jack's relationship. We know what 'fishing' means. They know what 'fishing' means. They know we know, and we know they know, and they know we know they know...

            So, I wonder if at first it didn't baffle them a little that - even after we saw Sam and Jack fishing - there were still those wanting confirmation that they'd gone 'fishing'... And that may certainly have to do with the male/female dichotomy. Cause in some ways, to a guy, I do think it's mostly about the fishing. Everything else is just necessary equipment to make fishing easier and more fun

            And by everything else I include all those little relationship things that we all get excited about here. Even a kiss... "They've gone *fishing*. Isn't obsessing about a kiss sort of trivial?" I know that's how DH would view it, at least...


              So, I wonder if at first it didn't baffle them a little that - even after we saw Sam and Jack fishing - there were still those wanting confirmation that they'd gone 'fishing'... And that may certainly have to do with the male/female dichotomy. Cause in some ways, to a guy, I do think it's mostly about the fishing. Everything else is just necessary equipment to make fishing easier and more fun
              I wonder what equipment you're talking about. Hmmmmmm

              I'm laughing too hard here to even think of anything guttery. Maybe Bren Ren could help me out here.
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Yes. Especially given everyone involved with the show whose given a definitive answer has come down on the side of 'they're together' (as in, at this point, AT, MW, MG and JM) and BW himself said "If you want to think they're together, think they're together." If he'd thought it a completely irrational interpretation I think he'd have indicated as much.
                I *really* think that when, in 200, Jack pondered what more you could want after fishing, that was the way TPTB really feel about Sam and Jack's relationship. We know what 'fishing' means. They know what 'fishing' means. They know we know, and we know they know, and they know we know they know...

                So, I wonder if at first it didn't baffle them a little that - even after we saw Sam and Jack fishing - there were still those wanting confirmation that they'd gone 'fishing'... And that may certainly have to do with the male/female dichotomy. Cause in some ways, to a guy, I do think it's mostly about the fishing. Everything else is just necessary equipment to make fishing easier and more fun

                And by everything else I include all those little relationship things that we all get excited about here. Even a kiss... "They've gone *fishing*. Isn't obsessing about a kiss sort of trivial?" I know that's how DH would view it, at least...
                My vids Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                  THough to me i think it had more to do with keeping the show to the core idea that it was a sci-fi show about the team going through the 'gate, not making it a show about two lovers who are part of team that explores alien worlds...ya know? haha i could just be crazy
                  Exactly. Well said. And that's what I think they were essentially getting at in 200. All joking aside, the show's not about Sam and Jack.

                  Though - tbh - I also have this nagging suspicion that the whole Sam/Jack thing has become something of a game to them. To see just how subtle and under-the-table, as it were, they can be about it. Sort of walking the fine line between blatant admission of a relationship and nothing at all... Keeping the idea alive that they're in a relationship for those who want to see it and allowing those who don't to maintain that opinion, too. It's what they've been doing for the most part throughout the series, really. It's sort of, I think, how Sam/Jack is done. Almost the nature of the ship at this point, if you will. It's all about the subtlety and always has been. If you want an in-your-face relationship, you've almost certainly been disapointed with this relationship more often than not because it's never tried to be that way.


                    Exactly. Well said. And that's what I think they were essentially getting at in 200. All joking aside, the show's not about Sam and Jack.

                    Though - tbh - I also have this nagging suspicion that the whole Sam/Jack thing has become something of a game to them. To see just how subtle and under-the-table, as it were, they can be about it. Sort of walking the fine line between blatant admission of a relationship and nothing at all... Keeping the idea alive that they're in a relationship for those who want to see it and allowing those who don't to maintain that opinion, too. It's what they've been doing for the most part throughout the series, really. It's sort of, I think, how Sam/Jack is done. Almost the nature of the ship at this point, if you will. It's all about the subtlety and always has been. If you want an in-your-face relationship, you've almost certainly been disapointed with this relationship more often than not because it's never tried to be that way.
                    And we can't forget the military aspect of things. They did have the cooperation of the Air Force. They had to do specific things to keep in their good graces.
                    My Stories: FFdotNet
                    My Stories AO3
                    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Exactly. Well said. And that's what I think they were essentially getting at in 200. All joking aside, the show's not about Sam and Jack.

                      Though - tbh - I also have this nagging suspicion that the whole Sam/Jack thing has become something of a game to them. To see just how subtle and under-the-table, as it were, they can be about it. Sort of walking the fine line between blatant admission of a relationship and nothing at all... Keeping the idea alive that they're in a relationship for those who want to see it and allowing those who don't to maintain that opinion, too. It's what they've been doing for the most part throughout the series, really. It's sort of, I think, how Sam/Jack is done. Almost the nature of the ship at this point, if you will. It's all about the subtlety and always has been. If you want an in-your-face relationship, you've almost certainly been disapointed with this relationship more often than not because it's never tried to be that way.
                      Now see i think you've read my mind! haha that is exactly how i feel about Sam/Jack! the writers did seem to be playing a game with that fine line, a good one too. And i fully agree. their relationship has always been about the sublety of it from the very first moment of it and never about it being all out there and "woo look us we're together!!" kinda relationship. In way, i think thats why i love this ship. Its not overt and its so beautiful in its subltety that one cannot help but enjoy it despite the occasional frustration of not having definite and out there confirmation. which, as time goes by, is to me becoming something that i think while yes it would be nice to see a BHK or even just a tiny "i love you" or something thats technically mundane in its nature but huge to the shippers, im not sure i truly truly need it. Because i know from all the sublte stuff that has happened that sam and jack are together and anything extra would be just that, something extra to what i already know.
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        Exactly. Well said. And that's what I think they were essentially getting at in 200. All joking aside, the show's not about Sam and Jack.

                        Though - tbh - I also have this nagging suspicion that the whole Sam/Jack thing has become something of a game to them. To see just how subtle and under-the-table, as it were, they can be about it. Sort of walking the fine line between blatant admission of a relationship and nothing at all... Keeping the idea alive that they're in a relationship for those who want to see it and allowing those who don't to maintain that opinion, too. It's what they've been doing for the most part throughout the series, really. It's sort of, I think, how Sam/Jack is done. Almost the nature of the ship at this point, if you will. It's all about the subtlety and always has been. If you want an in-your-face relationship, you've almost certainly been disapointed with this relationship more often than not because it's never tried to be that way.
                        You're right....but I CAN'T LIVE OFF ON FANFICTION FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Awww...hadn't seen that yet today!

                          *runs out*


                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            You're right....but I CAN'T LIVE OFF ON FANFICTION FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!
                            hahaha i suppose you're right, fanfic's cant last forever

                            *goes back to staring at the grace kiss....*
                            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                              *sees grace gif*
                              I was going to comment about something but that gif distracted me and now I forgot
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                                *sees grace gif*
                                I was going to comment about something but that gif distracted me and now I forgot
                                thats the best kind of distraction though
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

