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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Good question, since he was once again grumping about the knees and the back in episodes after Abyss. I always had the idea that once those things were healed by a sarcophagus, they were completely healed, unless he re-injured them at some point. Plus, during the time he was blended with Kanan, surely Kanan would have healed anything like that. After all, Selmak healed Jacob Carter's arthritis, and that would be equally as difficult (or easy) to heal as Jack's bad knees and any back problems he had.
    so many unanswered questions. well at least O'Neill and Carter have another thing in common they have been host to both a tok'ra and a goa'uld symbiotes.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      Personally, I don't understand why Sam wasn't in a bed right next to him. She had just spent several days in captivity all drugged up and having medical procedures done on her.
      You know, someone *cough*hedwig*cough* pointed that out to me the other day...and I had not previously thought of that! I agree, based on what she went through in this ep, Janet would SO have had that girl's pretty little self in an infirmary bed (even against her will). AND they missed a good opportunity there for some nice dialogue and comisserating:

      "You ok there, Carter?"
      "I am now. You, Sir?"
      *LOOKING at her* "I am now."

      ...or something like that.

      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      Doesn't it say in the episode that he was shot in the arm? If he had been body-shot, though, and if he were wearing a vest, it would have hurt him enough that he would have been down on the ground for a while. It also might have knocked the wind out of him. (This info from a cop friend of mine.)
      Close enough range through a vest can also leave wicked bruising. Possibly break a rib (this from gun-enthusiast hubby).

      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      For those of you who weren't around last year, and even those that were because you have no reason to remember this, I too got confused about how many days until Ship Day. So to fix my slip up I made and little picfic. That's how I got started on the countdown fics. So this one is for SaraB, and hedwig, and me, and anyone else who's having trouble keeping track of the days and just can't wait until Ship Day.
      *blushes* thanks hlndncr...I am VERY excited...

      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      Good question, since he was once again grumping about the knees and the back in episodes after Abyss. I always had the idea that once those things were healed by a sarcophagus, they were completely healed, unless he re-injured them at some point. Plus, during the time he was blended with Kanan, surely Kanan would have healed anything like that. After all, Selmak healed Jacob Carter's arthritis, and that would be equally as difficult (or easy) to heal as Jack's bad knees and any back problems he had.
      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      so many unanswered questions. well at least O'Neill and Carter have another thing in common they have been host to both a tok'ra and a goa'uld symbiotes.
      Perhaps an discrepancy in the writing? I speculated that perhaps the sarcophagus does not heal old scars (the bad knees thing is more troubling), but the blending with Kanan should have healed that.

      The fact that S/J have both been hosts has been breeding plot bunnies in my head. hlndncr is also partially responsible (her fic: Stargazing with Carter has the line:

      "She had mentioned to him once that since his experience with the Tok'ra Kanan, something he tried never to think about, she could sense his presence in much the same way she did Teal'c, though not as strong. She described it as a slight humming in her veins. He wondered if it should worry him that he got a thrill out of the idea that his presence alone could make Carter's blood sing.") *beautiful line, BTW hlndncr.*

      I keep thinking that Jack should have been able to sense naquadah in the blood the same way Sam and Cassie can. It's not a protien marker thing, as Cass has no protien marker. Any ideas? Bad writing? ignoring the facts? maybe he can, but doesn't talk about it?
      sig by Ikorni

      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
        You know, someone *cough*hedwig*cough* pointed that out to me the other day...and I had not previously thought of that! I agree, based on what she went through in this ep, Janet would SO have had that girl's pretty little self in an infirmary bed (even against her will). AND they missed a good opportunity there for some nice dialogue and comisserating:

        "You ok there, Carter?"
        "I am now. You, Sir?"
        *LOOKING at her* "I am now."

        ...or something like that.
        We all know they had some pretty interesting dreams that night.


          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
          You know, someone *cough*hedwig*cough* pointed that out to me the other day...and I had not previously thought of that! I agree, based on what she went through in this ep, Janet would SO have had that girl's pretty little self in an infirmary bed (even against her will). AND they missed a good opportunity there for some nice dialogue and comisserating:

          "You ok there, Carter?"
          "I am now. You, Sir?"
          *LOOKING at her* "I am now."

          ...or something like that.
          Ahhhhhh, that's so cute!!!!
          The Return of King Arthur
          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


            Seven Days 'til Ship Day!

            Walter: SG Teams 5, 9, and11 have returned from their scouting missions, sir.

            What about SG 3, Sergeant?

            Walter: They aren't due back for another two hours, sir.

            Very well. What have we got so far?

            Walter: Well sir, we've managed to identify a number of caves that may be suitable for Ship Day.

            That's excellent, Sergeant. Let's have a look.

            Walter: Sir, if I might ask? Why do we need a cave for Ship Day?

            Apparently, there are a group of Shippers who prefer hanging out in what they like to call angst caverns.
            Last edited by hlndncr; 21 July 2011, 04:20 AM.


              Seven Days 'til Ship Day!

              We've only got seven days left to find the right place for the angsty cavern dwellers.
              Let's see those pictures, Sergeant.

              I don't think any of these are going to work, Sergeant.

              Walter: Why not, sir?

              This first one is the ice cave where Col. O'Neill and Capt. Carter were stranded together in Antartica.

              Walter: That sounds angsty to me, sir.

              It does, but I understand some Shippers believe that occurred pre-ship.

              Walter: What about this second one, sir?

              I don't recall any shippiness whatsoever, ansgty or otherwise, associated with this cave.
              Besides, it's full of wild unas; far too dangerous for a party of Shippers.

              Walter: Sir, I believe the last one is on a planet where Lt. Col. Carter almost died.
              What's more angst ridden than death?

              That's true. But that incident happened after the UST became RST, if you know what I mean.

              Last edited by hlndncr; 21 July 2011, 04:19 AM.


                Seven Days 'til Ship Day!
                (continued again)

                Walter: Unscheduled off-world activation.

                What have we got, Sergeant?

                Walter: It's SG3, sir.

                Col. Reynolds: General Hammond, we've found the perfect place for the Ship Day angst cavern.


                Col. Reynolds: Edora, sir.

                Last edited by hlndncr; 21 July 2011, 04:18 AM.


                  Shippers have SG3 hostage?


                    I love Reynolds... Don't know why I felt compelled to say that but he doesn't get nearly enough screen play as he should. Kinda like our S/J confirmation really when I think about it...


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Good question, since he was once again grumping about the knees and the back in episodes after Abyss. I always had the idea that once those things were healed by a sarcophagus, they were completely healed, unless he re-injured them at some point. Plus, during the time he was blended with Kanan, surely Kanan would have healed anything like that. After all, Selmak healed Jacob Carter's arthritis, and that would be equally as difficult (or easy) to heal as Jack's bad knees and any back problems he had.
                      But in Need Daniel's bad eye sight was healed with the sarcophagus, yet later on those healing effects appear to be gone since he still needs his glasses afterwards.

                      Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                      I love Reynolds... Don't know why I felt compelled to say that but he doesn't get nearly enough screen play as he should.
                      I like him too, even if he mysteriously skipped one or two ranks since his first appearance in the show. I would have liked to see more of him too, we don't even learn his first name while we know Dixon's and IIRC he doesn't make as much appearances.
                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        SG Wiki has Reynolds' first name as Albert but i don't take it as canon.


                          I know, it's the name I always use for him. But like you said, it's not really canon. Still, it's better than nothing, if not canon it could be fanon. Otherwise I'd have to think of a new name myself and I suck at picking names.
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                            I love Reynolds... Don't know why I felt compelled to say that but he doesn't get nearly enough screen play as he should. Kinda like our S/J confirmation really when I think about it...

                            He's one of my favorite secondary characters.


                              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                              SG Wiki has Reynolds' first name as Albert but i don't take it as canon.

                              Wouldn't that make him Bert Reynolds?

                              I don't think I like that.


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

                                Wouldn't that make him Bert Reynolds?

                                I don't think I like that.
                                Lol! I thought it was Jason? I know I've read that in more than one fic... unless that's fanon?

