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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Hello Campers!

    It looks like I'll soon have more time for shipping. My project came to a sudden end today. (It happens in litigation.) So as soon as I get caught up with school I can spend a little time with Sam and Jack. (I'd just take Jack, but I don't think Sam would like that. )

    But I think first, I'll sleep in tomorrow.
    Multi-quote not working for me again! Forgive the multiple posts, but I've missed SO much!

    hlndncr -can I express some extremely selfish feelings of glee at having you back with us??
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      saw one of the harry potter movies was on while surfing the tube (TV) and it made me wonder if sam is a closeted harry potter fan or Twilight fan?


        Originally posted by iiradned View Post
        Why was Sam's password 'fishing'? Here is one writer's take. Gone Fishing
        Thanks iiradned for the fic rec! It was fluffy and fun!

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        LOL...this Campfire is not the "M" rated one, that's next, I believe. Following (or during) BtS. Hee hee.

        No, this is post WoO and there's humor.

        I have a day of writing scheduled for tomorrow and Saturday, so...wheeee.

        Campfires and knocking out another chapter of the new book.

        And...the aforementioned signed version of my manip. Amanda has a matching one.
        Pol -That pic is AWESOME...and such a feather in your cap!
        On the Campfires...does the summer break mean that the next several will be spaced closer together?? And I'm steeling myself for the BtS Campfire...I hope I don't spontaneously combust!

        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        My vision of married (or together dedicated) Sam and Jack is two people who show each other rather than tell each other how they feel. So, the question I have, which I hope will prompt discussion, is this:

        How do Sam and Jack show each other they love each other? We talking daily, or from time to time. What little or big things might they do to demonstrate how they really feel?

        I've got some ideas, but I'd love to hear from the rest of you!
        Aka -I agree. These two have always been people of action rather than words (Jack more than Sam). While I was in the boonies I was thinking about this topic and a fluffy little plot bunny hopped into the cabin. I jotted it down and am hoping to brush it up for Ship Day:
        - I see Jack riding behind Sam on her motorcylce in the cool fall/spring air in either the outskirts of Washington or Colorado Springs, his arms around her waist, his face in her neck, just "flying" with her. It's something she loves and he would love sharing that with her.
        - Fishing...literally (as opposed to what we all think when that word crops up) . I think she would force herself to be still and just fish with him because he loves it...and I think she would learn a lot of lessons about being still and patient along the way.
        -The aforementioned cuddling on the couch and sharing space, even when working on their own interests.
        - When they are apart (like her on the Hammond or while she was on Atlantis). Video chat with much of their signature glances and nonverbal communication. I bet he also would hide things for her to find in her belongings while away

        And it makes me supremely happy to think of them getting to have their 'happily ever after' -even if it has it's own imperfect moments, since we are all human (I know life's not a fairytale...but we do sometimes find that person who is our forever friend -and I think they are it for each other).
        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
          Multi-quote not working for me again! Forgive the multiple posts, but I've missed SO much!

          hlndncr -can I express some extremely selfish feelings of glee at having you back with us??
          Why thany you ma'am. I hope I don't disappoint.


            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            saw one of the harry potter movies was on while surfing the tube (TV) and it made me wonder if sam is a closeted harry potter fan or Twilight fan?
            In spite of her scientific leanings, I'm thinking she's a closet Harry Potter fan.


              i'm glad to see the thread's still going.

              ((( and shippers)))



                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Welcome JingleBelle!

                Here's a present for delurking.
                hlndncr -Oooo...thanks for posting that me shippy shivers everytime (yummy)
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  In spite of her scientific leanings, I'm thinking she's a closet Harry Potter fan.
                  i dont see what the big hype is about twilight anyway. so i'll go with harry potter as well.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i'm glad to see the thread's still going.

                    ((( and shippers)))
                    Hey Majorsal! Yes ma'am... Netflix instant queue is spawning new interest (at least it did for me)...and Pol found me wandering the fanfic universe and held up a HUGE arrow pointing me to the thread (thanks Pol)!!

                    Good to see you again.
                    sig by Ikorni

                    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                      Thanks iiradned for the fic rec! It was fluffy and fun!

                      Pol -That pic is AWESOME...and such a feather in your cap!
                      On the Campfires...does the summer break mean that the next several will be spaced closer together?? And I'm steeling myself for the BtS Campfire...I hope I don't spontaneously combust!

                      Aka -I agree. These two have always been people of action rather than words (Jack more than Sam). While I was in the boonies I was thinking about this topic and a fluffy little plot bunny hopped into the cabin. I jotted it down and am hoping to brush it up for Ship Day:
                      - I see Jack riding behind Sam on her motorcylce in the cool fall/spring air in either the outskirts of Washington or Colorado Springs, his arms around her waist, his face in her neck, just "flying" with her. It's something she loves and he would love sharing that with her.
                      - Fishing...literally (as opposed to what we all think when that word crops up) . I think she would force herself to be still and just fish with him because he loves it...and I think she would learn a lot of lessons about being still and patient along the way.
                      -The aforementioned cuddling on the couch and sharing space, even when working on their own interests.
                      - When they are apart (like her on the Hammond or while she was on Atlantis). Video chat with much of their signature glances and nonverbal communication. I bet he also would hide things for her to find in her belongings while away

                      And it makes me supremely happy to think of them getting to have their 'happily ever after' -even if it has it's own imperfect moments, since we are all human (I know life's not a fairytale...but we do sometimes find that person who is our forever friend -and I think they are it for each other).
                      i'm sure while sam is on the hammond, they'll play chess and the game could probably go on forever considering they are career military strategists. or it ends whenever sam or jack gets called back to duty then they would have to stop.


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        How do Sam and Jack show each other they love each other? We talking daily, or from time to time. What little or big things might they do to demonstrate how they really feel?

                        I would like to think that Jack would make his special omelet, maybe toast too with a glass of milk, cup of coffee or glass of orange juice and serve Sam some breakfast in bed. Maybe he would even put a small vase with a flower in it on the tray for her.

                        Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                          Thanks for the welcome and the gifts!

                          I agree with SaraB. I think Jack would hide things in Sam's luggage for her to find when she's away. What better way to keep him in her thoughts while they're so far apart?


                            One of Annerb's fics in the D.C. series (which as previously mentioned has just got a new installment) features Jack leaving little notes around Sam's lab/house, with jokes or cartoons on them. I always think that's a pretty cute thing to do... and I could so see Jack doing that.


                              Originally posted by JingleBelle View Post
                              Whee! After lurking for months I finally broke down and joined. Hello all!
                              *gives you a Sam/Jack sticker* Hehe I wish I really had some Sam/Jack stickers! XD
                              My tumblr


                                Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                                *gives you a Sam/Jack sticker* Hehe I wish I really had some Sam/Jack stickers! XD
                                What a great idea! I wonder how one would go about making some of those.

                                Is it crazy that I'm already starting to get excited for Ship Day even though it's still two months away?

                                And actually it's a good thing that I have two months because I've got nothing ready for it.

                                Well, here's some shippiness to pass the time (while I unfortunately go back to writing a paper for class tonight ).

                                (I really need to make some more S/J art!)

