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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by lonely_star
    yep totally agree with you here I miss the old ER and Doug and Carol, and Mark and Susan and Mark and Elisabeth and ... ok got to stop here there are so many ships in this show

    I've just seen THE Ex Deus Machina moment and of course, I squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed !!!! that's good !! I so was thinking, poor Agent Barett

    congrats guys !!
    gatebee 4000
    Anubis 1900
    stargate barbie 900
    Cathain 700
    Nell 700

    ST-1 it was worth it going to bed late and deleting a huge part of the dialogue cause it was great as usual thanks !

    Cathain, it's a good idea and I'll read it for sure...just as I'd be very glad to read more of A major and her gentleman or My I have this dance (see how subtle is my kick in your b*** )

    got to go and work all the day guys, I'll be back later this report to write so have a little thought for me please I wish I had this device they have in Upgrades, so I could type it in a few hours and then hang out with your here
    I have a new Major chapter that's been done for say, six months! I just haven't posted yet. And I'm working on a new Dance! But the idea I have now - its just sort of a side fluff fic.


      Originally posted by nickatell
      What I don't understand is why would JM be vague and say that RDA would not return "this year" when many viewers may not understand about the 2005/2006 thing and leave anyway. Wouldn't it have been better to have said the decision hasn't been made on his part yet or something to that effect? If it wasn't for Don telling Trupi that RDA was coming back for the finale, I would honestly think that he wasn't.

      I do know one thing and that is if he doesn't come back for Season 10 in some capacity I think the ship will have sailed. I mean come on how long can you drag this out before even us diehard shippers will give up.
      Hi everyone! Home sick today with the flu. Yek! JM is just busting chops (teasing)! We knew that RDA wasn't coming back in 2005. But the 2006 part of season 9 is a different issue. He knows the loyal shippers are not going anywhere (although we scream and threathen). Ignoring JM comments and not biting when he says something which upsets the shippers is the best way to get to JM .


        Originally posted by trupi
        He knows the loyal shippers are not going anywhere (although we scream and threaten).
        He shouldn't be so sure. I know I'm done with S9.

        Feel better!


          Originally posted by nell
          I see we've got some posting milestones including, ahem, my own at 700!!!

          gatebee 4000
          Anubis 1900
          stargate barbie 900
          Cathain 700
          lonely_star 400

          If I omitted anyone, someone please add their milestone, thanks!!!
          Wauw I didn't realize I had 1900 posts a,d congrats to all of you
          Lord Zedd


            Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
            i agree with you and as Amanda said... "some ones gotta do it"


            i also love the mucking around on the set that we see on the behind the scenes of stargate on the DVDs
            I agree with the Mucking around behind the scenes its really funny.
            Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
            LOVE HIM-> DT
            ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


              Originally posted by trupi
              Hi everyone! Home sick today with the flu. Yek! JM is just busting chops (teasing)! We knew that RDA wasn't coming back in 2005. But the 2006 part of season 9 is a different issue. He knows the loyal shippers are not going anywhere (although we scream and threathen). Ignoring JM comments and not biting when he says something which upsets the shippers is the best way to get to JM .
              Fly by post!!

              ((((trupi)))) Congrats on 700 POSTS!!!!

              I'm not ruffling (did I make up a word) my feathers because I'm counting on Don's sharing his 'insider's' view with you, lynn, sugarshaker, and/or Lol4jack at the NJ Con that Jack's gonna be back!!! Besides AT has been ever reliable with her spoilers and leaks and to date she has not said it was over!!!

              That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!


                Oooh wow, 200 posts for me!
                Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                LOVE HIM-> DT
                ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  well i know that i I were amanda or RDA for that matter, i'd insist on a lot of takes. just to make sure they got it right. ya know, for the sake of the show.
                  now i know that AT is happily married and all, but c'mon, she is only human. and the show is important. (allforthesakeoftheshow)
                  Yes. LOTS of takes. LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of takes. None of us would want to do any less than our best, now would we?

                  (Actually, I'm just posting because I know that Stargate Barbie likes my sig! )

                  s u g a r s h a k e r


                    Originally posted by trupi
                    Hi everyone! Home sick today with the flu. Yek! JM is just busting chops (teasing)! We knew that RDA wasn't coming back in 2005. But the 2006 part of season 9 is a different issue. He knows the loyal shippers are not going anywhere (although we scream and threathen). Ignoring JM comments and not biting when he says something which upsets the shippers is the best way to get to JM .
                    Trupi sorry to hear you have the flu. Hope this make you feel better.

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Thank you Nell, Anubis, Cathain, and Lonely_star

                      Anubis 1900 post
                      Stargate barbie 900 post
                      Cathain 700 post
                      Nell 700 post

                      Lonely_star 400

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        well... yeah... i just *wanted* them together!

                        like i wanted doug and susan on ER.

                        I want Sam and Jack together the way Harm and Mac got together at the end of season 10 of JAG...

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by Hulabaloo
                          Oooh wow, 200 posts for me!
                          Congratulations Hulabaloo 200 post

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            just because they look so good together

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Thanks everyone for the get wells and pics. Feel well enough to come on the thread for a while. Hi Sugarshaker, miss you! Hopefully as soon as Carolina gets back, we will get together. IMO-I believe they will get together- we will have our day in the Sun and then we will be doing the shippy dance. Right now we just have to read our fantastic fanfics and dream on!


                                Thanks! I watched The First Commandment yesturday, and it is also really shippy.

                                SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST COMMANDMENT:

                                I mean at the end, where Hanson gets out a gun, Carter kicks it and Hanson hits her, you should have seen Jacks face. And also at the end where Sam says she could have shot him and ended it.
                                Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                                LOVE HIM-> DT
                                ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~

