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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Oma, SueKay, Nell

    I know where your coming from about telling people about this kinda stuff people look at you like you have 2 heads. Like most of you my friends and colleagues all know Im into sci fi and think Im crazy as it is!(My family and Boyf' dont understand either) To try and explain the ship and all that go's with it, including this lil family support group makes me feel like they would lock me up! I love this forum and others that I am a member of, everybody gets on so well and its open and honest unlike my RL. To me this is a real escapism and I love it. If the whole world was full of shippers Im sure it would be a better place.


      Originally Posted by Hubble
      You haven't answered this question yet; it has been asked before and I hope you don't mistakenly overlook it. Season 9 about Jack
      Why was it decided NOT to explain on screen why Jack decided to leave the SGC, what his new job is and otherwise give some sort of recognition/decent farewell to the character's contributions to SG-1?


      [quote:joe malozzi] 8/13/05
      We didn't want to bid the character "a fond farewell" because we wanted to leave the door open for his possible occasional return.

      I just saw this tonight and wanted to share this "teaser."


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        Mary - I don't know if someone else has already answered this, but JM's blog says
        there are NO flashbacks in Ripple Effect. Lol4jack also said that at the con the word was given that it is an AU ep - so presumably Janet will be an AU Janet.
        I've asked JM for clarification anyway, so hopefully we'll get something concrete (well, vague, probably but... )

        Edit: That would be "Yes Oma, someone has already answered - about 5 someones!" always late
        No, I hadn't heard, but even if I had, I wouldn't have believed him. He's told us untruths before, so I guess we'll all only know with time. I could buy an AU if the Janet from the AU came to this universe and stayed, though. I mean, since her equivalent here is dead, there's no reason she couldn't, right?
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by Somnium
          Oma, SueKay, Nell

          I know where your coming from about telling people about this kinda stuff people look at you like you have 2 heads. Like most of you my friends and colleagues all know Im into sci fi and think Im crazy as it is!(My family and Boyf' dont understand either) To try and explain the ship and all that go's with it, including this lil family support group makes me feel like they would lock me up! I love this forum and others that I am a member of, everybody gets on so well and its open and honest unlike my RL. To me this is a real escapism and I love it. If the whole world was full of shippers Im sure it would be a better place.
          I agree!

          HIYA GUYS!!!!!! MISSED Y'ALL!!!!!!

          Back from my vacation in Butler.

          It was great.....a few days of nice quiet country life was just what I needed.

          (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((family))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))


            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
            I found this the other day and I thought I should share

            NICE! can't green you though.....gotta fling...errr....spread the green Jello around....


              Unless someone brings up something that happened before Sam/Pete I am going to say that just about all the supposed weakening of her character happened when he entered the picture. Let's see, in S7 before Pete (bP) she did things like enter a space race, take Jack's place as leader of a truncated SG-1 and did as well as could be expected against supersoldiers, saved herself and a whole crew of a ship plus the ship itself from unknown aliens despite being injured. And I don't agree with some of the criticism--but most of what I do agree with has to do with her interaction with Pete. So in that respect I also disagree with AT too.

              However, I don't mind characters acting like real people. One of the things that attracted me to SG was that most of the main characters looked like us(though often better looking), dressed like us and lived in a place that could look like our neighborhoods. They didn't run around in catsuits, stay in a spaceship all the time or a futuristic land. They VISITED lands like that had characters like that. And so we had our adventures, interspersed with a bit of their RL. And this in spite of the fact that some of their bios made them out to have almost unrealistic accomplishments or talents as SciFi bios often do.


                Originally posted by nell
                And the caption on this one?**waggles eyebrows**
                LOL! probably:

                Sam: Jack, I'd like nothing better, but don't you think we should wait till we're off-duty? Remember the deal we struck with Hammond?

                Jack: yeah...he'd blow his stack....rats!!

                can't green ya nell....gotta spread it around....


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  NICE! can't green you though.....gotta fling...errr....spread the green Jello around....
                  First Sue / Nell I'm glad you're looking forward to the new chap. I think there will only be a few more!

                  And I couldn't help myself with the pic it was just tooo shippy!


                    Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                    First Sue / Nell I'm glad you're looking forward to the new chap. I think there will only be a few more!

                    And I couldn't help myself with the pic it was just tooo shippy!
                    When will you be updating

                    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                      WOW Trupi.... I did not know the SG internet world at that time and I was completly spoiler free, I'll never forget when I saw Heroes II I jumped out of my chair when I saw the staff weapon hit Janet, I was so shocked because I thought it was a very hard scene to show... I would definitely not enjoy an image of that moment....

                      I hope the Sam/Jack pics are nice any Grace kiss? Lost City ship moments?
                      I wouldn't either...still mad at TPTB for killing off a great character...

                      spoilers for the latest SG-1 and SG-A:

                      Latest SG-1 was the usual crappy Daniel and Vala show. SGA was good though....found it quite amusing to see Rodney housing a woman's consciousness.....was ROFLing when said woman took control and smooched Beckett.


                        Originally Posted by Cathain Nottingham
                        First Sue / Nell I'm glad you're looking forward to the new chap. I think there will only be a few more!

                        And I couldn't help myself with the pic it was just tooo shippy!
                        Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                        When will you be updating
                        I second that question!

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by nell
                          I just saw this tonight and wanted to share this "teaser."
                          Nell - I was just reading that myself and I am tempted to post back to JM and point out there is a difference between a "FF" and no explanation at all.

                          My SG-1 fic


                            Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                            When will you be updating
                            Originally posted by Token
                            I second that question!
                            Well I don't think anyone wants to know how long I've been sitting on a new chapter of "A Major and her Series"

                            As for this one there are tweaks! It still needs a title even!


                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                              Well I don't think anyone wants to know how long I've been sitting on a new chapter of "A Major and her Series"

                              As for this one there are tweaks! It still needs a title even!
                              How 'bout..... FCOL, Get on with the Dance!

                              Token ~


                                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                                I just got my STARGATE SG-1 magazine today and there were a couple of quotes I thought everyone might be interested in.
                                J. Mallozzi: "At the end of every year, starting from season five, we assumed it was the last year of the show, so we wanted to wrap up all the loose ends. Season eight was no exception, [and] we really wrapped up some major loose ends- the whole Jaffa storyline, their quest for freedom... We wrapped up the Goa'uld. I think we wrapped up the Sam/Jack 'shipper' debate...
                                Martin Gero: "And the Sam/Pete..."
                                J.M."Yeah, we wrapped up Sam/Pete. We put that to bed, thank God. I was never a big fan of the Sam/Pete thing. You know, I just find them so clingy and annoying when they were together." from Issue#06, page 22.

                                Then from Amanda Tapping on page 11, talking about the different aspect of Sam Carter:
                                ".... and the whole 'Jack and Sam' thing was fun to play at times and a bit of a pain at others....I was starting to feel a bit that the whole angst over Jack was weakening her, and I think the fans were finding that too."

                                I agree with Amanda on this...

                                It was to the point where they got uncomfortable being around each other because that tension was just ALWAYS THERE. This made Sam look bad because she was stuck between a rock and a hard place...continue a relationship with a man I care about but don't really REALLY love or risk my career and heart and tell Jack how I really feel. So strong as she was professionally, her personal issues made her seem less assertive than she really is as a character.

                                I think Amanda (like me) wants a happy ending for Sam and Jack. I know that she's vascilated over the topic through the years...I have one clip where she says quite adamantly that Sam and Jack should NEVER get together and another one just from a year or so ago where she has a completely different opinion. It must get tiring as an actress to watch a vocal part of the fanbase berate the character you play like the Sambashers have done...

                                I also agree with something she said at the end of last season...where she talks about how she and Jack are like teenagers. Enough already. Either get it on or turn it off...because I think that without resolution, Sam would just get continually weighed down by the ship until even the professional side of her suffered.

                                I am one of those people who think that not having Jack around all the time is a good thing for Sam. She knows how she feels about would think that after Threads and before Avalon she and Jack had a heart to heart...and now she can set the issue of her personal feelings aside and focus her full attention on work (and by the looks of it it's a good thing).

                                I believe they'll end up together in the end...but they aren't going to deal with the issue this season...we'll have phone calls, etc. which will keep the whole "are they or aren't they" issue alive and then see what the future holds.

                                The truth is she knows that Jack's the only one for her...poor Jack figured that out awhile back I think but held his tongue because he wanted her to be happy and knew it would have been inappropriate for him to talk to her about the topic. Then he had his feelings confirmed once again when Kerry saw right through him in the few minutes she shared with the two of them in his backyard.

                                So we have KICKBUTT!Sam for now...and hopefully for a few years. And then in the end, well, we can ALL read between the lines.

                                Someone else posted that Sam seemed strong with Pete and not so much with Jack...there's an obvious explanation here. With Jack her heart was at risk as was her career...with Pete, she wanted to force something that wasn't there because she wanted the IDEA of the white picket fence...thankfully she figured out in time that the whole thing was a farce if it's not with the RIGHT man.

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

