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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I just watched my tape of last week's episode of The Ties That Bind and I
    am disappointed! I am tired of the Daniel and Vala squabbling! Not even shippy! Thank goodness Daniel has enough self-respect to not fall for her manipulations! This is not even a clever humour story. How preposterous to believe that Vala would accompany them into a Senate Committee hearing to seek funding. They know she's a loose cannon. She could have waited outside the room with little ill effects from her short separaton from Daniel. Landry's surprised that she spoke and insulted the Senator?? I really want to like Mitchell but he's not coming across as a military leader of the missions. He's Daniel's comedic partner. And Teal'c says Mitchell sometimes reminds him of O'Neill?! The wit?? O'Neill was also a leader. Clearly this is a new show! I'm not adjusting to the changes. I miss Jack. At least we get to hear the female major briefing Landry about the budget cuts and delivering a message from General O'Neill to which Landry replies, "Jack, Jack, Jack." OK, that's the bone for this episode...Jack is still mentioned.

    BTW, I don't know if this means anything BUT at the end, Landry is telling Daniel that he spoke to the President and the Prez said to either accept the budget cuts or give the International Board or Forum or something what they want...........a CIVILIAN to oversee the SGC. Hmmmmmmmmmm, civilian??? What did Kerry suggest to Jack in order to get the regulations from between him and Sam??
    Just a thought!! I'm a Shipper at work to find ship!!


      Originally posted by Queen Eleta
      I just got my STARGATE SG-1 magazine today and there were a couple of quotes I thought everyone might be interested in.
      J. Mallozzi: "At the end of every year, starting from season five, we assumed it was the last year of the show, so we wanted to wrap up all the loose ends. Season eight was no exception, [and] we really wrapped up some major loose ends- the whole Jaffa storyline, their quest for freedom... We wrapped up the Goa'uld. I think we wrapped up the Sam/Jack 'shipper' debate...
      Martin Gero: "And the Sam/Pete..."
      J.M."Yeah, we wrapped up Sam/Pete. We put that to bed, thank God. I was never a big fan of the Sam/Pete thing. You know, I just find them so clingy and annoying when they were together." from Issue#06, page 22.

      Then from Amanda Tapping on page 11, talking about the different aspect of Sam Carter:
      ".... and the whole 'Jack and Sam' thing was fun to play at times and a bit of a pain at others....I was starting to feel a bit that the whole angst over Jack was weakening her, and I think the fans were finding that too."

      Quite the contrary, Amanda, rounding out Sam's character with a romantic interest is welcome and refreshing. Same as for Jack. These are healthy, vital, strong and passionate individuals who will be completed with a loving partner. Just happens to be that they are each other's soul mates!! I have suspended my disbelief about the UST for just about long enough!! As for Joe M. Yes, the Jack vs. Pete for Sam debate is clearly won by Jack. Now let's develop this storyline!! Um, please!!


        Originally posted by trupi
        She has been saying this crap for a long time now. Let see how far her character gets without Jack! When she screwed up with Replicator Carter, Jack wasn't even there. Who weaken who? Only thing Jack should have done was court marshall her for not obeying orders and endangering the lives of the people at the alpha site. Amanda should realize that it was how TPTB wrote the character and not the ship that made her look weak.

        Trupi, am so with you girl. I like AT but I have to say that I'm dissappointed in the attitude that she is showing. Her character was more well rounded with the interaction between her and Jack NOT weaker and for her to say that it just goes to show that now there is no Jack to write a ship off she's trying to stay on-side of all the non-shippers.



          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
          I just got my STARGATE SG-1 magazine today and there were a couple of quotes I thought everyone might be interested in.
          J. Mallozzi: "At the end of every year, starting from season five, we assumed it was the last year of the show, so we wanted to wrap up all the loose ends. Season eight was no exception, [and] we really wrapped up some major loose ends- the whole Jaffa storyline, their quest for freedom... We wrapped up the Goa'uld. I think we wrapped up the Sam/Jack 'shipper' debate...
          Martin Gero: "And the Sam/Pete..."
          J.M."Yeah, we wrapped up Sam/Pete. We put that to bed, thank God. I was never a big fan of the Sam/Pete thing. You know, I just find them so clingy and annoying when they were together." from Issue#06, page 22.

          Then from Amanda Tapping on page 11, talking about the different aspect of Sam Carter:
          ".... and the whole 'Jack and Sam' thing was fun to play at times and a bit of a pain at others....I was starting to feel a bit that the whole angst over Jack was weakening her, and I think the fans were finding that too."

          I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with Amanda. Sam is such a strong character and Amanda portrays her so well. However TPTB always portray as Sam having the answer for everything. Her love interest in O'Neill displays that she is only human and susceptible to human folly and emotions like the rest of us . I think Sam needs a bit of weakness, and if it happens to be O'Neill... then so be it. Personally, mine is chocolate


            you have to understand that Amanda has always been hyper-protective of her role as Sam Carter. She wants Sam to be held up to the highest standards as a role model. She's has tried to keep neutral when it comes to shippers -vs- non-shippers. But the last few years she's been bombarded with negative letters and comments via the web. Things like "how can you do this?" or "what the hell is Sam doing that for?". I think the sheer volume and weight of this negativity from a minority of fans finally took it's toll on her. The mistakes that the writers made w/ Pete really compounded this. I think that the negativity from a few has really made her gun shy about the ship. That's the sad part about this. The Jack/Sam ship was probably the very reason why the series has continued for so long. It's the main reason I watch. I can't blame her, all this hate mail from a few anti-Sammers has to affect a person's feelings on a subject.


              For goodness sake AT shes only human.

              Okay that would sound normal amid any other Tv forums but here...
              Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
              LOVE HIM-> DT
              ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                I just got my STARGATE SG-1 magazine today and there were a couple of quotes I thought everyone might be interested in.
                J. Mallozzi: "At the end of every year, starting from season five, we assumed it was the last year of the show, so we wanted to wrap up all the loose ends. Season eight was no exception, [and] we really wrapped up some major loose ends- the whole Jaffa storyline, their quest for freedom... We wrapped up the Goa'uld. I think we wrapped up the Sam/Jack 'shipper' debate...
                Martin Gero: "And the Sam/Pete..."
                J.M."Yeah, we wrapped up Sam/Pete. We put that to bed, thank God. I was never a big fan of the Sam/Pete thing. You know, I just find them so clingy and annoying when they were together." from Issue#06, page 22.

                Then from Amanda Tapping on page 11, talking about the different aspect of Sam Carter:
                ".... and the whole 'Jack and Sam' thing was fun to play at times and a bit of a pain at others....I was starting to feel a bit that the whole angst over Jack was weakening her, and I think the fans were finding that too."

                GW does not seem to work very well on reply topics
                I wrote a lovely post I could not post becasue of that ..can't be bothered to write it again but roughly what I said was ...well if they think the ship has been resolved ..they should have given a bit more than crumbs . Other long term shows have given lovely shippy resolution ( x-files, farscape and JAG ) They all kissed and touched to show the public they were together ..Sam and Jack didn't is a real let down for any shippers if the Sam and Jack ship is over .. but I think it is over .

                some of my friends came to me after watching Threads and didn't realize that Sam and Jack were together after Threads because they only saw them sitting next to each other like buddies fishing with Daniel and Teal'c around . I had to tell them that according to Stargate TPTB ,,that scene means that Sam and Jack are together ... You coul not be more vague than that .

                Crumbs , crumbs and more crumbs is all what we got for the ship resolution and they are still doing it because TPTB think it's funny ..Well I don't ..I think it'a pure bad taste for such a show .

                Crumbs are not a way to resolve a ship which has been there for 9 years .



                  Originally posted by trupi
                  She has been saying this crap for a long time now. Let see how far her character gets without Jack! When she screwed up with Replicator Carter, Jack wasn't even there. Who weaken who? Only thing Jack should have done was court marshall her for not obeying orders and endangering the lives of the people at the alpha site. Amanda should realize that it was how TPTB wrote the character and not the ship that made her look weak.
                  I think AT is a terrific actress and love how she portrays Sam Carter. However, I can't understand why thinks that the ship weakens her character. Her relationship with Jack is a blessing in that it allows her to expose her vulnerability--not weakness as a person. Yes, she's a strong military officer and a tremendously intelligent and valuable scientist, but she's also human.

                  If she was going to complain about how her character was written, why didn't she complain about the involvement with ? That story line was way off base and if any ship hurt her character, it was that one.


                    I agree with Catysg1. They could have given us some hard evidence that sam and jack are together. If they would have ended "Threads" with the two of them(Sam and Jack)looking over the lake with their arms around each other....that would have done it for me(but hey I wouldnt have minded a full on kiss). I just wish that at the end of season 9 RDA could return for the finale or something and have a shippy moment then. Also nell's suggestion from what was said in "The Ties That Bind" is quite possible and I really hope thats the case.


                      I know, I had to try four times on Thursday night to reply to a message. It worked using QR but not Quotes. Odd. Hopefully the problem has fixed itself now.

                      By the by, anyone who has foxtel watch the Stargate season 5 marathon over the weekend???


                        Originally posted by Freya
                        I agree with Catysg1. They could have given us some hard evidence that sam and jack are together. If they would have ended "Threads" with the two of them(Sam and Jack)looking over the lake with their arms around each other....that would have done it for me(but hey I wouldnt have minded a full on kiss). I just wish that at the end of season 9 RDA could return for the finale or something and have a shippy moment then. Also nell's suggestion from what was said in "The Ties That Bind" is quite possible and I really hope thats the case.

                        WELCOME FREYA!!!

                        I sure hope there's some possibilty in what I mentioned about The Ties That Bind
                        Is it possible that maybe Jack will return at some future point as a civilian although I don't expect that during Season 9. However, I hold this hope because Don Davis told our Dear Shipper Friends at last weekend's con that RDA will be back someday. Maybe Season 10?
                        A girl has to have hope, right?


                          Originally posted by gate_girl12
                          I know, I had to try four times on Thursday night to reply to a message. I worked using QR but not Quotes. odd. Hopefully the problem has fixed itself now.

                          WELCOME gate_girl12

                          I typed a lengthy reply last night and it must have gated to another galaxy because it never appeared!! By then my energy and passion to express myself had been spent and I didn't try to rewrite it.


                            Originally posted by nell
                            WELCOME FREYA!!!

                            I sure hope there's some possibilty in what I mentioned about The Ties That Bind
                            Is it possible that maybe Jack will return at some future point as a civilian although I don't expect that during Season 9. However, I hold this hope because Don Davis told our Dear Shipper Friends at last weekend's con that RDA will be back someday. Maybe Season 10?
                            A girl has to have hope, right?
                            I know, it sucks. TBTP reckon that they tried to tie up all of the loose ends at the end of season 8, but it seems to me that we shippers are left with more questions than answers.

                            Q: Have Sam and Jack actually resolved anything???


                              Originally posted by Queen Eleta

                              Then from Amanda Tapping on page 11, talking about the different aspect of Sam Carter:
                              ".... and the whole 'Jack and Sam' thing was fun to play at times and a bit of a pain at others....I was starting to feel a bit that the whole angst over Jack was weakening her, and I think the fans were finding that too."

                              I'm sorry, but at think this is more evidence of them trying to please the anti-ship/Daniellite fans now that Jack is gone. Shippers, I'm afraid, are not a target audience anymore. I'm not saying they will kill the ship (I hope not), but I do not think they will play to us anymore. I think AT is a wonderful acturess but perhaps because of the mistake with Repli-Carter, she is accepting the one mistake Sam made with repli-carter and somehow allowing the "hate-carter" groups feelings to influcence her. Could be it is hard to have a large group of fans saying such bad things about you and bashing your character, having to tip-toe around one of your storylines for years instead of just addressing it in a natural way, and then having half of that storyline leave the show. Could be that she is afraid they are telling the truth. IMO, the best thing we can do is to be as loud as before in letting AT know that one groups opinions, based quite alot IMO on the fact that "another" character didn't have all the lime light all the time, are not the general consensus of the SG community.

                              No offense to Daniel fans. I love Daniel too. And everyone is entitled to thunk and appreciate who they will. But the Sam-bashing was teribble and what I saw was primarily coming from that camp.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Thanks Nell!!

                                I really, really, REALLY hope RDA comes back because I really miss him. Season 9 hasnt started here yet but I have read the transcripts and although Mitchell seems like a good character.......he's not JACK. Im not just saying this because im a MAJOR shipper. I would love Stargate to go on forever but to be honest its not really Stargate anymore without RDA. He made the show. Dont get me wrong I love Amanda, Christopher and Michael (Especially Michael ). Its just not the same.

