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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Isn't he good looking or what ?!!

    Marc Harmon

    I think I'm going weak in the knees right now

    Okay, he looks better in scruff than in the pic I saw. But not even close to RDA. *I'd also take Aragorn, Han Solo, and at least two or three Russell Crowe characters first, but that's another story...*


      Originally posted by melpomene
      According to a quick search Mark Harmon was born in Sep. '51
      And I just KNOW Sam would agree *totally impartially of course * that Jack is HOTTER!!!

      WOW so that makes him 53 /54 ..he is so hot and fit I can't even believe my eyes ...I 'll try to find a pic of him with his grey hair ...he is beautiful as a god ..and so sexy ..I'm sure Sam will agree with me but of course she is in love with Jack ..Therefore marc Harmon is for me



        It's never too late to ship for Sam and Jack!
        Glad to see you back, HailDorthy!! And, Mishy, it's good to have to back as well! Mel, don't be a stranger because you know your Family loves you!

        My satellite signal is down right now because of storms!! Fifteen minutes and that storm better be gone!!!! ACK!! I'm just thankful there is a 10pm rerun! I can't miss Jack!!! I know that is a crime. It has to be!

        I still recovering and basking in the glow of Ship Day!!! Ahh...It's so nice to be part of this Family!!! ((Shipper Family))

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          I think he is sexier than Jack



            Originally posted by trupi

            Jack and Sam O'Neill Penguins

            Wow....that's the worst outfit Sam ever wore.


              The penguins are a little scary.

              Jack is fit, I always found McGyvers hair a bit off putting.
              +I thought I was a fool for no one
              but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                It's time for "Origin". Gotta go.

                Thank you, Skydiver


                  I'm sooooo confused! I'm not complaining, mind you. Yes, I think Mark Harmon is hot. Why didn't I know about NCIS. But, don't ask me to choose between Jack and Leroy! BTW, isn't this the Sam and Jack Ship Thread???!!!

                  While I was setting up my tape for Origins, I saw a Comcast commercial with Ambassador Joe as the spokesman. You know, Sam's ex from 2010!!

                  Gotta go! I'll be back after Origins. I hope I'm smilin'.


                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    Thanks anyway, but I wouldn't want to risk running to JM. I'll just stick it out here and know that things'll be back to normal tomorrow.

                    I'd like to see a scene like this, only, obviously, with Sam and Jack. I just love to see a woman caring for her man. <g>
                    (i can't rep you)

                    we missed you, mary, on the annual ship day festivities. but i'm glad you followed your heart.





                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      Here's another fun one. Love the way she's looking at him . . .

                      great pic.

                      what's happening in this scene again?




                        Marc Harmon with grey hair now at 54


                        and in action when he is with a woman NCIS is really hot



                          Buc 252 ..I love that pic of Mulder and Scully . the ship was so good and we got so much more than Sam and Jack ..absolutely beautiful ship ..I love them both ..and their scenes are their scenes ..I'm sure TPTB could find some unseen scenes proper to Sam and Jack ..I 'd rather see that and leave those scenes to Mulder and Scully

                          Love to the x-files and Mulder and Scully .

                          As for Sam and Jack ..well we'll see where they both end up at the end of season 9 ...Hopefully together on screen for a romantic scene !!!!



                            So far on Origins
                            Waaaayyy too much time with Daniel and Vala.


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Queen Eleta - you say BB's too young for you, yet he's in his forties!

                              And I think MS is the same age as you or slightly older.

                              But yeah...RDA's the hottest, and that's who the Genius of the SGC (Sam) likes as well!
                              Like I said, too young for me...

                              My husband is only three yrs younger than BB. I usually say anything less than 10 yrs. older than me, is too young for me.

                              And yes, with all my heart, I agree, RDA is the hottest. Especially when he is with Sam.
                              sig by PM


                                Originally posted by HailDorothy
                                Hey, Shipper, don't see any gents around. But if you're here, Hey, to you too!

                                So mind if I stop by and say GOOD MORNING CAMPERS??

                                I just wanted to share that I had an awesome time yesterday at the Sam and Jack Shipper Day forum. You guys rock!

                                I'm still plowing through the posts and figure it will take me two more days of reading while in the real world.

                                And hi, Caty!!! I lost track of your this summer....Glad to see you are around. Now that I found where you've been hiding out. Heee.....

                                And the Eiffel Tower! Go figure! Well, that blew my little fic "In Dreams" all to H--Well, you know where. But hey I love your story and you better stick to it.

                                So I'm going to try and do some novel writing today. Wish it was fan fic! Maybe this weekend.

                                I do plan to join in here more often, now that I found this wonderful world of shippers. Feels like home!

                                "There's no place like home, Dorothy."

                                "I know, Scarecrow. Glad we finally found it . . . together."

                                WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!

                                RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!!!

                                *eyes glow*

                                Kel'dor: Greetings HD! I am Kel'dor, Tok'ra shipper! Ignore the ramblings of my host...he has a Star Trek fixation...

