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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    Mary I hope I'am wrong but it seems like something may have happened between some of the Actors and TPTB.Something that happened behind closed Doors we have not heard about or may never hear about.There's been too many examples of these types of interviews.I really hope some of the Actors and TPTB are not upset at RDA for leaving.I'am really starting to think they are upset.It is not RDA's responsibilty to stay on the Show because some of the Actors do not want to leave a cushy Job or are afraid they cannot find work elsewhere.It seems like when a certain actor left we did not hear comments like these.How come? I really wish some of Actors and TPTB would follow the lead of AT or BB regarding comments about RDA.
    you know I also thought of that but didn't want to say it. RDA has been the main draw from day one for SG1. I decided to watch it in the beginning cause his name was in the marquee. Once I started watching , I became a shipper. I guess they are afraid that the show won't be able to survive as well as it has without RDA around plus the ship also goes with it.

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Originally posted by nell
      A SHIPPY OPENER FINALE!!! 10 of 10



      what a lovely and endearing piece you've done, nell. it's made me smile and it's made me happy. *thank you*!




        Originally posted by nell
        A SHIPPY OPENER Part 9

        This is the next to the last part in my series. It's been alot of fun and thanks for the encouragement. Now let's see what's Vancouver!!!
        Nearby Vancouver in the Stargate Production Office sits a group of producers and writers that are stirred up into a frenzy. They just learned that the Shippers are developing their own versions of Season 9's opener that has them reeling with amazement for the perceived sheer audacity.

        One of their leaders, Brad Wright begins to speak.......
        Brad: "Who are these...these...Shippers?" His face is red, a small vein is pulsing in his temple and sweat is lacing his brow as he bellows. "We've spent the past 8 years maintaining a line between Sam and Jack that has yet to be crossed. The Great Wall of China has nothing on the boundary we built between them!!! Fishing? What's with this fishing business? They've had AU kisses! So, what's with the whining?"

        Across the table from Brad sits Joe Mallozzi, friend to Shippers, licking his spoon clean after consuming a particularly tasty pint of Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Oatmeal Fudgy Swirl Chips ice cream. Wiping the dribbles of melted cream from his chin he responds to Brad.
        Joe: Brad, snap out of it! Get a grip! I've been telling you since year 5 that it's time for Sam and Jack to fish. Are you really surprised that the Shippers have taken matters into their own hands???? Get real!!! With the chemistry between Sam and Jack enough to power a ZPM, how much longer do you think they can go on before they implode??

        Suddenly a man barges into the meeting and disrupts the group.
        Pete: "What about me?" He whines. "I'm the boyfriend. I've got rights."
        Brad and Joe together: "Shut up, Shanahan!!"
        Brad: "You buffoon! We wrote a script that landed you in the arms of a hot lady and"
        Joe: "you didn't stand a chance against O'Neill. You're lucky we didn't write a scene where Jack kicks your a$$."

        Jack: That's right, Petey-boy!!! You are so not a threat to me. Now, if you guys will excuse me, I have a beautiful woman expecting me and I don't intend to keep her waiting!! Oh, and Shenanigans. Dad. Likes. Me!!!!

        I'm gonna add a couple characters to this:

        Nearby Vancouver in the Stargate Production Office sits a group of producers and writers that are stirred up into a frenzy. They just learned that the Shippers are developing their own versions of Season 9's opener that has them reeling with amazement for the perceived sheer audacity.

        One of their leaders, Brad Wright begins to speak.......
        Brad: "Who are these...these...Shippers?" His face is red, a small vein is pulsing in his temple and sweat is lacing his brow as he bellows. "We've spent the past 8 years maintaining a line between Sam and Jack that has yet to be crossed. The Great Wall of China has nothing on the boundary we built between them!!! Fishing? What's with this fishing business? They've had AU kisses! So, what's with the whining?"

        Across the table from Brad sits Joe Mallozzi, friend to Shippers, licking his spoon clean after consuming a particularly tasty pint of Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Oatmeal Fudgy Swirl Chips ice cream. Wiping the dribbles of melted cream from his chin he responds to Brad.
        Joe: Brad, snap out of it! Get a grip! I've been telling you since year 5 that it's time for Sam and Jack to fish. Are you really surprised that the Shippers have taken matters into their own hands???? Get real!!! With the chemistry between Sam and Jack enough to power a ZPM, how much longer do you think they can go on before they implode??

        Suddenly a man barges into the meeting and disrupts the group.
        Pete: "What about me?" He whines. "I'm the boyfriend. I've got rights."
        Brad and Joe together: "Shut up, Shanahan!!"

        Jacob (turning interesting shade of umber): Ex-CUSE ME?!?!?!?! You stalk my daughter cuz you couldn't let sleeping dogs lie, sleeping dogs in this case meaning my daughter's CLASSIFIED work, AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO HER?!?!?!? IT'S ONLY CUZ OF THE CONTROL SELMAC GIVES ME THAT I DON'T KICK YOUR SORRY A$$ TO NETU AND BACK!!!!!!

        Teal'c: Indeed! Were we on Chulak, I would be well within my rights to slowly and painfully execute you for your actions!!

        Thor: You are lucky, Peter Shannahan, that I do not send you to a distant planet for your actions against Colonel Carter, one of the most valued allies of the Asgard people.
        Brad: OK, guys! You've made your point! "You buffoon! We wrote a script that landed you in the arms of a hot lady and"
        Joe: "you didn't stand a chance against O'Neill. You're lucky we didn't write a scene where Jack kicks your a$$."

        Jack: That's right, Petey-boy!!! You are so not a threat to me. Dad, Teal'c, and Thor can attest to that! Now, if you guys will excuse me, I have a beautiful woman expecting me and I don't intend to keep her waiting!! Oh, and Shenanigans. Dad. Likes. Me!!!!
        Jacob: Yup! He's a better man for my daughter. He would never sully her honor the way you have! Whatever made you think I'd like you, Mr. Potatobrain?!?!?! You'd better get the heck outta here before even Selmac loses her patience and decides to let you have it in the kisser...and she's got a heck of a left hook!

        So....what'd ya think of my modifications?


          Originally posted by ses110
          Mary I hope I'am wrong but it seems like something may have happened between some of the Actors and TPTB.Something that happened behind closed Doors we have not heard about or may never hear about.There's been too many examples of these types of interviews.I really hope some of the Actors and TPTB are not upset at RDA for leaving.I'am really starting to think they are upset.It is not RDA's responsibilty to stay on the Show because some of the Actors do not want to leave a cushy Job or are afraid they cannot find work elsewhere.It seems like when a certain actor left we did not hear comments like these.How come? I really wish some of Actors and TPTB would follow the lead of AT or BB regarding comments about RDA.
          I don't think his leaving is the issue, ses110. My opinions are posted below, right after Buc252's post on the same issue.

          Originally posted by Buc252
          For those of you who have been keeping track of what the people at SG have been saying in the press, here's one I just got in the mail today.

          The "Inside TV" issue for the week of July 18 - 24 is where it appears. This is a fairly new magazine put out by TV Guide, and each day has it's highlights and some fun things like "remember when" and what certain stars and viewers are saying. On Friday, July 22nd, "The Daily Male" (where an actor - males only - makes a comment) was Michael Shanks. His quote is:

          "The first shows I ever saw filmed in Vancouver, where Im' from, were 21 Jump Street and MacGyver. Everything has come toether because now I work with (21 Jump Street star) Peter Deluise on a daily basis."
          Now, I suppose it could have been edited poorly, but it surprised and disappointed me that, after bringing up MacGyver, nothing was said about RDA. If it's not a matter of poor editing, MS should be ashamed of himself. JMO.
          Here's the impression I have formed after reading what some of the people who have been part of active Stargate fandom for years have said. I think MS has grown to resent RDA---maybe because RDA carried more weight in the industry and on the show---maybe because of the scheduling inconveniences RDA's deal forced on the rest of the cast---maybe because Sam had replaced Daniel as Jack's closest confidant and, as a result, got more face time. I think CJ feels that to some extent as well. If that's not the case, they've been poorly prepared by publicists to handle this transition. But from what others have said, and what I've read, I think it's a problem between the actors over the issues I mentioned above.

          Everything did not "come together" because MS works with Peter DeLuise every day. Everything came together because MS had enough talent and looked enough like James Spader to be cast nine years ago in a new show starring Richard Dean Anderson.

          Although many fans came to love MS for himself, his boost came from being taken under RDA's wing. I know MS's legions of fans are strong, and I too thought a lot of him until I heard more about what happened in seasons 5 and 6. My humble opinion now is that this is a case of ego out of control. My respect for CJ has gone down in recent weeks too because of repeated comments about the changes he has made.

          I truly think AT loves her friend, RDA. Her support has been simply and matter-of-factly stated, and consistent. She's been positive about the new season without degrading Rick. And I also applaud BB for staying above the fray.

          Others we know here at GW could probably shed a whole lot more light on these issues than I can. I'm still new. But I've heard some of their stories, taken that with what I've read in recent weeks, and formed my opinions. Maybe we can get some of them to discuss this issue with the same respectful manner we discuss everything on this thread. But if they choose not to, I understand that too.

          The ball is now in someone else's court.....


            Didn't anybody else read or listen to MS interview, on the main GW page? Read it, there's some interesting comments made. Let us know what you think?


              Originally posted by gatebee
              SCJON .... you are so lucky ..... your hubby is a shipper ....
              He has his moments Gatebee. He's about as closet a shipper as you can get, though. Needless to say after the episode had finished, he denied making that remark. But then he also won't admit to crying during the film Ghost. Amazing how he gets a cold everytime we watch it.

              Until Threads he'd never shown any inclination towards shippiness in Stargate. He usually says he watches it for the explosions and the 'big honking space guns'. It hasn't actually occurred to him that I'm a shipper.

              Nell, what great way to end the season 9 openers. Loved it!
              always and forever
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              My History Website


                Originally posted by trupi
                Didn't anybody else read or listen to MS interview, on the main GW page? Read it, there's some interesting comments made. Let us know what you think?
                Well, I read it. It seemed pretty consistent with what he's been saying.....everything is so new, so wonderful. I think he used the word "phenomenal" this time. Actually, this interview bothered me a little less than some of the others I've read recently.

                Other opinions?


                  Originally posted by scjon
                  He has his moments Gatebee. He's about as closet a shipper as you can get, though. Needless to say after the episode had finished, he denied making that remark. But then he also won't admit to crying during the film Ghost. Amazing how he gets a cold everytime we watch it.

                  Until Threads he'd never shown any inclination towards shippiness in Stargate. He usually says he watches it for the explosions and the 'big honking space guns'. It hasn't actually occurred to him that I'm a shipper.

                  Nell, what great way to end the season 9 openers. Loved it!
                  that is so funny how men can be .... is that why it has taken Jack this long to get it going with Sam.... MEN

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Originally posted by sueKay

                    Have a great day!!!!!
                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORENCE!!!!!!!

                    Wouldn't ya know? The time I want to just quickly get through the few pages I missed since last night, my ISP keeps booting me off.....I'm beginning to wonder if it's powered by naquadria cuz it's highly unstable....


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Well, I read it. It seemed pretty consistent with what he's been saying.....everything is so new, so wonderful. I think he used the word "phenomenal" this time. Actually, this interview bothered me a little less than some of the others I've read recently.

                      Other opinions?
                      What about the statement that there are no egoes getting in the way when they are working. Hint- maybe he's talking about RDA? He's the only person not in the picture any longer.


                        Originally posted by katethegater
                        Inspired by your attention to 'shippy detail' i have been watching some of the older episodes with my 'ship specs' on!

                        I saw Crystal Skull last night and in the scene around the briefing room table where Daniel is talking about his ' grampa Nick', Jack & Sam are sitting that close that their knees & elbows are touching. I swear any closer and she would be on his lap!

                        Well, Jack never did pay much attention in least having Sam on his lap would be a good excuse.

                        Ship Ahoy!
                        SOG was SO shippy! What Jack said to her had to have hurt her so bad!!!! Had Jacob been there he would've decked him for hurting his baby girl like that!!!! Maybe somebody should write a fic where Jack REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY outdoes himself apologizing to his Sam. He could walk into her house with a few bruises courtesy of an enraged Tok'ra father who heard about what he said and went off half-cocked!


                          SCIFI Get Into the Gate Contest is up and running ... good luck to all

                          pic fr Mala

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            So, you want to know what my wildest hope is? My impossible dream? That when we all tune in to the premier, we get the biggest, shippiest surprise of our lives. Jack and Sam together finally. And all the people involved say "Surprise!!! We really had you going with all that fake press, huh? We almost couldn't hide our smiles as we gave those misleading interviews. We always intented to get them together. How could we not? And leave you, our faithful audience that keeps us in business, hanging in the wind, without resolution?"

                            Oh yeah, that would be great. But I'm not going to start holding my breath just yet, k?
                            sig by PM


                              Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                              So, you want to know what my wildest hope is? My impossible dream? That when we all tune in to the premier, we get the biggest, shippiest surprise of our lives. Jack and Sam together finally. And all the people involved say "Surprise!!! We really had you going with all that fake press, huh? We almost couldn't hide our smiles as we gave those misleading interviews. We always intented to get them together. How could we not? And leave you, our faithful audience that keeps us in business, hanging in the wind, without resolution?"

                              Oh yeah, that would be great. But I'm not going to start holding my breath just yet, k?
                              QE ..... oh ..... such a nice surprise that would be

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                                So, you want to know what my wildest hope is? My impossible dream? That when we all tune in to the premier, we get the biggest, shippiest surprise of our lives. Jack and Sam together finally. And all the people involved say "Surprise!!! We really had you going with all that fake press, huh? We almost couldn't hide our smiles as we gave those misleading interviews. We always intented to get them together. How could we not? And leave you, our faithful audience that keeps us in business, hanging in the wind, without resolution?"

                                Oh yeah, that would be great. But I'm not going to start holding my breath just yet, k?
                                That has crossed my mind several times too.....especially since we kept hearing that rumor that RDA and AT came back in for some extra filming after S8 wrapped. And TPTB are STILL talking about the regs, although many people with military experience keep telling us on this thread that they should no longer be an issue. There have just been so many strange bits of info coming our way since I've been thinking it too!!!

                                I'm not holding my breath either.....but wouldn't we be a happy bunch of shippers if it happened?

