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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    DarkQuee that was Brillant.I wish I could explain my reasons for not watching Season 9 like you.It goes beyond just the lack of Sam and Jack Ship.It's the same tired stories.TPTB cannot write a Male guest Star that is not in Love with Sam.IMO SG-1 going on without RDA would be like Cheers going on without Ted Danson..Both shows had great supporting characters but you need the one Star to bring everything together.IMO how can you have a big episode in Season 9 like
    the Four Horseman and Jack is nowhere to be seen.It would have made so much sense to have Sam and Jack get together and have Jack go missing in the last episode of Season 8.Everytime something Big happens in Season 9 peoples first reaction will be where is Jack.I also feel RCC has taken shots at RDA.I guess 8 Years on a TV Show is not worth anything.


      Originally posted by DarkQuee1
      You know, a lot of posters were saying that they watch the show for more than S/J and that's why they'll continue watching in season 9. Well, so did I. Unfortunately, a lot of the reasons I watched the show have gone by the wayside: for one thing, Jack was the character who sucked me into the show and the character I feel was the core character. I've found that I haven't particularly thought much of the eps with little or no Jack. So, that element is gone.

      There was also a time when I thought the show was well-written, with intelligent stories, strong moral issues, no easy answers and clever solutions that didn't damage one or more of the characters. Not any more. The writing is totally sloppy, careless and facile, going for the easiest answer without any thought as to what that answer means if you think it through or for the damage it might cause to some or all of the characters in the ep. The plotting is slovenly, with plot holes all over and no explanations (for example, saying "Boy, she's good" does not explain why Vala was able to get out the brig and past all the guards at the end of the aptly-acronymed PU, when she couldn't get out earlier. But then, it's obvious that the writers didn't *have* an explanation that wouldn't be laughed off the screen--or they would have used it.) for things that are going on.

      Not to mention, original ideas. And the spoilers for next year don't seem to be covering any new ground, either. And then there's the new penchant for stupid humor.

      And so on, and so on.

      So, there isn't that much to hold me anymore. More importantly, I see starting a thread, keeping it going, dangling in front of us all these year to keep us watching--and then not definitively resolving it when it essentially is no longer part of the show--to be a dishonest way of dealing with your audience. And that's the primary reason why I won't be watching if they simply write it off: I see their attitude as totally contemptuous towards us, and I don't see any reason to come back for more of that.

      Especially not when the show is a mere shadow of its former self.

      (I also don't like all the subtle digs that RCC is making against RDA now. Cooper needs an ego-deflate.)

      Agree with ya here - up to a point. I think S7 & 8 damaged Sam's character a lot. But that isn't all that unusual - think back to S4 and Shau'nac. Teal'c was still married to Drey'uac and was quite happily going to run off to Chulak with Shau'nac and play happy families while we brainwash goa'ulds. Then again in S8 - Teal'c runs off with Krista while he's in a relationship with Ishta. TPTB didn't do Teal'c's character any favours with those storylines. Some of the plots were full of holes, I agree about the Vala one - poorly written and just too full of inuendo. One of the things I have loved about Stargate is that the kids can watch it too. The Vala ep isn't one they will be watching (along with the bedroom scene in Chimera - but I don't want to see that bit either ).

      But imo tptb also wrote some fantastic storylines for S7 & 8. Chimera (the Sarah / Osiris plot) I thought was great. Grace, Death Knell, Evolution all great eps well written. Lost City was the best 2-parter in SG-1 history for me. I *loved* IGTBK - SG-1 going thru the gate again (yipee) was great, and also Jack heavy . Reckoning was a close 2nd to Lost City. SG-1 at its best.

      I might have to check out the credits for those eps and see who wrote and produced them. I think SG-1 suffered this year for writing as Atlantis took away Brad Wright and divided the interests of PDL and MW and other ptb. There are more writers on board now, so maybe they won't be spread so thin and the plots will be sewn up more tightly this year. They'll need to be with new enemies and old recurring characters.

      As far as ship goes, I'm not expecting much next season, but I am still hoping. The hope/rumour is that RDA will be guesting in S10 too, so I don't think the ship will be dropped altogether.
      Where there's life there's hope - or in this case, where there's RDA there's hope

      DarkQuee1 - your last comment has me intrigued. What's the news there? I've not seen anything so a pointer would be great. I definitely agree about RCC's ego though. Maybe we could send Janet after him with one of her big needles :evil grin:


        Caty it may sound silly but I feel sorry for AT.I heard AT mention in a interview she did not like all the Male guest Stars falling for Sam.AT is really not going to be Happy in Season 9.It's bad enough there will be no
        Sam and Jack Ship but to see the parade of Man Friends is a bit much for me.Sam was a great character and the character has been reduced to Eye Candy for the Guest Star of the Week.I find it interesting TPTB have done a great Job with Jack's personal life and a Horrible Job with Sam Daniel and Teal'c.


          Originally posted by DarkQuee1
          I see starting a storyline between two characters, keeping it going, dangling in front of us all these year to keep us watching--and then not definitively resolving it when it essentially is no longer part of the show--to be a dishonest way of dealing with your audience. And that's the primary reason why I won't be watching if they simply write it [S/J] off: I see TPTB attitude as totally contemptuous towards us, and I don't see any reason to come back for more of that.

          (I also don't like all the subtle digs that RCC is making against RDA now. Cooper needs an ego-deflate.)

          I'm afraid I agree.....and after eight years, I'm tired of being teased. It will do no harm now to say that Sam and Jack are seeing each other. He won't be around, it would make the shippers happy, and since it won't be thrown in their faces each week, the non-shippers should get over it pretty quickly. There is no way I will ever believe that given all these two have been to each other and how long they have waited to act on their feelings, that they would choose anything else than to be together. I think they're one of those rare couples who could make the long distance relationship work as long as they had to.

          I haven't heard any digs against RDA by anyone, but telling us how "magical" everything is on the set with BB isn't fooling anyone (DarkQuee1, maybe this is what you meant by "subtle digs"). I like BB as much as the next sci-fi fan, but as he said himself in a GW interview not long ago, "You can't replace Richard Dean Anderson." No, you can't! Hyping BB's arrival isn't going to make fans give up the love they have for Jack O'Neill. It just isn't going to happen. As I've said before, we don't need no stinkin' new team!

          I know RDA is entitled to do something else after eight years, but I just wish he wouldn't! Does anyone know which agency represents him? Perhaps we could inundate them with letters!


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            I haven't heard any digs against RDA by anyone, but telling us how "magical" everything is on the set with BB isn't fooling anyone (DarkQuee1, maybe this is what you meant by "subtle digs").

            That's exactly the kind of thing I meant. And saying that the set is "the happiest it's ever been." Stuff like that.

            "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


              I see, this places fires up when I'm not here. Well I guess there's only two choices ... I'll have to quit my job and move to Canada, or I'll have to get a new job and become noctournal ...
              I live my life one Friday night at a time!


                IMO that's a definite dig.I guess TPTB are not Happy with just insulting the Shippers TPTB have to move on to the Man who made the Show what it is.There's something wrong when you have to tear down others to promote the New Season.I still shake my Head at that comment.TPTB also know how much the Shippers Hate all of Sam's Man Friends and there making it there business to find every last one for Season 9.With all this I'am suppose to watch Season 9.I think not.I'll keep busy with Fanfiction instead of watching Season 9.The writing is much better anyway.


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  IMO that's a definite dig.I guess TPTB are not Happy with just insulting the Shippers TPTB have to move on to the Man who made the Show what it is.There's something wrong when you have to tear down others to promote the New Season.I still shake my Head at that comment.TPTB also know how much the Shippers Hate all of Sam's Man Friends and there making it there business to find every last one for Season 9.With all this I'am suppose to watch Season 9.I think not.I'll keep busy with Fanfiction instead of watching Season 9.The writing is much better anyway.
                  ses-i so agree with what you have to say. i
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Don't you guys think that it's better for them to be having this kind of happy attitude than for them to spend the whole season "mourning" the loss of one of the great characters. It would come through on the screen and that would suck.

                    This is just a job, sure it's an awesoke job, but people come and go. You can't hold grudges because people have to get their priorities sorted out. These guys have work to do and they know that, they're simply trying to make the best of a bad situation and as they say, a change is as good as a holiday.

                    ... This is ripe coming from me, I'm quite possibly the biggest pessimist on the face of the earth.
                    I live my life one Friday night at a time!


                      Originally posted by Catysg1


                      With JAG ( although I haven't seen the last episode) it was all credible because both actors were both there until the very end ..and we mostly saw them together in every single episode from beginning to the end . it 's not what 's gonna happen in SG1 between Sam and Jack ..their relationship will be off screen so I doubt the shows will end up with a wedding ...or if it does end with a wedding for S/J, it will be Daniel and Teal'c mentionning it like " OH , Sam and Jack ..sorry they can't be there , they're on their honeymoon" and fade to black ...

                      caty, hon, i know you're just getting into Jag, but they handled the harm/mac situation so badly that i quit that show four years ago. and for me to quit a show because of poor ship writing, that says a lot. i'm only saying this because using Jag as a good vrs bad comparison is like using titanic vrs love boat.




                        I never saw any love boat, but Titanic sucked =OD.
                        I live my life one Friday night at a time!


                          I got really melancholy the other night about
                          RDA leaving the show and had to get it out of my system.
                          Making this pic was really theraputic and is my homage to Jack. It isn't cheerful, but it reflected my mood at the time.



                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            caty, hon, i know you're just getting into Jag, but they handled the harm/mac situation so badly that i quit that show four years ago. and for me to quit a show because of poor ship writing, that says a lot. i'm only saying this because using Jag as a good vrs bad comparison is like using titanic vrs love boat.


                            Well I saw quite a few episodes of JAG like 15 to 20 and there was ship in every single episode..and I'm not talking kisses and cuddles only but good interaction with Mac and Harm ..the smiles ..the coolness between the characters because no matter what ..they are comfortable with each other .. they talk a lot about anything personal or not personnal even about having babies with each other ....and the sexy scenes ,..there are plenty of that and Mac is not scared to show her legs to Harm ....It is the longest flirtitious show on TV history and it's great ...I also love the stories and all the cases they have to solve and even if one prosecutes and the other one defends , they are always using humor in the scenes out of the courtroom when they talk about the case . I also saw a lot of scenes with both of them off duties wearing different clothes and those were pretty cool too .
                            I also love Bud and his wife ....the trauma he had to undergo with his rehab is quite hearbreaking but the interpersonnal relationship in JAG so far is outstanding .

                            The Sam and Jack ship is pale in comparison ...because of the awardness of the characters when they are together ....the fact that TPTB kept them apart for almost all seasson 8 didn't help ...There is chemistry there and I'm still a Sam and Jack shipper ..but I don't really care much about the outcome .For me now is a good time to let go .I 'm still coming here from time to time ...but I had enough making videos for Sam and Jack where I had to watch the episodes 50 times so that I could try to pick a shippy scene to make each video exceptionnal .

                            I hope TPTB won't carry on their game of having Sam and Jack apart in season 9 even if we don't see them on screen together ..but reading through the lines seems like TPTB is not gonna acknowledge the Sam and Jack ship in a good way ..because doing it through past boyfriends so late in the show is not a very good idea .

                            They should have packed up the series on a high note or carry on but call it something else so that we understand that SG1 is over, and they are starting a new chapter with new characters ....Sam , Daniel and Teal'c would have been fine then ..They even could all have been moved to another team and call it SG2 or whatever but for that they should have resolved the Sam and Jack ship properly and not let the shippers or fans in general guess about it .

                            Although I know there are
                            together , it was not that visual ..we even didn't have a cuddle in Mobieus when Sam and Jack were packing up the ZPM ..It would have been the right moment for a cuddle and a little chat ..just after he said "You have packing to do " just to finish the Sam and Jack ship ..and let the new team takes over in season 9 . The RST in season 9 from Sam or Jack when they phone each other would have been just fine . Now Apparently we know there won't be many phone calls according to Joe Malozzi and we won't see Sam and Jack together at all untile may be the very last episode of Season 9 ( if RDA decides to come back for that one ) ..Wow ..What a build up !!!

                            I will watch seasonn 9 premiere if it does not interfere with the JAG episodes .
                            Season 10 JAG is also starting mid June here in the UK and I won't miss it for anything not even Stargate SG1 . Shame it comes to that but there is always a time to quit .
                            I'm amazed myself I'm quitting before the end of the show ..I have never done that before ..not even for the x-files ..I stuck to the end because Mulder and Scully had a great and intense relationship showed on screen all the time even when one of them was alone .

                            If the JAG DVD'S are released for Christmas..I will get them all eventually's a great show of the decade and well worth spending money on .My hubby loves JAG too ..He got a bit tired of SG1 last year and the year before ....because he said the show has lost some of it's appeal .probably because RDA /Jack started to reduce his role in the show and my hubby is a great fan of Jack ..and also most of the time , he told me the episodes were bad ..or didn't do anything for him . He loved " Upgrades" and " Divide and Conquer" and all the action ones the time where the scripts were excellent ....but most season 7 and 8 ..He didn't like and I understand why.



                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              I got really melancholy the other night about
                              RDA leaving the show and had to get it out of my system.
                              Making this pic was really theraputic and is my homage to Jack. It isn't cheerful, but it reflected my mood at the time.


                              Great pic Oma



                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Well I saw quite a few episodes of JAG like 15 to 20 and there was ship in every single episode..and I'm not talking kisses and cuddles only but good interaction with Mac and Harm ..the smiles ..the coolness between the characters because no matter what ..they are comfortable with each other .. they talk a lot about anything personal or not personnal even about having babies with each other ....and the sexy scenes ,..there are plenty of that and Mac is not scared to show her legs to Harm ....It is the longest flirtitious show on TV history and it's great ...I also love the stories and all the cases they have to solve and even if one prosecutes and the other one defends , they are always using humor in the scenes out of the courtroom when they talk about the case . I also saw a lot of scenes with both of them off duties wearing different clothes and those were pretty cool too .
                                I also love Bud and his wife ....the trauma he had to undergo with his rehab is quite hearbreaking but the interpersonnal relationship in JAG so far is outstanding .

                                The Sam and Jack ship is pale in comparison ...because of the awardness of the characters when they are together ....the fact that TPTB kept them apart for almost all seasson 8 didn't help ...There is chemistry there and I'm still a Sam and Jack shipper ..but I don't really care much about the outcome .For me now is a good time to let go .I 'm still coming here from time to time ...but I had enough making videos for Sam and Jack where I had to watch the episodes 50 times so that I could try to pick a shippy scene to make each video exceptionnal .

                                I hope TPTB won't carry on their game of having Sam and Jack apart in season 9 even if we don't see them on screen together ..but reading through the lines seems like TPTB is not gonna acknowledge the Sam and Jack ship in a good way ..because doing it through past boyfriends so late in the show is not a very good idea .

                                They should have packed up the series on a high note or carry on but call it something else so that we understand that SG1 is over, and they are starting a new chapter with new characters ....Sam , Daniel and Teal'c would have been fine then ..They even could all have been moved to another team and call it SG2 or whatever but for that they should have resolved the Sam and Jack ship properly and not let the shippers or fans in general guess about it .

                                Although I know there are
                                together , it was not that visual ..we even didn't have a cuddle in Mobieus when Sam and Jack were packing up the ZPM ..It would have been the right moment for a cuddle and a little chat ..just after he said "You have packing to do " just to finish the Sam and Jack ship ..and let the new team takes over in season 9 . The RST in season 9 from Sam or Jack when they phone each other would have been just fine . Now Apparently we know there won't be many phone calls according to Joe Malozzi and we won't see Sam and Jack together at all untile may be the very last episode of Season 9 ( if RDA decides to come back for that one ) ..Wow ..What a build up !!!

                                I will watch seasonn 9 premiere if it does not interfere with the JAG episodes .
                                Season 10 JAG is also starting mid June here in the UK and I won't miss it for anything not even Stargate SG1 . Shame it comes to that but there is always a time to quit .
                                I'm amazed myself I'm quitting before the end of the show ..I have never done that before ..not even for the x-files ..I stuck to the end because Mulder and Scully had a great and intense relationship showed on screen all the time even when one of them was alone .

                                If the JAG DVD'S are released for Christmas..I will get them all eventually's a great show of the decade and well worth spending money on .My hubby loves JAG too ..He got a bit tired of SG1 last year and the year before ....because he said the show has lost some of it's appeal .probably because RDA /Jack started to reduce his role in the show and my hubby is a great fan of Jack ..and also most of the time , he told me the episodes were bad ..or didn't do anything for him . He loved " Upgrades" and " Divide and Conquer" and all the action ones the time where the scripts were excellent ....but most season 7 and 8 ..He didn't like and I understand why.

                                Yeah, Caty I agree. the ending was a let down.
                                They spent the whole season spliting them apart. Us shippers had to endure alot thru the season. We watched every ep looking for anything that would give us hope that they would get together. To me Season 8 was very painful, not only as a J/S shipper and a Sam fan, but also as a SG-1 fan. They wasted most of RDA air time, they sacrificed Sams character for the sake of the story plot, they made Daniel into a action hero, and poor Teal'c well at least the Jaffa are free. I expect Sam and Jacks relationship willl suffer the same fate as Cassie and Janet.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


