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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    My current fave 3 'shippy' moments :

    1)'Beneath the Surface' when Jonah & Thera are sitting up talking about what they remember & Jonah says he remembers feeling 'feelings'.............(big shippy sigh!)

    2)'Window of Opportunity' - yes i agree with you guys, that sexy smile in the final scene when Jack has a mouthfull of oatmeal (is that like porridge?).....(you could just drown in those eyes!!!!!)

    3)'Divide & Conquer' - who can forget the Za'tarc testing and Jack & Sams admission in front of Freya (& T & Janet(R.I.P)......................when Jack says 'We're ok with that?' (ie: leaving 'it' in the room).........that little smile......OOh!
    sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


      Great writing! And.. great characterisations [happy sigh] can't ask for much more than that in a fic....

      Keep it up, it's great work!

      Originally posted by ST-1
      Oooookay then...I offer, for your consideration, shippy fanfic #2.

      Enjoy, and please tell me what you think!


        Originally posted by sclairef99
        Hey Gatetrixer...

        I haven't read the full article yet, though I plan any case....I agree with you.... the "Rick and the three mooks" quote did get to me also. I also agree with you that T and D got alot of stories even though RDA was the headliner. I can understand some frustration and I'm glad to see that it will be getting back to some off world stuff...back to it's he says...because they have a bigger I'm guessing because RDA's salary is no longer.... But still....I didn't think it was the right way to put it....

        I agree that it's great that they're getting to go off-world more. Off-world episodes were definitely cut in S8. I even understand the hyping of the "new show." What bothered me the most was that CJ seemed to step over the line from giving a professional interview to one that was a slap at a former castmate.


          Originally posted by LOL4JACK
          Back to shipping!!!!

          Taking out the:

          - Kisses
          - Hugs and
          - Head on shoulders....

          What are your top 3 shippy or not shippy moments between Jack and Sam?
          Welcome back home! I wondered where in the world you were.

          As for my three favorite shippy moments, I really can't top those that have already been listed, but in addition to them:

          Lost City - where Sam goes (I think) to tell Jack how she feels at his house, but is interrupted by the "guys" - again.

          Citizen Joe - the phone conversation between Sam/Jack before Joe arrives.

          Point of View - when Sam watches Jack tell AU Sam goodbye. The look on her face... (I think that's the episode).

          My RL is keeping me away too these days. Take care everyone.


            Originally posted by ST-1
            Oooookay then...I offer, for your consideration, shippy fanfic #2.

            Enjoy, and please tell me what you think!
            ST-1 that was great! Loved the mix of angst /ship / humour - especially how Teal'c knew about a chainsaw - LMAO You're pretty good at this fic stuff


              Originally posted by LOL4JACK
              Back to shipping!!!!

              Taking out the:

              - Kisses
              - Hugs and
              - Head on shoulders....

              What are your top 3 shippy or not shippy moments between Jack and Sam?
              LOL4JACK - Welcome back from the SciFi Desert!

              Only 3 ARGHHHHH!

              Okay, thinking .... thinking ..... thinking ..... in no particular order ...... I'm gonna go for just shippy (not angsty cos there's too many of those )

              Emanicpation - Sam does the twirl in her blue dress and Jack's jaw hits the floor. Carter, ya look great! Love that scene.

              WOO - the Nothin' moment, Jack's cat got the cream waaaaay to sexy grin and Sam's puzzled smile.

              Moebius2 - Can't decide between hand porn and Cubs, or You've got packing to do. Can I have both cos it's the same ep? :hopeful:


                Finally got hold of a copy of this month's Dreamwatch. There's no specific article on RDA, just an interview with Robert Cooper about SG-1 S9 and Atlantis S2. Here's the bits that count ........

                Q: Can you clarify how much we'll be seeing of Richard Dean Anderson in the new season?

                A: "Rick makes a cameo appearance in episodes one and three, and he's absolutely not gone for good. His character is very much alive in the Stargate universe. Rick just needs some time. he wants to drive his daughter to school every morning, and I understand that. He absolutely made sure that we were going to leave the door open for his return."

                Then later on in the article ....

                "Rick has been doing this a long time. He has a family in LA and the show is something he doesn't have to do any more to pay the rent. It's something that he has done out of loyalty to BW and myself and to the cast, crew and fans, and because he enjoys doing it."

                Q: "Finally, how long can these two shows go on?"

                A: "I think that having seen the chemistry of the new cast and the potential for stories that these new bad guys and the new concept for the series have created, SG-1 has legs. I think we could be looking at many, many more years if it continues to grow and be successful and people want to watch it. I don't think that this is the last season of SG-1 by any means and I think this seson may end the talk about a "last season"."

                Despite using the word absolutely twice, we're still not dealing in aboslutes but every indication is there. RCC is saying that RDA's intention is to be back.

                WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! The ship will still be sailing!! Just going to be anchored for a while in S9 while its sails get repaired.


                  Well that really perked up my day! Thanks Oma!!!!

                  Oh, and I was told the first pic in my sig is Laira's back......mea culpa, I'm sorry. I'll find another pic of Jack and Sam, and change it!

                  I told you guys I was a ditz! You obviously didn't believe me!!!
                  On fighting:
                  Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                  Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                    Originally posted by Lida
                    Well that really perked up my day! Thanks Oma!!!!

                    Oh, and I was told the first pic in my sig is Laira's back......mea culpa, I'm sorry. I'll find another pic of Jack and Sam, and change it!

                    I told you guys I was a ditz! You obviously didn't believe me!!!
                    Well, don't worry about it, whoever told ya it was Laira's back got it wrong too. It's Sara O'Neill from Cold Lazarus But hey, look on the bright side - we can all see it this time


                      Originally posted by Oma-1
                      Finally got hold of a copy of this month's Dreamwatch. There's no specific article on RDA, just an interview with Robert Cooper about SG-1 S9 and Atlantis S2. Here's the bits that count ........


                      Despite using the word absolutely twice, we're still not dealing in aboslutes but every indication is there. RCC is saying that RDA's intention is to be back.

                      WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! The ship will still be sailing!! Just going to be anchored for a while in S9 while its sails get repaired.

                      That is great news!!! Thanks Oma-1


                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        LOL4JACK - Welcome back from the SciFi Desert!

                        Only 3 ARGHHHHH!

                        Okay, thinking .... thinking ..... thinking ..... in no particular order ...... I'm gonna go for just shippy (not angsty cos there's too many of those )

                        Emanicpation - Sam does the twirl in her blue dress and Jack's jaw hits the floor. Carter, ya look great! Love that scene.

                        WOO - the Nothin' moment, Jack's cat got the cream waaaaay to sexy grin and Sam's puzzled smile.

                        Moebius2 - Can't decide between hand porn and Cubs, or You've got packing to do. Can I have both cos it's the same ep? :hopeful:
                        I knew you where going to go for the hand porn!

                        Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                        Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                          Here is 3 fav moments of mine:
                          Nemesis - flirting with her in the lab, then extending the fishing trip invite

                          48 hours - asking her if she wants to be in the gateroom when they power up the Russian DHD.

                          Death Knell - Jack puts arm around Sam
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            I was playing with photoshop to amuse myself and decided to give myself a little happy. Thought I'd share....




                            Loved that quote, had to use it


                              Originally posted by ST-1
                              Oooookay then...I offer, for your consideration, shippy fanfic #2.

                              Enjoy, and please tell me what you think!
                              This is another super fic. Thanks for posting it here, and I hope we'll be getting many more.


                                Carter: You want to play doctor?
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


