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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Well English went okay on Friday, and my next exam's on Thursday so here's hoping it goes well.

    I thought I'd cheer up coming here, but I can see that everyone's reading into everything WAY too much. Can't people see that Joe's admitted to being a shipper, but he's probably under WAY too much pressure to tell us anything definite...he's probably got RC breathing down his neck...anyhow...I spotted something shippy whilst rewatching Moebius...

    Think of this from the end of Moebius in the context of the AU
    kiss and 'fishing'

    O'NEILL (on the screen): Um, college football is played on Saturdays; pro on Sundays; and there are no fish in my pond ... at all ... where I fish. (He turns to the other two.) Uh, I think that covers it for me.

    (In the lab, Daniel turns the video off. Sam looks at Jack.)

    CARTER: Is that correct?

    O'NEILL: If it is, we don't do anything?

    CARTER: Apparently nothing we did affected the timeline.

    O'NEILL: But we didn't do anything!

    I take this as meaning

    If there are no fish and we don't do anything? (as in horizontal mamba)
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by lonely_star
      oh god !!! don't say me you haven't seen yet !!! you won't like it !!!!

      JOE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! they found a way to talk about the Aschen again !!!!!!

      ok now I'm getting very very worried about season 9 !!!
      I'm so pissed off!! can't even think abotu what to god, one more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      bring the cookies!!! NOW!!!!!!!!
      I didn't read it that way. I read it as
      the story isn't written or being produced. It's on the shelf right now. As in, if we're a story short, we'll use it. If Earth is going to court, don't you think that Jack would have to be brought in as a witness/suspect? After all, he was part of those story lines. They can't just ignore him. So look at it this way - if the story is produced, Jack will be back!
      That I can deal with.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        My heart is not in it anymore ..

        TPTB is showing no support whatosever to the shippers ..and bringing all the
        I'm sad to hear you say that, but we all understand and are kind of sad by RDA's decision to "leave" the show. Who knows what is to come though, the glass is still half full.


          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
          I didn't read it that way. I read it as
          the story isn't written or being produced. It's on the shelf right now. As in, if we're a story short, we'll use it. If Earth is going to court, don't you think that Jack would have to be brought in as a witness/suspect? After all, he was part of those story lines. They can't just ignore him. So look at it this way - if the story is produced, Jack will be back!
          That I can deal with.
          yeah you're right, thanks and you too Oma. I feel much better now. It was late and I was emotionally over the top but anyway
          the Aschen story is still a possibility and I'd be very sad if once again they bring him back. Actually I don't really like Joe. But if it means jack would be back, I can deal with that too!

          Sue Kay good luck for your exam!
          I thought your post was very funny! I mean it looks like you're the one reading WAY too much between the lines but I don't complain about it, if only it could be what TPTB meant!


            Hi! Sorry I havn't been in here a lot lately! - exam

            But I just saw a movie last night (Vanilla Sky), and it just got me to think -a lot!! But the thing is, that if the team (Sam and Jack and maybe Daniel and Teal'c), wet to the cinemax to watch a movie, what movie would they see? If Sam had to choose, or Jack?

            Zika (hoping I'll get some more time to be in here! )

            Belief in Sam and Jack ship in season 10?

            P.S. sorry about my english - from Denmark()


              Originally posted by Zika
              Hi! Sorry I havn't been in here a lot lately! - exam

              But I just saw a movie last night (Vanilla Sky), and it just got me to think -a lot!! But the thing is, that if the team (Sam and Jack and maybe Daniel and Teal'c), wet to the cinemax to watch a movie, what movie would they see? If Sam had to choose, or Jack?

              Zika (hoping I'll get some more time to be in here! )
              star wars for teal'c!


                Originally posted by shipper hannah
                star wars for teal'c!
                Daniel, Life is Beautiful
                Sam, The English Patient
                Jack, Close Encounters of the third kind or ET

                PS: No idea how those movies came out of my mind, I guess I was thinking to much like them

                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                  Okay-I am throwing a thought out here. I have batted this back and forth with a few homegirls-and this is my thought. Now I am spoilery spacing this because it has be a voluntary read-because what I am thinking is not real positive about season 9 or about Sam and Jack-so let us be upfront about this. If you are willing to take what might be an off the wall thought and run with it-here it is.
                  k-we know that the boys haven't been all that nice about Sam the last couple years and especially about the whole Sam and Jack relationship. I happen to be in the camp that was left mightily confused and unhappy at the end of it all-and as RDA is opting out-pretty much-I believe that the chances of any interaction are none and none-do you think that they will just pretend it all never happened? The show is really good at ignoring things-you know-like Janet's death and Cassie -so what really gives the idea that they will continue the relationship with Jack not being there? Does anyone think that they will pretend that Sam is the "Kirk" of Stargate-and if this turns out to be true-what will that do with your viewership of the show-will ya still watch?
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                    Okay-I am throwing a thought out here. I have batted this back and forth with a few homegirls-and this is my thought. Now I am spoilery spacing this because it has be a voluntary read-because what I am thinking is not real positive about season 9 or about Sam and Jack-so let us be upfront about this. If you are willing to take what might be an off the wall thought and run with it-here it is.
                    k-we know that the boys haven't been all that nice about Sam the last couple years and especially about the whole Sam and Jack relationship. I happen to be in the camp that was left mightily confused and unhappy at the end of it all-and as RDA is opting out-pretty much-I believe that the chances of any interaction are none and none-do you think that they will just pretend it all never happened? The show is really good at ignoring things-you know-like Janet's death and Cassie -so what really gives the idea that they will continue the relationship with Jack not being there? Does anyone think that they will pretend that Sam is the "Kirk" of Stargate-and if this turns out to be true-what will that do with your viewership of the show-will ya still watch?
                    I wouldn't be a bit surprised Season 9
                    if they ignore it all together. Jack leaves giving both Teal'c and Daniel a hug, of course no mention of Sam. Sam comes back from her "professional" leave of absence, is introduced to General Landry, no mention of Jack. Now I don't think she will be the Kirk of Stargate, I think that privilege will be left for Cameron. I think we are sitting ourselves up for a big let down if we think we are going to get a acknowledgement from those guys. Wonder why we aren't getting any J/S ship spoilers, because there is none.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      I wouldn't be a bit surprised Season 9
                      if they ignore it all together. Jack leaves giving both Teal'c and Daniel a hug, of course no mention of Sam. Sam comes back from her "professional" leave of absence, is introduced to General Landry, no mention of Jack. Now I don't think she will be the Kirk of Stargate, I think that privilege will be left for Cameron. I think we are sitting ourselves up for a big let down if we think we are going to get a acknowledgement from those guys. Wonder why we aren't getting any J/S ship spoilers, because there is none.
                      I agree-I happen to believe
                      that they consider it paid as of the end of last season. this is a new season,a new Sg-1-whatever happened the first 8 years is dead and buried and has nothing to do with where they are now.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda



                        The same thoughts that you mention have also run through my mind. I don't even want to think about it!

                        I'm trying to remain optimistic......


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

                          The same thoughts that you mention have also run through my mind. I don't even want to think about it!

                          I'm trying to remain optimistic......
                          I know-it is pretty scary isn't it? I used to be so excited about the new season coming and what they were going to do and the places and peoples they would meet. Now it's ...
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            You know, a lot of posters were saying that they watch the show for more than S/J and that's why they'll continue watching in season 9. Well, so did I. Unfortunately, a lot of the reasons I watched the show have gone by the wayside: for one thing, Jack was the character who sucked me into the show and the character I feel was the core character. I've found that I haven't particularly thought much of the eps with little or no Jack. So, that element is gone.

                            There was also a time when I thought the show was well-written, with intelligent stories, strong moral issues, no easy answers and clever solutions that didn't damage one or more of the characters. Not any more. The writing is totally sloppy, careless and facile, going for the easiest answer without any thought as to what that answer means if you think it through or for the damage it might cause to some or all of the characters in the ep. The plotting is slovenly, with plot holes all over and no explanations (for example, saying "Boy, she's good" does not explain why Vala was able to get out the brig and past all the guards at the end of the aptly-acronymed PU, when she couldn't get out earlier. But then, it's obvious that the writers didn't *have* an explanation that wouldn't be laughed off the screen--or they would have used it.) for things that are going on.

                            Not to mention, original ideas. And the spoilers for next year don't seem to be covering any new ground, either. And then there's the new penchant for stupid humor.

                            And so on, and so on.

                            So, there isn't that much to hold me anymore. More importantly, I see starting a thread, keeping it going, dangling in front of us all these year to keep us watching--and then not definitively resolving it when it essentially is no longer part of the show--to be a dishonest way of dealing with your audience. And that's the primary reason why I won't be watching if they simply write it off: I see their attitude as totally contemptuous towards us, and I don't see any reason to come back for more of that.

                            Especially not when the show is a mere shadow of its former self.

                            (I also don't like all the subtle digs that RCC is making against RDA now. Cooper needs an ego-deflate.)

                            "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                              Originally posted by Zika
                              Hi! Sorry I havn't been in here a lot lately! - exam

                              But I just saw a movie last night (Vanilla Sky), and it just got me to think -a lot!! But the thing is, that if the team (Sam and Jack and maybe Daniel and Teal'c), wet to the cinemax to watch a movie, what movie would they see? If Sam had to choose, or Jack?

                              Zika (hoping I'll get some more time to be in here! )
                              Well, Teal'c would be with me on Thursday - me and the hubby are gonna see Star Wars III

                              As for Jack - probably back to the Future with Mary Steenburger or The Simpsons Movie

                              As for Sam ..... 2001 A Space Odessy or Apollo 13 maybe? I dunno about that one. She might be a secret romantic and go for one of my faves, While You Were Sleeping


                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                I wouldn't be a bit surprised Season 9
                                if they ignore it all together. Jack leaves giving both Teal'c and Daniel a hug, of course no mention of Sam. Sam comes back from her "professional" leave of absence, is introduced to General Landry, no mention of Jack. Now I don't think she will be the Kirk of Stargate, I think that privilege will be left for Cameron. I think we are sitting ourselves up for a big let down if we think we are going to get a acknowledgement from those guys. Wonder why we aren't getting any J/S ship spoilers, because there is none.

                                That what I think too I'm running away before I get upset again


