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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by rcarroll
    I've never lived in a big city but I am sure that I would get lots of tickets if I did...Going home to Mass. on the red night. It is supposed to hit 100 at home by Wed...and it doesn't usually get that hot there.
    That's a hard pill to swallow if you're not used to it. And I'll bet it humid too!! The desert heat is way different than the moist matter what people say! Take care, stay in the air conditioning if you can.
    Originally posted by rcarroll
    I had been a while since I had been called a virgin
    The folks at the table announced my status to each of the guests and that caused them each to welcome me more so than they likely would have. The chair next to me was empty because one of the guys who paid for the breakfast had to leave right after he ate...all that $$ and left before anyone came to the table! Yes, could barely breathe when Ben sat there....
    *panics, faints, Dies...again* I could only hope! How special for you! Too bad about the guy next to you.... NOT! LOL


      Originally posted by mesa
      me too and soon we should have more! Crash should be capping the next set of season 9 DVDs! I talked to her at Comic-Con and she'll get them up as soon as she can


      OMG, that's perfect! I love that girl! heeeee thanks for the lovely anticipation Mesa.


        Originally posted by mesa


        These are all so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I was on the lap top all day yesterday and the resolution is so different that the desk top. It must have something to do with LC screen but the view is much nicer on my desk top! Going back to bed now all, have a great morning, I'm not a morning person,


          Originally posted by eirenne
          No need to ask anyone Purple, my mind already has traveled down a few paths...
          HEEEE bad hussies, lol
          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
          Sorry... reverted back to... last year?
          We still don't have enough Backwards Cap Cam piccies, though.
          You can never have enough of that! The backward hat Cam is just too hot! ..."MAAAAN!"
          Originally posted by gbbarb
          You will just have to spend the night in long, hard research with your Cam clone which means part 2 should be ready in about 3 days. Isn't 3 days the longest you can go without food or water?
          *snicker* Just like my sis to suggest the kind of long, hard, reserch that Addy might need!
          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
          Using your pix as is, Mesa... hope you don't mind....

          Dc: Comic Con?
          Cc: Yup... lotsa Babes and Hussies there....

          Dc: Babes and Hussies all in one room?

          Cc: *snerk* I don't know about your Hussies, but there isn't a room big enough for all my Babes.

          Dc: Why do I never see that coming?
          Cc: *snicker*
          genius Neelan!!! LMAO
          Last edited by purpletoo1; 01 August 2006, 06:15 AM.


            Originally posted by purpletoo1
            That's a hard pill to swallow if you're not used to it. And I'll bet it humid too!! The desert heat is way different than the moist matter what people say! Take care, stay in the air conditioning if you can.

            Yeah, always humid with hot....we are not really set up to handle high temps, since they don't happen very often...but we have a pool so we just hang out in that and then sleep in the room with the a/c. Maybe by the time I get home it will be cooling off...

            Live well, Love much, Laugh often


              Originally posted by rcarroll
              Yeah, always humid with hot....we are not really set up to handle high temps, since they don't happen very often...but we have a pool so we just hang out in that and then sleep in the room with the a/c. Maybe by the time I get home it will be cooling off...
              Nice, a pool! I'd live there! heee
              I hope it is cooler when you arrive on the red eye! hate those flights...

              night all, er, morning *yawns* back to bed for me... Thank you all so much for making my birthday special yesterday! With hubs gone there is no one else to celebrate with .... and all the green was lovely Babes.*blows kisses, throws brownie* Yes, I stole it from Barb! LOL *ducks to miss flying brownies thrown extra hard by Barb*


                Good morning, babes. I'm in charge today while Alpha Boy and Chipmunk continue their research.


                  Congrats on 6,100 posts, greytop!


                    Trying to catch up on what I missed is going to take me FOREVER! But it is worth it. If I had just skipped them I would have missed some important things like the pic of Purlpe's hubby. A handsome man in a uniform is always a welcome site on this thread.


                      Congrats on 8,500 posts, Neelan!




                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                            Good morning, babes. I'm in charge today while Alpha Boy and Chipmunk continue their research.

                            Oh goody! Always a party when you're here, Moon Pie.
                            They've been at it all night? Such dedication.

                            Quit pouting, Cornbread. I'll only be a minute.




