Originally posted by MerryK
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What on Earth would they talk about? Beyond work experiences, where's the common ground? Massive boredom would hit on both sides in short order.
I think they share a limited friendship ... a work-related friendship that is a little more than co-workers maybe, given the bonds of the team. But at the heart of my problems with the ship (leaving aside my huge issues with what it did to the team dynamic) there is no sense of shared emotional connection between them. Jack shuts her down every single time she tries to talk about feeeelings. Worst/best example? Lost City ... could that scene in his house be any more excruciating? That scene also proves that Sam doesn't spend time at his house. She looks around like she hardly knows the place. I always fast forward through it. I can't watch it.
I see Sam as close friends with Daniel and Teal'c (and I can certainly buy the shippy hints in Unending between Sam and Teal'c because of, hello, an emotional connection), I see Sam and Mitchell as primarily colleagues, and I think Sam and Vala could have lots of fun.
But Jack/Sam? Never in a million years.
Glad to see the thread back.