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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    You can just about deal with clients/customers, but when your colleagues are at the opposite end of the spectrum to you, its a killer. This is why I stay with my poorly paid job- because the people are great- and why my other friend is slowly dying at his because he hates every single last one of them
    To be honest, I'm considering chucking it all in soon anyway, and taking a break. I've completely lost enthusiasm for the job.
    Your very own lad to set up camp, light a fire (no inneundo, please ) and cook squirrels. Sounds good. Try not to get a serial killer though. They can be a little troublesome sometimes. You send them out to chop wood and then find that they're been otherwise engaged with the axe...
    Of course, on the positive side, the quality of the neighbourhood goes up.


      True. And as recompense for the evil, you get a useful and pretty person. Though you might always be suspicious of what was in your food...or what it was made out of

      If you feel you need a break, then as long as you're secure its best to do it. Or you get stuck and its not so easy to move on.

      Says the person who is still technically a student...

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        True. And as recompense for the evil, you get a useful and pretty person. Though you might always be suspicious of what was in your food...or what it was made out of

        If you feel you need a break, then as long as you're secure its best to do it. Or you get stuck and its not so easy to move on.

        Says the person who is still technically a student...
        Hey, foodwise I'll eat anything. Mmm, tastes like chicken...

        Yeah, just got to get my act together, and rearrange the finances a bit. I should really look into going freelance, but that would mean getting my showreel together, and that is a real pain in itself.

        It's just occurred to me I didn't send you Brother's Keeper in the DVD batch. Have you seen it?
        And do you want to?


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          Hey, foodwise I'll eat anything. Mmm, tastes like chicken...

          Yeah, just got to get my act together, and rearrange the finances a bit. I should really look into going freelance, but that would mean getting my showreel together, and that is a real pain in itself.

          It's just occurred to me I didn't send you Brother's Keeper in the DVD batch. Have you seen it?
          And do you want to?
          No I haven't. I wouldn't mind Despite the presence of hobo chic CN and the Joan Crawford moment

          Doesn't this make me yearn for the world of work...

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            No I haven't. I wouldn't mind Despite the presence of hobo chic CN and the Joan Crawford moment

            Doesn't this make me yearn for the world of work...
            It will be done. Aaaarrr!

            You've got plenty of fun times ahead before you get jaded. I'd give it... ooh... two years...
            Anyways, I thought youse was gonna be a student forever. Like.

            I take it you've seen The Stand? (After all, who hasn't?)


              Hmm, what's the chance of getting a reply if I email


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                It will be done. Aaaarrr!

                You've got plenty of fun times ahead before you get jaded. I'd give it... ooh... two years...
                Anyways, I thought youse was gonna be a student forever. Like.

                ...I take it you've seen The Stand? (After all, who hasn't?)
                Yes, I've seen it. Free Amazon rental ;

                I would be a student forever if I could actually be very good at the old Greek and Latin. And a first with honours student. The friend who could become a doctorate in Classics with her hands behind her back is becoming a lawyer. I think we should swap brains On the other hand, I want to be out of that environment and into another one. Only problem is finding a job that interests me and that I can do well that will have me.

                I'm already jaded. Oh, so completely

                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Hmm, what's the chance of getting a reply if I email
                *Hmms also* Piglet was lurking recently, so is available at the moment I think. Not sure what's going on with the site's admin, etc though, of course.

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  That's the problem. As far as I can see the Jonasfic admin hasn't updated her personal site (or it's been under construction) for months, so I don't know how hands on she is.

                  I could start a new account, but it'll still run in to the problem of "see above".
                  Oh well, let's spin the wheel and see what happens.

                  We should have caught Piglet to see if she had the inside track on Stone's War.


                    I sometimes say hi to lurkers, but I'm find it a bit scary if I was browsing and someone did that. Like I was being stalked I have a feeling he's not associated with the project any more- not on the cast list, not in the promo/behind the scenes- but those alone aren't confirmation. So, a mystery...

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      I think/hope not being in the behind the scenes stuff is not too indicative at the moment. They all appear to be shot in the same time period, so if he wasn't around those few days he wouldn't be seen. It's having no mention of him which is the Scooby Doo Mystery.

                      Whoops, should've double checked my email address on the "contact me" form. Dang, and my typing has been atrocious recently.
                      Last edited by smurf; 29 July 2007, 02:49 PM.





                        Courtesy of smurf, as always




                            Originally posted by smurf View Post

                            Yes and no. To the average viewer- yes. To us experienced folks- we knew from the beginning Although the exact circumstances- not so much. And have I mentioned how much I liked his performance in that? I want to hug him tight...and yet with the serial killerage.

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Huggably Mysterious*

                              *to anybody who has only managed to watch one of his roles.**
                              **not including Speck.

                              He's going to have to do a Rom-Com just to throw a curve ball at us. "What do you mean he hasn't killed/thought about killing anyone!?"


                                "Such a thing is impossible!" *Brain explodes through inability to compute this information*

                                The sincerity act fools no-one. But still, you are so pretty *cough*

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

