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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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        Hi everyone!
        Nice pics Addy.


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          Just seen Speck and am now watching a smidge of Doomtrooper. Considering that I was laughing a mere few seconds in when the film's logo appeared on screen, I don't have exactly high hopes. And apparently Parker Lewis is a convicted felon So far the whole thing is like the quality of plot of a bad game FPS (actually I think it is- Castle Wolfenstein bears some similarity) and of course there are the bad accents, the cliched music...oh lord
          It's those damn Nazis.
          And Parker Lewis has a terrible accent - not as good as the real Parker Lewis' accents on the Totally Hidden video thing.


            Hey, smurf!

            Teal'c: The monster portrayed in this film is so obviously fraudulent.
            Jonas: I know...but my original sure looks good in that uniform.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Hey, smurf!

              Teal'c: The monster portrayed in this film is so obviously fraudulent.
              Jonas: I know...but my original sure looks good in that uniform.
              *looks at Addy's Jonas' reaction* Hmm, is there something about your Jonas clone we should know about?


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                *looks at Addy's Jonas' reaction* Hmm, is there something about your Jonas clone we should know about?

                What? My lips were dry.


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Of course, dear.


                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    Of course, dear.

                    You doubt me, my smurf-y-poo?


                      Originally posted by smurf View Post
                      It's those damn Nazis.
                      And Parker Lewis has a terrible accent - not as good as the real Parker Lewis' accents on the Totally Hidden video thing.
                      What they needed at some point are Nazis yelling variously- Actung! Schnell! Aaargh!- because its not cliched Nazis without those things
                      They all have terrible accents. And CN's history of comedy films is confirmed with this, because at no point does he portrayal even the slightest bit of amusement at the PLCL reference, or indeed the entire production for that matter. He's the character completely from the bit I've seen (went and had dinner) and this both confuses and impresses me, because the fifteen or so minutes I saw had me in constant giggles. Heck, its better than a lot of so-called comedies

                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      Hey, smurf!

                      Teal'c: The monster portrayed in this film is so obviously fraudulent.
                      Jonas: I know...but my original sure looks good in that uniform.
                      The original is also the only one who appears to be speaking normally and not overacting the place down. Bless him, he might as well admit the jig is up and just make it into a parody. And yes, we like him in uniform

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always



                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                          Why don't you come over and we can talk about it.
                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          What they needed at some point are Nazis yelling variously- Actung! Schnell! Aaargh!- because its not cliched Nazis without those things
                          Wait for it...

                          They all have terrible accents. And CN's history of comedy films is confirmed with this, because at no point does he portrayal even the slightest bit of amusement at the PLCL reference, or indeed the entire production for that matter. He's the character completely from the bit I've seen (went and had dinner) and this both confuses and impresses me, because the fifteen or so minutes I saw had me in constant giggles. Heck, its better than a lot of so-called comedies

                          The original is also the only one who appears to be speaking normally and not overacting the place down. Bless him, he might as well admit the jig is up and just make it into a parody. And yes, we like him in uniform
                          They do. Although, I may make allowances for most of them being Bulgarian. Weirdly, with all the off accents, the actual Brit doesn't sound British.

                          *sigh* You can't knock the insane professionalism out of the boy...


                            Oh btw, nice pic run earlier addy

                            Mildly concerned in a puppyish sort of way- like someone told him that's no longer allowed to have desserts in the base canteen any more because the combination of Teal'c and Jonas is costing them too much

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              Why don't you come over and we can talk about it.

                              Wait for it...

                              They do. Although, I may make allowances for most of them being Bulgarian. Weirdly, with all the off accents, the actual Brit doesn't sound British.

                              *sigh* You can't knock the insane professionalism out of the boy...

                              "This doesn't strike me as a conventional method of conversation...what? Its an Earth thing? OK, I suppose..."

                              Yay! Its not a movie with Nazis without it. I don't think I'll be lucky enough to get a creepy Gestapo torturer as well a la Raiders of the Lost Ark as well...although the scientist was suitably daft

                              As long as there is some awareness, then I might be able to give them some credit. I'll just end up laughing anyway

                              Silly boy. Why are you doing your job properly? Why?

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Thanks, res!

                                You can keep him once I leave work and drop him back tomorrow, smurf!

                                lunch bump...

                                Why do I suddenly feel like a piece of meat?

