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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'll let Res answer (if she hasn't by the time I've posted this).

    In my bored searching for Parker Lewis related stuff (good old Google) I came across this page which has links to old trailers for Killer Bud, Legacy, and Raging Sharks. Although the Killer Bud one is the only one which comes close to being a decent promo.

    And that should conclude this weekend's posting of video links.


      It does conclude this weekend's video posting as I'm off to bed.
      Night everyone!


        Me too. Night smurf!


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          I'll let Res answer (if she hasn't by the time I've posted this).

          In my bored searching for Parker Lewis related stuff (good old Google) I came across this page which has links to old trailers for Killer Bud, Legacy, and Raging Sharks. Although the Killer Bud one is the only one which comes close to being a decent promo.

          And that should conclude this weekend's posting of video links.
          Cheers again, Smurf.
          I avoided the Hoff. 'Raging Sharks' suffers from one major problem- sharks. OK. Aliens, OK too. Together? By the looks of things no amount of explosions are going to stop that one from sinking... 'Killer Bud' is, well...'Killer Bud'.
          Should be concluded, as scarily it is no longer the weekend...

          Re Firefly: Corin has nice hands, so you're in luck

          And time for actual sleeping, methinks.

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            Re Firefly: Corin has nice hands, so you're in luck
            I already knew that...


              Okay, quick question for anybody who can help? I need a really good shot of Corin's arm tattoo. It's for a fic, and now that I need it, I can't seem to find it.

              Thanks! Now back to you regularly-scheduled thunking.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                I don't see why arm shots and thunking can't be compatible

                OK. That was just for partly for the thunkability This one's pretty clear:


                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  This is nice as well. (Love the smile )


                    Someone's enjoying himself

                    A fic that involves the tattoo. Ooh, intriguing...

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      It's so sweet, though. Awww.


                        More of the 'Stargate actor connection' thing going on in the Milford ep
                        My copy of 'Goodbye America' has arrived so I get to watch CN do crazy/violent tonight. Although it would be preferable if the DVD back didn't seem to want to give the entire plot away. I mean, I pretty much know what happens, but it doesn't exactly generate interest in a film when the events are laid out before you in a basic descriptive terms. Oi.

                        Am also slightly freaking out as I now have the time to e-mail the guy at Penguin with my CV and cover letter- only thing is, he will probably be forwarding it to the marketing department and I don't know who will be receiving it. If I were them I'd feel slightly put off if someone applying for work experience didn't even know if I was male or female (at least I wouldn't assume either way, but 'Dear Sir/Madam' is just...bad), let alone who I was.
                        Or I could just be overthinking this because I don't want to mess up something I want so...
                        Last edited by resurgamlaura; 02 April 2007, 05:56 AM.

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          It's Vancouverwood.

                          Not much you can do except write specifically to him (assuming he's the personnel manager rather than an aquaintance), or call ahead and ask who it would be best to make the letter out to.


                            Good morning, everyone!


                              Hi Addy.


                                That's scary...a man who can look so good in that horrid outfit.

