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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O
    These? They're from the SG ep Nightwalkers.
    Okay, I have to watch that episode again. I can't beleive that I didn't recognise them... I guess I just blaime it on the cold I have (well, I can't think of a better escuse )


      Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen
      Morgania: Book shops are wonderful... I tend to avoid them though, to try and not spend all my money. Are you a LotRs fan (as you mentioned hobbits)?
      Those darn book shops were happy to take most of my vacation money. I did visit a fair share of used stores though, so saved some too.

      I've been an LOTR fan since I was a teenager (which really wasnt that long ago). I love both the books and movie (have them in few different additions too). Besides Elves, Hobbits are my favourite Middle-Earth race. Oh, and Ents. For a while after seeing FOTR, I wanted my own Hobbit hole. Still do kinda.

      Oh, now look what you started. *sigh*
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by Morgania
        Those darn book shops were happy to take most of my vacation money. I did visit a fair share of used stores though, so saved some too.
        Used books stores are good, but I still seem to spend too much money (well, that it partly due to not having a lot of money to start with at the moment).

        [QUOTE]I've been an LOTR fan since I was a teenager (which really wasnt that long ago). I love both the books and movie (have them in few different additions too). Besides Elves, Hobbits are my favourite Middle-Earth race. Oh, and Ents. For a while after seeing FOTR, I wanted my own Hobbit hole. Still do kinda.

        I've been a fan for some years now, although I am now less involved in the fandom, but was really involved for time... The Elves are interesting, although I find the less so, not sure why, really though. However, I spend far too much time considering the history, culture etc of Gondor and Arnor...

        However, I suppose this is getting off topic so I should stop, as I can't even put in pictures of Jonas to make it nearer topic...

        For some reason the second quote tag is not working and I have no idea why...
        Last edited by Jenn Calaelen; 13 September 2006, 11:48 AM. Reason: Quote tags hate me.


          Nice to see anothe LOTR fan here. Theres actually a thread someplace, I forget where. Back to topic... how many of the season six episodes have you seen?

          Btw, all my Jonas pics are borrowed.

          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            Originally posted by Morgania
            Nice to see anothe LOTR fan here. Theres actually a thread someplace, I forget where. Back to topic... how many of the season six episodes have you seen?

            Btw, all my Jonas pics are borrowed.
            I think I saw a thread in Other Sci fi/fantasy (or whatever the section is called) but didn't post to it because it seemed to be a film discussion only...

            I've seen all of season 6 at least twice - which is why I was suprised not to recognise the pictures...



                Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen
                I think I saw a thread in Other Sci fi/fantasy (or whatever the section is called) but didn't post to it because it seemed to be a film discussion only...

                I've seen all of season 6 at least twice - which is why I was suprised not to recognise the pictures...
                Oh, thats where it was. It's both, I think. I've seen all of season 6 many times, owning the DVD set helps. My favourite episodes are Cure, Nightwalkers, and Descent. And Full Circle.
                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  Originally posted by Morgania
                  Oh, thats where it was. It's both, I think. I've seen all of season 6 many times, owning the DVD set helps. My favourite episodes are Cure, Nightwalkers, and Descent. And Full Circle.
                  I would have seen it more times, but my boyfriend doesn't like me watching all the time (he thinks I'm too obsessed with Jonas)... so I usually see it only when we go through the whole set we've got... which we have done twice since getting the season 6 box set. Otherwise I sometimes see watch episodes when he is not here...

                  I like most of the episodes, but Redemption, Descent, Frozen, Forsaken, Cure and Smoke & Mirrors are ones that I really like... but I have problems choosing favourites. I like most of the episodes. I think that Season 6 has more episodes that I like than most of the others, but I get confused about some episodes and where they come... season 6 is more memorable because of Jonas being there.


                    It is hard to pick favourites from that season. Mainly, I like Cure alot. It has suspence, intrigue, and mystery.

                    Oh, and more reasons I like that episode alot..

                    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                      Hi everyone!

                      Originally posted by Anyagate1
                      I noticed that too. I think that is five. Too bad we didn't actually get a good look at it.

                      I'm guessing it might be his son's name, because I think he has his wife's and daughter's names tattooed on him.

                      I wonder if they used stunt doubles for some of the wrestling scenes. The poor stunt guy probably had to spend longer in make-up than usual while they copied all CN's tattoos.


                        Originally posted by Morgania
                        It is hard to pick favourites from that season. Mainly, I like Cure alot. It has suspence, intrigue, and mystery.

                        Oh, and more reasons I like that episode alot..
                        Cure is a good episode - I like all the ethical questions and such in it. It is also a good episode in the way that it acts to the arc plot, and it also a good episode in itself. I'm hoping that that planet is revisited later but I don't recall it recuring in season 7...
                        Good pictures... so many nice pictures of Jonas in this thread. )

                        Unnatural Selection is also a good episode... but it kind of bothers me the way that they trick Fifth, even though I see why they have to... However, it intreages me a lot as to what is going to happen with the replicaters but hopefully I'll find out soon when I get to see Season 8 (finally found the DVD box sets of it and SGA S1 at a price that I can afford and have ordered them ) )


                          They dont revisit that planet later. I wish they would have. And Malek doesnt show up in any more episodes either, sadly (just the two). Those are some of the episodes I most watch in that season.

                          That reminds me, I still dont have the season 8 box set. I didnt like how they tricked Fifth either, he looks so hurt at the end. I think theres about five episodes in season 8 that have to do with the Replicators.
                          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.



                              There are just so many annoyign odds and ends left untied up and unerused characters. I keep hoping that each season these things will be sorted out, but it usually doesn't seem to happen... I guess I an going to end writing fanfic to try and fill them for me, but I am trying to resist the tempation as I already have too many things I am supposed to be doing...

                              /me wants to hug Fifth, he looked so upset..

                              Anyway, I should be going to bed. Goodnight.


                                Well goodnight everyone!! I did not have much time to thunk today. Hopefully, I will have more time tomorrow. See ya then.

