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Samantha Carter/Martouf/Lantash Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
    Funny? With Sam/Martouf/Lantash? Is that even possible? All the good fic I've read has been angsty, so can't exactly help you there. Okay, though this story was quite hilarious and did contain some ship:
    I've read it, but it is a very good and funny story, so I might reread that one. Poor Lantash - he really wants Sam bad in that one, but according to Last Stand/Summit that's true for him (and Martouf) in the show also.

    sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

    Favorite love-dodecagon:


      Originally posted by Snotr View Post
      You guys seem to have read some good fanfiction, could you perhaps suggest something funny/humorous for me to read over the weekend? I much prefer it to be Sam/Martouf/Lantash ship. but stories about other Tok'ra will do as well. Just one thing - please NO Sam/Jack or Sam/Pete ! in the story

      Wouldn't dream of giving you Sam/Jack or Sam/Pete - in a Sam/Martouf/Lantash ship thread!

      This is the link for the humor section, the humor/adventure section, and the humor/romance section of Symbiotica:

      don't know if there is any SML ship, but there's at least stories that mentions all three of them, so there might be. Take a look, and have fun. I know I'm going to stay here reading as many of them as possible before someone shows up and want this computer for research or book searches (university library computer).
      button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


        Originally posted by CaptJanson View Post
        Wouldn't dream of giving you Sam/Jack or Sam/Pete - in a Sam/Martouf/Lantash ship thread!

        This is the link for the humor section, the humor/adventure section, and the humor/romance section of Symbiotica:

        don't know if there is any SML ship, but there's at least stories that mentions all three of them, so there might be. Take a look, and have fun. I know I'm going to stay here reading as many of them as possible before someone shows up and want this computer for research or book searches (university library computer).
        Well, some of them do have ship, but I don't know if I really want to call that many of them humourous - 'Accidents do Happen', by Starshadow is pretty funny, but there is no 'ship in that.

        I agree with MerryK - I've never seen Sam/Martouf/Lantash ship which were funny. It's almost always some degree of angst. It's really too bad, since it would actually be nice to see, for a change. Maybe if there were more of it, there would also be more different types...

        Smilies made by Roeskva (

        "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


          Thank you for the links, CaptJanson. I've read like 10 of the stories there already and there are still a lot to read - though I wish there were more funny ones with Sam/Martouf/Lantash ship.

          Skadi, I agree, the 'Accidents do Happen' is funny. Poor Jacob, those body-switching devices seems to be everywhere. It reminds me of a story called 'Roles' which I once read. (A google search found it: In that, it is Sam and Martouf who are (temporarily) switched, I remember them fearing that the device will switch one of them with Lantash when they try to return to themselves. There is slight ship in that one.

          There actually was (at least) one story on one of the pages that had both ship and humor, namely one called 'The Christmas Party'. It's on (beware - it is NC-17).

          sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

          Favorite love-dodecagon:


            Hey gals, while we're on the subject of fanfics, I am cleaning out my "favourites" folders and came across this site HERE. I don't recognize why I saved the site (b/c honestly the stories aren't too great) (SORRY if the author is reading this.. they're just not my type of stories) But they are very Martouf/Tok'Ra centered, so I thought I'd share!

            Made by Me!


              Oooh, just found another site!!

              It's much better

              Made by Me!


                Hrm.. I just keep finding them.. sorry for holding out on you gals!!






                Made by Me!


                  Thanks for all the links! Haven't read anything yet, but it's nice to know it's there.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    Hey gals, while we're on the subject of fanfics, I am cleaning out my "favourites" folders and came across this site HERE. I don't recognize why I saved the site (b/c honestly the stories aren't too great) (SORRY if the author is reading this.. they're just not my type of stories) But they are very Martouf/Tok'Ra centered, so I thought I'd share!
                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    Oooh, just found another site!!

                    It's much better
                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    Hrm.. I just keep finding them.. sorry for holding out on you gals!!





                    I found some great stories on all the links, I especially like a story called 'Stolen Property' on
                    I think it's very cute - and it's mostly from Lantash's point of view - I like that. It is VERY NC-17 (PWP actually, according to the author), just so anyone is warned before reading it.

                    Smilies made by Roeskva (

                    "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                      Thanks for the links, Sun'shyne.

                      Just found a neat thing - in the bottom of some of the pages ( for example) are links to a 'token ring' - I haven't seem them in a while! Anyway, clicking on the 'ring hub' and then on 'sites', yields a list of 7 Tok'ra sites. One of the sites didn't work and some of the others are already on your list, Sun'shyne, but I got these - all Tok'ra related:

             (has a few fanfic & lots of other stuff)
             (a cosplay group - no fanfic that I could find)
             (lots of fanfic, mostly Selmak fics and Malek fics)
             (some fanfic, some other things)

                      sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                      Favorite love-dodecagon:


                        Originally posted by Snotr View Post
                        Thanks for the links, Sun'shyne.

                        Just found a neat thing - in the bottom of some of the pages ( for example) are links to a 'token ring' - I haven't seem them in a while! Anyway, clicking on the 'ring hub' and then on 'sites', yields a list of 7 Tok'ra sites. One of the sites didn't work and some of the others are already on your list, Sun'shyne, but I got these - all Tok'ra related:

               (has a few fanfic & lots of other stuff)
               (a cosplay group - no fanfic that I could find)
               (lots of fanfic, mostly Selmak fics and Malek fics)
               (some fanfic, some other things)

                        Nice! Loved the cosplay one...especially the tutorial on how to make a ribbon device.

                        Just watched "Allegiance" and "The Cure" last night, and noticed that they kind of treated Malek like Anise. You know, the new sort-of-important Tok'ra character who shows up for a couple episodes in a row. I like Malek better than Anise, though, and not just because he's droolworthy.

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          Nice! Loved the cosplay one...especially the tutorial on how to make a ribbon device.

                          Just watched "Allegiance" and "The Cure" last night, and noticed that they kind of treated Malek like Anise. You know, the new sort-of-important Tok'ra character who shows up for a couple episodes in a row. I like Malek better than Anise, though, and not just because he's droolworthy.
                          Yes, I have also rewatched a number of episodes with Tok'ra in them. I wish we would sometimes get to see the 'important-Tok'ra-of-the-week' again sometime later. They seem to be using them just as a handy extra for achieving something they couldn't otherwise explain why happened (like SG-1 getting the one-way forcefields and such - *pling* they received it from the Tok'ra!)

                          Oh, well. I suppose we must be happy when they don't use the Tok'ra as red-shirts, which is what they usually do (oh, we need someone killed this episode - must be someone sort-of good guy, but not someone the majority cares about. I know - let's bring in a TOK'RA!) I am so TIRED of them doing that. GROWL. (Sorry, I'll try to calm down now...)

                          Just for the record, I want the following brought back (in order of how much I want them back):

                          Martouf/Lantash (surprise, surprise...)

                          STOP KILLING TOK'RA!

                          Smilies made by Roeskva (

                          "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                            Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                            Yes, I have also rewatched a number of episodes with Tok'ra in them. I wish we would sometimes get to see the 'important-Tok'ra-of-the-week' again sometime later. They seem to be using them just as a handy extra for achieving something they couldn't otherwise explain why happened (like SG-1 getting the one-way forcefields and such - *pling* they received it from the Tok'ra!)

                            Oh, well. I suppose we must be happy when they don't use the Tok'ra as red-shirts, which is what they usually do (oh, we need someone killed this episode - must be someone sort-of good guy, but not someone the majority cares about. I know - let's bring in a TOK'RA!) I am so TIRED of them doing that. GROWL. (Sorry, I'll try to calm down now...)

                            Just for the record, I want the following brought back (in order of how much I want them back):

                            Martouf/Lantash (surprise, surprise...)

                            STOP KILLING TOK'RA!

                            *pats Skadi on the head* Now, now, calm down. There is always fanfiction, you know

                            (I want all those Tok'ra back too )

                            sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                            Favorite love-dodecagon:


                              Hey, I'm with you there, Skadi. We want all those nice Tok'ra back - especially Martouf/Lantash!
                              button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                                Hmm, so I ventured out into the General Stargate Discussion area with a thread about how the people Carter loves are all gentle, quiet, and sweet, except when it comes to her attraction to Jack, and I was hoping to find a little shipper equality in discussing the issue. Nah, just lots of S/J shippers who think that she must be "meant" for him because she keeps falling back on him after all those "boring" guys who fall for her die. I'm a little depressed now...must drown myself in some good Sam/Martouf/Lantash.

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

