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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
    I wish we could have a combination of all the Daniels. I like the hair in season 3, I like his build in Season 4. I like his self-confidence in Season 8 and I like his "bouncy-ness" in the early seasons.
    Well put. I miss the bouncy-ness most of all. I love the character of Daniel in ALL its permutations, but IMHO he has become just a little bit more sedate in S7 and S8. Not just in manner and demeanor, but in thought processes and interests. My feelings about this probably stem from our earlier discussions on his "purpose", or lack thereof, these days.

    But we all become a little more sedentary as we get older, right? Goodness knows, I have! It's tiring to be the first-on-the-scene-every-time person -- in RL as well as in TV fiction. And I think Daniel has enough of the "fire in the belly" necessary to keep the character alive for us for another season at least.

    As for "favorite season Daniel", for me that's a tie between seasons three and four. He's alert, active, muscular, quick-witted, and has just a hint of little boyish-ness and vulnerability.
    Last edited by Seshat; 24 March 2005, 04:18 PM.


      I like s6 Daniel best. That's not to say that s6 was the best season for Daniel, cos there quite patently needed to be more of him , but since what there was in s6 was so vivid (ie whenever he was there he was THERE, not propping up scenery or doing the exposition thing or whatever) we pretty much had Distilled Daniel in s6. Daniel-in-s6 is small, but perfectly formed

      His development over those three episodes is brilliantly written and acted, and fits really well into two and a half utterly top notch stories. His spirit and compassion are as strong as ever, he does what he can to get the result he needs, and when he can't go any further he's still prepared to risk sacrificing himself for the greater good. Great stuff.

      I've liked Daniel in every season, and unlike many I don't see a significant change between s1 and s8. I still see a kind, thoughtful, impulsive, enquiring person, and they feel too similar to me to be able to rank all the seasons for Daniel. I can say though that S8 (with its acknowledgement of Daniel's ascension) has been better than s7, largely for the "welcome to Danny's world" stuff which was just awesome, and is the best bit of character growth I've seen from Daniel post s6.

      The only season where he was significantly different to the others was s5. He seemed tired and jaded, and pretty despondent. I didn't like that development at the time, but now since it fits so well into the Whole I've found a bigger place in my affections for s5 Daniel.



        I have to say, I think the episode in season five--The Tomb--kind of combined all of Daniel Jackson's best traits. I mean, there he he was buff Daniel, but he was still so excited about everything--and I thought it was just too funny when he kept correcting Jack when he kept calling the ziggurat a pyramid. Funny, funny!

        But I think that episode had a lot of his best traits--he kicked ass when he needed to, he was just really excited about the ziggurat--which, by the way, were NOT used as tombs. They weren't hollow, either. All known ziggurats were built around a solid core. *clears throat* Sorry. Anyway, that's that.
        thankee toasteronfire


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          I like s6 Daniel best. That's not to say that s6 was the best season for Daniel, cos there quite patently needed to be more of him , but since what there was in s6 was so vivid (ie whenever he was there he was THERE, not propping up scenery or doing the exposition thing or whatever) we pretty much had Distilled Daniel in s6. Daniel-in-s6 is small, but perfectly formed

          His development over those three episodes is brilliantly written and acted, and fits really well into two and a half utterly top notch stories. His spirit and compassion are as strong as ever, he does what he can to get the result he needs, and when he can't go any further he's still prepared to risk sacrificing himself for the greater good. Great stuff.
          I have to agree with you that it was a great growth season for Daniel. By the last episode I think he was ready to pack it in and come home, ascension not being what he'd thought it was. Just imagine how it must have been for someone like Daniel who just canNOT sit by and watch 'badness' happen to people, to be forced to do just that? Especially when it comes to people he cares about.

          Being the brilliant man he is, I wasn't surprised when he found a way around the 'no interference' rule in Abyss to tell Teal'c and Carter where Jack was and how to get him out.

          I also wasn't surprised to hear him suggest ascension to Jack. Daniel has always believed people are inherently good and that Jack especially is better than Jack considers himself. I think Daniel fought for Jack, in his own way, just as hard as Jack claimed HE would have done if thier roles had been reversed.

          Dana Jeanne
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            Originally posted by Madeleine_W
            The only season where he was significantly different to the others was s5. He seemed tired and jaded, and pretty despondent. I didn't like that development at the time, but now since it fits so well into the Whole I've found a bigger place in my affections for s5 Daniel.
            Without going to deep into Actorville here, I think part of that was also the unhappiness of the actor. I was unhappy with it, too, but like you, looking at it in retrospect it fits perfectly into the 'Daniel's life arc' and explained Meridien.

            He had to be persuaded to ascend, convinced that he was good enough, and after everything that happenend in Season five, I can see why he would think he wasn't eligable.

            There were bright spots in S5-- as Cap mentioned, The Tomb, where Daniel was in his element with translating and yet had the 'military' down, too. That's one of my favorite episodes, as both a Daniel and a team ep.

            Dana Jeanne
            Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

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              Okay, going back to the earlier topic of Daniel being a naturally good person despite his background, I think that, though he is a very good person through and through, he--like everyone else--seems to have a much deeper, darker spot. Every now and then it shines through. Granted, most of the time it does he's usually doped up on something, but still! I think when he lets his guard down--or it is forced down--then we see the darker side that he has buried beneath his desire to help people. A few of these episodes--certainly not all--include:

              The Light


              Absolute Power--big time

              One False Step

              and a tinsy bit in Bloodlines

              And I think that's one of the reasons he tries so hard to help people--because he wants to forget about that darker spot because he doesn't like it. It probably scares him and maybe makes him feel too much like what he hates about the Goa'uld. That could also explain why he's usually so shaken up after the fact--even in Lockdown when
              Anubis took over his body and he shot up the Gateroom
              It wasn't his fault at all, but I still think he took the blame of it onto himself.

              Anyway, just more of my thoughts. And I wanted to get Daniel back up near the top.
              thankee toasteronfire


                Originally posted by DJFavorite
                I still have to say, one of my favorite Daniel episodes is Forever in a Day. But there are so many I enjoy: Lifeboat, Need, Beast of Burden, Secrets,... I could go on. I love to see the many different sides of Daniel. I love to see his faults as well as his strengths.

                I agree with you DJ. FIAD is my #1 fave ep. It was this ep that really made me a DJ and MS fan. The acting in this ep was so moving. He went thru so many emotions - The sorrow at the loss of his wife and then his hatred of Tealc to his eventual forgiveness of him. Even now after so many viewing it can still make me teary eyed.

                I love that it emphasized the friendship between Jack and Daniel. When Jack agreed to take Daniel to see Sha're body. That was so sad. Then of course the good bye hug was amazing.

                The whole ep was so believable. I believe that Daniel was capable of just packing up and leaving SG1 probably to never see them again. His grief was that overwhelming. To see the transformation from him wanting to leave to deciding to stay was incredible to see.
                Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                  Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
                  Okay, going back to the earlier topic of Daniel being a naturally good person despite his background, I think that, though he is a very good person through and through, he--like everyone else--seems to have a much deeper, darker spot. Every now and then it shines through. Granted, most of the time it does he's usually doped up on something, but still! I think when he lets his guard down--or it is forced down--then we see the darker side that he has buried beneath his desire to help people. A few of these episodes--certainly not all--include:
                  Just using Need here, although I agree with you on all the others. It was in Need that made me wonder if perhaps Daniel was hiding his anger at the way people just ignore him, don't show him any respect and so on. When he got angry at Jack and claimed the man never showed him any respect (or whatever), I thought--yeah, Daniel, you tell him!

                  It's always puzzled me after how many times Daniel has turned out to be correct about something, or saved the day, or whatever, that STILL nobody seems to trust him or believe him. From Maternal Instinct when he told everyone to lower their weapons and Jack didn't do it until AFTER Bra'tac did it, through to The Other Side, when Jack told Daniel to shut up....

                  I haven't seen anything in Season 7 or 8 to show that Daniel is not being trusted or respected, at least not by Jack, but then we haven't gotten a whole lotta Jack and Daniel scenes together

                  Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

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                    Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                    ... how has he grown, handled life, and so on?...
                    Of all the characters, Daniel has changed the most. He has become stronger both emotionally and intellectually.

                    His strength of mind was displayed in Reckoning when he was able to not only withstand the replicator mind whammy thing, but also explore the Replicator hive mind to fight back and freeze the replicators for long enough to allow the rest of his team to win.

                    He is more confident in himself, more willing to do not only the right thing but to take action if he has to to save others.

                    He understands his value to the program and to his friends now, something which he had had stripped away from him by Season 5.

                    What has not changed is that inner warmth, gentleness and genuineness, the ability to contect to and commuicate with a wide range of people/races.

                    His compassion for so many, even those who have wronged him, his ability to forgive only serve to make him stronger and a more complex character.



                      Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                      Daniel's changed a lot over the last eight years. How do you like him best (and 'with champaign and strawberries' is NOT an answer). What season has your favorite Daniel? Is it a mixture? Do you like the muscular, more pro-active 'military' Daniel we have now, or do you prefer the one who was more naive from the early seasons?
                      Not an easy question to answer.

                      Season 1 Daniel is sweet, innocent and curious but so determined and stubborn.

                      Season 2 Daniel is slightly less innocent, but his curiosity heightened, his confidence increased, the snarkiness we know and love is starting to show.

                      Season 3 Daniel is a wonderful mixture of confidence and innocence, emotionally strength and vulnerability, still with that curiosity and enthusiasm shining through

                      Season 4 Daniel is confident, emotionally has closed himself off more due to Share's death and Jack's treatment of him in both SOG and OS. He starts to question his place on the team and at the SGC as he starts to see his team mates and friends change and become embroiled in their egos and obsessions.

                      Season 5 Daniel is adrift - he is emotionally cut off from his team and friends as they dance their obsessive self centred tangos. He has lost all the hard won confidence he gained over the past 4 or so years. Given all the things he has been through, especially since the end of Season 3, he questions his competence and the support and love of his friends. While still able to contact with so many other races both friendly and foe, no matter how hard he tries he can not understand or contact with his self obsessed friends.

                      Season 6 Daniel has achieved a new level of confidence and peace with himself. However he is unable to leave behind those he cares deeply about, nor let the fate of planets or galaxies hang in the balance. Here we see the first stage of the more proactive Daniel - sometimes via round-about means, sometimes directly. His compassion still blazes through as he stays with both Jack and Teal'c during their most desperate hours.

                      Season 7 Daniel more proactive, slightly less curious, more confident in his own skin and in his abilities. He smiles more readily, has reconnected with Jack, and even teases his other friends more readily.

                      Season 8 Daniel - more confident and proactive again, intellectually and emotionally the strongest we have seen. He is now sure of himself and his relationship with Jack and enjoys baiting the older man - they still contact on a level the others can't and even the enforced editing of the show can not completely destroy this strength of bond.

                      Hope this is not to rambling.


                        Good lord, that's long...But true.
                        It makes no difference what you do to me. But know this, the Ori are all-seeing.
                        [long pause] They are already aware of this affront to their eminence, and shall strike down those who dare to defy them.
                        Nothing yet. You?
                        Drawing a blank. A little thirsty.
                        That doesn't count
                        No, it doesn't.


                          Let's see, how do I like Daniel the best? I love the confidence he has had in the more recent years, but my favorite has always been seeing Daniel the archaeologist. The love he shows for it is so real and so honest, and so inspiring. Daniel's strong beliefs in what he knows is right is what made me fall in love in the first place. Oh, and I have always loved the longer hair from the first two seasons, but I've gotten used to it short, finally.



                            Did anyone think in Moebius Pt 2
                            that Daniel's reaction to the alternate SG1 was a little off? I know they weren't *his* SG1 but in a way wouldn't it have been like seeing his dead friends alive again? Wouldn't he be happy for a second? I know their presence meant the timeline got messed up, but still.


                              Originally posted by DJFavorite
                              I still have to say, one of my favorite Daniel episodes is Forever in a Day. But there are so many I enjoy: Lifeboat, Need, Beast of Burden, Secrets,... I could go on. I love to see the many different sides of Daniel. I love to see his faults as well as his strengths.
                              Actually I love TBFTGOG, Pol just to see Daniel have a go at Kinsey, Secrets, DMS, AP - evil Daniel is so sexy, TFO, BOB, L/B, EM, I enjoyed Chimera (except for the Sam stuff which totally distracted from the episode unless they were trying to point out that Sam was like Sarah/Osiris - sweet on the surface and evil underneath - and if so, they failed), Abyss, L/D (the scene where Daniel asks who shot him and the one where he reminds Jack he shot him are wonderful), the first half of TL (second half was all a biut pointless imho)....

                              Do I need to go on?


                                Originally posted by jckfan55
                                Did anyone think in Moebius Pt 2
                                that Daniel's reaction to the alternate SG1 was a little off? I know they weren't *his* SG1 but in a way wouldn't it have been like seeing his dead friends alive again? Wouldn't he be happy for a second? I know their presence meant the timeline got messed up, but still.

                                Not at all. I think he had been kicking himself over using the time device in the first place and was not impressed that another SG1 had decided to use it too. IT is pretty obvious from the outset that this SG1 is very different to his SG1.

                                Plus he also realises its not good that his alternate isn't there. As he says, this can't be good!

