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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver

    and, instead of a boyfriend, i'd like to have seen a semi-recurring character who has to deal with little things like folks going to work in a mountain in janary and coming home with a tan, or having to explain to their sig other what a staff weapon burn is, or why deep space radar telemetry has so many training accidents
    Perhaps Mark, Sam's brother? Hmmm... that might be an idea for a fanfic. Can't seem to recall reading any fic that really had Mark in it...
    Edit: I just reread that... By Mark, I mean Sam trying to explain to him why she has the tan etc... o.O


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

      A new review of Stargate SG-1 Season 9 listed under the News section...

      OK. I went, I read and time to stay positive ! Obviously this guy was seeking for Farscape on SG1. Is he disappointed because of the characters ? No, he said it himself. Is he disappointed by the plots ? Yes. Now, do you really expect someone who admits he never got hooked into Stargate, never watched the movie to "connect" with Stargate mythology on the season 9 premiere ? I don't. That's why I'm willing to wait and see by myself to have an opinion.
      Lets just have a look at all these "best episode tournament " threads. We're all Stargate fans and we all have very different and strong opinions on the quality of the show. Let's Stargate be judged by Stargate fans !
      Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        I was hoping Season 8 would be a Carter in command season... and then I was hoping it would be Carter in command in Season 9...
        Most of you have weighed in on this ... and I'm with Astrog. Because TPTB focused on Jack/RDA's transition to General and Sam's personal life, the collateral damage was the loss of Sam's leadership potential and episodes showing her in command off-world and at the SGC. It was not only a blow to the character but also a blow to the portrayal of a strong female role model. God knows, we certainly need more, not less, of these on television and in the movies.

        I'll be watching though, for better or worse! It will all depend on the interaction between Sam and Cam and how they manage to "co-exist" within the frame of SG1. Instead of keeping or recalling the SG1, why not just admit the unit has been retired and create a whole new SG unit for Cam to command?

        However, I will find it hard to forgive TPTB for missing out on a prime opportunity to promote the cause of women in the workplace. Too many women are seen as "replaceable" in too many professions. Writing Sam (and a pregnant/post-pregnancy AT) "away on a mission and coming back reluctantly" seems like a cop out to me.

        Okay ... clunk, clunk ... I'm stepping down from my soapbox.
        Last edited by ChopinGal; 14 July 2005, 05:36 AM.


          Pour Lys et L'Historian et Tout Des Amies Francaises

          Joyeux Jour de Bastille!!

          (Excusez-moi, mais this is the only place I'll ever get a chance to practice my ancient high-school French! And please feel free to correct!)


            Originally posted by majorsal
            let's play a game. let's pretend that we've been writing stargate since the beginning. how would 'we' have written sam in all these years?
            Ooh! Good idea, MajorSal. I'm gonna make my comments before reading on. It should be interesting to compare notes.

            1) Since Sam is supposed to be this adrenaline junkie, I'd have shown that side of her more(IMO, I haven't really seen AJ Sam). In COTG I'd have had her crouching with a wide-eyed wild look, barely able to keep from screaming "that was fantastic!" all the while looking around her, trying to soak it all in. Instead we got "I think I'm gonna be sick." Bleh.

            In other eps I would have included a file shot of somebody in black bike leathers popping a wheelie on some country road - maybe something taken from the air.

            In Watergate, I'd have shown her getting jazzed about jumping out of a plane, much to Teal'c's consternation. Little things like that would have gone a long way to developing that aspect of her character.

            2) Jolinar - her memories, legacy, abilities, the whole nine yards. I don't mind at all that Sam is not very good with the devices, but I'd have made sure we all knew why.

            3) Linea and Replicarter - Sam would have had to deal with both these characters and with her own foul-ups with regard to how she handled herself around them their first time around.

            4) I would have let Sam deal with the repercussions of her job - that of killing others. I would have let her cry, get angry, kick walls and furniture, snap at her teammates, basicly, work it out without sacrificing her strengths.

            5) I would have let her take the fall for screwing up - a spot on her record would make her an even better hero, IMO(especially if whether or not she deserved it was highly debatable among the fans ). Jack's got some, Shepperd has, too, and aren't their characters so much more complex as a result?

            6) I'm sure there's a six, seven, and possibly even an eight, but I gotta go to work now.

            A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
            "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
            One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
            resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
            confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
            A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
            The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
              I just read it.....and it's a great article (except it calls her character a lieutenant, instead of lieutenant colonel)! I also found out that Amanda paints! I do too.....well, I used to a lot, but now I'm so busy that I don't have as much time. But I enjoyed it, and would recommend it to all Samandans
              Interesting article. I wonder if she ever consulted Don Davis on the painting thing. Doesn't he spend a lot of time painting?
              Last edited by jckfan55; 14 July 2005, 08:25 AM. Reason: English is my first language, really


                Originally posted by Atteria
                As promised:


                Hope you ALL enjoy the feast! As always, this food is fat free AND calorie free, so eat, drink and be merry!
                Forgive me for tacking on to this message, but you so conveniently have the blue, white and red flag, etc.
                Happy Bastille Day! Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite! (Sorry, I don't know how to do the accent marks.)


                  As much as I liked parts of the whole 'ship' issue, I have to agree knowing what I know now... I would have rather they dropped the entire issue or not brought it up at all. I didn't mind the references up until D&C, it was actually quite fun to watch. A little flirting, smiles, joking... but they were all still a big happy family. I think I started to sour on the entire situation when it became so angsty and Sam/Jack stopped having that easy casual relationship.

                  Things I would have definitely changed if I were the writers? More storylines dealing with what Jolinar left behind...memories good and bad, abilities to manipulate gou'ald devices more, ect.

                  More storyline issues dealing with her friendship with the team. I would have loved to see stories like Abyss, Tangent, or Changeling where it was Sam/Daniel, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Janet, Sam/Jack ( as friends ). I really would have loved to have seen more episodes with the team together outside of work like Lost City perhaps as B stories to an episode.

                  But overall I just want more kick-ass Sam. I guess I'm different in that I don't necessarily need to see her as the leader. I really liked Sam just as she was before she took over command of SG-1. However, I for one never saw Sam as SuperSam before season 7. I simply saw her as a strong, intelligent and competent officer who was equal to her male counterparts. I think much of the issues with Sam began when the writers started to listen to the many critics who saw Sam as too perfect and tried to add character flaws.

                  I never saw Sam as being perfect, nor did I see what she had accomplished in life as completely inconceivable. In every walk of life there are people who excel in many different areas. I have known many people who not only sang beautifully but were wonderful dancers as well. I've know people who were not only good in football but baseball, soccer and swimming. Why is so hard to believe that someone like Sam could excel as she has without being a Superwoman?

                  I have had many friends who have had multiple doctorates. One of them told me once that once you acquired your first PHD that the others were a breeze. One has three different doctorate degrees. It's not like people like Sam don't exists, it's just that they are not the norm so they appear to be superhuman in some ways.

                  Daniel is considered a genius as well. I mean the man speaks over 23 languages. Does noone else consider this to be a remarkable feat? I know of linguists who speak eight or nine different languages, but 23? But I do not believe this makes Daniel perfect, or an unrealistic character.

                  I apologize for rambling but I guess more than anything if it were up to me, I wouldn't feel the need to show any of these characters as weak, or flawed in any other way than they did in the first three seasons. I like believing that these people are special. Science Fiction and Fantasy stories for me have always been a means to escape reality and to see life in a 'what if' situation. I read/watch these types of stories and shows because I enjoy dreaming of what it would be like if I were living through some of their extraordinary circumstances. I like seeing the characters as heroes, going above and beyond the norm to save the world. It's fun to see them as human, but why can't it be in a positive light? We already know they experience loses like the rest of us. Sam lost her mom. Daniel lost his parents and wife. Teal'c lost his wife and girlfriend. Jack lost his son. Life is not perfect for them, and yet they continue to go on. It is these types of issues that draw me closer to them. The ones that show them deal with personal issues and yet show them where they persevere and become stronger. I think this is where the writers faltered with Sam over the past two years. They tried to show us her weaknesses and allow us to see all the fissures within her psyche, but they didn't allow us to see her fight these battels and triumph over them. We weren't allowed to see her actually battle these demons and become stronger in the end. Had they done this better, then I think I would have accepted the changes in Sam much more easily.

                  ACK! Stepping down from my soapbox. I appreciate if you managed to stick with me this far.

                  Last edited by ForeverSg1; 14 July 2005, 08:32 AM.


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    Pour Lys et L'Historian et Tout Des Amies Francaises

                    Joyeux Jour de Bastille!!

                    (Excusez-moi, mais this is the only place I'll ever get a chance to practice my ancient high-school French! And please feel free to correct!)
                    MMMM jelly beans. Yummy. Right colors, too

                    Merci ChopinGal

                    And thanks to the Royal Baker for this somptuous menu
                    There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick.
                    If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you get well, or you die.
                    If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down.
                    If you go up, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you wont have time to worry.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      As much as I liked parts of the whole 'ship' issue, I have to agree knowing what I know now... I would have rather they dropped the entire issue or not brought it up at all. I didn't mind the references up until D&C, it was actually quite fun to watch. A little flirting, smiles, joking... but they were all still a big happy family. I think I started to sour on the entire situation when it became so angsty and Sam/Jack stopped having that easy casual relationship.

                      I actually found that she was really relaxed and confident in her relation with Jack in season 8. Zero Hour, when he says Teal'c described as a lionness, or whatever. Avatar, Citizen Joe.

                      And yes, more Jolinar's memories. She has that in her head and body, why not use it more. More friendship with Daniel and Teal'C. And strong and talented Sam.

                      And you know what. A real scene kissing Jack. Why is he the only one remembering kissing her (POV and WoO). She only has Grace, and it wasn't even the real thing, she was hallucinating. Not fair. Well, there was Broca Divide. But then, not herself :s

                      Though I'm not into shippy scenes. I would have ended it with Sam asking Jack if he was still in for that fish trip (oh yeah, we got that), and him taking her by the waist, leading her somewhere, mentionning the merits of fishing.

                      Any way, gotta to go back to work.
                      There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick.
                      If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you get well, or you die.
                      If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down.
                      If you go up, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you wont have time to worry.


                        Originally posted by Lys
                        OK. I went, I read and time to stay positive ! Obviously this guy was seeking for Farscape on SG1. Is he disappointed because of the characters ? No, he said it himself. Is he disappointed by the plots ? Yes. Now, do you really expect someone who admits he never got hooked into Stargate, never watched the movie to "connect" with Stargate mythology on the season 9 premiere ? I don't. That's why I'm willing to wait and see by myself to have an opinion.
                        Lets just have a look at all these "best episode tournament " threads. We're all Stargate fans and we all have very different and strong opinions on the quality of the show. Let's Stargate be judged by Stargate fans !
                        Straight! If some of the incoming Scapers are dissapointed, then that's a minor bummer but it suggests that Avalon part 1 might get a pass from me.
                        I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                          Originally posted by Lys

                          Geek! Cameron
                          And I'm sure Sky would love this one :

                          Geek! Teal'c

                          *drools all over keyboard at the display of Geek!Cameron*

                          Oh man, oh man, Lys! Are you trying to kill me?! Geek!Teal'c!

                          All I'm asking for is one episode... Just one...


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            Would have explored her friendship (or maybe more.... J/K thats for fanfic ) with Janet and Cassie a bit more.

                            And would of had more Sam!Whumping
                            Woohoo!!!! Me too!

                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by Lys
                              And as promised, fireworks for everybody !

                              Just a quick visit to say Happy Bastille Day to Lys, Caro, Historian, and any other Franco-Samandans out there!!!

                              And thanks to Atteria for the magnificent banquet. Mais pas de Reblochon? Quel dommage...



                                Ooooooh boy...

                                I see what you guys are talking about now with that article. Yipes. That's one scary review. No bueno.

