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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally Posted by Skydiver
    #2, with the exception of one person that needs to give me their address, the dvd's are in the mail. And don't worry about postage and the was all of $3 for the international ones...not worth the mess of getting money to and from

    the US folks should get them by the weekend, the over seas folks next week i think
    Originaly posted by rderoch
    DVD's? What DVD's?
    which dvd's ? Sky
    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


      copies of amanda's bits of ghost hunters live
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        for those that have been waiting, SBZ's done with her 'the way' series

        the last book of the last part is done
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Melora View Post
          It was a very nice interview. I think what Mr. Shaughnessy said bears repeating.


          GW: You spent a lot of time with Amanda Tapping, how was she as an actress and a human being?

          CS: She's: a) adorable, just adorable, and b) what surprised me was that she's a stand-up comic. Her upbringing, her background is stand-up comedy. Improv comedy. She comes from an improv comedy group and sort of found herself as this iconic science fiction heroine in this terrific show.

          But she's hysterically funny and she comes from a Canadian ... like a Groundling, a comedy improv group, she's hysterical. She couldn't have been sweeter and nicer to work with. A terrific actress. The whole thing was just really one of those fortunate experiences you have as an actor. You never know what you're going to get into when you go off to do a show somewhere. Sometimes it's just like you have to get through it and do the job. And sometimes they just turn out to be a delight, and this was one, from every aspect, turned out to be delightful.
          Question, and this is especially directed to those who've met her:

          Why is it that everyone who meets her, young or old, almost instantly falls on love with her and becomes a huge fan of hers for life?


            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Question, and this is especially directed to those who've met her:

            Why is it that everyone who meets her, young or old, almost instantly falls on love with her and becomes a huge fan of hers for life?

            *doesn't give a flying f@$% as to why*

            Last edited by Falcon 304; 06 November 2008, 06:27 AM.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              for those that have been waiting, SBZ's done with her 'the way' series


              the last book of the last part is done
              YAY! Thanks for the heads up though I do need to do a little catch-up before I can get to this one. It's an awesome series!

              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
              *doesn't give a flying f@$% as to why*

              Ooh touchy. You okay?


                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                Ooh touchy. You okay?
                Nah, just at school right now.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Question, and this is especially directed to those who've met her:

                  Why is it that everyone who meets her, young or old, almost instantly falls on love with her and becomes a huge fan of hers for life?
                  I know that before I met her (at AT2) I was a huge fan of Sam, and I was really worried that when I finally met her that I'd be disappointed somehow. Because unfortunately, you can meet someone who's work you've admired and they turn out to be a not so nice person or they barely look at you or they dont say 'hi, how are ya'. I went to a masters class once with a pretty well-known American actress. She played a character on television that I loved, and I was excited about meeting her. And when she showed up to the class, she was so arrogant and unfriendly. And when she came in the next day she was - well let's just call her tipsy. And I've tried not to let it taint my view of the character she played but I was so disappointed.

                  So understandably I was so worried that something like that might happen again. And I wasn't in stargate fandom then so I didn't have people like you guys to tell me the all kinds of awesome that she's made of. All I had was Sam Carter. So to answer your question Rocky, and why I walked away a huge fan of Amanda, it was because she looked at me like she really saw me. She makes an effort to ask about you, and she gives hugs like her life is dependent on being able to squeeze the breath out of the huggee. And on stage she was so honest, and personable, and normal. And when she tears up, you tear up, and you realise she has the same kinds of feelings as you do, and that makes her so normal and approachable and like you. And I think that kind of honesty sticks. And makes you want to do it all over. And you do, you go to see her at an Expo. And then you take a whole day off work just to make sure that you're nowhere else *but* at your computer when tickets go on sale for her next event. And then you discover you're booking an entire vacation to Vancouver to do it all over again because the next local event is unacceptably far away.....

                  Man I've so forgotten what the question actually was...

                  ... Amanda FTW?


                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    You've met me and you can still say this?

                    Isn't it Friday yet? I want to see a new Sanctuary!

                    Actually, I can.

                    Today I thought "it's Thursday, only one more day until Sanctuary"

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Actually, I can.

                      Today I thought "it's Thursday, only one more day until Sanctuary"
                      I can relate to that comment. With nearly two weeks of no SGA and no Sanctuary, I've been feeling like I'm in withdrawal of some kind, and really looking forward to Friday evening and both those shows.


                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                        Question, and this is especially directed to those who've met her:

                        Why is it that everyone who meets her, young or old, almost instantly falls on love with her and becomes a huge fan of hers for life?

                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        I know that before I met her (at AT2) I was a huge fan of Sam, and I was really worried that when I finally met her that I'd be disappointed somehow. Because unfortunately, you can meet someone who's work you've admired and they turn out to be a not so nice person or they barely look at you or they dont say 'hi, how are ya'. I went to a masters class once with a pretty well-known American actress. She played a character on television that I loved, and I was excited about meeting her. And when she showed up to the class, she was so arrogant and unfriendly. And when she came in the next day she was - well let's just call her tipsy. And I've tried not to let it taint my view of the character she played but I was so disappointed.

                        So understandably I was so worried that something like that might happen again. And I wasn't in stargate fandom then so I didn't have people like you guys to tell me the all kinds of awesome that she's made of. All I had was Sam Carter. So to answer your question Rocky, and why I walked away a huge fan of Amanda, it was because she looked at me like she really saw me. She makes an effort to ask about you, and she gives hugs like her life is dependent on being able to squeeze the breath out of the huggee. And on stage she was so honest, and personable, and normal. And when she tears up, you tear up, and you realise she has the same kinds of feelings as you do, and that makes her so normal and approachable and like you. And I think that kind of honesty sticks. And makes you want to do it all over. And you do, you go to see her at an Expo. And then you take a whole day off work just to make sure that you're nowhere else *but* at your computer when tickets go on sale for her next event. And then you discover you're booking an entire vacation to Vancouver to do it all over again because the next local event is unacceptably far away.....

                        Man I've so forgotten what the question actually was...

                        ... Amanda FTW?
                        You beat me to the "made of awesome" punch.

                        But, all so true. We may not be able to fully explain why, but you just find yourself wanting to be where she is. I've flown across the pond twice to go to Gabit, and I had never flown before.

                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Actually, I can.

                        Today I thought "it's Thursday, only one more day until Sanctuary"
                        So it's just me. I'm used to that.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Hi Everyone,

                          How's everyone? Sorry I've been off the thread for a few days, college has gotten really busy.

                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          I know there are some S/J shippers on Samanda who, like me, just don't have enough hours in the day to play in the ship thread anymore.... so everybody else quickly blindfold your eyes.... and for the shippers here I have a new fanvid.

                          *insert blindfold*

                          Title: Between the Minds
                          Artist: Jack Savoretti
                          Edited by: PengYn
                          Pairings: Sam/Jack ship
                          Spoilers: seasons 1-8
                          Summary: "With a deep breath, pushing aside all her doubts and fears and possibilities and probabilities the way she had for all those other giants, she finally moved. She got out of the car, and went to go ask Jack O’Neill if he still loved her. It was the hardest thing she had ever done."

                          watch on youtube or download at my LJ

                          Hope you enjoy

                          *take off blindfold*

                          EDIT: I should probably add since I mentioned it on LJ that I dedicated this vid to samjackshiplover because she's had such a long and tough year and yet still has managed to be truly an amazing friend to me.
                          PengYn what a beautiful vid, thank so much for posting it over here, I also don't get the time to visit the ship thread any more but I'm still very much a shipper. (((((Megyn))))) and (((((Lies)))))
                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          An OT message to remind all the US Samandans to exercise your right to vote today. I managed to sneak in at a non peak time and the line wasn't bad at all.

                          Do you think Sam votes absentee? It must to hard to know if you'll be on Earth on voting day. (see how I cleverly brought that back on topic? )
                          Well after reading catching up, I'm still confused about how folks in the US vote. But yeah I think Sam and the rest of the SGC would vote by (I forget what its called in the US)but by postal vote.

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          In our state you used to have to give a reason for why you wanted to vote absentee (--like you were homebound due to illness or disability or would be out of town. Can you imagine Sam accidentally saying/writing "I'll be offworld on election day" ?

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          for those that have been waiting, SBZ's done with her 'the way' series


                          the last book of the last part is done
                          Thanks Sky I'm a little behind with reading it, I must try to get caught up.
                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Question, and this is especially directed to those who've met her:

                          Why is it that everyone who meets her, young or old, almost instantly falls on love with her and becomes a huge fan of hers for life?

                          Great question Rocky!
                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          I know that before I met her (at AT2) I was a huge fan of Sam, and I was really worried that when I finally met her that I'd be disappointed somehow. Because unfortunately, you can meet someone who's work you've admired and they turn out to be a not so nice person or they barely look at you or they dont say 'hi, how are ya'. I went to a masters class once with a pretty well-known American actress. She played a character on television that I loved, and I was excited about meeting her. And when she showed up to the class, she was so arrogant and unfriendly. And when she came in the next day she was - well let's just call her tipsy. And I've tried not to let it taint my view of the character she played but I was so disappointed.

                          So understandably I was so worried that something like that might happen again. And I wasn't in stargate fandom then so I didn't have people like you guys to tell me the all kinds of awesome that she's made of. All I had was Sam Carter. So to answer your question Rocky, and why I walked away a huge fan of Amanda, it was because she looked at me like she really saw me. She makes an effort to ask about you, and she gives hugs like her life is dependent on being able to squeeze the breath out of the huggee. And on stage she was so honest, and personable, and normal. And when she tears up, you tear up, and you realise she has the same kinds of feelings as you do, and that makes her so normal and approachable and like you. And I think that kind of honesty sticks. And makes you want to do it all over. And you do, you go to see her at an Expo. And then you take a whole day off work just to make sure that you're nowhere else *but* at your computer when tickets go on sale for her next event. And then you discover you're booking an entire vacation to Vancouver to do it all over again because the next local event is unacceptably far away.....

                          Man I've so forgotten what the question actually was...

                          ... Amanda FTW?
                          Well said PenYn I couldn't have said it any better, so is it OK if I borrow your wonderful answer? Hehe

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Originaly posted by Skydiver
                            copies of amanda's bits of ghost hunters live
                            I'd love to get a copie Sky How would i go about ordering one ?
                            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Well said PengYn I couldn't have said it any better, so is it OK if I borrow your wonderful answer? Hehe

                              hehe sure, why not? It's all about flocking and togetherness isn't it?


                                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                                I'd love to get a copie Sky How would i go about ordering one ?
                                pm me with your mailing address

                                same applies to anyone that wants one
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


