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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    Wait- when/where is that gonna be? depending on the dates, there's the smallest possible chance i could go....
    Haha, way to rub it in. It's in May, on the opposite side of the world from me.
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      I'm not going to AT3 this year. But if there's one next year I am there.

      I'd love to meet Amanda.


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        you know what i would have liked (other than grace being sam and jack's future daughter )? that grace was really one of the aliens communicating with sam, and also 'creating' representations of her friends in the way sam saw them. i just think it would have been cool. and then sometime in the future, when sam's in trouble again, the aliens come to her rescue. kind of a 'bond' she has with them now, like richard dreyfuss' character did with the aliens in 'close encounters of the third kind'.


        You would have liked Grace to be Sam's and Jack's future daughter? Really? No way. I never would have guessed.

        I do like the idea of Grace being an alien manifestation to help her along the way. It would have been really cool idea and they could have paid homage to another film. But I really do think it was Sam's inner child. Here's the summary of the Twilight Zone episode I mentioned earlier taken from

        Nightmare of a Child
        "Schoolteacher Helen Foley finds a strange and very serious little girl on the stairs outside her apartment. The little girl seems to know her, and tries to jog her memory about a man she saw earlier that day. The man arrives at Helen's door and Markie runs out the back way. The man is Peter Selden, who worked for Helen's mother when Helen was a child, and claimed to be the first to find her mother after she was murdered. Helen witnessed the murder but has blocked it out. She mentions Markie, and Selden tells her that was her nickname as a child, and shows her an old photo of herself. She then realizes that she and Markie are one and the same. Selden leaves, and Markie reappears. She tells Helen she is Helen, and that she is there to force her to remember her mother's murder. Selden returns and confesses to the murder, and say he has tracked down the only witness to his crime. She manages to run into the hallway and push Selden down the stairs to his death. Markie was a part of Helen that did remember the murder, and was trying to remind her conscious self of it."

        Sound vaguely familiar?


          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          Wait- when/where is that gonna be? depending on the dates, there's the smallest possible chance i could go....
          AT3 (or to give it it's proper title - Amanda Tapping - A Weekend With Her Fans - Reunion) takes place at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow on the weekend of 2nd - 4th May 2008.

          There are some weekend tickets available, and we are also making day tickets available too.

          Go to for further information and to book.

          Kay (G4)
          aka Mumsey
          For details of AT10 go to


            no surprise to hear about barque...the folks on the HC list loved it, so i knew it wouldn't be to my taste. if HC loves it, it has to be full of smarm and j/d

            I would love to see a Sam centric book, or a Teal'c one...but fandy seems to feel that jack and daniel are the only two characters the fandom likes, thus they're all they buy.

            saves me money
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              I'm a mummy again!!
              Today we adopted a new little boy...he's only 7 weeks old and I love him to pieces!!
              His name is Billy! I was at work when David and the kids picked him I didn't get to meet the birth parents...but hubby says they are wonderful!
              The kids dote on him and keep picking him up. My sister in law came over tonight and met him...she wants one too...but she's already got 4 kids so she's decide to hold off for a while!
              This easter the rest of the family will meet will be interesting to see their reactions!...they have no idea that we have added to our's something we've wanted to do for a while...the timing was just right!
              Billy will sleep in our room for a little while...til he settles in...then he'll have his own bed. It's been a while since we've had a baby in the house...I'm so ready for this now.
              Billy is a Mastiff cross English Mastiff/Arab Dane...he has the most beautiful eyes and is just perfect!
              Gotta go feed Billy and take him to make pee pee before bed!!
              Night night all...take care and have fun!

              Oh...I put on an episode of Stargate...told Billy to get used to the sound...he'll be hearing a whole lot more of it!!
              cute! Good luck with your new baby there Chelle!

              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
              Texas Pete's hot sauce. It comes in a small jar, keeps forever, and will make anything edible, even MREs. But then it tastes so good, the Jaffa will take it (if not her teammates).

              Then my guess is a toothbrush and paste. Nothing rights the world like a clean mouth, even if the rest of you is covered in gunk. Besides, it is pretty non-threatening so Jaffa won't take it away.
              Those I would consider as essentials offworld rather than home comforts! At work there is always a bottle of communal hot sauce in the fridge for spicing up the dreary cafeteria food.

              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              We have a dane that lives near us (amusingly called 'Dave' ) who is absolutely enormous, so with that and a mastiff there is no chance of Billy growing up to, compact?

              I've seen danes and mastiffs before so I know how enormous they are (most working dogs are- St. Bernards are actually pretty huge) so my first thought upon reading that from chelle was 'Whoa, that's gonna grow into a BIG dog' Though I bet Billy won't cause chelle as many problems as our Jack Russell Poppy does for us. The big dogs are usually bred to have fairly nice, not too boisterous temperments (you don't want a huge dog going crazy ) whereas as terriers...oh boy. Lots of trouble. We have a phrase to describe Poppy's terrier moments- namely 'cracker dog'
     aunt and uncle adopt retired grey hounds and also have a jack russell...all that terrier has done all her life is terrorise the poor dumb, but huge, grey hounds...especially when they lived on a narrow boat...she would trick the grey hounds into falling into the canal and one of them couldn't swim.

              Originally posted by Allestian View Post
              *Runs in*

              Hiya everyone!!!

              Some of you may remember me asking for pics of Sam looking tough and also posting some questionnaire questions over the past few months - all for a Stargate Atlantis essay.

              Just thought I'd tell you that because of your help it appears I've got my desired A grade (Or so my teacher tells me)

              THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

              I couldn't have done it without your help.
              Very nice! Woo woo! well done there. I remember having great fun at school writing about female characters in Star Trek and comparing it to the progression of feminism....I think I just confused my teacher into giving my an A but the project was a lot of fun!

              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
              Hey Samandans

              Was playing a little in photoshop and made a bunch of Sam and 'gate icons. There are quite a few from AoT but they don't explode with spoilers.


              Follow the JELLO to see the rest
              very pretty! *oohs and aahs*

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              I WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS!

              Or my Birthday.

              It should be illegal for poor university students to have their Birthday and Christmas only 2 weeks apart.

              But seriously, don't you guys miss Christmas? Let's have our own one!
              Move feels like Christmas all winter...seriously...there is still tinsel and twinkly lights around the lamp posts...and wreaths all over the place.

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              I'm not going to AT3, sigh...

              Off topic but wheeee!

              But!!! I did go and pout at the welfare officer of the student association. He was very impressed that I'm working 30 hours a week to support myself while I'm studying full time and that I do follow a budget. He was understanding about the huge late fee I have to pay because studylink didn't pay my uni fees on time, and about how ACC said they would pay for a taxi to work after I sprained my ankle and then didn't. Then he gave me lots of food to carry home. Also, some toilet paper, soap and toothpaste. IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! Also, a wee recipe book about cooking food for cheap for students.

              See, just give me some free food and watch my mood fly! Woot! I'm taking bets on how much weight I'm going to gain.

              Ouch. At least mine is in the holidays.
              well done on scavenging food there Neep lol...don't get too fat.
              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Haha, way to rub it in. It's in May, on the opposite side of the world from me.
                sorry, didn't mean too! well, may probably won't wok for me anyways it's right around exam-time

                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                AT3 (or to give it it's proper title - Amanda Tapping - A Weekend With Her Fans - Reunion) takes place at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow on the weekend of 2nd - 4th May 2008.

                There are some weekend tickets available, and we are also making day tickets available too.

                Go to for further information and to book.

                Kay (G4)
                aka Mumsey
                2nd-4th? Dangit!! I'm doing preformances of a show i'm in on the 1st and 2nd.....grrr. And heathrow? i've got relatives and friends in the area, but i won't be able to get there.... shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!


                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Hey everyone,

                  I missed you all yesterday, I finally got to see TLM on Friday....

                  TLM spoilers...
                  oh it was a hard ep to watch, poor Sam, she was so brave. I was so proud of her, I know that probably sounds silly because she's only a character but I had a lump in my throat watching our Sam was back! I don't know though if Sam's safe yet, will the reset work? I don't think I could handle Sam dying perminantly. I got a bit sad when I saw the credits, knowing this would be the last time we'd see Amanda's name on the regular cast list for a SG series but I guess things and people have to move on eh


                  i know the feeling. it was VERY hard to watch it happen. BUT, the reset worked and sam will be fine!!

                  sam, don't worry!

                  no, don't be sad!

                  *gives hug*

                  there you go.

                  sam's the best!!





                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                    i know the feeling. it was VERY hard to watch it happen. BUT, the reset worked and sam will be fine!!

                    sam, don't worry!

                    no, don't be sad!

                    *gives hug*

                    there you go.

                    sam's the best!!


                    Yeah, me too,
                    TLM was very hard to watch. I was teary and crying for Keller, but I was choking up and shaking with sobs when I watched our Sam flying into those three hive ships... it was so brave of her, and it just tore at my heartstrings. i know it sounds cheesy, but it's the truth. i was really proud of her too, and just i knew that that was the way she would go down- fighting, and sacrificing herself after everyone else was safe. That moment captured alot of who Samantha Carter is, and Amanda was brilliant, naturally. But thank god the reset worked! If Sam was dead for real, i don't think i could bear it. I couldn't help thinking "that's m'girl. way to go, sam!" the whole time that scene played out. it was amazing, but so, SO sad at the same time.


                      Originally posted by Allestian View Post
                      *Runs in*

                      Hiya everyone!!!

                      Some of you may remember me asking for pics of Sam looking tough and also posting some questionnaire questions over the past few months - all for a Stargate Atlantis essay.

                      Just thought I'd tell you that because of your help it appears I've got my desired A grade (Or so my teacher tells me)

                      THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

                      I couldn't have done it without your help.
                      I wrote a comparative paper using Star Trek TNG once ... the TA didn't have a clue what I was on about, but it turned out that my prof was an even bigger Trekkie than I am, so it all worked out in the end
                      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                      ames on facebook
                      ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                        Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!



                          I hope it's okay to post this info in this thread:

                          SG1 - Amanda Tapping - Repeat of "When Innocence is Lost" 3/18 LMN 12:24am

                          According to IMDB, Amanda Tapping had an uncredited role in the '97 made-for-tv movie, "When Innocence Is Lost," (filmed in Toronto) as "a woman testifying in court."

                          (Oh, it's also listed on Amanda's web site in her filmography, but according to Amanda's web site, she portrays a woman in a park with a child.)

                          This movie stars: Keri Russell and Jill Clayburgh, and airs Tuesday, March 18 at 12:24am on LMN (Lifetime MOVIE Network.)

                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            Originally posted by tagger View Post
                            How fun!! A new puppy!
                            Mastiff/ Dane mix? As in ginormous?
                            Thank you all for the congrats on my little boy...he was such an angel last night...he cried only a little bit...til hubby put his blankie right up next to our bed...then he slept all through the night...and no pee pee in the house!!
                            Billy won't grow to be as big as that dog...and I probably should correct what I said his breed was...he's a Bull Mastiff cross with an English Mastiff x Bull Arab Dane...and he has a brindle hair...tiger stripes on the side and the cutest nose!!
                            I'll try to post a pic tomorrow!
                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                            and was this the one with all the horrible alien names???? that were impossible to pronounce or was that sonny's?
                            That would have been Sonny's book City of the Gods...I struggled with the names but enjoyed the rest of it!
                            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                            Uh-huh! Especially when they pay you big bucks to shovel everytime it snows (we were getting just over 1 foot a week)
                            Snow??? Did you say snow??? Man what I would give for some snow about now...I'll swap you your snow for my got to 39C again today...I'm slowly melting!!! easter eggs I bought for all the family...turning into chocolate rivers!!
                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Heck yeah! I'm not going to AT3 this year (come on AT4!) but the vid Continuum coming out in July will be enough reason to celebrate.
                   we shall be meeting at AT4 then...woohoo!!! I can't wait to read all about AT3 and I especially can't wait to find out when AT4 will be held!!!
                            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                            Last one, sorry if I am boring you.
                            You didn't bore us FF...thank you so much for the reviews...I think I would like to get them all...just because I like to complete collections when I start them...I may not read them all but I will have them on the shelf...just in case I get desperate!
                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            I have just one question. No spoilers here. It is my habit to read the end credits looking for familiar names and names to look out for in future. I was very intrigued by the music arranger and conductor. Lord Hillary Grogsweed.
                            Methinks somebody is having a bit of a larf with us!! Anyone got an answer? I've Wiki'd and googled to no avail. No.1 Son thought it may be an anagram but I can't make head nor tail of it.
                            Me thinks No.1 son might be on to something!!...what a hoot if it turns out we're wrong!
                            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                            Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
                            Yay!! Ditto from me...I forgot to wear green to work today...made up for it when I went back later tonight for that training thing....I wore green!!!
                            Originally posted by morjana View Post
                            According to IMDB, Amanda Tapping had an uncredited role in the '97 made-for-tv movie, "When Innocence Is Lost," (filmed in Toronto) as "a woman testifying in court."
                            (Oh, it's also listed on Amanda's web site in her filmography, but according to Amanda's web site, she portrays a woman in a park with a child.)
                            IIRC, the detailed info in Amanda's filmography does mention it that she plays "a woman testifying in court."...I'm sure I read it there the other night!

                            Night all...a very quick catch up of sorts...take care and have fun!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by morjana View Post
                              I hope it's okay to post this info in this thread:

                              SG1 - Amanda Tapping - Repeat of "When Innocence is Lost" 3/18 LMN 12:24am

                              According to IMDB, Amanda Tapping had an uncredited role in the '97 made-for-tv movie, "When Innocence Is Lost," (filmed in Toronto) as "a woman testifying in court."

                              (Oh, it's also listed on Amanda's web site in her filmography, but according to Amanda's web site, she portrays a woman in a park with a child.)

                              This movie stars: Keri Russell and Jill Clayburgh, and airs Tuesday, March 18 at 12:24am on LMN (Lifetime MOVIE Network.)
                              hmm...not sure if I have that channel, but I will check. I love seeing anything new by Amanda.

                              I recently saw 'The Void' and was pleasantly surprised by it. I was expecting some rotten, overdone B-movie, but there was actually a decent plot/characters in this one. Amanda of course rocked in it!

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                     we shall be meeting at AT4 then...woohoo!!! I can't wait to read all about AT3 and I especially can't wait to find out when AT4 will be held!!!
                              Yes! Can't wait to meet you!

                              I'm actually anxious for AT3 to begin too. Not only for the fact that I'd love to hear how it went and see everyone's pics, but also cos I know as soon as it's over, *if* there is an AT4 it will be announced soon after that. I surely hope there is.

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Yay!! Ditto from me...I forgot to wear green to work today...made up for it when I went back later tonight for that training thing....I wore green!!!
                              We actually used to get pinched if we didn't wear green on St. Paddy's day. I remember telling people/pinchers I have green in my underwear (which counted!) so for the most part they would leave me alone.


                                Happy St. Patricks Day.

