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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    I'm trying to remember some good moments... i'll let ya know if any come to mind, ok?
    Thanks. Does nobody else recall any scenes from S9-10 I could use?


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      sacrifice moon

      my biggest issue....all this emotional build up....and then bang, nothing.

      sam and daniel are slowly going nuts and struggling to hang on to thier sanity....and happily ever after, let's go home. we never got to peek into thier heads, never got to look into the emotional issues, they just seemed to go 'man, this is getting long, let's cut this stuff out' and all the 'good stuff' was left on the cutting room floor while the boring crud in the beginning stayed

      very dissatisifying.

      and was this the one with all the horrible alien names???? that were impossible to pronounce or was that sonny's?

      I can't recall if it was sonny's or sacrifice moon that has 20 pages on MRE's and proper procedures for going off world, but i felt like i was wading my way through Moby DIck with 25 chapters of mindless minutia to get to the 'good stuff' in the last 50 pages or so.

      why have all the page killing exposition to then ignore the emotionial pay off at the end???

      oh and yeah, i did like sabine's book, but her OC, needed to be slapped. she got really old, really fast.

      You would swear that sonny is someone's cousin for all the fascination fandy has/had with her. I know she's a pro and all but....folks, just cause someone's a pro in one area doesn't automatically mean they can write in another.

      thanks for the reviews FF.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        i'm going to take advantage of old posts/work and jsut post links to the reviews i did/co-wrote of two of the books
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Stef View Post

          I am working on a vid that will be featuring Sam and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with something. I'm looking for moments in S9-10 where Sam smiles/smirks. I know she does it a lot and I have a few cases but those are the really obvious bits (and mostly in season 10). I just think AT has an amazing smile and there's a section of this vid that I really want to focus on them (it sounds weird, I know). I can usually pinpoint the episode if you give me caps...but if you could say where/what scene it's from that would be so helpful...but not necessary

          Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!! And I adore those pics from AOT, Sg Gato

          I've been reviewing all episodes by making my way through the complete box set and am just into season 9. The one that immediately comes to mind is when Cam shows her the SG1 badge and she nods and smiles. Will post others as I come across them but AOT, TLM and life (NOT in that order ) have interrupted the process.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            We have a dane that lives near us (amusingly called 'Dave' ) who is absolutely enormous, so with that and a mastiff there is no chance of Billy growing up to, compact?

            I've seen danes and mastiffs before so I know how enormous they are (most working dogs are- St. Bernards are actually pretty huge) so my first thought upon reading that from chelle was 'Whoa, that's gonna grow into a BIG dog' Though I bet Billy won't cause chelle as many problems as our Jack Russell Poppy does for us. The big dogs are usually bred to have fairly nice, not too boisterous temperments (you don't want a huge dog going crazy ) whereas as terriers...oh boy. Lots of trouble. We have a phrase to describe Poppy's terrier moments- namely 'cracker dog'
            I've got a black standard poodle named Maddie. She's one of the most relaxed dogs i've ever known.
            Originally posted by Allestian View Post
            *Runs in*

            Hiya everyone!!!

            Some of you may remember me asking for pics of Sam looking tough and also posting some questionnaire questions over the past few months - all for a Stargate Atlantis essay.

            Just thought I'd tell you that because of your help it appears I've got my desired A grade (Or so my teacher tells me)

            THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

            I couldn't have done it without your help.
            You got to do an essay on Stargate Atlantis? Lucky!!! Man, i'd love if one of my essays could be about stargate.... I know i wasn't one of the ones who helped ya, but CONGRATS ON YOUR GREAT MARK all the same!!!
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Doesn't it come out in July? Not sure I can wait for September.
            sorry, I was wrong, didn't mean to scare ya! It does come out in July.
            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
            Hey Samandans

            Was playing a little in photoshop and made a bunch of Sam and 'gate icons. There are quite a few from AoT but they don't explode with spoilers.


            Follow the JELLO to see the rest
            oh nice! me likey!
            Originally posted by donamac View Post
            I do believe he is photoshopped to look bigger. His head is simply too big to be real.

            oh, cuz if that dog really is that big.... i'd feel bad for all the people who don't like dogs that happen to come across the big guy.

            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Thanks. Does nobody else recall any scenes from S9-10 I could use?

            NP. Still working on it.... I know that there's at least one in 'Off the Grid'.


              I WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS!

              Or my Birthday.

              It should be illegal for poor university students to have their Birthday and Christmas only 2 weeks apart.

              But seriously, don't you guys miss Christmas? Let's have our own one!
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                I WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS!

                Or my Birthday.

                It should be illegal for poor university students to have their Birthday and Christmas only 2 weeks apart.

                But seriously, don't you guys miss Christmas? Let's have our own one!
                *grin* is that a hint that you can't afford to buy Ark of Truth? That's what parents are for!

                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                SG-1 FanFiction
                Sanctuary Fanfiction


                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  I WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS!

                  Or my Birthday.

                  It should be illegal for poor university students to have their Birthday and Christmas only 2 weeks apart.

                  But seriously, don't you guys miss Christmas? Let's have our own one!
                  Christmas will come in July this year with the release of Continuum and season 4 of Atlantis (at least for those in North America). What more could you want for Christmas than more ? Although for those of us lucky enough to go to AT3, it will come in May. What is better than meeting Amanda?

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                    *grin* is that a hint that you can't afford to buy Ark of Truth? That's what parents are for!
                    Uh-huh! Especially when they pay you big bucks to shovel everytime it snows (we were getting just over 1 foot a week)


                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                      NP. Still working on it.... I know that there's at least one in 'Off the Grid'.
                      No rush Just if you come across something. Oh, you happen to know which part of OTG? I totally don't remember that scene


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                        6. Siren Song, Holly Scott and Jaimie Duncan.

                        Another Daniel book and not a whole lot of our Sam. This one is the return of Aris Boch, a character I loved in Deadman's Switch and one I really wanted to know more about; both him and his society.
                        Enjoyed but there was something about this book which didn't gel for me. I don't necessarily think that this was a fault with the authors, more that I didn't find their vision of Aris and his backstory to be what I expected.
                        Stylewise, I found it easy enough to read, quite dense (small font, 321 pages so well worth the money) and I enjoyed it more on a second reading.
                        Spoilers for plot points.
                        Lorelei lives up to her PR (she's a siren who lures men to their doom on the Rhine) and is suitably spookie. This is the first time poor Daniel has been snaked, both Sam and Jack have had the horror, now it's his turn and that might spook some Daniel fans. Heavy on the Daniel/Jack stuff in Lorelei's library, which I loved but might not be to everyone's taste.

                        Nice cover.

                        7. Survival of the Fittest, Sabine C Bauer.

                        Hmm, lots of really, really good Janet in this; she gets put through the wringer. Spoiler for the villain of the piece
                        Nirtti, say no more.
                        Worth the price alone for that; you can never have enough Janet, in my not very humble opinion. Lots of Jack torture at the start
                        he thinks he's failed his team, there is no greater torture for Jack
                        and lots of team whumping.
                        My 'hmm' is due to purely personal issues. Sabine is really, really hard on the Redshirts (the poor Marines) and I felt so sorry for them, and their unknown families, I found it really hard to read for a second time, coupled with my minor dislike of her writing style. This might actually be a tip of the hat to Sabine's writing skills, if she's making me emparthise with the cannon fodder, that's surely a good thing?

                        Not chock full of Sam, but we get some very good, very competent Soldier!Sam in the jungle, you can believe she's a USAF officer.



                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Thanks. Does nobody else recall any scenes from S9-10 I could use?

                          *thinks out loud*

                          - Avalon - when she's on the vid monitor to Cam
                          - Beachhead - she does this big cute smile when Landry turns round on the phone to Jack and she's already standing there.
                          - Ripple Effect - I'm sure she smiles when she sees alt!martouf
                          - Crusade - when she realises Daniel is Vala
                          - Camelot - when she's in space by the supergate
                          - Insiders has quite a few - both smirks and smiles
                          - 200 - directly after the wedding scene

                          This gem is from Uninvited:

                          - Road not Taken has a few - 'do not enter force shield active' comes to mind but there are others in there as well.

                          I'm totally thinking off the top of my head here Stef so I'm sorry if I sound jumbled



                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            *thinks out loud*

                            - Avalon - when she's on the vid monitor to Cam
                            - Beachhead - she does this big cute smile when Landry turns round on the phone to Jack and she's already standing there.
                            - Ripple Effect - I'm sure she smiles when she sees alt!martouf
                            - Crusade - when she realises Daniel is Vala
                            - Camelot - when she's in space by the supergate
                            - Insiders has quite a few - both smirks and smiles
                            - 200 - directly after the wedding scene

                            This gem is from Uninvited:

                            - Road not Taken has a few - 'do not enter force shield active' comes to mind but there are others in there as well.

                            I'm totally thinking off the top of my head here Stef so I'm sorry if I sound jumbled

                            No, those are all great I had forgotten about the RE, Uninvited, and Crusade ones! Thanks!!


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              No rush Just if you come across something. Oh, you happen to know which part of OTG? I totally don't remember that scene

                              Yeah, it's right around the part where Cam calls her Mary Poppins

                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              *thinks out loud*

                              - Avalon - when she's on the vid monitor to Cam
                              - Beachhead - she does this big cute smile when Landry turns round on the phone to Jack and she's already standing there.
                              - Ripple Effect - I'm sure she smiles when she sees alt!martouf
                              - Crusade - when she realises Daniel is Vala
                              - Camelot - when she's in space by the supergate
                              - Insiders has quite a few - both smirks and smiles
                              - 200 - directly after the wedding scene

                              This gem is from Uninvited:

                              - Road not Taken has a few - 'do not enter force shield active' comes to mind but there are others in there as well.

                              I'm totally thinking off the top of my head here Stef so I'm sorry if I sound jumbled

                              Love that pic. That was right after she kicked Teal'c's @$$ at poker, right??


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                Yeah, it's right around the part where Cam calls her Mary Poppins
                                LOL. I thought so, but all I could remember was her indignation Loved that scene


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