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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Sorry Stef, I've not seen S9 or 10 yet.

    So, I'm in a photoshop mood, the whole afternoon before me, so if someone would like a Sam sig ... PM me! Only Sam (or Amanda or Helen), because I just like photoshopping her


      Originally posted by Alan View Post
      Earth. I can't see her being anywhere else other than Earth.
      OMG...I just said that before I saw your post...must be pretty obvious then!!
      Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
      Earth is the place she has spend 11 years fighting for so...yeah. As to where on earth? A cabin in Minnesota perhaps?
      Yay...I wanted to say that...but chickened out!!
      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
      here's another question that i'm sure was posted at some point on this thread, but it was before my time, so i was wondering...
      who the heck is the little girl in 'grace'???
      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
      I don't know, I'm not sure Grace was Sam's inner child. i mean, she didn't look anything like Sam. Wouldn't she have had blonde hair or something? And why the name "Grace"? I still wonder if "Daniel" was right, that she was a manifestation of the cloud that was taking images from her mind, and showing her a way out of her problem. But even as i type it it seems somewhat absurd, so maybe not. But she had the guys as her companionship, so why would she need her inner child? ramblerambleramble...
      It's sci absurd is good and normal!!
      I never thought about that...the cloud being the one to manifest the girl...although Teal'cs explanation was good for a while...that it was the aliens...but that fizzled out...I used to wonder about the name Grace too...and why Sam seemed so confused about her when Grace said..."you know"....but Sam really didn't I was thinking that if it came from Sam's own head...then shouldn't she have known??...which is why I like to imagine that Grace was Sam's future child......
      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      RE: Grace
      I think all three theories are true. The entire episode was about Sam examining herself and her relationships/life.
      The little girl:
      1. Reminded Sam of herself as a little girl and the joy to be had in simple things like blowing bubbles. It also made her remember the wonders of such simple things that had led to her interest in science.
      2. Reawakened her inner child and reminded her of the need to relax and have fun.
      3. Represented the child she could have if she stepped back from work and paid some attention to her personal life.
      At different points throughout the ep, I believe she respresented each of these aspects.
      I love this for me!!! Kinda appeases everyone!!
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      ok, let's go 'back' into the show's history....sg1 going off world...what do you think is the one 'comfort of home' that sam would sneak in her pack and why?
      Ooooh...tough one...hmmm...I would think it would depend on the mission and how long they are going away for and where they are going...I would think that Sam would pack her favorite deodorant and perfume....or something to refreshen herself with...that smelled really nice...or maybe some nice comfortable and very feminine it knickers/panties or the bra......or if it's a quick trip...maybe her ipod...I really don't know...I think Sam gets too in depth with her new surroundings to have time to worry about the comforts of home...I think it would have to be something personal...maybe hand cream or a manicure set or something small...jeez about a challenge!! it's been a hot weekend here and it's getting hotter...the easter eggs are going to melt!!!
      I'm a mummy again!!
      Today we adopted a new little boy...he's only 7 weeks old and I love him to pieces!!
      His name is Billy! I was at work when David and the kids picked him I didn't get to meet the birth parents...but hubby says they are wonderful!
      The kids dote on him and keep picking him up. My sister in law came over tonight and met him...she wants one too...but she's already got 4 kids so she's decide to hold off for a while!
      This easter the rest of the family will meet will be interesting to see their reactions!...they have no idea that we have added to our's something we've wanted to do for a while...the timing was just right!
      Billy will sleep in our room for a little while...til he settles in...then he'll have his own bed. It's been a while since we've had a baby in the house...I'm so ready for this now.
      Billy is a Mastiff cross English Mastiff/Arab Dane...he has the most beautiful eyes and is just perfect!
      Gotta go feed Billy and take him to make pee pee before bed!!
      Night night all...take care and have fun!

      Oh...I put on an episode of Stargate...told Billy to get used to the sound...he'll be hearing a whole lot more of it!!
      Last edited by Chelle DB; 16 March 2008, 04:41 AM.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Happy Birthday
        antoa (Amanda)
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Happy birthday ChopinGal and antoa

          sig by starlover1990


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            ok, let's go 'back' into the show's history....sg1 going off world...what do you think is the one 'comfort of home' that sam would sneak in her pack and why?
            hmm...lesse. I'm not sure about anything electronic as I definitely know those things need charging. Stinks to be in the middle of your game and find you have low power. No outlets off world ya know.

            I'd have to say, given the nature of MRE's, something decadent to eat that is definitely not regulation. Chocolate, twinkies, doughnuts, brownies...whatever. Ever get a craving? I think Sam would too and she would stash it conveniently outa sight from the rest of the guys so she could be greedy and enjoy it all herself.

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
   when she came back in the episodes Small Victories...which was the beginning of season 4...why did she cut her hair so short in the episode BtS....which was later in the season???...I think that's why I question why her hair is always so short and if there was an opportunity to let it grow.
            I heard or read somewhere that AT was never happy with any short hairstyle she had which is why mid-season she'd get frustrated with her current style and get it cut all over again.

            Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
            Some very pretty spoiler pics of Sam


            Lovely! Thanks for sharing!

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            I'm a mummy again!!
            Today we adopted a new little boy...he's only 7 weeks old and I love him to pieces!!

            Billy is a Mastiff cross English Mastiff/Arab Dane...he has the most beautiful eyes and is just perfect!
            Gotta go feed Billy and take him to make pee pee before bed!!
            Night night all...take care and have fun!
   had me fooled for a minute there. I was reading this and going, "Wow! Chelle adopted a new baby!" That was before I got to the last bit and realized that the 'baby' was actually a dog.

            Congrats Chelle and good one!


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              like what's that urban legend? the truck stuck in the tunnel and all th engineers are trying to figure out how to get it out wihtout destroying hte truck or the tunnel. they're making this huge tadoo....and then this little girl pipes up 'why don't you just let the air out of the tires'

              a simple solution to a big problem
              Isn't that the whole 'humanity' schtick according to the big, bad universe? The provision of simple solutions for seemingly complex probs?
              ...we are but children after all... and sometimes, kids rock

              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
              I hope so too.

              And hopefully I'll get a heads up before the rest of Samanda *raises eyebrows*
              Yes ma'am!!! *salutes*

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              I'm a mummy again!!
              Today we adopted a new little boy...he's only 7 weeks old and I love him to pieces!!
              His name is Billy!

              Congrats on the being a mommy again chelle
              Have fun!!!

              Okay, really need to sign off and get to the laundry now. My mommy is starting to grumble more audibly about it not getting itself done... down to the laundry room go I!
              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
              ames on facebook
              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                ok, let's go 'back' into the show's history....sg1 going off world...what do you think is the one 'comfort of home' that sam would sneak in her pack and why?
                Texas Pete's hot sauce. It comes in a small jar, keeps forever, and will make anything edible, even MREs. But then it tastes so good, the Jaffa will take it (if not her teammates).

                Then my guess is a toothbrush and paste. Nothing rights the world like a clean mouth, even if the rest of you is covered in gunk. Besides, it is pretty non-threatening so Jaffa won't take it away.
                Last edited by hisg1fans; 16 March 2008, 06:54 AM.


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Isn't that the whole 'humanity' schtick according to the big, bad universe? The provision of simple solutions for seemingly complex probs?
                  ...we are but children after all... and sometimes, kids rock
                  ...Except for when they do things like finding the book at the shop I work in which plays the 'Little Einsteins' theme- upon playing it, they like it so much they play it again...and again...and again. I think the record is about twelve times. Then they equal the purest RAGE

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    ...Except for when they do things like finding the book at the shop I work in which plays the 'Little Einsteins' theme- upon playing it, they like it so much they play it again...and again...and again. I think the record is about twelve times. Then they equal the purest RAGE
                    My kids do that all the time, and i often wonder if it drives the clerks nuts. My 3 year old LOVES Little Einsteins!

                    As to Sam's taking something, I think she'd take a telescope (a little one that would fit in her pack- hey, it's scifi, right?). It would keep her busy and give her and Jack something to do together.

                    "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                    SG-1 FanFiction
                    Sanctuary Fanfiction


                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      My kids do that all the time, and i often wonder if it drives the clerks nuts. My 3 year old LOVES Little Einsteins!

                      As to Sam's taking something, I think she'd take a telescope (a little one that would fit in her pack- hey, it's scifi, right?). It would keep her busy and give her and Jack something to do together.
                      The answer to that question would be a firm yes, although its only one factor out of many that have driven me to insanity at work. And most of the time the cause of that insanity have been the adults...

                      Mini telescope? Cute

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        After one of the fics in the drabble-a-thon that Rolleson ran I can't help saying Nintendo DS, or similar hand held gaming device, for when she needed to ignore the guys
                        Better make that two. Jack would want it as soon as he saw she was playing!

                        For details of AT10 go to


                 when she came back in the episodes Small Victories...which was the beginning of season 4...why did she cut her hair so short in the episode BtS....which was later in the season???...I think that's why I question why her hair is always so short and if there was an opportunity to let it grow.
                          that was, i believe, a bad haircut, then another cut to fix it which resulted in really, really short hair.

                          complicated, no doubt. by the fact that Sam (and to an extent amanda) was criticized by certain 'fans' for her long and 'sloppy' hair.

                          those that don't like the character took full advantage of the change to make fun of it. People hadn't figured out yet that those that don't like the character will crit any and everythign, regardless of the validity of said crit

                          then once it got really short, the taping times etc, made it hard for her to grow it out
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                            But she had the guys as her companionship, so why would she need her inner child? ramblerambleramble...
                            By my calculations, that would mean she had a total of 4 inner children with her.

                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            RE: Grace

                            I think all three theories are true. The entire episode was about Sam examining herself and her relationships/life.

                            The little girl:
                            1. Reminded Sam of herself as a little girl and the joy to be had in simple things like blowing bubbles. It also made her remember the wonders of such simple things that had led to her interest in science.
                            2. Reawakened her inner child and reminded her of the need to relax and have fun.
                            3. Represented the child she could have if she stepped back from work and paid some attention to her personal life.

                            At different points throughout the ep, I believe she respresented each of these aspects.
                            Perfect theory.

                            What I REALLY, REALLY think:

                            Grace is an alien beamed over from the highly advanced ship, one of the super advanced mystery race. She came over to check humans out. The only gaping plot hole I sense is why a super advanced race hadn't heard of surface tension yet...


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            ok, let's go 'back' into the show's history....sg1 going off world...what do you think is the one 'comfort of home' that sam would sneak in her pack and why?
                            Something from her lab, her happy place.

                            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                            After one of the fics in the drabble-a-thon that Rolleson ran I can't help saying Nintendo DS, or similar hand held gaming device, for when she needed to ignore the guys
                            Totally. And maybe she re-programmed it to be a physics game of some sort? She could take the PS3 processor and modified it to run cool alternate universe physics simulations.

                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            I'm a mummy again!!
                            Today we adopted a new little boy...he's only 7 weeks old and I love him to pieces!!
                            Billy is a Mastiff cross English Mastiff/Arab Dane...he has the most beautiful eyes and is just perfect!

                            Oh...I put on an episode of Stargate...told Billy to get used to the sound...he'll be hearing a whole lot more of it!!
                            How fun!! A new puppy!

                            Mastiff/ Dane mix? As in ginormous?

                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              Oooooooo! Don't get me started on this one! MGM are desperate to stop pirate copies of films and TV series getting onto the internet, but they can't see beyond the end of their noses that if they released worldwide on the same date, people would be more inclined to buy the silly DVD's!!!!!

                              (taking deep breaths...)
                              I totally agree.

                              Does anyone know why regional release timetables were even started??

                              It makes zero sense to me...

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              sits down with tech speak
                              That was interesting! Thanks.
                              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                              Quint Studer


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                This gives me an idea for what Sam will do next. She should have her 20 years in right? Maybe she retires off-world.

                                Question for y'all.....If she did retire, which planet would she go to?
                                Cimmeria where she live with her possible ancestors and she could write her epic life story AND the history of the Stargate and updated physics "textbook" for upcoming generations. She'd have a naquada generator to run her computer from. AND Jack would retire as well and join her

