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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I have not been on much recently and my workplace has been stressful and frustrating the past week. Samanda had the right prescription - thanks to ALL of you who posted these terrific video links and the wonderful comments on Amanda's acting. It's such a joy to watch some of the beautiful handiwork and listen to the music on the video clips. Just being here tonight and catching up a bit has cheered me up.

    So nice to come home to Samanda! Rock on, Samandans, rock on!


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

      A = Acting
      M = Makes it look easy
      A = Amazing range of emotions
      N = Not just another pretty face
      D = Drama queen (in a good way)
      A = Accomplished

      T = Thespian
      A = Alive and alert
      P = Personal best, all ways and always
      P = Proud of her work
      I = Imaginative
      N = Non-complainer, team player
      G = Generous and gracious
      Wow. Very. Amanda Tapping. I don't know. Good though.


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        restared it numberous times, but it's still white screen. how do i get a codec for this?

        either see if media player tells you what one or try another player, the vlc media player, or maybe an update to your windows media player
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

          A = Acting
          M = Makes it look easy
          A = Amazing range of emotions
          N = Not just another pretty face
          D = Drama queen (in a good way)
          A = Accomplished

          T = Thespian
          A = Alive and alert
          P = Personal best, all ways and always
          P = Proud of her work
          I = Imaginative
          N = Non-complainer, team player
          G = Generous and gracious
          Oh, I like that! Suits her to a T.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Oh Boy, so many new videos to watch. Before yesterday I haven't seen any Sam Videos so this is going to be so entertaining. The DV thread really gets going late at night and is like talking in real time. Actually it goes too fast for me to post and not miss several post. I noticed that the daytime is when the Sam thread rushes. Nighttime DV, now if I have time the daytime will be for watching old episodes and learning about Sam. I have seen all of Atlantis and bits and pieces of SG1. I am watching a SG1 on SCifi now that is so funny, The Other Guys. I will try to come around more as I watch and learn. Susan
            I'm glad you're liking the old episodes. The Other Guys was funny. I liked Space Race best, of the humor episodes, I think. Possibly. My mind often changes.

            Favorite all-time remains A Matter of Time though. Hope you get a chance to catch that one.


              Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
              Okay, i found a video they i've previously uploaded and still works so i figured i'd post it here, it's a bit funny and short and quick... and if my computer works with it, most should i'd think! Heehee... enjoy anyways!

              I might have more of them uploaded by later on tonight!
              LOL thats so good love the vid and the crazy music

              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
              Wonderful video breaks, thank you! I am watching them instead of gettng ready for work....looks like I am going to work in my 'wakey wakey' pyjamas today

              It's amazing how much she stands out to people who openly admit to not watching the show. I think it is a lot to do with Amanda's striking appearence but also the character...there aren't many shows with the girls as tough as the guys and she stands out!

              Fantastic photos! I look like a real dork in mine lol but sent them off anyway

              Woo more vids...

              I remember reading that one a good while ago and getting a horrible creepy shiver down my's really well written and a cool idea...but I'm not in a rush to read it again cos I want shivers away from my spine.

              I haven't seen that one before! Thanks

              Don't forget your armbands/water wings

              AT should have that as the title of her CV and yeah she really is! Though alas the talented takes a few seconds longer to notice than the hot.

              Wheee...more vids! Though I shall have to save them for later thank you for linking them!...*runs out door*
              That would be so funny i could just imagine it

              Name: Amande Tapping
              Age: 42
              Description: The hot tallented one

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Sam/Dr Novak all the way!

              Heh... nah. I think Walter/Novak would be cute


              Seconds after typing that I read in an Ellie Harvie interview that she knows Gary Jones from theatre school. That must be why Novak and Walter seemed to click
              Yes I think they so suit, specially after there moment on promethius Unbound

              Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
              I totally agree with you there... Walter and Novak deffinitely, her hiccups and all, i thought there was deffinitey a cute little connected in Prometheus Unbound... i especially loved the bit where Walter descretely pushed the glass of water to her!

              Sam and Siler, i love that one... Sam can't be with Walter his with Novak And Bob... well i think he's dead right?... Heehee, i can deffitely see Sam/Siler... heehee... not! But it would be Hilarious none-the-less!
              Yeah that bit so good, laughed so much

              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
              This is totally OT, but I finally got around to uploading some photos of the new addition to our extended family. So I thought I'd share it with you.

              This is Lily... isn't she a cutie?

              Ow so cute, i asked my mum for a puppy but she said no cause our house is to small, cause i want a golden retrever so cute.

              Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
              some caps from athurs mantle:

              Thanks there awesome love that ep, expecially when sam and cam start pushing eachother its funny.

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
     how do I get one of these then???

              Excellent as usual Eve!!!! Yay!! Love them!!!

     can draw stick figures!!! Cool...I'm lucky if I can hold the pencil correctly...I'm so artistically challenged it's not funny...I can't draw let alone write nicely!!

              Are you kidding??? You have such a talent when it comes to writing Sky...ok it may not be drawing but it's a talent none the less!!

              Thank you!! And thanks be to everyone who has contributed vids and pics today!! Yay...awesome!!!

              Happy belated birthday Regan...sorry I missed it!!

              If it wasn't for Amanda and all of the Samandans...I wouldn't be here!! You guys rock!!

              Yay!! Congrats Sky on your monuMental milestone!!!

              OMG!!! I had that song stuck in my head all day freaky is!!!!!!

              Tom's play went well...he was such a cute widdle puppy dog!! He was really excited about it which is such a nice change for's been hard getting him to become involved in school!!
              And Excited??? Me??? Yeah sure ya betcha!!!! I can't wait to meet Joe...pity about Batman though!!

              I think I would prefer "Do Not Annoy the Dedicated"...or "Do Not Annoy The Obsessed".

              Sorry...but that just brings my cup to mind when I read your post...being married to a gardener...our garden looks really sad...he's too busy fixing everyone else's time for ours!! But hubby was kind enough to buy me this when I tragically broke my precious Pooh Bear coffee cup...
              No one...and I mean absolutely no one is allowed to drink from this is solely for me and my coffee!!!!!

              Oh pics Eileen...I love Emma's socks/!!! You two look awesome...I should have no trouble recognizing you when you arrive in Melbourne next year!!!...just make sure Emma's wearing those tights!!!!!

              Awww...she's cute!!!!

              Hey Julia!!!
              I wuld have thought Lily was a beagle...but I could be wrong...either way she's such a cutie!!

              I'm off to bed...have to be bright and early...and I'm taking my dad out for lunch tomorrow...he hasn't been too well lately and we're still waiting on some tests but so far things are looking better than we first thought...he's on holidays...which is a first for him to take them now and while mum is still working. He's taking the kids to Sovereign Hill next week coz the kids start school holidays on Friday...and he wanted to do something with he'll have Tom and Niki and 3 of my nieces...and he's taking them all by himself...I don't think he knows what he's in for!!!
              Anyhoo...I'm tired and extremely sore but happy that I have a few days rest coming...yay!!
              Night night all...take care, have fun, be safe and hug your loved ones!!!
              You rocK Chelle
              Oh i love that cup, so good.



                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
       totally love this pic! *saves*

                So, do you think Amanda's happy here or what? *snicker* I love a big goof any day.


                Ah thats awesome love it.

                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                Knowing little about show business or acting myself, I've been trying to figure out what is 'good' acting vs 'bad' acting. Many posts talk about AT as an 'excellent' actress.

                My question for you all is: What specifically is 'good' acting to you and why does that apply to AT?

                Thanks for you help
                Well where to start,
                for me a good actor is...
                Someone whos beleivable. Who no matter who they play they are totally them. When you see the actor/actress you instantly think about their character. Who makes their character come to life. Someone who doesnt just say the lines but every word seems real. Someone who makes the character more than just writing on a page but a real character and puts part of themselfs in them. There also someone who draws you in. You cant take your eyes of them and it isnt nessacerally because their good looking but becaue they are so engaging you dont want to miss a moment of their performance. Someone who can desplay any emotion and you feal it. Someone who can change between characters with ease. Someone who after seeing them in something all you want to do is see them again. They change not only their emotions but also yours, they can make you laugh, cry love, hate...but what makes an amazing actress has nothing to do with how they act, but everything to do with who they are.

                To me Amanda does all of those things, shes believable, engaging, her characters and her a real, can display amazing emotion and can change yours, her characters are hers and everything else on that list, but on top of all those things what makes her more than just a good actress, but insteid an amazing actress is she is amazing, you can be the most tallented actess in the world but without the kind of humility, kindness, love and inner beauty that Amanda has you can never be as good or as amazing.

                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                Some of my vids:

                A day without rain - Enya
                The many faces of Sam

                Stand my ground - Within temptation
                Sam as a warior

                Freedom Fighter - Creed
                Sam as a fighter

                Cold as ice - Foreigner
                Jolinar and RepliCarter vid

                Memories - Within Temptation

                Team vid on Jolinar Memories/the Devil you know

                I am Woman - Hellen Reddy
                The many faces of Sam

                Me and my Gang - Rascal Flatss
                Sam and her team mates

                Do I make you proud - Taylor Hicks

                Sam and her dad

                Suddenly I see - KT UnstallMADE WITH JANSAM

                Amanda Tapping vid

                If everyone cared - Nickelback

                Just a Sam vid

                Photographs and memories - Jim Croce
                A vid made after I saw unending. Sam looking back at things

                Love's devine - Seal

                Crawling - Linkin' Park SPOILERS UNENDING

                Sam whump vid

                Where do we go from here - Buffy SPOILERS UNENDING

                Unending vid

                Fingerprits of God - Steven Curtis Chapman SPOILERS SEASON 10

                Title says it all

                And that are all the Sam vids, not included my Sam/Janet and my Sam/Jack vids (if anyone wants, I can make a list of those too )
                yes please

                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                Lily is actually my parents new Beagle puppy. I haven't quite worked myself up to get another one, but she's very cute and I get to send her back home with her real family when I'm tired of her. She's a frisky lil bugger though. Always nipping at your toes and what have ya. Cocoa wasn't as impressed to see the puppy as we had hoped. The puppy kept trying to nurse on Cocoa and my parents other dog, Sadie. Sadie was much more patient and graciously allowed Lily to bite on her tail. However after growling a few times at the young pup, Cocoa got fed up and decided to nip the puppy back.
                Ah dogs and puppies are so cute...iwant one

                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Oh Boy, so many new videos to watch. Before yesterday I haven't seen any Sam Videos so this is going to be so entertaining. The DV thread really gets going late at night and is like talking in real time. Actually it goes too fast for me to post and not miss several post. I noticed that the daytime is when the Sam thread rushes. Nighttime DV, now if I have time the daytime will be for watching old episodes and learning about Sam. I have seen all of Atlantis and bits and pieces of SG1. I am watching a SG1 on SCifi now that is so funny, The Other Guys. I will try to come around more as I watch and learn. Susan
                Ah yes that ep is awesome laughed so much my sis even watched and laughed and she cant stand stargate...I know whats wrong with her

                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                Good acting? I suppose I'd say it's when the actor or actress can make me suspend my disbelief, make me forget that I know that they are only pretending to be someone else and to believe in the character they're portraying and that character's motives for doing whatever they do and to believe the character's interactions with the other characters could really happen. Good is when they immerse themselves in the character and we believe it's not just Actor X reading 2 pages of dialogue blah-blah-blah, but that Actor X really is that character while they're on-screen.

                Bad? Bad will make me turn the channel or off button. Bad makes me laugh because it's so unbelievable (unless it's acting that's done as parody or farce). Bad is when they should have just turned to the camera, lifted the script up to their nose (since they were too vain to wear their bifocals) and just read it monotone straight into the darn camera because it's almost like they're doing it anyhow.

                As for how good/bad applies to Amanda?
                I can believe through how she presents the character on-screen that this is a competent kick-bottom soldier; not just some stereotype of a 'hot soldier with boobs' that TPTB cooked up to garner a demographic.

                I can believe from the way she delivered the "technobabble" dialogue and mannerisms in those scenes that this character does have a genius-level intellect and that it's related to her thirst for knowledge and for experiencing it/figuring it out for herself. And that she just loves it, period.

                I can believe that this character, at the same time she's competent and intelligent as all get out, also harbors the same insecurities, concerns and fears that many of us harbor. (i.e., those looks of concern, the tears, the anger, the rage...)

                She makes all these facets of this one character - who by all rights being written by men as the only (up to S9) female lead on the show should have been a major stereotypical soldier - very natural, and believable. And.... she's done it in a way that allows each of us to interpret what we wish while still having core traits we can all agree on.

                Just my own humble opinion.

                Very well put

                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

                A = Acting
                M = Makes it look easy
                A = Amazing range of emotions
                N = Not just another pretty face
                D = Drama queen (in a good way)
                A = Accomplished

                T = Thespian
                A = Alive and alert
                P = Personal best, all ways and always
                P = Proud of her work
                I = Imaginative
                N = Non-complainer, team player
                G = Generous and gracious
                YES love it. Specially the T, hehe.
                Me a thespian 2



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  just watching some of the replicarter vids (looking for the one i *loved* but it's gone now )... i 'm just reminded of what an awesome job amanda did. i especially loved her in 'gemini', when we weren't supposed to know if she was good or bad. i really, REALLY hope replicarter isn't dead...

                  I was just watching Replicarter Numb, and I think it may your video Sally, but it's a file Jan gave me on my computer, it's not uploaded

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    I was just watching Replicarter Numb, and I think it may your video Sally, but it's a file Jan gave me on my computer, it's not uploaded
                    ooh, how do i see it?

                    *hopes it's THE one*




                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      ooh, how do i see it?

                      *hopes it's THE one*

             really, really nice to JanSam

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        restared it numberous times, but it's still white screen. how do i get a codec for this?
                        I had the same problem at first. Heard the music but was staring at a white screen. All I did was back out of the site and then reclick the link again. Whatever bug was there was shooed away. Not sure if this is helpful for you as you might just need to do some updating on Flash but it's worth a shot. Good luck with it!

                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        I have not been on much recently and my workplace has been stressful and frustrating the past week. Samanda had the right prescription - thanks to ALL of you who posted these terrific video links and the wonderful comments on Amanda's acting. It's such a joy to watch some of the beautiful handiwork and listen to the music on the video clips. Just being here tonight and catching up a bit has cheered me up.

                        So nice to come home to Samanda! Rock on, Samandans, rock on!
                        awe...Welcome back from RL! I'm glad coming here has helped you feel better and I hope you come back more often. Everyone no matter how busy needs some 'down time' for themselves.

                        What we all need I think...

                        Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                        Ah thats awesome love it.
                        Well where to start,
                        for me a good actor is...
                        Someone whos beleivable. Who no matter who they play they are totally them. When you see the actor/actress you instantly think about their character. Who makes their character come to life. Someone who doesnt just say the lines but every word seems real. Someone who makes the character more than just writing on a page but a real character and puts part of themselfs in them. There also someone who draws you in. You cant take your eyes of them and it isnt nessacerally because their good looking but becaue they are so engaging you dont want to miss a moment of their performance. Someone who can desplay any emotion and you feal it. Someone who can change between characters with ease. Someone who after seeing them in something all you want to do is see them again. They change not only their emotions but also yours, they can make you laugh, cry love, hate...but what makes an amazing actress has nothing to do with how they act, but everything to do with who they are.

                        To me Amanda does all of those things, shes believable, engaging, her characters and her a real, can display amazing emotion and can change yours, her characters are hers and everything else on that list, but on top of all those things what makes her more than just a good actress, but insteid an amazing actress is she is amazing, you can be the most tallented actess in the world but without the kind of humility, kindness, love and inner beauty that Amanda has you can never be as good or as amazing.
                        awe..Very nicely thought out.
                        Last edited by Celandine; 19 September 2007, 08:21 PM. Reason: Forgot to add something...again.


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Some of my vids:

                          Crawling - Linkin' Park SPOILERS UNENDING

                          Sam whump vid
                          Funny...I have that one going right now. I really like it! The whump! You're so talented, Eve!


                            LOL, I started to check that out, but then it eats up all the bandwidth of my Dial up... so I have to respond to everything that I want to first before watching it... grrrr....
                            Oh well, I'll just have to wait a few minutes... but so far what I've seen of the Crawling vid is very cool
                            awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                              How many people are involved in the blue jello quilt? It's going to be awesome!

                              My friend started calling it the blue jello quilt and that's what I call it in my head now.
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                How many people are involved in the blue jello quilt? It's going to be awesome!

                                My friend started calling it the blue jello quilt and that's what I call it in my head now.
                                I sent in my fat quarter and got word that they received it.

                                And I like that name. It's fitting

