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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    O.K., to tell you just how excited I am, I have ebay open in another window. Time to buy a new computer! I've needed one for awhile, but this new internet only series is the catalyst for me actually looking for one. Hmmm, I wonder if I'd be shopping for computers if this were any of the other SG-1 cast member's series. Probably not, Amanda just rocks!


      could not agree with you more Gate gal!
      She so does...
      : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
      Geeky : Oh brother...
      : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

      Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


        Originally posted by donamac View Post
        Or maybe the other way around--she seems to be evil but is really not--maybe both sides, evil and good will be ambiguous which would be intriguing. I can't wait!!

        Amanda with dark hair doesn't look like Sam because she actually feels like this new character--which just shows what an excellent actor she is! I'm very impressed. That picture tells a whole new character--that's why folks didn't recognize her right away.

        And all rounded character, makes it much more realistic. I didn't recognise her immediately either, and that just fascinates me more. That she managed to get that amount of seperation from who she plays now just from one pose in a picture? Fantastic. I'm so excited and revved up, I cannot wait till the Spring, or just to find out more.

        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
          That's a neat theory. Not too good for David, since he wouldn't be around long but still cool. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I hope this show shies away from romance, at least for awhile. If her character is in a romantic relationship then I hope it develops naturally. I'm a romantic at heart, and, generally, if I like a character then I tend to 'ship' for that character. I can't help myself...I've tried, really tried. Having said that, I would rather not see Amanda's character as the object of desire for every guest star that comes along. If romance evolves naturally in the show then fine, but otherwise I don't want to see it in this one.

          *Rereads post, realizes it makes very little sense, hits reply anyway.
          I like to see the romance begin on screen - I hate it when it's rushed; one minute two people are meeting and then three scenes later they're regularly dating and spending many nights together. I love to see the magic on the screen and love to watch it develop.

          So, if romance is in the series it would be best if it developed in front of the audience rather than after the director says 'cut'.

          And, I thought your post made complete sense to me. Either that, or we're both senseless!

          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by TheNarims View Post
            I can't wait too. Even this small picture at the website seemed interesting.

            Do you think that people from other countries are able to watch the episodes online too? Because it was not possible with Stargate, so maybe it is also not going to be done with this new series.
            I believe I read somewhere, perhaps in the Gateworld article, that anyone can view the episodes from all over the world/net. So it should be too! I always think it's unfair that one country gets it before the other. I should get to see Amanda when everyone else does!

            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Originally posted by minigeek View Post


              WICKED COOL.

              Amanda as a brunette!



              Looks like... Buffy: Returns ... kinda. *grin*


              I could live with Buffy Redux!

              This looks jolly interesting, I do like the dark hair on AT, though it was a bit of a shock at first!
              I think what interests me is the idea of a show purely on the net. I have a feeling that this might be the way programs will be in the future, I'm sure people on the networks will be watching this closely, which won't hurt AT's career in any way.

              The Shroud
              Any fen who know me, even slightly could predict how much I loved this episode.
              "Sleepyhead" FF is ded from teh slashy cute. Swoons.
              Sam was used well, she came over strongly (and got her own ship!!!! How cool is that?) and I loved the scene where she turns and Adria is there with fire in her eyes. But the show belonged to the original team and that warmed my heart. Wasn't perfect, but if it was RDA's swan song, it was a good 'un.



                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                On a different note Sky has posted the authors names for the Women of the Gate ficathon, so I guess now I can ah....pimp my fic

                No Doubt

                It was written for Strix and had an odd request for wet socks But hey any request from Strix is a good request
                I should tell you all about this awesome story that was written for me... Thank you, Mandy, for satisfying my wet sock fetish.

                My LJ


                  i had a dream about amanda and sanctuary.

                  all i can remember is amanda's character is doing some kind of tv thing, and she's standing outside of her cozy small craft store. she's got blond hair and is dressed really casual. her boyfriend (in the story) is watching her on tv and is grinning. best part, it's richard dean anderson playing her boyfriend! bad news, my dream went off into something else and i never got to see a love scene between them. (stupid brain).

                  then the dream went off, like i said, into something else, but now that the day's went on, i can't really remember what it was.

                  man, am i excited about this new show of hers! and excited about seeing some upcoming sg1 eps ('line in the sand' {which i keep wanting to call 'in the line of sand'}, and 'the road not taken'). and sam's going to continue on atlantis! this is an amanda smorgasbord of fun!!




                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    man, am i excited about this new show of hers! and excited about seeing some upcoming sg1 eps ('line in the sand' {which i keep wanting to call 'in the line of sand'}, and 'the road not taken'). and sam's going to continue on atlantis! this is an amanda smorgasbord of fun!!

                    **Wonders if Sally has given scari another idea for a fic **

                    my fanfic


                      Well, the announcement and pics of Amanda's new show definately deserve

                      MY 1000'TH POST!!!!!!!

                      How many posts is it for personalized avatars? lol... oy, I think i've rather a few more to go... perhaps I should come on more???

                      HURRAH for a LONG, BROWN haired Amanda! hahahahhaha. I LOVE it!!! I remember years ago hearing some weird rumour of Amanda going brown haired for something (that never happened) but now not only is it brown (and quite dark brown!) but LONG too! SWEET, I love seeing her looking totally different!!!

                      It's funny though, I saw her in the first week of Jan (Saw, in passing, no talking ) And though her hair was long, it wasn't brown yet... bah. That woulda just shocked me right out!!

                      So I'm very very stoked on the new show with it's dark futeristicy eerie'ness. I'm crossing my fingers till they hurt that Amanda will be the bad guy Of course I have a thousand wild scenarios that the show could have that I would LOVE seeing Amanda in (The apocalyptic freedom fighter leader thing for one) But I'm content to just sit back and see what happens, both in storyline/characters AND this whole fascinating "Online show" because no matter what it's about, it will still have Amanda, and she will still have long brown hair

                      (Yes, I'm easily pleased when it comes to Amanda... *shrug* )

                      P.S Oh yeah, I also love how many avatars and signatures there alreayd are using that one Sanctuary pic *coughs* Yes, my msn too... *hem*

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      bad news, my dream went off into something else and i never got to see a love scene between them. (stupid brain).


                      On that note, I had my first Sam/Jack dream the other night with an actual love scene in it woohooo! It's only before been kissing and the like! And that one time in an attic where Sam and Daniel... *shudders* *smacks head to try banish the horrid memories out*
                      Last edited by MajorSam; 01 February 2007, 05:16 PM.
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        i think hte brown hair is a wig

                        no matter how good the salon is, it's hard on the hair to dye it darker then process it lighter. easier to get a good wig
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i think hte brown hair is a wig

                          no matter how good the salon is, it's hard on the hair to dye it darker then process it lighter. easier to get a good wig
                          Changing your hair colour either way is hard on the hair. Actually, what is Amanda's natural colour?


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            Changing your hair colour either way is hard on the hair. Actually, what is Amanda's natural colour?

                            Blonde... of some sort or another, lol
                            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                              it's been some shade of blonde in everything i've ever seen her in. with her fair skin and blue eyes, it'd be kinda odd for her hair to be dark
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                it's been some shade of blonde in everything i've ever seen her in. with her fair skin and blue eyes, it'd be kinda odd for her hair to be dark
                                Then again, Amanda is kinda odd.

                                What? She is!

                                Aren't we all?

                                Ok so maybe it's just me. I'm odd.


                                I knew I shoulda taken a left turn at that last Tim Horton's...

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

