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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    NeVeR a DuLl MoMeNt ArOuNd HeRe! .... YoU kNoW TyPiNg LIkE thIs Is HaRdEr tHaN iT lOoKS.
    Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 10 March 2006, 02:27 PM.


      Hello guys,
      I don't know if Su Freund is a member of this forum but I will send this anyway. If this disturbs someone you just have to say it and I will remove this message.
      So, Su Freund uploaded five new drawnings of Maureen Middleton onto her site:
      If I post this here it is because there was a drawning of Sam
      PS: all credit goes to Su Freund for her site and to Maureen Middleton for her drawnings
      Last edited by Lizlove; 10 March 2006, 02:36 PM.


        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
        gEEz, STep Away FRom thE KEYbOArD fOr A WHilE anD MaDNeSs eNsuEs! SO, aRe wE aLL LOOkinG fOrWarD tO tHE FInale tONiGHt?

        in sOme wAYs I wiLL bE Glad tHe sEAson iS oVeR...

        BuT i wIll MiSS SEeing At's pERforManCES...

        My LJ


          Originally posted by NearlyCircular

          To everyone who has sent me birthday wishes, e-cards and fabulous piccies of cakes, THANK YOU! Yes, it's true I've finally hit the last year of the forties. Next year and I go the half century. So am going to relish (and cherish) this year *a lot*.

          With love from the Gabitry.

          (Currently filled with all sorts of Amanda goodies for AT2!!!!) <g>

          To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1

            Sam: Okay Sky, now you see; if you follow the rules set out here, you will never have any more problems when it comes to using CAPS

            Ok, that's the original as posted by Mandysg1, but as we all know, Hailey pointed out that there was a mistake. I've attempted to make a correction, but since Sam's explanation of the mistake was a little ambiguous, I did three different corrections. (yes, there are differences between them, some more obvious than others )



              Originally posted by NearlyCircular

              THIS is TOO freakin FUNNY! thanks FOR the LAUGH!!!


                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  iT tOoK mE A mINuTe tO sPOt. WoNDeRInG wHEre ThE ChANgE wAs. WElL dONe NC
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Strix varia
                    in sOme wAYs I wiLL bE Glad tHe sEAson iS oVeR...

                    BuT i wIll MiSS SEeing At's pERforManCES...
                    I fEEl thE saME. I havEN't bEEN ovErly iMprEssEd by SEasoN NiNE aNd, fraNkly, if SaM wasN't thErE, I probably wouldN't still bE followiNg it.

                    At lEast bEtwEEN thE ENd of this sEasoN aNd thE bEgiNNiNg of SEasoN TeN, I CaN hopE tHaT thE wRitErs CoME to thEir sENsEs aNd at lEast attEMpt to CorrECt thE MistakEs thEy'vE MadE this sEasoN.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      JULIA !

                      *I'm also saying the number 'forty for the last time*



                        LOL! This iS grEat NC!

                        BaRTeNDER! WHerE'S THe BArTeNDer? IT'S an HoUr BeFore The FiNALe and I'M NoT ExcIted AT ALL THis iS A FiRSt foR Me in 8 SeASoNs oF FiNALes.
                        WElL DoNE PTb!!
                        TRaCeY, PoUR me A Mic UlTRA LighT PleASE and KeEP UM CominG!


                          I'm gonna join the others and say Happy Birthday Julia!!!
                          And don't worry, you only feel as old as you feel and you just rock so... no problem


                            Originally posted by NC
                            Ok, that's the original as posted by Mandysg1, but as we all know, Hailey pointed out that there was a mistake. I've attempted to make a correction, but since Sam's explanation of the mistake was a little ambiguous, I did three different corrections. (yes, there are differences between them, some more obvious than others )
                            NERD!!! (and the last one is clearly correct.)


                              tHE bAr Is oFfICiaLly OpEn DesPitE mEMbErS oF tHE cOUrT aDrEsSInG tHE oThEr BaRteNDeR. THe OnE wITh aN "E".

                              HeLP yOuRsELvEs tO dRInKs. i'M oFf tO bReAk uP tHe NOiSy hOuSemATeS paRTy. ThEN wIlL bE cOmAtOse oN oOooOBeR's lAp
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                WeLL, DarN It aLl To HecK. I gOt iN HeRe LaTE aND MiSSed ThE FiRSt RouNd oF DRinKS.

