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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    SunKrux I know you're both a Vala and Sam fan, but I stupidly posted without quoting you, and couldn't find the post again to address you. Anyway, you knew who I was talking about
    Yeah I knew. Did I answer your question?
    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


      Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
      OK. I'm sure the Royal Accountant will have something suitably garish tucked away in her wardrobe.

      Now what have I told you about that fantasy life of yours!! I do blue and black - and sometimes dark green!! Hope springs eternal eh!!

      Ooh, thanks for reminding me, Jester - I'd forgotten all about the leopard-skin restraints off the good ol' Stargate Viewing Settee (TM). They might just come in handy...

      Now they came as an extra and I didn't get chance to chose the design!! Seemed to put a smile on your face though (or was that due to the sight of Amanda first coming into view) They'll be coming into play again when we watch Chimera. I have some ammonia ready too!!
      Next saturday was it?


        Originally posted by SunKrux
        Yeah I knew. Did I answer your question?
        Yeah, you did. I was secretly hoping grade school was the next one up, though! Sob!

        As for Coley and 1Speed... you're forgetting the ball of human energy that is Me!!!! Talking of which... anyone up for a room share, or should I just kip on my sister's floor (she lives about 10 mins from Heathrow)
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by Coley
          Ah yes, but you'll have the delightful company of 1speed, myself and my daft pooch to keep you entertained.
          Indeed! And see, all I really had to do was show Kate pics of the pooch, and she was sold. (She doesn't remember AT's daughter's name, but she does remember that AT has a Bouvier de Flanders named Abby [sp?]...) She will bond with Hugo, and it will all be good.

          (what sort of ascent are you up to - 3,000' okay?).
          If you carry me! Just kidding. Um... maybe...

          And just for you - cause I know you're a twitcher - I'll take you to the area of my caravan for a walk to see if we spot the Red Kite out hunting. At the van you can put bird seed out and get nuthatches, great spotted woodpeckers (er well I've seen 1) Dunnock, tits (blue, great and cole) and even Jays.
          Twitcher? I've never heard that term before. But I am a birder!!!! Sounds wonderful.

          Plus all the sites in London will be open for Kate's great escape from the GABIT crowd!!
          She said she just needed to find a good pub.

          My LJ


            Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
            OK. I'm sure the Royal Accountant will have something suitably garish tucked away in her wardrobe.

            Ooh, thanks for reminding me, Jester - I'd forgotten all about the leopard-skin restraints off the good ol' Stargate Viewing Settee (TM). They might just come in handy...
            1speed, I changed my mind. Pick a pitch black blinfold please. I so don't want to see that
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              Originally posted by Coley
              On the Sam not being in charge issue batting 2 and fro at the moment.

              my 2 penneth

              TPTB did not want Carter to lead the SG1 team. End of story. If they wanted her to be in charge she would be. I'm hugely dismayed astounded and disapointed at this. Carter is the obvious choice as to who should be leading SG1 in the long run. You want the best as lead.

              That is my opinion. TPTB have decided not to have CARTER lead SG1 and they have done a poor job of making a credible case for someone other than Sam leading. Sal's analysis would have been better. Cameron as a long serving SG whatever leader with more strategic military experience than Carter in the bag. I still wouldn't have liked it - I'm a female with female bias - I would love to have seen Kick A$$ Carter in charge. However I wouldn't really be able to question the logic of the decision within the realm of the Stargate world. I would only be able to have a miff that my fave character and actor didn't get a chance to shine.
              Despite my having given some "love" recently, it told me that I couldn't green you. So I'm here to say, that while I don't agree...well said and thought out!
              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Yeah, you did. I was secretly hoping grade school was the next one up, though! Sob!

                You mean 5 more years of AT isn't enough for you? Geez louise want AT to stay with the show even if it starts to no longer be fun for her?

                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Yeah, you did. I was secretly hoping grade school was the next one up, though! Sob!
                  I asked a friend that was over last night about what age the typical child starts school in Vancouver (his birthplace) and he said 5 or 6 just like in the US. The difference being in some places in the US Kindergarten (age 5) is manditory in some States but in Canada it is not so some children go to Kindergarten and others state with Grade 1 at age 6.
                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    Originally posted by Coley
                    Now what have I told you about that fantasy life of yours!! I do blue and black - and sometimes dark green!! Hope springs eternal eh!!

                    Now they came as an extra and I didn't get chance to chose the design!! Seemed to put a smile on your face though (or was that due to the sight of Amanda first coming into view) They'll be coming into play again when we watch Chimera. I have some ammonia ready too!!

                    Next saturday was it?
                    So, no green with pink stars then? Pity...

                    And yes, it was next Saturday. I daren't ask what you think you'll need the ammonia for. Bromide, maybe, but ammonia?!!!

                    As for the restraints, you seem to forget that I've got your S7 DVD's right here. And you weren't even sneaky enough to remove the disk with Chimera on it, heh heh...


                      Originally posted by Lys
                      1speed, I changed my mind. Pick a pitch black blinfold please. I so don't want to see that
                      Don't worry, Lys - it'll look pitch-black from your side anyway...


                        Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                        Don't worry, Lys - it'll look pitch-black from your side anyway...
                        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                          Originally posted by SunKrux
                          You mean 5 more years of AT isn't enough for you? Geez louise want AT to stay with the show even if it starts to no longer be fun for her?

                          That's just mean making me decide like that!!! Of course 5 years of AT isn't enough for me, but I don't want her to continue if she's not enjoying it. I'd rather have a happy AT with no Stargate than an unhappy one.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            [QUOTE=Strix varia]
                            Twitcher? I've never heard that term before. But I am a birder!!!! Sounds wonderful.

                            Twitcher - name given to the extreme birder:- he or she who will down everything and travel miles (with tick list in one hand and large bins in the other) at the news of a rare bird spotted in an area - to stand and wait for hours for the merest glimpse of said bird!

                            The term is often "affectionatley" thrown at those who just like to watch the birds flying around their locale!!


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              That's just mean making me decide like that!!! Of course 5 years of AT isn't enough for me, but I don't want her to continue if she's not enjoying it. I'd rather have a happy AT with no Stargate than an unhappy one.
                              That's me...Cute but Kind of Evil. Besides, if she's stuck on any show that isn't's no fun watching. Glad we agree on the happy AT.
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                                So, no green with pink stars then? Pity...

                                And yes, it was next Saturday. I daren't ask what you think you'll need the ammonia for. Bromide, maybe, but ammonia?!!!

                                As for the restraints, you seem to forget that I've got your S7 DVD's right here. And you weren't even sneaky enough to remove the disk with Chimera on it, heh heh...

                                And I always thought it was ammonia in smelling salts?!!! Sure smelt like ammonia when I was flat out on the football pitch!!!

                                No peeking at Chimera - I fear for your sensitive soul!!!

