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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Nice dissertation on Continuum, Pol.

    My favorite parts of the movie were Sam flying the F-15 and her leather flight jacket. What a cool jacket! I think I'll watch the movie tonight as I haven't seen it in a while. I remember being so excited the first time I saw it. It was like SG1 in the old days with lots of action, jokes, and camaraderie. They sure went out on a high note. I would have loved to have seen the premier on the carrier ship with the big screen. I bet that would have been totally awesome to see.

    Thanks for the post
    I did get to see the premiere on the carrier and it was awesome! I was so glad that I got to see it on a big scene in such a cool setting and with cool people! (The stars as well as the fellow fans). And they had free candy and popcorn. And Martin Wood wore trousers.


      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      I did get to see the premiere on the carrier and it was awesome! I was so glad that I got to see it on a big scene in such a cool setting and with cool people! (The stars as well as the fellow fans). And they had free candy and popcorn. And Martin Wood wore trousers.
      Good for you! Cherish the memories


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        As are some Canadians, right Mandy?

        Hi and welcome!

        I would have loved to be there too.

        Having a bit of an identity crisis catching up on this thread. Lo these many years I thought I was straight but I love veggies (gay), also eat some meat though (straight), wear low shoes (gay), don't drink beer (straight), AT fan (gay), don't smoke (straight), tree hugger (gay), no tatoos (straight). Apparently it all comes down to the fact that I do shave my legs and am therefore straight!

        BTW, Canada legalised gay marriage many years ago. Became quite the little industry with folks flying in to get married. Not sure if they stayed for the honeymoon.
        I don't really know you that well but I think I love you

        Originally posted by antoa View Post
        I did get to see the premiere on the carrier and it was awesome! I was so glad that I got to see it on a big scene in such a cool setting and with cool people! (The stars as well as the fellow fans). And they had free candy and popcorn. And Martin Wood wore trousers.
        Martin Wood wore trousers??? *faints*


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Kangaroos are notorious for killing or seriously injuring people when struck by cars...which is why hubby almost got us killed about 5 years ago on Easter morning. Heading up to the sticks...that's the country for those of you who might be wondering...a kangaroos hopped out in front of the car and must have missed it by mere millimeters. Put it this way, hubby thought we were definitely either gonna hit that roo or flip the car...either way he thought we were in deep do do! We pulled up to wait for the blood to come back to our heads...scary stuff.
          You know Chelle, the other day me and my friends were on lunch and we went driving (not my car) and we were going like 20 KPH on the road, then we see this cute girl on a bike on the side walk.

          We drove up closer to her, and for like 20 seconds no one was watching the road, then we hit a car. To make things worse a cop was near by and saw it. So yeah, we all have bad driving stories. Again, I didn't drive.

          Some people are just flat shoes make the lesbian eh? And being a fan of Amanda Tapping makes one a lesbian too...according to my sister in law, who's brother I am married to!
          I wear flats for the comfort and safety factor...and heels for when I'm going know, dress up time. I wore heels for the con on Sunday....from 6am til 3am the next feet will never be the same. They hate me! And I don't blame them....I tortured myself. Heels are pretty but boy can they do a lot of damage!

          Hi...and welcome to Samanda!

          Well not so much as bite as nibble a little!!!
          And some like to lick!

          I reckon she pretty much does the same as all of us...what can't be done in winter, she makes up for it in the spring.

          My sister hates heels, she once tried wearing them while walking downstairs and she slipped and broke her food.

          Originally posted by katjoy View Post
          i only wear flats as well... much more comfortable and id be flat on my face if i tried to walk in heals!
          Just like my sister.

          then youll really like me, vegetarian and dont drink

          ive always found it odd that when i say im a vegetarian people always say, so you eat chicken and fish... ummm no, im a vegetarian
          I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't drink either, I'm a milk boy.

          for those interested you can find my con report for the aussie stargate con on this thread...

          I've been looking forward to reading this, it was great. Why do I have the feeling that Amanda's con report is going to be very detailed?

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          it's like trying to explain to people the difference between vegan and vegetarian

          I'm a midwest girl, i love my protein and my carbs. I wish i liked beer though. so many social situations and the drinks are beer and wine...don't like beer and the only wine i like is the sweet stuff. and it hits me hard. one glass of wine will give me a headache and i can have multiple rums and be fine. tequila does hit me a bit harder, but i seem to be able to handle rum fine
          I don't like bear, or any alcohol and I don't smoke either, and I definitely don't do drugs. I do the quiet life, and I don't party much, VERY little actually. Those things are what sets me apart from the normal teens.

          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          I posted this on the Sam/Jack thread but realized that it would be a good thing to post on AT's thread. We were discussing Continuum and that great moment when the remainder of SG1 come through the gate onto the Achilles.

          Okay, more Continuum stuff because this was really significant for me. This is the excerpt from the transcript, 5 lines, pretty straightforward:


          Thirty seconds of just Sam's reaction (with flash-cuts to Daniel and Cam, but it's really Sam's moment.

          I'm tellin' you, this was Brad's homage to Sam/Jack. Samantha (Captain-Major-Lt.Col-Col-Doctor) Carter never answers I don't know.

          One of the first things you learn in service is that "I don't know" is an unacceptable answer. You never "don't know," you offer options, theories, or say that you'll find out. But you never say, "I don't know."

          And Sam Carter never doesn't know.

          Until now.

          This was a brilliant, brilliant piece of Amanda Tapping acting. Just brilliant. One last note on AT acting. When the gate closes off leaving them in darkness, she actually gasps out loud. That was surprising, but really great. You can hear it's her.

          Wow, that's an amazing breakdown of that scene, well done.

          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
          Quick catch up:

          Lesbian stereotypes? Never listen to them. You'd never know my gf or I were lesbians by just looking at us as we don't fit the 'image' of what they perceived we should look like or act like. I could care less. I'm not here to please anyone or their way of thinking and funnily enough, I get a kick out of seeing people's reactions when I correct them. *g*

          Vegan vs. Vegetarian: Totally applaud those who strive to live this way and their many varied reasoning why. It's a life choice and one that I can definitely respect.

          Personally, if I was to think about all the films of the slaughter houses, the news of different diseases animals were contracting through differing sources and passing on to humans, I'd never eat meat again. But if you throw into the mix all different quality control issues with fruits/ vegetables as well as seafood, then heck I wouldn't be eating at all.

          OT but awesome news!

          It's 60F and sunny outside! *boogies out the door*
          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          I live in Connecticut where same sex marriage has been legal for over a year now. In fact I celebrated my first year anniversary on February 14 of this year. You would be surprised at some of the reactions I get when Charmaine introduces me as her wife. It's funny because people still expect us to introduce ourselves as "partners".
          Originally posted by Pol View Post

          We get that a lot too. We've been together 11 years this year, got "legally" married in 08 during that brief window in California.

          potayto, potahto...the world hasn't ended since we said I do. :::shrug::: My partner can pass, but me? Not as easily.
          *Hugs* I'm glad you guys accept who you are, I like you guys and I think you're cool people. I'm glad y'all don't care what others think, you just want to be happy with your special someone.

          Oh, happy anniversary Bree.


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            There are only five states at the moment where gay marriage is legal (VT, NH, MA, CT and IA) but I still have hope that will change in the future with the state ban on same sex marriage being challenged by activists who say that it violates equal protection guarantees in state constitutions. Voters have stepped up and approved constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, but again activists just shifted their thinking and gone through state legislatures hoping to gain recognition. It's definitely a hard fought battle here in the States and personally, a sad one. Love should not be based on gender.

            I have friends who say they are 'married' even though gay marriage is not legal in Indiana. In their eyes, they might as well be though. One friend of mine and her 'wife' even went through IVF and now are the proud parents of a healthy little boy. I know one day they're hoping state bans will be lifted as well.

            Sorry for the soap box. I get a bit carried away sometimes on this subject.

            Congrats on your one year anniversary too.
            That's sweet Cel. I'm actually a support of gay marriages, I think even though you like the same sex, we're all the same, and y'all should be happy with your special someone.

            Hey, at least you have a special someone.

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Having a bit of an identity crisis catching up on this thread. Lo these many years I thought I was straight but I love veggies (gay), also eat some meat though (straight), wear low shoes (gay), don't drink beer (straight), AT fan (gay), don't smoke (straight), tree hugger (gay), no tatoos (straight). Apparently it all comes down to the fact that I do shave my legs and am therefore straight!

            BTW, Canada legalised gay marriage many years ago. Became quite the little industry with folks flying in to get married. Not sure if they stayed for the honeymoon.
            Oh wow.

            Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
            I don't really know you that well but I think I love you
            Just wait until you get to know her.


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              I posted this on the Sam/Jack thread but realized that it would be a good thing to post on AT's thread. We were discussing Continuum and that great moment when the remainder of SG1 come through the gate onto the Achilles.
              <snipped for length>Wow.
              Awww...ok...that kinda kick started my shippy mojo...but oh wow...that was awesome. Thanks Pol!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Having a bit of an identity crisis catching up on this thread. Lo these many years I thought I was straight but I love veggies (gay), also eat some meat though (straight), wear low shoes (gay), don't drink beer (straight), AT fan (gay), don't smoke (straight), tree hugger (gay), no tatoos (straight). Apparently it all comes down to the fact that I do shave my legs and am therefore straight!
                BTW, Canada legalised gay marriage many years ago. Became quite the little industry with folks flying in to get married. Not sure if they stayed for the honeymoon.
                Well I'm confused...I'm married but apparently I'm not straight either...go figure.
                (EDIT: Oooh...I just re read this...I know what a certain person would say about this but that's not the case either...I'm so smacking myself right now! D'oH! I'm not going there.)
                I don't care what orientation one is...I don't judge anyone on who they love or what they wear or eat. If you love someone and you're loved in return, then what's the problem? I don't get it. I've been told I'm naive in that respect but I guess I walk around with rose coloured glasses...I wish the world was perfect and we accepted everyone for who they are...unfortunately it's not. All I can do is hope that one day someone else sees the world through my eyes and maybe, just maybe it will make a small difference.
                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                I did get to see the premiere on the carrier and it was awesome! I was so glad that I got to see it on a big scene in such a cool setting and with cool people! (The stars as well as the fellow fans). And they had free candy and popcorn. And Martin Wood wore trousers.
                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                Martin Wood wore trousers??? *faints*
                ...I laughed at that too...Martin Wood wearing trousers...that's funny!

                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Well I'm confused...I'm married but apparently I'm not straight either...go figure.
                  (EDIT: Oooh...I just re read this...I know what a certain person would say about this but that's not the case either...I'm so smacking myself right now! D'oH! I'm not going there.)
                  I don't care what orientation one is...I don't judge anyone on who they love or what they wear or eat. If you love someone and you're loved in return, then what's the problem? I don't get it. I've been told I'm naive in that respect but I guess I walk around with rose coloured glasses...I wish the world was perfect and we accepted everyone for who they are...unfortunately it's not. All I can do is hope that one day someone else sees the world through my eyes and maybe, just maybe it will make a small difference.

                  ...I laughed at that too...Martin Wood wearing trousers...that's funny!

                  Aww, that's very beautiful, Chelle. I don't care what orientation is either, love is the same, and for all.

                  Well, almost everyone.


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Some people are just flat shoes maketh the lesbian eh? And being a fan of Amanda Tapping makes one a lesbian too...according to my sister in law, who's brother I am married to!
                    I wear flats for the comfort and safety factor...and heels for when I'm going know, dress up time. I wore heels for the con on Sunday....from 6am til 3am the next feet will never be the same. They hate me! And I don't blame them....I tortured myself. Heels are pretty but boy can they do a lot of damage!

                    I reckon she pretty much does the same as all of us...what can't be done in winter, she makes up for it in the spring.

                    I hate heels. I love Amanda. And I listen to Melissa Etheridge. Hmmm. I must be wrong about being straight.

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    You know what makes people think I'm a lesbian?
                    You tell them?

                    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                    It annoys me when someone says they're vegetarian, but then eats chicken or fish, but that's mostly because clearly the label of 'vegetarian' is inaccurate and I like accuracy. However, I can understand it because it can be easier to just say, 'I'm vegetarian' rather than explaining what you do or don't eat. I lived with a friend once who followed a Hallal diet, but most people where we were living didn't know what that meant so she just said she was vegetarian because that was easier.

                    I have no idea...can't understand it myself...

                    *whisper* (apparently it's the shoes)
                    What is Hallal?

                    I've known a few vegetarians, but only one vegan. And I questioned her thinking at one lunch meeting that we had. She ordered a veggie sandwich and had a fit when it turned out to have cheese on it (which I could understand, with it being dairy), but she had ordered her sandwich on a croissant! Can you say butter? I was confused. I didn't ask her about it, but found it conflicting.

                    Can vegans eat bread? Bread has eggs.

                    I find all of it confusing, so I just eat everything. Less thought involved.

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    You make me want to watch Continuum again. I won't address S/J but I will say it was a fitting reaction beautifully played by AT.
                    We expect nothing less.

                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                    I don't really know you that well but I think I love you

                    Martin Wood wore trousers??? *faints*
                    We all love Eh-T.

                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Well I'm confused...I'm married but apparently I'm not straight either...go figure.
                    (EDIT: Oooh...I just re read this...I know what a certain person would say about this but that's not the case either...I'm so smacking myself right now! D'oH! I'm not going there.)
                    I don't care what orientation one is...I don't judge anyone on who they love or what they wear or eat. If you love someone and you're loved in return, then what's the problem? I don't get it. I've been told I'm naive in that respect but I guess I walk around with rose coloured glasses...I wish the world was perfect and we accepted everyone for who they are...unfortunately it's not. All I can do is hope that one day someone else sees the world through my eyes and maybe, just maybe it will make a small difference.

                    ...I laughed at that too...Martin Wood wearing trousers...that's funny!

                    Not sure how that is supposed to make you naive. I think it makes you enlightened. Any time you can find love in this world, you need to grab it with both hands. Whether it be familial, friendship or romantic love. It's what life is all about.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      I hate heels. I love Amanda. And I listen to Melissa Etheridge. Hmmm. I must be wrong about being straight.
                      Me too.

                      We all love Eh-T.
                      Yeah, when she reminds about Innerspace.



                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Having a bit of an identity crisis catching up on this thread. Lo these many years I thought I was straight but I love veggies (gay), also eat some meat though (straight), wear low shoes (gay), don't drink beer (straight), AT fan (gay), don't smoke (straight), tree hugger (gay), no tatoos (straight). Apparently it all comes down to the fact that I do shave my legs and am therefore straight!
                        Heeeey! The only women I know who don't shave their legs are straight.

                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        I don't really know you that well but I think I love you
                        Hehe, get in line!
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                          The funny thing is I have yet to hear anyone say they don't eat red meat. I've heard people say they they don't eat venison.
                          I know what you mean re: 'fussy'.
                          Again, these so called vegetarians do not eat chicken, they do however eat fish or seafood in general. So it's got nothing to with red meat and apparently nothing to with not wanting to have animals suffer for you.
                          I don't eat red meat--there, now you've heard. My only reason is that I can't seem to digest it anymore. And I really did like it very much. My mouth waters when I smell a barbeque outdoors in summer. I have no problem with chicken or turkey or seafood (love salmon). I make sure I get plenty of protein with that or legumes. Lentil soup is high on my list. I also love cheese, especially a nice sharp cheddar. When I am asked which I prefer at a luncheon or on airlines, I usually pick vegetarian just in case the "regular" meal is red meat.


                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            Well I'm confused...I'm married but apparently I'm not straight either...go figure.
                            (EDIT: Oooh...I just re read this...I know what a certain person would say about this but that's not the case either...I'm so smacking myself right now! D'oH! I'm not going there.)
                            I don't care what orientation one is...I don't judge anyone on who they love or what they wear or eat. If you love someone and you're loved in return, then what's the problem? I don't get it. I've been told I'm naive in that respect but I guess I walk around with rose coloured glasses...I wish the world was perfect and we accepted everyone for who they are...unfortunately it's not. All I can do is hope that one day someone else sees the world through my eyes and maybe, just maybe it will make a small difference.

                            ...I laughed at that too...Martin Wood wearing trousers...that's funny!

                            Couldn't have said it better myself, Chelle. When I started in art school in the '50s I was very naive--had never heard about "queer" folk as they were called back then. I was rather surprised but not offended. And during my 4 art school years I discovered that they were just like the straight kids in most ways and were very creative, fun people to be with. I *was* offended however about how they were treated by some others. Bigoted individuals were everywhere it seemed. I learned just who to avoid and stayed away from them. One reason I love Seattle is I seldom encounter unpleasant people. And I *love* going to SG conventions because it is rare to encounter unpleasant people.



                              If I had anyone to marry I'd pick Canada....another excuse for a holiday, plus I am collecting 'Remember that time we did _____ in Canada?' stories.

                              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                              I live in Connecticut where same sex marriage has been legal for over a year now. In fact I celebrated my first year anniversary on February 14 of this year. You would be surprised at some of the reactions I get when Charmaine introduces me as her wife. It's funny because people still expect us to introduce ourselves as "partners".
                              Good on ya. I know my various friends that have had civil partnerships have all toyed with partner and ended up going with wife/husband cos, heck, they're married!

                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              I did get to see the premiere on the carrier and it was awesome! I was so glad that I got to see it on a big scene in such a cool setting and with cool people! (The stars as well as the fellow fans). And they had free candy and popcorn. And Martin Wood wore trousers.
                              A night of many many surprises. That is still such a cool story.

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              What is Hallal?
                              Halal (I cannae type) is a kinda list of permissible foods under dietary restrictions that some Muslim people follow. There's no pork or alcohol and meat has to have been slaughtered in a certain way. Since there was no way she could get Halal meat she was effectively vegetarian There are other restrictions, but I don't know all the details, only generalities.
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                                ive always found it odd that when i say im a vegetarian people always say, so you eat chicken and fish... ummm no, im a vegetarian
                                I've noticed that too, one of the first things I'm asked is if I eat fish. Rather odd indeed.

                                for those interested you can find my con report for the aussie stargate con on this thread...

                                Nice report! Given AT's history with getting injured in stunts, I thought it was quite funny (in hindsight ) that the worst stunt Dan Shea had was where she was nearly set on fire. No wonder they always had to check on her afterwards!

                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Personally, if I was to think about all the films of the slaughter houses, the news of different diseases animals were contracting through differing sources and passing on to humans, I'd never eat meat again. But if you throw into the mix all different quality control issues with fruits/ vegetables as well as seafood, then heck I wouldn't be eating at all.
                                Heh, I used to be able to joke with my carnivorous friends that I didn't have to worry about stuff like E. coli or salmonella in my food, and then that whole E.coli in spinach thing a while back put an end to that.

                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                I got home from work in time to see Grace the other day. I hadn't watched it in quite a while. I really loved the interactions with figment Daniel and Teal'c. and I was impressed again by how well AT played injured. I practically felt the headache with her. (((Sam)))
                                I thought AT played the injured very well too, nothing too OTT, but the subtle wincing, the slight unsteadiness in her gait, etc really sold it, IMO.

                                And I loved all the hallucinations as well, it helped make the episode feel a bit more teamy even though she was really on her own. Talking about security with Teal'c, trading scientific theories with Daniel, and Jack telling her not to give up and give saving herself one more try. Though my favorite ones are probably Sam hearing Jacob talk about her mother, and Sam blowing bubbles with Grace and saying that her mom used to sing 'Twinkle, twinkle' to her. I like that in such a situation and so close to death, Sam would be thinking so much about her mom.


